
362 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Real time: Jun/24/2013 23:57:42
Profiler Stats
Elapsed_time_in_seconds: 176
Elapsed_time_in_minutes: 2.93333
Elapsed_time_in_hours: 0.0488889
Elapsed_time_in_days: 0.00203704
Virtual_time_in_seconds: 175.95
Virtual_time_in_minutes: 2.9325
Virtual_time_in_hours: 0.048875
Virtual_time_in_days: 0.00203646
Ruby_current_time: 7481441
Ruby_start_time: 0
Ruby_cycles: 7481441
mbytes_resident: 74.6641
mbytes_total: 295.676
resident_ratio: 0.252546
Busy Controller Counts:
L1Cache-0:0 L1Cache-1:0 L1Cache-2:0 L1Cache-3:0 L1Cache-4:0 L1Cache-5:0 L1Cache-6:0 L1Cache-7:0
Busy Bank Count:0
sequencer_requests_outstanding: [binsize: 1 max: 16 count: 619788 average: 15.9984 | standard deviation: 0.126557 | 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 619660 ]
All Non-Zero Cycle Demand Cache Accesses
latency: [binsize: 1024 max: 17616 count: 619660 average: 1545.01 | standard deviation: 1540.36 | 309355 157592 70360 36319 20995 11911 6316 3363 1797 932 385 192 94 35 7 4 2 1 ]
latency: LD: [binsize: 1024 max: 17616 count: 402593 average: 1545.04 | standard deviation: 1540.77 | 200952 102314 45964 23488 13632 7675 4121 2200 1177 603 245 128 63 22 4 2 2 1 ]
latency: ST: [binsize: 1024 max: 15800 count: 217067 average: 1544.96 | standard deviation: 1539.61 | 108403 55278 24396 12831 7363 4236 2195 1163 620 329 140 64 31 13 3 2 ]
hit latency: [binsize: 1 max: 3 count: 192 average: 3 | standard deviation: 0 | 0 0 0 192 ]
hit latency: LD: [binsize: 1 max: 3 count: 125 average: 3 | standard deviation: 0 | 0 0 0 125 ]
hit latency: ST: [binsize: 1 max: 3 count: 67 average: 3 | standard deviation: 0 | 0 0 0 67 ]
miss latency: [binsize: 1024 max: 17616 count: 619468 average: 1545.49 | standard deviation: 1540.36 | 309163 157592 70360 36319 20995 11911 6316 3363 1797 932 385 192 94 35 7 4 2 1 ]
miss latency: LD: [binsize: 1024 max: 17616 count: 402468 average: 1545.52 | standard deviation: 1540.77 | 200827 102314 45964 23488 13632 7675 4121 2200 1177 603 245 128 63 22 4 2 2 1 ]
miss latency: ST: [binsize: 1024 max: 15800 count: 217000 average: 1545.43 | standard deviation: 1539.61 | 108336 55278 24396 12831 7363 4236 2195 1163 620 329 140 64 31 13 3 2 ]
Request vs. RubySystem State Profile
Message Delayed Cycles
Total_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_0_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_1_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_2_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_3_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_4_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_5_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_6_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_7_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_8_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
virtual_network_9_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]
Resource Usage
page_size: 4096
user_time: 139
system_time: 0
page_reclaims: 11733
page_faults: 0
swaps: 0
block_inputs: 0
block_outputs: 264
Network Stats
total_msg_count_Request_Control: 3673936 29391488
total_msg_count_Response_Data: 3630768 261415296
total_msg_count_ResponseL2hit_Data: 17766 1279152
total_msg_count_ResponseLocal_Data: 25260 1818720
total_msg_count_Response_Control: 9012 72096
total_msg_count_Writeback_Data: 2479504 178524288
total_msg_count_Writeback_Control: 8511972 68095776
total_msg_count_Forwarded_Control: 25263 202104
total_msg_count_Invalidate_Control: 57 456
total_msg_count_Unblock_Control: 3696804 29574432
total_msgs: 22070342 total_bytes: 570373808
regress: Regression tester updates Regression tester updates required by the following patches: brad/moved_python_protocol_files: config: moved python protocol config files brad/ruby_options_movement: config: reorganized how ruby specifies command-line options brad/config_token_bcast: ruby: added token broadcast config params to cmd options brad/topology_name: config: Added the topology description to m5 config.ini brad/ruby_system_names: config: Improve ruby simobject names brad/consolidated_protocol_stats: slicc: Consolidated the protocol stats printing brad/ruby_request_type_ostream_fix: ruby: Added ruby_request_type ostream def to libruby.hh brad/memtest_dma_extension: memtest: Memtester support for DMA brad/token_dma_lockdown_fix: MOESI_CMP_token: Fixed dma persistent lockdown bugs brad/profile_generic_mach_type: ruby: Reincarnated the responding machine profiling brad/network_msg_consolidated_stats: ruby: Added consolidated network msg stats brad/bcast_msg_profiling: ruby: Added bcast msg profiling to hammer and token brad/l2cache_profiling_fix: ruby: Fixed L2 cache miss profiling brad/llsc_ruby_m5_fix: ruby: fix ruby llsc support to sync sc outcomes brad/ruby_latency_fixes: ruby: Reduced ruby latencies brad/hammer_l2_cache_latency: ruby: Updated MOESI_hammer L2 latency behavior brad/deterministic_resurrection: ruby: Resurrected Ruby's deterministic tests brad/token_dma_fixes: ruby: MOESI_CMP_token dma fixes brad/ruby_cmd_options: config: added cmd options to control ruby debug brad/token_owner_fixes: ruby: fixed token bugs associated with owner token counts brad/ruby_remove_try_except: ruby: Improved try except blocks in ruby creation brad/ruby_port_callback_fix: ruby: Fixed RubyPort sendTiming callbacks brad/interrupt_drain_fix: devices: Fixed periodic interrupts to work with draining brad/llsc_trace_profile: ruby: Added SC fail indication to trace profiling brad/no_migrate_atomic: ruby: Disable migratory sharing for token and hammer brad/ruby_start_time_fix: ruby: Reset ruby stats in RubySystem unserialize brad/numa_bit_select_fix: ruby: fixed DirectoryMemory's numa_high_bit configuration brad/hammer_probe_filter: ruby: added probe filter support to hammer brad/miss_latency_detail_profile: MOESI_hammer: break down miss latency stalled cycles brad/recycle_latency_fix: ruby: Recycle latency fix for hammer brad/stall_and_wait: ruby: Stall and wait input messages instead of recycling brad/rubytest_request_flag_fix: ruby: Fixed minor bug in ruby test for setting the request type brad/hammer_merge_gets: ruby: Added merge GETS optimization to hammer brad/regress_updates: regress: Regression tester updates
2010-08-21 02:44:26 +02:00
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