
1049 lines
37 KiB
Raw Normal View History

================ Begin RubySystem Configuration Print ================
RubySystem config:
random_seed: 1234
randomization: 1
cycle_period: 1
block_size_bytes: 64
block_size_bits: 6
memory_size_bytes: 134217728
memory_size_bits: 27
Network Configuration
virtual_net_0: active, ordered
virtual_net_1: active, unordered
virtual_net_2: active, unordered
virtual_net_3: active, ordered
virtual_net_4: active, unordered
virtual_net_5: active, ordered
virtual_net_6: inactive
virtual_net_7: inactive
virtual_net_8: inactive
virtual_net_9: inactive
Profiler Configuration
periodic_stats_period: 1000000
================ End RubySystem Configuration Print ================
Real time: Apr/06/2012 15:58:16
Profiler Stats
Elapsed_time_in_seconds: 0
Elapsed_time_in_minutes: 0
Elapsed_time_in_hours: 0
Elapsed_time_in_days: 0
Virtual_time_in_seconds: 0.53
Virtual_time_in_minutes: 0.00883333
Virtual_time_in_hours: 0.000147222
Virtual_time_in_days: 6.13426e-06
Ruby_current_time: 262451
Ruby_start_time: 0
Ruby_cycles: 262451
mbytes_resident: 41.8164
mbytes_total: 225.266
resident_ratio: 0.185666
ruby_cycles_executed: [ 262452 ]
Busy Controller Counts:
Busy Bank Count:0
sequencer_requests_outstanding: [binsize: 1 max: 16 count: 984 average: 15.8354 | standard deviation: 1.13036 | 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 43 927 ]
All Non-Zero Cycle Demand Cache Accesses
miss_latency: [binsize: 64 max: 6619 count: 969 average: 4277.35 | standard deviation: 1934.43 | 79 13 3 7 10 1 7 11 10 4 3 6 6 2 3 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 4 2 0 2 10 9 3 13 13 19 16 25 19 27 24 32 34 43 37 42 39 38 33 36 32 41 32 28 15 14 18 19 13 8 18 7 4 5 3 4 1 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
miss_latency_LD: [binsize: 64 max: 6616 count: 51 average: 4258.78 | standard deviation: 2119.03 | 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 2 3 5 3 3 1 0 2 0 2 3 1 0 2 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
miss_latency_ST: [binsize: 64 max: 6619 count: 869 average: 4491.44 | standard deviation: 1749.39 | 71 11 1 3 2 1 2 6 2 0 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 4 2 0 2 10 9 2 13 13 19 16 24 19 25 23 30 31 38 34 39 38 38 31 36 30 38 31 28 13 12 17 17 11 8 18 7 4 5 3 4 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
miss_latency_IFETCH: [binsize: 8 max: 1029 count: 49 average: 499.857 | standard deviation: 220.453 | 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 2 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
miss_latency_L1Cache: [binsize: 1 max: 116 count: 91 average: 17.9121 | standard deviation: 38.4436 | 0 28 14 19 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 4 0 1 2 ]
miss_latency_L2Cache: [binsize: 32 max: 6221 count: 45 average: 2770.13 | standard deviation: 2320.89 | 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ]
miss_latency_Directory: [binsize: 64 max: 6619 count: 833 average: 4824.09 | standard deviation: 1289.25 | 0 0 0 4 7 1 6 9 7 3 3 6 5 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 4 2 0 2 9 7 2 12 13 19 14 25 18 25 24 31 34 43 36 40 39 37 31 35 31 41 32 28 14 14 17 19 12 8 18 7 4 4 3 4 1 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
miss_latency_wCC_issue_to_initial_request: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
miss_latency_wCC_initial_forward_request: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
miss_latency_wCC_forward_to_first_response: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
miss_latency_wCC_first_response_to_completion: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
imcomplete_wCC_Times: 0
miss_latency_dir_issue_to_initial_request: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
miss_latency_dir_initial_forward_request: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
miss_latency_dir_forward_to_first_response: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
miss_latency_dir_first_response_to_completion: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
imcomplete_dir_Times: 833
miss_latency_LD_L1Cache: [binsize: 1 max: 116 count: 9 average: 27.1111 | standard deviation: 49.5568 | 0 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 ]
miss_latency_LD_Directory: [binsize: 64 max: 6616 count: 42 average: 5165.57 | standard deviation: 838.074 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 2 3 5 3 3 1 0 2 0 2 3 1 0 2 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
miss_latency_ST_L1Cache: [binsize: 1 max: 116 count: 82 average: 16.9024 | standard deviation: 37.2711 | 0 26 12 16 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 3 0 1 1 ]
miss_latency_ST_L2Cache: [binsize: 32 max: 6221 count: 35 average: 3440 | standard deviation: 2206.6 | 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ]
miss_latency_ST_Directory: [binsize: 64 max: 6619 count: 752 average: 5028.29 | standard deviation: 889.008 | 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 4 2 0 2 9 7 1 12 13 19 14 24 18 23 23 29 31 38 33 37 38 37 29 35 29 38 31 28 12 12 16 17 10 8 18 7 4 4 3 4 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
miss_latency_IFETCH_L2Cache: [binsize: 8 max: 897 count: 10 average: 425.6 | standard deviation: 295.308 | 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
miss_latency_IFETCH_Directory: [binsize: 8 max: 1029 count: 39 average: 518.897 | standard deviation: 197.26 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
All Non-Zero Cycle SW Prefetch Requests
prefetch_latency: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
prefetch_latency_L2Miss:[binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
Request vs. RubySystem State Profile
filter_action: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
Message Delayed Cycles
Total_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
Total_nonPF_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_0_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_1_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_2_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_3_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_4_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_5_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_6_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_7_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_8_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_9_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
Resource Usage
page_size: 4096
user_time: 0
system_time: 0
page_reclaims: 11804
page_faults: 3
swaps: 0
block_inputs: 1456
block_outputs: 0
Network Stats
total_msg_count_Request_Control: 5154 41232
total_msg_count_Response_Data: 2646 190512
total_msg_count_ResponseL2hit_Data: 123 8856
total_msg_count_Response_Control: 3 24
total_msg_count_Writeback_Data: 5019 361368
total_msg_count_Writeback_Control: 201 1608
total_msg_count_Persistent_Control: 2034 16272
total_msgs: 15180 total_bytes: 619872
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
switch_0_inlinks: 2
switch_0_outlinks: 2
links_utilized_percent_switch_0: 1.78671
links_utilized_percent_switch_0_link_0: 1.70737 bw: 16000 base_latency: 1
links_utilized_percent_switch_0_link_1: 1.86606 bw: 16000 base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_0_link_0_Response_Data: 860 61920 [ 0 0 0 0 860 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_0_link_0_ResponseL2hit_Data: 41 2952 [ 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_0_link_0_Response_Control: 1 8 [ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_0_link_0_Writeback_Data: 57 4104 [ 0 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_0_link_0_Persistent_Control: 339 2712 [ 0 0 0 339 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_0_link_1_Request_Control: 879 7032 [ 0 879 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_0_link_1_Response_Data: 22 1584 [ 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_0_link_1_Writeback_Data: 931 67032 [ 0 0 0 0 931 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_0_link_1_Persistent_Control: 339 2712 [ 0 0 0 339 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
switch_1_inlinks: 2
switch_1_outlinks: 2
links_utilized_percent_switch_1: 1.64269
links_utilized_percent_switch_1_link_0: 1.73061 bw: 16000 base_latency: 1
links_utilized_percent_switch_1_link_1: 1.55477 bw: 16000 base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_1_link_0_Request_Control: 879 7032 [ 0 879 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_1_link_0_Writeback_Data: 874 62928 [ 0 0 0 0 874 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_1_link_0_Persistent_Control: 339 2712 [ 0 0 0 339 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_1_link_1_Request_Control: 839 6712 [ 0 0 839 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_1_link_1_Response_Data: 25 1800 [ 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_1_link_1_ResponseL2hit_Data: 41 2952 [ 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_1_link_1_Response_Control: 1 8 [ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_1_link_1_Writeback_Data: 740 53280 [ 0 0 0 0 740 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_1_link_1_Writeback_Control: 67 536 [ 0 0 0 0 67 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
switch_2_inlinks: 2
switch_2_outlinks: 2
links_utilized_percent_switch_2: 1.49114
links_utilized_percent_switch_2_link_0: 1.54715 bw: 16000 base_latency: 1
links_utilized_percent_switch_2_link_1: 1.43513 bw: 16000 base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_2_link_0_Request_Control: 839 6712 [ 0 0 839 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_2_link_0_Response_Data: 22 1584 [ 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_2_link_0_Writeback_Data: 742 53424 [ 0 0 0 0 742 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_2_link_0_Writeback_Control: 67 536 [ 0 0 0 0 67 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_2_link_0_Persistent_Control: 339 2712 [ 0 0 0 339 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_2_link_1_Response_Data: 835 60120 [ 0 0 0 0 835 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_2_link_1_Writeback_Data: 2 144 [ 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
switch_3_inlinks: 3
switch_3_outlinks: 3
links_utilized_percent_switch_3: 1.64018
links_utilized_percent_switch_3_link_0: 1.64278 bw: 16000 base_latency: 1
links_utilized_percent_switch_3_link_1: 1.73061 bw: 16000 base_latency: 1
links_utilized_percent_switch_3_link_2: 1.54715 bw: 16000 base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_3_link_0_Response_Data: 860 61920 [ 0 0 0 0 860 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_3_link_0_ResponseL2hit_Data: 41 2952 [ 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_3_link_0_Response_Control: 1 8 [ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_3_link_0_Writeback_Data: 57 4104 [ 0 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_3_link_1_Request_Control: 879 7032 [ 0 879 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_3_link_1_Writeback_Data: 874 62928 [ 0 0 0 0 874 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_3_link_1_Persistent_Control: 339 2712 [ 0 0 0 339 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_3_link_2_Request_Control: 839 6712 [ 0 0 839 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_3_link_2_Response_Data: 22 1584 [ 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_3_link_2_Writeback_Data: 742 53424 [ 0 0 0 0 742 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_3_link_2_Writeback_Control: 67 536 [ 0 0 0 0 67 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
outgoing_messages_switch_3_link_2_Persistent_Control: 339 2712 [ 0 0 0 339 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] base_latency: 1
Cache Stats: system.l1_cntrl0.L1IcacheMemory
system.l1_cntrl0.L1IcacheMemory_total_misses: 49
system.l1_cntrl0.L1IcacheMemory_total_demand_misses: 49
system.l1_cntrl0.L1IcacheMemory_total_prefetches: 0
system.l1_cntrl0.L1IcacheMemory_total_sw_prefetches: 0
system.l1_cntrl0.L1IcacheMemory_total_hw_prefetches: 0
system.l1_cntrl0.L1IcacheMemory_request_type_IFETCH: 100%
system.l1_cntrl0.L1IcacheMemory_access_mode_type_Supervisor: 49 100%
Cache Stats: system.l1_cntrl0.L1DcacheMemory
system.l1_cntrl0.L1DcacheMemory_total_misses: 830
system.l1_cntrl0.L1DcacheMemory_total_demand_misses: 830
system.l1_cntrl0.L1DcacheMemory_total_prefetches: 0
system.l1_cntrl0.L1DcacheMemory_total_sw_prefetches: 0
system.l1_cntrl0.L1DcacheMemory_total_hw_prefetches: 0
system.l1_cntrl0.L1DcacheMemory_request_type_LD: 5.06024%
system.l1_cntrl0.L1DcacheMemory_request_type_ST: 94.9398%
system.l1_cntrl0.L1DcacheMemory_access_mode_type_Supervisor: 830 100%
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
--- L1Cache ---
- Event Counts -
Load [51 ] 51
Ifetch [49 ] 49
Store [870 ] 870
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
Atomic [0 ] 0
L1_Replacement [19023 ] 19023
Data_Shared [7 ] 7
Data_Owner [1 ] 1
Data_All_Tokens [949 ] 949
Ack [0 ] 0
Ack_All_Tokens [1 ] 1
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
Transient_Local_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
Own_Lock_or_Unlock [339 ] 339
Request_Timeout [548 ] 548
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
Use_TimeoutStarverX [0 ] 0
Use_TimeoutStarverS [0 ] 0
Use_TimeoutNoStarvers [870 ] 870
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
Use_TimeoutNoStarvers_NoMig [0 ] 0
- Transitions -
NP Load [42 ] 42
NP Ifetch [49 ] 49
NP Store [788 ] 788
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
NP Atomic [0 ] 0
NP Data_Shared [0 ] 0
NP Data_Owner [0 ] 0
NP Data_All_Tokens [79 ] 79
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
NP Ack [0 ] 0
NP Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
NP Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
NP Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
NP Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
NP Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
NP Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
NP Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
NP Own_Lock_or_Unlock [167 ] 167
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
I Load [0 ] 0
I Ifetch [0 ] 0
I Store [0 ] 0
I Atomic [0 ] 0
I L1_Replacement [0 ] 0
I Data_Shared [0 ] 0
I Data_Owner [0 ] 0
I Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
I Ack [0 ] 0
I Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
I Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
I Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
I Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
I Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
I Transient_Local_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
I Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
I Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
I Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
I Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
S Load [0 ] 0
S Ifetch [0 ] 0
S Store [0 ] 0
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
S Atomic [0 ] 0
S L1_Replacement [7 ] 7
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
S Data_Shared [0 ] 0
S Data_Owner [0 ] 0
S Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
S Ack [0 ] 0
S Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
S Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
S Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
S Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
S Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
S Transient_Local_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
S Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
S Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
S Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
S Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
O Load [0 ] 0
O Ifetch [0 ] 0
O Store [0 ] 0
O Atomic [0 ] 0
O L1_Replacement [0 ] 0
O Data_Shared [0 ] 0
O Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O Ack [0 ] 0
O Ack_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
O Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
O Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
O Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
O Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
O Transient_Local_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
O Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
O Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
O Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
O Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
M Load [0 ] 0
M Ifetch [0 ] 0
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
M Store [0 ] 0
M Atomic [0 ] 0
M L1_Replacement [81 ] 81
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
M Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
M Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
M Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
M Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
M Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
M Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
M Own_Lock_or_Unlock [9 ] 9
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
MM Load [8 ] 8
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
MM Ifetch [0 ] 0
MM Store [71 ] 71
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
MM Atomic [0 ] 0
MM L1_Replacement [786 ] 786
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
MM Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
MM Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
MM Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
MM Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
MM Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
MM Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
MM Own_Lock_or_Unlock [13 ] 13
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
M_W Load [0 ] 0
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
M_W Ifetch [0 ] 0
M_W Store [0 ] 0
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
M_W Atomic [0 ] 0
M_W L1_Replacement [382 ] 382
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
M_W Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
M_W Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
M_W Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
M_W Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
M_W Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
M_W Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
M_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock [1 ] 1
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
M_W Use_TimeoutStarverX [0 ] 0
M_W Use_TimeoutStarverS [0 ] 0
M_W Use_TimeoutNoStarvers [83 ] 83
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
M_W Use_TimeoutNoStarvers_NoMig [0 ] 0
MM_W Load [1 ] 1
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
MM_W Ifetch [0 ] 0
MM_W Store [11 ] 11
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
MM_W Atomic [0 ] 0
MM_W L1_Replacement [7361 ] 7361
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
MM_W Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
MM_W Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
MM_W Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
MM_W Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
MM_W Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
MM_W Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
MM_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock [17 ] 17
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
MM_W Use_TimeoutStarverX [0 ] 0
MM_W Use_TimeoutStarverS [0 ] 0
MM_W Use_TimeoutNoStarvers [787 ] 787
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
MM_W Use_TimeoutNoStarvers_NoMig [0 ] 0
IM Load [0 ] 0
IM Ifetch [0 ] 0
IM Store [0 ] 0
IM Atomic [0 ] 0
IM L1_Replacement [9875 ] 9875
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
IM Data_Shared [0 ] 0
IM Data_Owner [1 ] 1
IM Data_All_Tokens [786 ] 786
IM Ack [0 ] 0
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
IM Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
IM Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
IM Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
IM Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
IM Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
IM Transient_Local_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
IM Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
IM Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
IM Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
IM Own_Lock_or_Unlock [118 ] 118
IM Request_Timeout [494 ] 494
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
SM Load [0 ] 0
SM Ifetch [0 ] 0
SM Store [0 ] 0
SM Atomic [0 ] 0
SM L1_Replacement [0 ] 0
SM Data_Shared [0 ] 0
SM Data_Owner [0 ] 0
SM Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
SM Ack [0 ] 0
SM Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
SM Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
SM Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
SM Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
SM Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
SM Transient_Local_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
SM Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
SM Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
SM Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
SM Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
SM Request_Timeout [0 ] 0
OM Load [0 ] 0
OM Ifetch [0 ] 0
OM Store [0 ] 0
OM Atomic [0 ] 0
OM L1_Replacement [0 ] 0
OM Data_Shared [0 ] 0
OM Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
OM Ack [0 ] 0
OM Ack_All_Tokens [1 ] 1
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
OM Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
OM Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
OM Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
OM Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
OM Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
OM Transient_Local_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
OM Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
OM Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
OM Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
OM Own_Lock_or_Unlock [1 ] 1
OM Request_Timeout [1 ] 1
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
IS Load [0 ] 0
IS Ifetch [0 ] 0
IS Store [0 ] 0
IS Atomic [0 ] 0
IS L1_Replacement [531 ] 531
IS Data_Shared [7 ] 7
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
IS Data_Owner [0 ] 0
IS Data_All_Tokens [84 ] 84
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
IS Ack [0 ] 0
IS Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
IS Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
IS Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
IS Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
IS Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
IS Transient_Local_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
IS Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
IS Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
IS Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
IS Own_Lock_or_Unlock [13 ] 13
IS Request_Timeout [53 ] 53
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
I_L Load [0 ] 0
I_L Ifetch [0 ] 0
I_L Store [0 ] 0
I_L Atomic [0 ] 0
I_L L1_Replacement [0 ] 0
I_L Data_Shared [0 ] 0
I_L Data_Owner [0 ] 0
I_L Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
I_L Ack [0 ] 0
I_L Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
I_L Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
I_L Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
I_L Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
I_L Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
I_L Transient_Local_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
I_L Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
I_L Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
I_L Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
I_L Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
S_L Load [0 ] 0
S_L Ifetch [0 ] 0
S_L Store [0 ] 0
S_L Atomic [0 ] 0
S_L L1_Replacement [0 ] 0
S_L Data_Shared [0 ] 0
S_L Data_Owner [0 ] 0
S_L Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
S_L Ack [0 ] 0
S_L Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
S_L Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
S_L Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
S_L Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
S_L Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
S_L Transient_Local_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
S_L Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
S_L Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
S_L Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
S_L Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
IM_L Load [0 ] 0
IM_L Ifetch [0 ] 0
IM_L Store [0 ] 0
IM_L Atomic [0 ] 0
IM_L L1_Replacement [0 ] 0
IM_L Data_Shared [0 ] 0
IM_L Data_Owner [0 ] 0
IM_L Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
IM_L Ack [0 ] 0
IM_L Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
IM_L Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
IM_L Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
IM_L Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
IM_L Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
IM_L Transient_Local_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
IM_L Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
IM_L Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
IM_L Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
IM_L Request_Timeout [0 ] 0
SM_L Load [0 ] 0
SM_L Ifetch [0 ] 0
SM_L Store [0 ] 0
SM_L Atomic [0 ] 0
SM_L L1_Replacement [0 ] 0
SM_L Data_Shared [0 ] 0
SM_L Data_Owner [0 ] 0
SM_L Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
SM_L Ack [0 ] 0
SM_L Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
SM_L Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
SM_L Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
SM_L Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
SM_L Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
SM_L Transient_Local_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
SM_L Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
SM_L Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
SM_L Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
SM_L Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
SM_L Request_Timeout [0 ] 0
IS_L Load [0 ] 0
IS_L Ifetch [0 ] 0
IS_L Store [0 ] 0
IS_L Atomic [0 ] 0
IS_L L1_Replacement [0 ] 0
IS_L Data_Shared [0 ] 0
IS_L Data_Owner [0 ] 0
IS_L Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
IS_L Ack [0 ] 0
IS_L Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
IS_L Transient_Local_GETX [0 ] 0
IS_L Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
IS_L Transient_Local_GETS [0 ] 0
IS_L Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
IS_L Transient_Local_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
IS_L Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
IS_L Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
IS_L Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
IS_L Request_Timeout [0 ] 0
Cache Stats: system.l2_cntrl0.L2cacheMemory
system.l2_cntrl0.L2cacheMemory_total_misses: 839
system.l2_cntrl0.L2cacheMemory_total_demand_misses: 839
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
system.l2_cntrl0.L2cacheMemory_total_prefetches: 0
system.l2_cntrl0.L2cacheMemory_total_sw_prefetches: 0
system.l2_cntrl0.L2cacheMemory_total_hw_prefetches: 0
system.l2_cntrl0.L2cacheMemory_request_type_GETS: 10.0119%
system.l2_cntrl0.L2cacheMemory_request_type_GETX: 89.9881%
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
system.l2_cntrl0.L2cacheMemory_access_mode_type_Supervisor: 839 100%
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
--- L2Cache ---
- Event Counts -
L1_GETS [91 ] 91
L1_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
L1_GETX [788 ] 788
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
L1_INV [0 ] 0
Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
L2_Replacement [779 ] 779
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
Writeback_Tokens [0 ] 0
Writeback_Shared_Data [3 ] 3
Writeback_All_Tokens [871 ] 871
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
Writeback_Owned [0 ] 0
Data_Shared [0 ] 0
Data_Owner [0 ] 0
Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
Ack [0 ] 0
Ack_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
Persistent_GETX [154 ] 154
Persistent_GETS [16 ] 16
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
Own_Lock_or_Unlock [169 ] 169
- Transitions -
NP L1_GETS [81 ] 81
NP L1_GETX [754 ] 754
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
NP L1_INV [0 ] 0
NP Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
NP Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
NP Writeback_Tokens [0 ] 0
NP Writeback_Shared_Data [2 ] 2
NP Writeback_All_Tokens [781 ] 781
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
NP Writeback_Owned [0 ] 0
NP Data_Shared [0 ] 0
NP Data_Owner [0 ] 0
NP Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
NP Ack [0 ] 0
NP Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
NP Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
NP Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
NP Own_Lock_or_Unlock [145 ] 145
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
I L1_GETS [3 ] 3
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
I L1_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
I L1_GETX [0 ] 0
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
I L1_INV [0 ] 0
I Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
I Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
I Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
I L2_Replacement [25 ] 25
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
I Writeback_Tokens [0 ] 0
I Writeback_Shared_Data [1 ] 1
I Writeback_All_Tokens [31 ] 31
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
I Writeback_Owned [0 ] 0
I Data_Shared [0 ] 0
I Data_Owner [0 ] 0
I Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
I Ack [0 ] 0
I Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
I Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
I Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
I Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
S L1_GETS [0 ] 0
S L1_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
S L1_GETX [0 ] 0
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
S L1_INV [0 ] 0
S Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
S Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
S Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
S L2_Replacement [2 ] 2
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
S Writeback_Tokens [0 ] 0
S Writeback_Shared_Data [0 ] 0
S Writeback_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
S Writeback_Owned [0 ] 0
S Data_Shared [0 ] 0
S Data_Owner [0 ] 0
S Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
S Ack [0 ] 0
S Persistent_GETX [1 ] 1
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
S Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
S Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
S Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
O L1_GETS [0 ] 0
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
O L1_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
O L1_GETX [1 ] 1
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
O L1_INV [0 ] 0
O Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
O Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
O Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
O L2_Replacement [2 ] 2
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
O Writeback_Tokens [0 ] 0
O Writeback_Shared_Data [0 ] 0
O Writeback_All_Tokens [4 ] 4
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
O Data_Shared [0 ] 0
O Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O Ack [0 ] 0
O Ack_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
O Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
O Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
O Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
M L1_GETS [7 ] 7
M L1_GETX [33 ] 33
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
M L1_INV [0 ] 0
M Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
M Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
M L2_Replacement [748 ] 748
M Persistent_GETX [21 ] 21
M Persistent_GETS [4 ] 4
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
M Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
I_L L1_GETS [0 ] 0
I_L L1_GETX [0 ] 0
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
I_L L1_INV [0 ] 0
I_L Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
I_L Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
I_L Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
I_L L2_Replacement [2 ] 2
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
I_L Writeback_Tokens [0 ] 0
I_L Writeback_Shared_Data [0 ] 0
I_L Writeback_All_Tokens [55 ] 55
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
I_L Writeback_Owned [0 ] 0
I_L Data_Shared [0 ] 0
I_L Data_Owner [0 ] 0
I_L Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
I_L Ack [0 ] 0
I_L Persistent_GETX [132 ] 132
I_L Persistent_GETS [12 ] 12
I_L Own_Lock_or_Unlock [24 ] 24
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
S_L L1_GETS [0 ] 0
S_L L1_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
S_L L1_GETX [0 ] 0
S_L L1_INV [0 ] 0
S_L Transient_GETX [0 ] 0
S_L Transient_GETS [0 ] 0
S_L Transient_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
S_L L2_Replacement [0 ] 0
S_L Writeback_Tokens [0 ] 0
S_L Writeback_Shared_Data [0 ] 0
S_L Writeback_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
S_L Writeback_Owned [0 ] 0
S_L Data_Shared [0 ] 0
S_L Data_Owner [0 ] 0
S_L Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
S_L Ack [0 ] 0
S_L Persistent_GETX [0 ] 0
S_L Persistent_GETS [0 ] 0
S_L Persistent_GETS_Last_Token [0 ] 0
S_L Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
Memory controller: system.dir_cntrl0.memBuffer:
memory_total_requests: 1596
memory_reads: 835
memory_writes: 761
memory_refreshes: 547
memory_total_request_delays: 1074
memory_delays_per_request: 0.672932
memory_delays_in_input_queue: 139
memory_delays_behind_head_of_bank_queue: 6
memory_delays_stalled_at_head_of_bank_queue: 929
memory_stalls_for_bank_busy: 268
memory_stalls_for_random_busy: 0
memory_stalls_for_anti_starvation: 0
memory_stalls_for_arbitration: 74
memory_stalls_for_bus: 361
memory_stalls_for_tfaw: 0
memory_stalls_for_read_write_turnaround: 153
memory_stalls_for_read_read_turnaround: 73
accesses_per_bank: 46 42 72 75 73 65 78 39 46 46 48 32 36 37 38 55 48 51 51 51 51 45 60 38 39 64 62 41 48 31 39 49
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
--- Directory ---
- Event Counts -
GETX [789 ] 789
GETS [84 ] 84
Lockdown [170 ] 170
Unlockdown [169 ] 169
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
Data_Owner [2 ] 2
Data_All_Tokens [762 ] 762
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
Ack_Owner [0 ] 0
Ack_Owner_All_Tokens [65 ] 65
Tokens [0 ] 0
Ack_All_Tokens [2 ] 2
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
Request_Timeout [0 ] 0
Memory_Data [835 ] 835
Memory_Ack [760 ] 760
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
DMA_READ [0 ] 0
DMA_WRITE [0 ] 0
DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
- Transitions -
O GETX [748 ] 748
O GETS [81 ] 81
O Lockdown [5 ] 5
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
O Unlockdown [0 ] 0
O Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
O Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
O Data_Owner [0 ] 0
O Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O Tokens [0 ] 0
O Ack_All_Tokens [2 ] 2
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
O DMA_READ [0 ] 0
O DMA_WRITE [0 ] 0
O DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
NO GETX [3 ] 3
NO GETS [3 ] 3
NO Lockdown [149 ] 149
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
NO Unlockdown [0 ] 0
NO Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
NO Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
NO Data_Owner [2 ] 2
NO Data_All_Tokens [759 ] 759
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
NO Ack_Owner [0 ] 0
NO Ack_Owner_All_Tokens [65 ] 65
NO Tokens [0 ] 0
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
NO DMA_READ [0 ] 0
L GETX [4 ] 4
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
L GETS [0 ] 0
L Lockdown [0 ] 0
L Unlockdown [168 ] 168
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
L Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
L Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
L Data_Owner [0 ] 0
L Data_All_Tokens [3 ] 3
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
L Ack_Owner [0 ] 0
L Ack_Owner_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
L Tokens [0 ] 0
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
L DMA_READ [0 ] 0
L DMA_WRITE [0 ] 0
L DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_W GETX [0 ] 0
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
O_W GETS [0 ] 0
O_W Lockdown [1 ] 1
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
O_W Unlockdown [0 ] 0
O_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
O_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_W Data_Owner [0 ] 0
O_W Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_W Ack_Owner [0 ] 0
O_W Tokens [0 ] 0
O_W Ack_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_W Memory_Data [1 ] 1
O_W Memory_Ack [759 ] 759
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
O_W DMA_READ [0 ] 0
O_W DMA_WRITE [0 ] 0
O_W DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
L_O_W GETX [34 ] 34
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
L_O_W GETS [0 ] 0
L_O_W Lockdown [0 ] 0
L_O_W Unlockdown [1 ] 1
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
L_O_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
L_O_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
L_O_W Data_Owner [0 ] 0
L_O_W Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
L_O_W Ack_Owner [0 ] 0
L_O_W Tokens [0 ] 0
L_O_W Ack_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
L_O_W Memory_Data [5 ] 5
L_O_W Memory_Ack [1 ] 1
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
L_O_W DMA_READ [0 ] 0
L_O_W DMA_WRITE [0 ] 0
L_O_W DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
L_NO_W GETX [0 ] 0
L_NO_W GETS [0 ] 0
L_NO_W Lockdown [0 ] 0
L_NO_W Unlockdown [0 ] 0
L_NO_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
L_NO_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
L_NO_W Data_Owner [0 ] 0
L_NO_W Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
L_NO_W Ack_Owner [0 ] 0
L_NO_W Tokens [0 ] 0
L_NO_W Ack_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
L_NO_W Memory_Data [15 ] 15
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
L_NO_W DMA_READ [0 ] 0
L_NO_W DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
DR_L_W GETX [0 ] 0
DR_L_W GETS [0 ] 0
DR_L_W Lockdown [0 ] 0
DR_L_W Unlockdown [0 ] 0
DR_L_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
DR_L_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
DR_L_W Data_Owner [0 ] 0
DR_L_W Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
DR_L_W Ack_Owner [0 ] 0
DR_L_W Tokens [0 ] 0
DR_L_W Ack_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
DR_L_W Request_Timeout [0 ] 0
DR_L_W Memory_Data [0 ] 0
DR_L_W DMA_READ [0 ] 0
DR_L_W DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
DW_L_W GETX [0 ] 0
DW_L_W GETS [0 ] 0
DW_L_W Lockdown [0 ] 0
DW_L_W Unlockdown [0 ] 0
DW_L_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
DW_L_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
DW_L_W Data_Owner [0 ] 0
DW_L_W Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
DW_L_W Ack_Owner [0 ] 0
DW_L_W Tokens [0 ] 0
DW_L_W Ack_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
DW_L_W Request_Timeout [0 ] 0
DW_L_W Memory_Ack [0 ] 0
DW_L_W DMA_READ [0 ] 0
DW_L_W DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
NO_W GETX [0 ] 0
NO_W GETS [0 ] 0
NO_W Lockdown [15 ] 15
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
NO_W Unlockdown [0 ] 0
NO_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
NO_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
NO_W Data_Owner [0 ] 0
NO_W Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
NO_W Ack_Owner [0 ] 0
NO_W Tokens [0 ] 0
NO_W Ack_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
NO_W Memory_Data [814 ] 814
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
NO_W DMA_READ [0 ] 0
NO_W DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DW_W GETX [0 ] 0
O_DW_W GETS [0 ] 0
O_DW_W Lockdown [0 ] 0
O_DW_W Unlockdown [0 ] 0
O_DW_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
O_DW_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DW_W Data_Owner [0 ] 0
O_DW_W Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DW_W Ack_Owner [0 ] 0
O_DW_W Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DW_W Ack_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DW_W Request_Timeout [0 ] 0
O_DW_W Memory_Ack [0 ] 0
O_DW_W DMA_READ [0 ] 0
O_DW_W DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DR_W GETX [0 ] 0
O_DR_W GETS [0 ] 0
O_DR_W Lockdown [0 ] 0
O_DR_W Unlockdown [0 ] 0
O_DR_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
O_DR_W Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DR_W Data_Owner [0 ] 0
O_DR_W Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DR_W Ack_Owner [0 ] 0
O_DR_W Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DR_W Ack_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DR_W Request_Timeout [0 ] 0
O_DR_W Memory_Data [0 ] 0
O_DR_W DMA_READ [0 ] 0
O_DR_W DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DW GETX [0 ] 0
O_DW GETS [0 ] 0
O_DW Lockdown [0 ] 0
O_DW Unlockdown [0 ] 0
O_DW Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
O_DW Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DW Data_Owner [0 ] 0
O_DW Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DW Ack_Owner [0 ] 0
O_DW Ack_Owner_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DW Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DW Ack_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
O_DW Request_Timeout [0 ] 0
O_DW DMA_READ [0 ] 0
O_DW DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
NO_DW GETX [0 ] 0
NO_DW GETS [0 ] 0
NO_DW Lockdown [0 ] 0
NO_DW Unlockdown [0 ] 0
NO_DW Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
NO_DW Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
NO_DW Data_Owner [0 ] 0
NO_DW Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
NO_DW Tokens [0 ] 0
NO_DW Request_Timeout [0 ] 0
NO_DW DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
NO_DR GETX [0 ] 0
NO_DR GETS [0 ] 0
NO_DR Lockdown [0 ] 0
NO_DR Unlockdown [0 ] 0
NO_DR Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
NO_DR Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
NO_DR Data_Owner [0 ] 0
NO_DR Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
NO_DR Tokens [0 ] 0
NO_DR Request_Timeout [0 ] 0
NO_DR DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
DW_L GETX [0 ] 0
DW_L GETS [0 ] 0
DW_L Lockdown [0 ] 0
DW_L Unlockdown [0 ] 0
DW_L Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
DW_L Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
DW_L Data_Owner [0 ] 0
DW_L Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
DW_L Ack_Owner [0 ] 0
DW_L Ack_Owner_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
DW_L Tokens [0 ] 0
DW_L Request_Timeout [0 ] 0
DW_L DMA_READ [0 ] 0
DW_L DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
DR_L GETX [0 ] 0
DR_L GETS [0 ] 0
DR_L Lockdown [0 ] 0
DR_L Unlockdown [0 ] 0
DR_L Own_Lock_or_Unlock [0 ] 0
DR_L Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens [0 ] 0
DR_L Data_Owner [0 ] 0
DR_L Data_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
DR_L Ack_Owner [0 ] 0
DR_L Ack_Owner_All_Tokens [0 ] 0
DR_L Tokens [0 ] 0
DR_L Request_Timeout [0 ] 0
DR_L DMA_READ [0 ] 0
DR_L DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens [0 ] 0