
696 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// The actual decoder specification
decode OP default Unknown::unknown()
0x0: decode OP2
//Throw an illegal instruction acception
0x0: Trap::illtrap({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
0x1: decode BPCC
format Branch19
0x0: bpcci({{
if(passesCondition(CcrIcc, COND2))
NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
0x2: bpccx({{
if(passesCondition(CcrXcc, COND2))
NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
0x2: Branch22::bicc({{
if(passesCondition(CcrIcc, COND2))
NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
0x3: decode RCOND2
format BranchSplit
0x1: bpreq({{
if(Rs1.sdw == 0)
NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
0x2: bprle({{
if(Rs1.sdw <= 0)
NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
0x3: bprl({{
if(Rs1.sdw < 0)
NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
0x5: bprne({{
if(Rs1.sdw != 0)
NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
0x6: bprg({{
if(Rs1.sdw > 0)
NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
0x7: bprge({{
if(Rs1.sdw >= 0)
NNPC = xc->readPC() + disp;
//SETHI (or NOP if rd == 0 and imm == 0)
0x4: SetHi::sethi({{Rd = imm;}});
0x5: Trap::fbpfcc({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x6: Trap::fbfcc({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x1: Branch30::call({{
R15 = xc->readPC();
NNPC = R15 + disp;
0x2: decode OP3 {
format IntOp {
0x00: add({{Rd = Rs1.sdw + Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x01: and({{Rd = Rs1.udw & Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x02: or({{Rd = Rs1.udw | Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x03: xor({{Rd = Rs1.udw ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x04: sub({{Rd = Rs1.sdw - Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x05: andn({{Rd = Rs1.udw & ~Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x06: orn({{Rd = Rs1.udw | ~Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x07: xnor({{Rd = ~(Rs1.udw ^ Rs2_or_imm13);}});
0x08: addc({{Rd = Rs1.sdw + Rs2_or_imm13 + CcrIccC;}});
0x09: mulx({{Rd = Rs1 * Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x0A: umul({{
Rd = Rs1.udw<31:0> * Rs2_or_imm13<31:0>;
YValue = Rd<63:32>;
0x0B: smul({{
Rd.sdw = Rs1.sdw<31:0> * Rs2_or_imm13<31:0>;
YValue = Rd.sdw;
0x0C: subc({{Rd.sdw = Rs1.sdw + (~Rs2_or_imm13) + 1 + CcrIccC;}});
0x0D: udivx({{
if(Rs2_or_imm13 == 0) fault = new DivisionByZero;
else Rd.udw = Rs1.udw / Rs2_or_imm13;
0x0E: udiv({{
if(Rs2_or_imm13 == 0) fault = new DivisionByZero;
Rd.udw = ((YValue << 32) | Rs1.udw<31:0>) / Rs2_or_imm13;
if(Rd.udw >> 32 != 0)
Rd.udw = 0xFFFFFFFF;
0x0F: sdiv({{
if(Rs2_or_imm13 == 0)
fault = new DivisionByZero;
Rd.udw = ((YValue << 32) | Rs1.sdw<31:0>) / Rs2_or_imm13;
if(Rd.udw<63:31> != 0)
Rd.udw = 0x7FFFFFFF;
else if(Rd.udw<63:> && Rd.udw<62:31> != 0xFFFFFFFF)
Rd.udw = 0xFFFFFFFF80000000ULL;
format IntOpCc {
0x10: addcc({{
int64_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2;}},
{{(Rs1<31:0> + val2<31:0>)<32:>}},
{{Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>}},
{{(Rs1<63:1> + val2<63:1> + (Rs1 & val2)<0:>)<63:>}},
{{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
0x11: IntOpCcRes::andcc({{Rd = Rs1 & Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x12: IntOpCcRes::orcc({{Rd = Rs1 | Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x13: IntOpCcRes::xorcc({{Rd = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x14: subcc({{
int64_t val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
Rd = Rs1 - val2;}},
{{(~(Rs1<31:0> + (~val2)<31:0> + 1))<32:>}},
{{(Rs1<31:> != val2<31:>) && (Rs1<31:> != Rd<31:>)}},
{{(~(Rs1<63:1> + (~val2)<63:1> +
(Rs1 | ~val2)<0:>))<63:>}},
{{Rs1<63:> != val2<63:> && Rs1<63:> != Rd<63:>}}
0x15: IntOpCcRes::andncc({{Rd = Rs1 & ~Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x16: IntOpCcRes::orncc({{Rd = Rs1 | ~Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x17: IntOpCcRes::xnorcc({{Rd = ~(Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13);}});
0x18: addccc({{
int64_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
int64_t carryin = CcrIccC;
Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2 + carryin;}},
{{(Rs1<31:0> + val2<31:0> + carryin)<32:>}},
{{Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>}},
{{(Rs1<63:1> + val2<63:1> +
((Rs1 & val2) | (carryin & (Rs1 | val2)))<0:>)<63:>}},
{{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
0x1A: umulcc({{
uint64_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
Rd = resTemp = Rs1.udw<31:0> * val2<31:0>;
YValue = resTemp<63:32>;}},
0x1B: smulcc({{
int64_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
Rd = resTemp = Rs1.sdw<31:0> * val2<31:0>;
YValue = resTemp<63:32>;}},
0x1C: subccc({{
int64_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
int64_t carryin = CcrIccC;
Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + ~(val2 + carryin) + 1;}},
{{(~((Rs1<31:0> + (~(val2 + carryin))<31:0> + 1))<32:>)}},
{{Rs1<31:> != val2<31:> && Rs1<31:> != resTemp<31:>}},
{{(~((Rs1<63:1> + (~(val2 + carryin))<63:1>) + (Rs1<0:> + (~(val2+carryin))<0:> + 1)<63:1>))<63:>}},
{{Rs1<63:> != val2<63:> && Rs1<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
0x1D: udivxcc({{
if(Rs2_or_imm13 == 0) fault = new DivisionByZero;
else Rd = Rs1.udw / Rs2_or_imm13;}}
0x1E: udivcc({{
uint32_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
int32_t overflow;
if(val2 == 0) fault = new DivisionByZero;
resTemp = (uint64_t)((YValue << 32) | Rs1.udw<31:0>) / val2;
overflow = (resTemp<63:32> != 0);
if(overflow) Rd = resTemp = 0xFFFFFFFF;
else Rd = resTemp;
} }},
0x1F: sdivcc({{
int32_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
int32_t overflow, underflow;
if(val2 == 0) fault = new DivisionByZero;
Rd = resTemp = (int64_t)((YValue << 32) | Rs1.sdw<31:0>) / val2;
overflow = (resTemp<63:31> != 0);
underflow = (resTemp<63:> && resTemp<62:31> != 0xFFFFFFFF);
if(overflow) Rd = resTemp = 0x7FFFFFFF;
else if(underflow) Rd = resTemp = 0xFFFFFFFF80000000ULL;
else Rd = resTemp;
} }},
{{overflow || underflow}},
0x20: taddcc({{
int64_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2;
int32_t overflow = Rs1<1:0> || val2<1:0> || (Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>);}},
{{((Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + val2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31)}},
{{((Rs1 >> 1) + (val2 >> 1) + (Rs1 & val2 & 0x1))<63:>}},
{{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
0x21: tsubcc({{
int64_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2;
int32_t overflow = Rs1<1:0> || val2<1:0> || (Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>);}},
{{(Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + val2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31}},
{{((Rs1 >> 1) + (val2 >> 1) + (Rs1 & val2 & 0x1))<63:>}},
{{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
0x22: taddcctv({{
int64_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2;
int32_t overflow = Rs1<1:0> || val2<1:0> || (Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>);
if(overflow) fault = new TagOverflow;}},
{{((Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + val2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31)}},
{{((Rs1 >> 1) + (val2 >> 1) + (Rs1 & val2 & 0x1))<63:>}},
{{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
0x23: tsubcctv({{
int64_t resTemp, val2 = Rs2_or_imm13;
Rd = resTemp = Rs1 + val2;
int32_t overflow = Rs1<1:0> || val2<1:0> || (Rs1<31:> == val2<31:> && val2<31:> != resTemp<31:>);
if(overflow) fault = new TagOverflow;}},
{{((Rs1 & 0xFFFFFFFF + val2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31)}},
{{((Rs1 >> 1) + (val2 >> 1) + (Rs1 & val2 & 0x1))<63:>}},
{{Rs1<63:> == val2<63:> && val2<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
0x24: mulscc({{
int64_t resTemp, multiplicand = Rs2_or_imm13;
int32_t multiplier = Rs1<31:0>;
int32_t savedLSB = Rs1<0:>;
multiplier = multiplier<31:1> |
^ CcrIccV) << 32);
multiplicand = 0;
Rd = resTemp = multiplicand + multiplier;
YValue = YValue<31:1> | (savedLSB << 31);}},
{{((multiplicand & 0xFFFFFFFF + multiplier & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31)}},
{{multiplicand<31:> == multiplier<31:> && multiplier<31:> != resTemp<31:>}},
{{((multiplicand >> 1) + (multiplier >> 1) + (multiplicand & multiplier & 0x1))<63:>}},
{{multiplicand<63:> == multiplier<63:> && multiplier<63:> != resTemp<63:>}}
format IntOp
0x25: decode X {
0x0: sll({{Rd = Rs1 << (I ? SHCNT32 : Rs2<4:0>);}});
0x1: sllx({{Rd = Rs1 << (I ? SHCNT64 : Rs2<5:0>);}});
0x26: decode X {
0x0: srl({{Rd = Rs1.uw >> (I ? SHCNT32 : Rs2<4:0>);}});
0x1: srlx({{Rd = Rs1.udw >> (I ? SHCNT64 : Rs2<5:0>);}});
0x27: decode X {
0x0: sra({{Rd = Rs1.sw >> (I ? SHCNT32 : Rs2<4:0>);}});
0x1: srax({{Rd = Rs1.sdw >> (I ? SHCNT64 : Rs2<5:0>);}});
0x28: decode RS1 {
0x0: rdy({{Rd = YValue;}});
0x2: rdccr({{Rd = Ccr;}});
0x3: rdasi({{Rd = Asi;}});
0x4: PrivTick::rdtick({{Rd = Tick;}});
0x5: rdpc({{Rd = xc->readPC();}});
0x6: rdfprs({{Rd = Fprs;}});
0xF: decode I {
0x0: Nop::membar({{/*Membar isn't needed yet*/}});
0x1: Nop::stbar({{/*Stbar isn't needed yet*/}});
0x2A: decode RS1 {
format Priv
0x0: rdprtpc({{
Rd = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TPC_BASE + Tl);
0x1: rdprtnpc({{
Rd = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TNPC_BASE + Tl);
0x2: rdprtstate({{
Rd = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TSTATE_BASE + Tl);
0x3: rdprtt({{
Rd = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TT_BASE + Tl);
0x4: rdprtick({{Rd = Tick;}});
0x5: rdprtba({{Rd = Tba;}});
0x6: rdprpstate({{Rd = Pstate;}});
0x7: rdprtl({{Rd = Tl;}});
0x8: rdprpil({{Rd = Pil;}});
0x9: rdprcwp({{Rd = Cwp;}});
0xA: rdprcansave({{Rd = Cansave;}});
0xB: rdprcanrestore({{Rd = Canrestore;}});
0xC: rdprcleanwin({{Rd = Cleanwin;}});
0xD: rdprotherwin({{Rd = Otherwin;}});
0xE: rdprwstate({{Rd = Wstate;}});
//The floating point queue isn't implemented right now.
0xF: Trap::rdprfq({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
0x1F: Priv::rdprver({{Rd = Ver;}});
0x2B: BasicOperate::flushw({{
if(NWindows - 2 - Cansave == 0)
fault = new SpillNOther(WstateOther);
fault = new SpillNNormal(WstateNormal);
0x2C: decode MOVCC3
0x0: Trap::movccfcc({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x1: decode CC
0x0: movcci({{
if(passesCondition(CcrIcc, COND4))
Rd = Rs2_or_imm11;
Rd = Rd;
0x2: movccx({{
if(passesCondition(CcrXcc, COND4))
Rd = Rs2_or_imm11;
Rd = Rd;
0x2D: sdivx({{
if(Rs2_or_imm13 == 0) fault = new DivisionByZero;
else Rd.sdw = Rs1.sdw / Rs2_or_imm13;
0x2E: decode RS1 {
0x0: IntOp::popc({{
int64_t count = 0;
uint64_t temp = Rs2_or_imm13;
//Count the 1s in the front 4bits until none are left
uint8_t oneBits[] = {0,1,1,2,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4};
count += oneBits[temp & 0xF];
temp = temp >> 4;
Rd = count;
0x2F: decode RCOND3
0x1: movreq({{Rd = (Rs1 == 0) ? Rs2_or_imm10 : Rd;}});
0x2: movrle({{Rd = (Rs1 <= 0) ? Rs2_or_imm10 : Rd;}});
0x3: movrl({{Rd = (Rs1 < 0) ? Rs2_or_imm10 : Rd;}});
0x5: movrne({{Rd = (Rs1 != 0) ? Rs2_or_imm10 : Rd;}});
0x6: movrg({{Rd = (Rs1 > 0) ? Rs2_or_imm10 : Rd;}});
0x7: movrge({{Rd = (Rs1 >= 0) ? Rs2_or_imm10 : Rd;}});
0x30: decode RD {
0x0: wry({{Y = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x2: wrccr({{Ccr = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x3: wrasi({{Asi = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x6: wrfprs({{Asi = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0xF: Trap::sir({{fault = new SoftwareInitiatedReset;}});
0x31: decode FCN {
0x0: BasicOperate::saved({{/*Boogy Boogy*/}});
0x1: BasicOperate::restored({{/*Boogy Boogy*/}});
0x32: decode RD {
format Priv
0x0: wrprtpc({{
xc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_TPC_BASE + Tl,
Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13);
0x1: wrprtnpc({{
xc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_TNPC_BASE + Tl,
Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13);
0x2: wrprtstate({{
xc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_TSTATE_BASE + Tl,
Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13);
0x3: wrprtt({{
xc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_TT_BASE + Tl,
Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13);
0x4: wrprtick({{Tick = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x5: wrprtba({{Tba = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x6: wrprpstate({{Pstate = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x7: wrprtl({{Tl = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x8: wrprpil({{Pil = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x9: wrprcwp({{Cwp = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0xA: wrprcansave({{Cansave = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0xB: wrprcanrestore({{Canrestore = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0xC: wrprcleanwin({{Cleanwin = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0xD: wrprotherwin({{Otherwin = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0xE: wrprwstate({{Wstate = Rs1 ^ Rs2_or_imm13;}});
0x34: Trap::fpop1({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x35: Trap::fpop2({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x38: Branch::jmpl({{
Addr target = Rs1 + Rs2_or_imm13;
if(target & 0x3)
fault = new MemAddressNotAligned;
Rd = xc->readPC();
NNPC = target;
0x39: Branch::return({{
Fixes to SPARC syscall emulation mode. arch/sparc/isa/base.isa: Added a set of abbreviations for the different condition tests. arch/sparc/isa/decoder.isa: Fixes and additions to get syscall emulation closer to working. arch/sparc/isa/formats/branch.isa: Fixed branches so that the immediate version actually uses the immediate value arch/sparc/isa/formats/integerop.isa: Compute the condition codes -before- writing to the state of the machine. arch/sparc/isa/formats/mem.isa: An attempt to fix up the output of the disassembly of loads and stores. arch/sparc/isa/formats/trap.isa: Added code to disassemble a trap instruction. This probably needs to be fixed up so there are immediate and register versions. arch/sparc/isa/operands.isa: Added an R1 operand, and fixed up the numbering arch/sparc/isa_traits.hh: SyscallNumReg is no longer needed, the max number of sources and destinations are fixed up, and the syscall return uses xcc instead of icc. arch/sparc/linux/ arch/sparc/linux/process.hh: Added a getresuidFunc syscall implementation. This isn't actually used, but I thought it was and will leave it in. arch/sparc/ arch/sparc/process.hh: Fixed up how the initial stack frame is set up. arch/sparc/regfile.hh: Changed the number of windows from 6 to 32 so we don't have to worry about spill and fill traps for now, and commented out the register file setting itself up. cpu/cpu_exec_context.hh: cpu/exec_context.hh: cpu/simple/cpu.hh: sim/ sim/process.hh: Changed the syscall mechanism to pass down the syscall number directly. --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 15723b949a0ddb3d24e68c079343b4dba2439f43
2006-04-18 15:27:22 +02:00
//If both MemAddressNotAligned and
//a fill trap happen, it's not clear
//which one should be returned.
Addr target = Rs1 + Rs2_or_imm13;
if(target & 0x3)
fault = new MemAddressNotAligned;
NNPC = target;
Fixes to SPARC syscall emulation mode. arch/sparc/isa/base.isa: Added a set of abbreviations for the different condition tests. arch/sparc/isa/decoder.isa: Fixes and additions to get syscall emulation closer to working. arch/sparc/isa/formats/branch.isa: Fixed branches so that the immediate version actually uses the immediate value arch/sparc/isa/formats/integerop.isa: Compute the condition codes -before- writing to the state of the machine. arch/sparc/isa/formats/mem.isa: An attempt to fix up the output of the disassembly of loads and stores. arch/sparc/isa/formats/trap.isa: Added code to disassemble a trap instruction. This probably needs to be fixed up so there are immediate and register versions. arch/sparc/isa/operands.isa: Added an R1 operand, and fixed up the numbering arch/sparc/isa_traits.hh: SyscallNumReg is no longer needed, the max number of sources and destinations are fixed up, and the syscall return uses xcc instead of icc. arch/sparc/linux/ arch/sparc/linux/process.hh: Added a getresuidFunc syscall implementation. This isn't actually used, but I thought it was and will leave it in. arch/sparc/ arch/sparc/process.hh: Fixed up how the initial stack frame is set up. arch/sparc/regfile.hh: Changed the number of windows from 6 to 32 so we don't have to worry about spill and fill traps for now, and commented out the register file setting itself up. cpu/cpu_exec_context.hh: cpu/exec_context.hh: cpu/simple/cpu.hh: sim/ sim/process.hh: Changed the syscall mechanism to pass down the syscall number directly. --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 15723b949a0ddb3d24e68c079343b4dba2439f43
2006-04-18 15:27:22 +02:00
if(fault == NoFault)
//CWP should be set directly so that it always happens
//Also, this will allow writing to the new window and
//reading from the old one
Cwp = (Cwp - 1 + NWindows) % NWindows;
if(Canrestore == 0)
fault = new FillNOther(WstateOther);
fault = new FillNNormal(WstateNormal);
Rd = Rs1 + Rs2_or_imm13;
Cansave = Cansave + 1;
Canrestore = Canrestore - 1;
//This is here to make sure the CWP is written
//no matter what. This ensures that the results
//are written in the new window as well.
xc->setMiscRegWithEffect(MISCREG_CWP, Cwp);
0x3A: decode CC
0x0: Trap::tcci({{
Fixes to SPARC syscall emulation mode. arch/sparc/isa/base.isa: Added a set of abbreviations for the different condition tests. arch/sparc/isa/decoder.isa: Fixes and additions to get syscall emulation closer to working. arch/sparc/isa/formats/branch.isa: Fixed branches so that the immediate version actually uses the immediate value arch/sparc/isa/formats/integerop.isa: Compute the condition codes -before- writing to the state of the machine. arch/sparc/isa/formats/mem.isa: An attempt to fix up the output of the disassembly of loads and stores. arch/sparc/isa/formats/trap.isa: Added code to disassemble a trap instruction. This probably needs to be fixed up so there are immediate and register versions. arch/sparc/isa/operands.isa: Added an R1 operand, and fixed up the numbering arch/sparc/isa_traits.hh: SyscallNumReg is no longer needed, the max number of sources and destinations are fixed up, and the syscall return uses xcc instead of icc. arch/sparc/linux/ arch/sparc/linux/process.hh: Added a getresuidFunc syscall implementation. This isn't actually used, but I thought it was and will leave it in. arch/sparc/ arch/sparc/process.hh: Fixed up how the initial stack frame is set up. arch/sparc/regfile.hh: Changed the number of windows from 6 to 32 so we don't have to worry about spill and fill traps for now, and commented out the register file setting itself up. cpu/cpu_exec_context.hh: cpu/exec_context.hh: cpu/simple/cpu.hh: sim/ sim/process.hh: Changed the syscall mechanism to pass down the syscall number directly. --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 15723b949a0ddb3d24e68c079343b4dba2439f43
2006-04-18 15:27:22 +02:00
if(passesCondition(CcrIcc, COND2))
int lTrapNum = I ? (Rs1 + SW_TRAP) : (Rs1 + Rs2);
DPRINTF(Sparc, "The trap number is %d\n", lTrapNum);
Fixes to SPARC syscall emulation mode. arch/sparc/isa/base.isa: Added a set of abbreviations for the different condition tests. arch/sparc/isa/decoder.isa: Fixes and additions to get syscall emulation closer to working. arch/sparc/isa/formats/branch.isa: Fixed branches so that the immediate version actually uses the immediate value arch/sparc/isa/formats/integerop.isa: Compute the condition codes -before- writing to the state of the machine. arch/sparc/isa/formats/mem.isa: An attempt to fix up the output of the disassembly of loads and stores. arch/sparc/isa/formats/trap.isa: Added code to disassemble a trap instruction. This probably needs to be fixed up so there are immediate and register versions. arch/sparc/isa/operands.isa: Added an R1 operand, and fixed up the numbering arch/sparc/isa_traits.hh: SyscallNumReg is no longer needed, the max number of sources and destinations are fixed up, and the syscall return uses xcc instead of icc. arch/sparc/linux/ arch/sparc/linux/process.hh: Added a getresuidFunc syscall implementation. This isn't actually used, but I thought it was and will leave it in. arch/sparc/ arch/sparc/process.hh: Fixed up how the initial stack frame is set up. arch/sparc/regfile.hh: Changed the number of windows from 6 to 32 so we don't have to worry about spill and fill traps for now, and commented out the register file setting itself up. cpu/cpu_exec_context.hh: cpu/exec_context.hh: cpu/simple/cpu.hh: sim/ sim/process.hh: Changed the syscall mechanism to pass down the syscall number directly. --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 15723b949a0ddb3d24e68c079343b4dba2439f43
2006-04-18 15:27:22 +02:00
fault = new TrapInstruction(lTrapNum);
Fixes to SPARC syscall emulation mode. arch/sparc/isa/base.isa: Added a set of abbreviations for the different condition tests. arch/sparc/isa/decoder.isa: Fixes and additions to get syscall emulation closer to working. arch/sparc/isa/formats/branch.isa: Fixed branches so that the immediate version actually uses the immediate value arch/sparc/isa/formats/integerop.isa: Compute the condition codes -before- writing to the state of the machine. arch/sparc/isa/formats/mem.isa: An attempt to fix up the output of the disassembly of loads and stores. arch/sparc/isa/formats/trap.isa: Added code to disassemble a trap instruction. This probably needs to be fixed up so there are immediate and register versions. arch/sparc/isa/operands.isa: Added an R1 operand, and fixed up the numbering arch/sparc/isa_traits.hh: SyscallNumReg is no longer needed, the max number of sources and destinations are fixed up, and the syscall return uses xcc instead of icc. arch/sparc/linux/ arch/sparc/linux/process.hh: Added a getresuidFunc syscall implementation. This isn't actually used, but I thought it was and will leave it in. arch/sparc/ arch/sparc/process.hh: Fixed up how the initial stack frame is set up. arch/sparc/regfile.hh: Changed the number of windows from 6 to 32 so we don't have to worry about spill and fill traps for now, and commented out the register file setting itself up. cpu/cpu_exec_context.hh: cpu/exec_context.hh: cpu/simple/cpu.hh: sim/ sim/process.hh: Changed the syscall mechanism to pass down the syscall number directly. --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 15723b949a0ddb3d24e68c079343b4dba2439f43
2006-04-18 15:27:22 +02:00
DPRINTF(Sparc, "The syscall number is %d\n", R1);
Fixes to SPARC syscall emulation mode. arch/sparc/isa/base.isa: Added a set of abbreviations for the different condition tests. arch/sparc/isa/decoder.isa: Fixes and additions to get syscall emulation closer to working. arch/sparc/isa/formats/branch.isa: Fixed branches so that the immediate version actually uses the immediate value arch/sparc/isa/formats/integerop.isa: Compute the condition codes -before- writing to the state of the machine. arch/sparc/isa/formats/mem.isa: An attempt to fix up the output of the disassembly of loads and stores. arch/sparc/isa/formats/trap.isa: Added code to disassemble a trap instruction. This probably needs to be fixed up so there are immediate and register versions. arch/sparc/isa/operands.isa: Added an R1 operand, and fixed up the numbering arch/sparc/isa_traits.hh: SyscallNumReg is no longer needed, the max number of sources and destinations are fixed up, and the syscall return uses xcc instead of icc. arch/sparc/linux/ arch/sparc/linux/process.hh: Added a getresuidFunc syscall implementation. This isn't actually used, but I thought it was and will leave it in. arch/sparc/ arch/sparc/process.hh: Fixed up how the initial stack frame is set up. arch/sparc/regfile.hh: Changed the number of windows from 6 to 32 so we don't have to worry about spill and fill traps for now, and commented out the register file setting itself up. cpu/cpu_exec_context.hh: cpu/exec_context.hh: cpu/simple/cpu.hh: sim/ sim/process.hh: Changed the syscall mechanism to pass down the syscall number directly. --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 15723b949a0ddb3d24e68c079343b4dba2439f43
2006-04-18 15:27:22 +02:00
DPRINTF(Sparc, "Didn't fire on %s\n", CondTestAbbrev[machInst<25:28>]);
0x2: Trap::tccx({{
Fixes to SPARC syscall emulation mode. arch/sparc/isa/base.isa: Added a set of abbreviations for the different condition tests. arch/sparc/isa/decoder.isa: Fixes and additions to get syscall emulation closer to working. arch/sparc/isa/formats/branch.isa: Fixed branches so that the immediate version actually uses the immediate value arch/sparc/isa/formats/integerop.isa: Compute the condition codes -before- writing to the state of the machine. arch/sparc/isa/formats/mem.isa: An attempt to fix up the output of the disassembly of loads and stores. arch/sparc/isa/formats/trap.isa: Added code to disassemble a trap instruction. This probably needs to be fixed up so there are immediate and register versions. arch/sparc/isa/operands.isa: Added an R1 operand, and fixed up the numbering arch/sparc/isa_traits.hh: SyscallNumReg is no longer needed, the max number of sources and destinations are fixed up, and the syscall return uses xcc instead of icc. arch/sparc/linux/ arch/sparc/linux/process.hh: Added a getresuidFunc syscall implementation. This isn't actually used, but I thought it was and will leave it in. arch/sparc/ arch/sparc/process.hh: Fixed up how the initial stack frame is set up. arch/sparc/regfile.hh: Changed the number of windows from 6 to 32 so we don't have to worry about spill and fill traps for now, and commented out the register file setting itself up. cpu/cpu_exec_context.hh: cpu/exec_context.hh: cpu/simple/cpu.hh: sim/ sim/process.hh: Changed the syscall mechanism to pass down the syscall number directly. --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 15723b949a0ddb3d24e68c079343b4dba2439f43
2006-04-18 15:27:22 +02:00
if(passesCondition(CcrXcc, COND2))
int lTrapNum = I ? (Rs1 + SW_TRAP) : (Rs1 + Rs2);
DPRINTF(Sparc, "The trap number is %d\n", lTrapNum);
Fixes to SPARC syscall emulation mode. arch/sparc/isa/base.isa: Added a set of abbreviations for the different condition tests. arch/sparc/isa/decoder.isa: Fixes and additions to get syscall emulation closer to working. arch/sparc/isa/formats/branch.isa: Fixed branches so that the immediate version actually uses the immediate value arch/sparc/isa/formats/integerop.isa: Compute the condition codes -before- writing to the state of the machine. arch/sparc/isa/formats/mem.isa: An attempt to fix up the output of the disassembly of loads and stores. arch/sparc/isa/formats/trap.isa: Added code to disassemble a trap instruction. This probably needs to be fixed up so there are immediate and register versions. arch/sparc/isa/operands.isa: Added an R1 operand, and fixed up the numbering arch/sparc/isa_traits.hh: SyscallNumReg is no longer needed, the max number of sources and destinations are fixed up, and the syscall return uses xcc instead of icc. arch/sparc/linux/ arch/sparc/linux/process.hh: Added a getresuidFunc syscall implementation. This isn't actually used, but I thought it was and will leave it in. arch/sparc/ arch/sparc/process.hh: Fixed up how the initial stack frame is set up. arch/sparc/regfile.hh: Changed the number of windows from 6 to 32 so we don't have to worry about spill and fill traps for now, and commented out the register file setting itself up. cpu/cpu_exec_context.hh: cpu/exec_context.hh: cpu/simple/cpu.hh: sim/ sim/process.hh: Changed the syscall mechanism to pass down the syscall number directly. --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 15723b949a0ddb3d24e68c079343b4dba2439f43
2006-04-18 15:27:22 +02:00
fault = new TrapInstruction(lTrapNum);
Fixes to SPARC syscall emulation mode. arch/sparc/isa/base.isa: Added a set of abbreviations for the different condition tests. arch/sparc/isa/decoder.isa: Fixes and additions to get syscall emulation closer to working. arch/sparc/isa/formats/branch.isa: Fixed branches so that the immediate version actually uses the immediate value arch/sparc/isa/formats/integerop.isa: Compute the condition codes -before- writing to the state of the machine. arch/sparc/isa/formats/mem.isa: An attempt to fix up the output of the disassembly of loads and stores. arch/sparc/isa/formats/trap.isa: Added code to disassemble a trap instruction. This probably needs to be fixed up so there are immediate and register versions. arch/sparc/isa/operands.isa: Added an R1 operand, and fixed up the numbering arch/sparc/isa_traits.hh: SyscallNumReg is no longer needed, the max number of sources and destinations are fixed up, and the syscall return uses xcc instead of icc. arch/sparc/linux/ arch/sparc/linux/process.hh: Added a getresuidFunc syscall implementation. This isn't actually used, but I thought it was and will leave it in. arch/sparc/ arch/sparc/process.hh: Fixed up how the initial stack frame is set up. arch/sparc/regfile.hh: Changed the number of windows from 6 to 32 so we don't have to worry about spill and fill traps for now, and commented out the register file setting itself up. cpu/cpu_exec_context.hh: cpu/exec_context.hh: cpu/simple/cpu.hh: sim/ sim/process.hh: Changed the syscall mechanism to pass down the syscall number directly. --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 15723b949a0ddb3d24e68c079343b4dba2439f43
2006-04-18 15:27:22 +02:00
DPRINTF(Sparc, "The syscall number is %d\n", R1);
Fixes to SPARC syscall emulation mode. arch/sparc/isa/base.isa: Added a set of abbreviations for the different condition tests. arch/sparc/isa/decoder.isa: Fixes and additions to get syscall emulation closer to working. arch/sparc/isa/formats/branch.isa: Fixed branches so that the immediate version actually uses the immediate value arch/sparc/isa/formats/integerop.isa: Compute the condition codes -before- writing to the state of the machine. arch/sparc/isa/formats/mem.isa: An attempt to fix up the output of the disassembly of loads and stores. arch/sparc/isa/formats/trap.isa: Added code to disassemble a trap instruction. This probably needs to be fixed up so there are immediate and register versions. arch/sparc/isa/operands.isa: Added an R1 operand, and fixed up the numbering arch/sparc/isa_traits.hh: SyscallNumReg is no longer needed, the max number of sources and destinations are fixed up, and the syscall return uses xcc instead of icc. arch/sparc/linux/ arch/sparc/linux/process.hh: Added a getresuidFunc syscall implementation. This isn't actually used, but I thought it was and will leave it in. arch/sparc/ arch/sparc/process.hh: Fixed up how the initial stack frame is set up. arch/sparc/regfile.hh: Changed the number of windows from 6 to 32 so we don't have to worry about spill and fill traps for now, and commented out the register file setting itself up. cpu/cpu_exec_context.hh: cpu/exec_context.hh: cpu/simple/cpu.hh: sim/ sim/process.hh: Changed the syscall mechanism to pass down the syscall number directly. --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 15723b949a0ddb3d24e68c079343b4dba2439f43
2006-04-18 15:27:22 +02:00
0x3B: Nop::flush({{/*Instruction memory flush*/}});
0x3C: save({{
//CWP should be set directly so that it always happens
//Also, this will allow writing to the new window and
//reading from the old one
if(Cansave == 0)
fault = new SpillNOther(WstateOther);
fault = new SpillNNormal(WstateNormal);
Cwp = (Cwp + 2) % NWindows;
else if(Cleanwin - Canrestore == 0)
Cwp = (Cwp + 1) % NWindows;
fault = new CleanWindow;
Cwp = (Cwp + 1) % NWindows;
Rd = Rs1 + Rs2_or_imm13;
Fixes to SPARC syscall emulation mode. arch/sparc/isa/base.isa: Added a set of abbreviations for the different condition tests. arch/sparc/isa/decoder.isa: Fixes and additions to get syscall emulation closer to working. arch/sparc/isa/formats/branch.isa: Fixed branches so that the immediate version actually uses the immediate value arch/sparc/isa/formats/integerop.isa: Compute the condition codes -before- writing to the state of the machine. arch/sparc/isa/formats/mem.isa: An attempt to fix up the output of the disassembly of loads and stores. arch/sparc/isa/formats/trap.isa: Added code to disassemble a trap instruction. This probably needs to be fixed up so there are immediate and register versions. arch/sparc/isa/operands.isa: Added an R1 operand, and fixed up the numbering arch/sparc/isa_traits.hh: SyscallNumReg is no longer needed, the max number of sources and destinations are fixed up, and the syscall return uses xcc instead of icc. arch/sparc/linux/ arch/sparc/linux/process.hh: Added a getresuidFunc syscall implementation. This isn't actually used, but I thought it was and will leave it in. arch/sparc/ arch/sparc/process.hh: Fixed up how the initial stack frame is set up. arch/sparc/regfile.hh: Changed the number of windows from 6 to 32 so we don't have to worry about spill and fill traps for now, and commented out the register file setting itself up. cpu/cpu_exec_context.hh: cpu/exec_context.hh: cpu/simple/cpu.hh: sim/ sim/process.hh: Changed the syscall mechanism to pass down the syscall number directly. --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 15723b949a0ddb3d24e68c079343b4dba2439f43
2006-04-18 15:27:22 +02:00
Cansave = Cansave - 1;
Canrestore = Canrestore + 1;
//This is here to make sure the CWP is written
//no matter what. This ensures that the results
//are written in the new window as well.
xc->setMiscRegWithEffect(MISCREG_CWP, Cwp);
0x3D: restore({{
//CWP should be set directly so that it always happens
//Also, this will allow writing to the new window and
//reading from the old one
Cwp = (Cwp - 1 + NWindows) % NWindows;
if(Canrestore == 0)
fault = new FillNOther(WstateOther);
fault = new FillNNormal(WstateNormal);
Rd = Rs1 + Rs2_or_imm13;
Fixes to SPARC syscall emulation mode. arch/sparc/isa/base.isa: Added a set of abbreviations for the different condition tests. arch/sparc/isa/decoder.isa: Fixes and additions to get syscall emulation closer to working. arch/sparc/isa/formats/branch.isa: Fixed branches so that the immediate version actually uses the immediate value arch/sparc/isa/formats/integerop.isa: Compute the condition codes -before- writing to the state of the machine. arch/sparc/isa/formats/mem.isa: An attempt to fix up the output of the disassembly of loads and stores. arch/sparc/isa/formats/trap.isa: Added code to disassemble a trap instruction. This probably needs to be fixed up so there are immediate and register versions. arch/sparc/isa/operands.isa: Added an R1 operand, and fixed up the numbering arch/sparc/isa_traits.hh: SyscallNumReg is no longer needed, the max number of sources and destinations are fixed up, and the syscall return uses xcc instead of icc. arch/sparc/linux/ arch/sparc/linux/process.hh: Added a getresuidFunc syscall implementation. This isn't actually used, but I thought it was and will leave it in. arch/sparc/ arch/sparc/process.hh: Fixed up how the initial stack frame is set up. arch/sparc/regfile.hh: Changed the number of windows from 6 to 32 so we don't have to worry about spill and fill traps for now, and commented out the register file setting itself up. cpu/cpu_exec_context.hh: cpu/exec_context.hh: cpu/simple/cpu.hh: sim/ sim/process.hh: Changed the syscall mechanism to pass down the syscall number directly. --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 15723b949a0ddb3d24e68c079343b4dba2439f43
2006-04-18 15:27:22 +02:00
Cansave = Cansave + 1;
Canrestore = Canrestore - 1;
//This is here to make sure the CWP is written
//no matter what. This ensures that the results
//are written in the new window as well.
xc->setMiscRegWithEffect(MISCREG_CWP, Cwp);
0x3E: decode FCN {
0x0: Priv::done({{
if(Tl == 0)
return new IllegalInstruction;
Cwp = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TSTATE_CWP_BASE + Tl);
Asi = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TSTATE_ASI_BASE + Tl);
Ccr = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TSTATE_CCR_BASE + Tl);
Pstate = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TSTATE_PSTATE_BASE + Tl);
NPC = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TNPC_BASE + Tl);
NNPC = NPC + 4;
Tl = Tl - 1;
0x1: BasicOperate::retry({{
if(Tl == 0)
return new IllegalInstruction;
Cwp = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TSTATE_CWP_BASE + Tl);
Asi = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TSTATE_ASI_BASE + Tl);
Ccr = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TSTATE_CCR_BASE + Tl);
Pstate = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TSTATE_PSTATE_BASE + Tl);
NPC = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TPC_BASE + Tl);
NNPC = xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TNPC_BASE + Tl);
Tl = Tl - 1;
0x3: decode OP3 {
format Load {
0x00: lduw({{Rd = Mem;}}, {{32}});
0x01: ldub({{Rd = Mem;}}, {{8}});
0x02: lduh({{Rd = Mem;}}, {{16}});
0x03: ldd({{
uint64_t val = Mem;
RdLow = val<31:0>;
RdHigh = val<63:32>;
}}, {{64}});
format Store {
0x04: stw({{Mem = Rd.sw;}}, {{32}});
0x05: stb({{Mem =;}}, {{8}});
0x06: sth({{Mem = Rd.shw;}}, {{16}});
0x07: std({{Mem = RdLow<31:0> | RdHigh<31:0> << 32;}}, {{64}});
format Load {
0x08: ldsw({{Rd = (int32_t)Mem;}}, {{32}});
0x09: ldsb({{Rd = (int8_t)Mem;}}, {{8}});
0x0A: ldsh({{Rd = (int16_t)Mem;}}, {{16}});
0x0B: ldx({{Rd = (int64_t)Mem;}}, {{64}});
0x0D: ldstub({{
Rd = Mem;
Mem = 0xFF;
}}, {{8}});
0x0E: Store::stx({{Mem = Rd}}, {{64}});
0x0F: LoadStore::swap({{
uint32_t temp = Rd;
Rd = Mem;
Mem = temp;
}}, {{32}});
format Load {
0x10: lduwa({{Rd = Mem;}}, {{32}});
0x11: lduba({{Rd = Mem;}}, {{8}});
0x12: lduha({{Rd = Mem;}}, {{16}});
0x13: ldda({{
uint64_t val = Mem;
RdLow = val<31:0>;
RdHigh = val<63:32>;
}}, {{64}});
format Store {
0x14: stwa({{Mem = Rd;}}, {{32}});
0x15: stba({{Mem = Rd;}}, {{8}});
0x16: stha({{Mem = Rd;}}, {{16}});
0x17: stda({{Mem = RdLow<31:0> | RdHigh<31:0> << 32;}}, {{64}});
format Load {
0x18: ldswa({{Rd = (int32_t)Mem;}}, {{32}});
0x19: ldsba({{Rd = (int8_t)Mem;}}, {{8}});
0x1A: ldsha({{Rd = (int16_t)Mem;}}, {{16}});
0x1B: ldxa({{Rd = (int64_t)Mem;}}, {{64}});
0x1D: LoadStore::ldstuba({{
Rd = Mem;
Mem = 0xFF;
}}, {{8}});
0x1E: Store::stxa({{Mem = Rd}}, {{64}});
0x1F: LoadStore::swapa({{
uint32_t temp = Rd;
Rd = Mem;
Mem = temp;
}}, {{32}});
format Trap {
0x20: ldf({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x21: decode X {
Fixes to SPARC syscall emulation mode. arch/sparc/isa/base.isa: Added a set of abbreviations for the different condition tests. arch/sparc/isa/decoder.isa: Fixes and additions to get syscall emulation closer to working. arch/sparc/isa/formats/branch.isa: Fixed branches so that the immediate version actually uses the immediate value arch/sparc/isa/formats/integerop.isa: Compute the condition codes -before- writing to the state of the machine. arch/sparc/isa/formats/mem.isa: An attempt to fix up the output of the disassembly of loads and stores. arch/sparc/isa/formats/trap.isa: Added code to disassemble a trap instruction. This probably needs to be fixed up so there are immediate and register versions. arch/sparc/isa/operands.isa: Added an R1 operand, and fixed up the numbering arch/sparc/isa_traits.hh: SyscallNumReg is no longer needed, the max number of sources and destinations are fixed up, and the syscall return uses xcc instead of icc. arch/sparc/linux/ arch/sparc/linux/process.hh: Added a getresuidFunc syscall implementation. This isn't actually used, but I thought it was and will leave it in. arch/sparc/ arch/sparc/process.hh: Fixed up how the initial stack frame is set up. arch/sparc/regfile.hh: Changed the number of windows from 6 to 32 so we don't have to worry about spill and fill traps for now, and commented out the register file setting itself up. cpu/cpu_exec_context.hh: cpu/exec_context.hh: cpu/simple/cpu.hh: sim/ sim/process.hh: Changed the syscall mechanism to pass down the syscall number directly. --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 15723b949a0ddb3d24e68c079343b4dba2439f43
2006-04-18 15:27:22 +02:00
0x0: Load::ldfsr({{Fsr = Mem<31:0> | Fsr<63:32>;}}, {{32}});
0x1: Load::ldxfsr({{Fsr = Mem;}}, {{64}});
0x22: ldqf({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x23: lddf({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x24: stf({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x25: decode X {
Fixes to SPARC syscall emulation mode. arch/sparc/isa/base.isa: Added a set of abbreviations for the different condition tests. arch/sparc/isa/decoder.isa: Fixes and additions to get syscall emulation closer to working. arch/sparc/isa/formats/branch.isa: Fixed branches so that the immediate version actually uses the immediate value arch/sparc/isa/formats/integerop.isa: Compute the condition codes -before- writing to the state of the machine. arch/sparc/isa/formats/mem.isa: An attempt to fix up the output of the disassembly of loads and stores. arch/sparc/isa/formats/trap.isa: Added code to disassemble a trap instruction. This probably needs to be fixed up so there are immediate and register versions. arch/sparc/isa/operands.isa: Added an R1 operand, and fixed up the numbering arch/sparc/isa_traits.hh: SyscallNumReg is no longer needed, the max number of sources and destinations are fixed up, and the syscall return uses xcc instead of icc. arch/sparc/linux/ arch/sparc/linux/process.hh: Added a getresuidFunc syscall implementation. This isn't actually used, but I thought it was and will leave it in. arch/sparc/ arch/sparc/process.hh: Fixed up how the initial stack frame is set up. arch/sparc/regfile.hh: Changed the number of windows from 6 to 32 so we don't have to worry about spill and fill traps for now, and commented out the register file setting itself up. cpu/cpu_exec_context.hh: cpu/exec_context.hh: cpu/simple/cpu.hh: sim/ sim/process.hh: Changed the syscall mechanism to pass down the syscall number directly. --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 15723b949a0ddb3d24e68c079343b4dba2439f43
2006-04-18 15:27:22 +02:00
0x0: Store::stfsr({{Mem = Fsr<31:0>;}}, {{32}});
0x1: Store::stxfsr({{Mem = Fsr;}}, {{64}});
0x26: stqf({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x27: stdf({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x2D: Nop::prefetch({{ }});
0x30: ldfa({{return new FpDisabled;}});
0x32: ldqfa({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x33: lddfa({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x34: stfa({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x35: stqfa({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x36: stdfa({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
0x3C: Cas::casa({{
uint64_t val = Mem.uw;
if(Rs2.uw == val)
Mem.uw = Rd.uw;
Rd.uw = val;
0x3D: Nop::prefetcha({{ }});
0x3E: Cas::casxa({{
uint64_t val = Mem.udw;
if(Rs2 == val)
Mem.udw = Rd;
Rd = val;