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# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 The Regents of The University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
# this software without specific prior written permission.
import MySQLdb, re, string
def statcmp(a, b):
v1 = a.split('.')
v2 = b.split('.')
last = min(len(v1), len(v2)) - 1
for i,j in zip(v1[0:last], v2[0:last]):
if i != j:
return cmp(i, j)
# Special compare for last element.
if len(v1) == len(v2):
return cmp(v1[last], v2[last])
return cmp(len(v1), len(v2))
class RunData:
def __init__(self, row): = int(row[0]) = row[1]
self.user = row[2]
self.project = row[3]
class SubData:
def __init__(self, row):
self.stat = int(row[0])
self.x = int(row[1])
self.y = int(row[2]) = row[3]
self.descr = row[4]
class Data:
def __init__(self, row):
if len(row) != 5:
raise 'stat db error'
self.stat = int(row[0]) = int(row[1])
self.x = int(row[2])
self.y = int(row[3]) = float(row[4])
def __repr__(self):
return '''Data(['%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%f'])''' % ( self.stat,, self.x, self.y,
class StatData(object):
def __init__(self, row):
self.stat = int(row[0]) = row[1]
self.desc = row[2]
self.type = row[3]
self.prereq = int(row[5])
self.precision = int(row[6])
import flags
self.flags = 0
if int(row[4]): self.flags |= flags.printable
if int(row[7]): self.flags |= flags.nozero
if int(row[8]): self.flags |= flags.nonan
if int(row[9]): self.flags |=
if int(row[10]): self.flags |= flags.pdf
if int(row[11]): self.flags |= flags.cdf
if self.type == 'DIST' or self.type == 'VECTORDIST':
self.min = float(row[12])
self.max = float(row[13])
self.bktsize = float(row[14])
self.size = int(row[15])
if self.type == 'FORMULA':
self.formula = self.db.allFormulas[self.stat]
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
def __str__(self):
Major cleanup of the statistics handling code util/stats/ Build a result object as the result of a query operation so it is easier to populate and contains a bit more information than just a big dict. Also change the next level data into a matrix instead of a dict of dicts. Move the "get" function into the Database object. (The get function is used by the output parsing function as the interface for accessing backend storage, same interface for profile stuff.) Change the old get variable to the method variable, it describes how the get works, (whether using sum, stdev, etc.) util/stats/ Clean up the display functions, mostly formatting. Handle values the way they should be now. util/stats/ Totally re-work how values are accessed from their data store. Access individual values on demand instead of calculating everything and passing up a huge result from the bottom. This impacts the way that proxying works, and in general, everything is now esentially a proxy for the lower level database. Provide new operators: unproxy, scalar, vector, value, values, total, and len which retrieve the proper result from the object they are called on. Move the ProxyGroup stuff (proxies of proxies!) here from the now gone file and integrate the shared parts of the code. The ProxyGroup stuff allows you to write formulas without specifying the statistics until evaluation time. Get rid of global variables! util/stats/ Move the dbinfo stuff into the Database itself. Each source should have it's own get() function for accessing it's data. This get() function behaves a bit differently than before in that it can return vectors as well, deal with these vectors and with no result conditions better. util/stats/ the info module no longer has the source global variable, just create the database source and pass it around as necessary --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 8e5aa228e5d3ae8068ef9c40f65b3a2f9e7c0cff
2005-10-21 22:29:13 +02:00
class Result(object):
def __init__(self, x, y): = {}
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __contains__(self, run):
return run in
def __getitem__(self, run):
if run not in[run] = [ [ 0.0 ] * self.y for i in xrange(self.x) ]
class Database(object):
def __init__(self): = 'zizzer.pool'
self.user = ''
self.passwd = ''
self.db = 'm5stats'
self.cursor = None
self.allStats = []
self.allStatIds = {}
self.allStatNames = {}
self.allSubData = {}
self.allRuns = []
self.allRunIds = {}
self.allRunNames = {}
self.allBins = []
self.allBinIds = {}
self.allBinNames = {}
self.allFormulas = {}
self.stattop = {}
self.statdict = {}
self.statlist = []
self.mode = 'sum';
self.runs = None
self.bins = None
self.ticks = None
Major cleanup of the statistics handling code util/stats/ Build a result object as the result of a query operation so it is easier to populate and contains a bit more information than just a big dict. Also change the next level data into a matrix instead of a dict of dicts. Move the "get" function into the Database object. (The get function is used by the output parsing function as the interface for accessing backend storage, same interface for profile stuff.) Change the old get variable to the method variable, it describes how the get works, (whether using sum, stdev, etc.) util/stats/ Clean up the display functions, mostly formatting. Handle values the way they should be now. util/stats/ Totally re-work how values are accessed from their data store. Access individual values on demand instead of calculating everything and passing up a huge result from the bottom. This impacts the way that proxying works, and in general, everything is now esentially a proxy for the lower level database. Provide new operators: unproxy, scalar, vector, value, values, total, and len which retrieve the proper result from the object they are called on. Move the ProxyGroup stuff (proxies of proxies!) here from the now gone file and integrate the shared parts of the code. The ProxyGroup stuff allows you to write formulas without specifying the statistics until evaluation time. Get rid of global variables! util/stats/ Move the dbinfo stuff into the Database itself. Each source should have it's own get() function for accessing it's data. This get() function behaves a bit differently than before in that it can return vectors as well, deal with these vectors and with no result conditions better. util/stats/ the info module no longer has the source global variable, just create the database source and pass it around as necessary --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 8e5aa228e5d3ae8068ef9c40f65b3a2f9e7c0cff
2005-10-21 22:29:13 +02:00
self.method = 'sum'
self._method = type(self).sum
def get(self, job, stat):
run = self.allRunNames.get(, None)
if run is None:
print 'run "%s" not found' % job
return None
from info import scalar, vector, value, total, len
stat.system = self[job.system]
if scalar(stat):
return value(stat,
if vector(stat):
return values(stat,
return None
def query(self, sql):
def update_dict(self, dict):
def append(self, stat):
statname = re.sub(':', '__',
path = string.split(statname, '.')
pathtop = path[0]
fullname = ''
x = self
while len(path) > 1:
name = path.pop(0)
if not x.__dict__.has_key(name):
x.__dict__[name] = Node(fullname + name)
x = x.__dict__[name]
fullname = '%s%s.' % (fullname, name)
name = path.pop(0)
x.__dict__[name] = stat
self.stattop[pathtop] = self.__dict__[pathtop]
self.statdict[statname] = stat
def connect(self):
# connect
self.thedb = MySQLdb.connect(db=self.db,,
# create a cursor
self.cursor = self.thedb.cursor()
self.query('''select rn_id,rn_name,rn_sample,rn_user,rn_project
from runs''')
for result in self.cursor.fetchall():
run = RunData(result);
self.allRunIds[] = run
self.allRunNames[] = run
self.query('select * from bins')
for id,name in self.cursor.fetchall():
self.allBinIds[int(id)] = name
self.allBinNames[name] = int(id)
self.query('select sd_stat,sd_x,sd_y,sd_name,sd_descr from subdata')
for result in self.cursor.fetchall():
subdata = SubData(result)
if self.allSubData.has_key(subdata.stat):
self.allSubData[subdata.stat] = [ subdata ]
self.query('select * from formulas')
for id,formula in self.cursor.fetchall():
self.allFormulas[int(id)] = formula.tostring()
StatData.db = self
self.query('select * from stats')
import info
for result in self.cursor.fetchall():
Major cleanup of the statistics handling code util/stats/ Build a result object as the result of a query operation so it is easier to populate and contains a bit more information than just a big dict. Also change the next level data into a matrix instead of a dict of dicts. Move the "get" function into the Database object. (The get function is used by the output parsing function as the interface for accessing backend storage, same interface for profile stuff.) Change the old get variable to the method variable, it describes how the get works, (whether using sum, stdev, etc.) util/stats/ Clean up the display functions, mostly formatting. Handle values the way they should be now. util/stats/ Totally re-work how values are accessed from their data store. Access individual values on demand instead of calculating everything and passing up a huge result from the bottom. This impacts the way that proxying works, and in general, everything is now esentially a proxy for the lower level database. Provide new operators: unproxy, scalar, vector, value, values, total, and len which retrieve the proper result from the object they are called on. Move the ProxyGroup stuff (proxies of proxies!) here from the now gone file and integrate the shared parts of the code. The ProxyGroup stuff allows you to write formulas without specifying the statistics until evaluation time. Get rid of global variables! util/stats/ Move the dbinfo stuff into the Database itself. Each source should have it's own get() function for accessing it's data. This get() function behaves a bit differently than before in that it can return vectors as well, deal with these vectors and with no result conditions better. util/stats/ the info module no longer has the source global variable, just create the database source and pass it around as necessary --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 8e5aa228e5d3ae8068ef9c40f65b3a2f9e7c0cff
2005-10-21 22:29:13 +02:00
stat = info.NewStat(self, StatData(result))
self.allStatIds[stat.stat] = stat
self.allStatNames[] = stat
# Name: listbins
# Desc: Prints all bins matching regex argument, if no argument
# is given all bins are returned
def listBins(self, regex='.*'):
print '%-50s %-10s' % ('bin name', 'id')
print '-' * 61
names = self.allBinNames.keys()
for name in names:
id = self.allBinNames[name]
print '%-50s %-10d' % (name, id)
# Name: listruns
# Desc: Prints all runs matching a given user, if no argument
# is given all runs are returned
def listRuns(self, user=None):
print '%-40s %-10s %-5s' % ('run name', 'user', 'id')
print '-' * 62
for run in self.allRuns:
if user == None or user == run.user:
print '%-40s %-10s %-10d' % (, run.user,
# Name: listTicks
# Desc: Prints all samples for a given run
def listTicks(self, runs=None):
print "tick"
print "----------------------------------------"
sql = 'select distinct dt_tick from data where dt_stat=1180 and ('
if runs != None:
first = True
for run in runs:
if first:
# sql += ' where'
first = False
sql += ' or'
sql += ' dt_run=%s' %
sql += ')'
for r in self.cursor.fetchall():
print r[0]
# Name: retTicks
# Desc: Prints all samples for a given run
def retTicks(self, runs=None):
sql = 'select distinct dt_tick from data where dt_stat=1180 and ('
if runs != None:
first = True
for run in runs:
if first:
first = False
sql += ' or'
sql += ' dt_run=%s' %
sql += ')'
ret = []
for r in self.cursor.fetchall():
return ret
# Name: liststats
# Desc: Prints all statistics that appear in the database,
# the optional argument is a regular expression that can
# be used to prune the result set
def listStats(self, regex=None):
print '%-60s %-8s %-10s' % ('stat name', 'id', 'type')
print '-' * 80
rx = None
if regex != None:
rx = re.compile(regex)
stats = [ for stat in self.allStats ]
for stat in stats:
stat = self.allStatNames[stat]
if rx == None or rx.match(
print '%-60s %-8s %-10s' % (, stat.stat, stat.type)
# Name: liststats
# Desc: Prints all statistics that appear in the database,
# the optional argument is a regular expression that can
# be used to prune the result set
def listFormulas(self, regex=None):
print '%-60s %s' % ('formula name', 'formula')
print '-' * 80
rx = None
if regex != None:
rx = re.compile(regex)
stats = [ for stat in self.allStats ]
for stat in stats:
stat = self.allStatNames[stat]
if stat.type == 'FORMULA' and (rx == None or rx.match(
print '%-60s %s' % (, self.allFormulas[stat.stat])
def getStat(self, stats):
if type(stats) is not list:
stats = [ stats ]
ret = []
for stat in stats:
if type(stat) is int:
if type(stat) is str:
rx = re.compile(stat)
for stat in self.allStats:
if rx.match(
return ret
def getBin(self, bins):
if type(bins) is not list:
bins = [ bins ]
ret = []
for bin in bins:
if type(bin) is int:
elif type(bin) is str:
for name,id in self.allBinNames.items():
if bin.match(name):
return ret
def getNotBin(self, bin):
map = {}
for bin in getBin(bin):
map[bin] = 1
ret = []
for bin in self.allBinIds.keys():
if not map.has_key(bin):
return ret
# get the data
def inner(self, op, stat, bins, ticks, group=False):
sql = 'select '
sql += 'dt_stat as stat, '
sql += 'dt_run as run, '
sql += 'dt_x as x, '
sql += 'dt_y as y, '
if group:
sql += 'dt_tick as tick, '
sql += '%s(dt_data) as data ' % op
sql += 'from data '
sql += 'where '
if isinstance(stat, list):
val = ' or '.join([ 'dt_stat=%d' % s.stat for s in stat ])
sql += ' (%s)' % val
sql += ' dt_stat=%d' % stat.stat
if self.runs != None and len(self.runs):
val = ' or '.join([ 'dt_run=%d' % r for r in self.runs ])
sql += ' and (%s)' % val
if bins != None and len(bins):
val = ' or '.join([ 'dt_bin=%d' % b for b in bins ])
sql += ' and (%s)' % val
if ticks != None and len(ticks):
val = ' or '.join([ 'dt_tick=%d' % s for s in ticks ])
sql += ' and (%s)' % val
sql += ' group by dt_stat,dt_run,dt_x,dt_y'
if group:
sql += ',dt_tick'
return sql
def outer(self, op_out, op_in, stat, bins, ticks):
sql = self.inner(op_in, stat, bins, ticks, True)
sql = 'select stat,run,x,y,%s(data) from (%s) as tb ' % (op_out, sql)
sql += 'group by stat,run,x,y'
return sql
# Name: sum
# Desc: given a run, a stat and an array of samples and bins,
# sum all the bins and then get the standard deviation of the
# samples for non-binned runs. This will just return the average
# of samples, however a bin array still must be passed
def sum(self, stat, bins, ticks):
return self.inner('sum', stat, bins, ticks)
# Name: avg
# Desc: given a run, a stat and an array of samples and bins,
# sum all the bins and then average the samples for non-binned
# runs this will just return the average of samples, however
# a bin array still must be passed
def avg(self, stat, bins, ticks):
return self.outer('avg', 'sum', stat, bins, ticks)
# Name: stdev
# Desc: given a run, a stat and an array of samples and bins,
# sum all the bins and then get the standard deviation of the
# samples for non-binned runs. This will just return the average
# of samples, however a bin array still must be passed
def stdev(self, stat, bins, ticks):
return self.outer('stddev', 'sum', stat, bins, ticks)
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
Major cleanup of the statistics handling code util/stats/ Build a result object as the result of a query operation so it is easier to populate and contains a bit more information than just a big dict. Also change the next level data into a matrix instead of a dict of dicts. Move the "get" function into the Database object. (The get function is used by the output parsing function as the interface for accessing backend storage, same interface for profile stuff.) Change the old get variable to the method variable, it describes how the get works, (whether using sum, stdev, etc.) util/stats/ Clean up the display functions, mostly formatting. Handle values the way they should be now. util/stats/ Totally re-work how values are accessed from their data store. Access individual values on demand instead of calculating everything and passing up a huge result from the bottom. This impacts the way that proxying works, and in general, everything is now esentially a proxy for the lower level database. Provide new operators: unproxy, scalar, vector, value, values, total, and len which retrieve the proper result from the object they are called on. Move the ProxyGroup stuff (proxies of proxies!) here from the now gone file and integrate the shared parts of the code. The ProxyGroup stuff allows you to write formulas without specifying the statistics until evaluation time. Get rid of global variables! util/stats/ Move the dbinfo stuff into the Database itself. Each source should have it's own get() function for accessing it's data. This get() function behaves a bit differently than before in that it can return vectors as well, deal with these vectors and with no result conditions better. util/stats/ the info module no longer has the source global variable, just create the database source and pass it around as necessary --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 8e5aa228e5d3ae8068ef9c40f65b3a2f9e7c0cff
2005-10-21 22:29:13 +02:00
super(Database, self).__setattr__(attr, value)
if attr != 'method':
if value == 'sum':
Major cleanup of the statistics handling code util/stats/ Build a result object as the result of a query operation so it is easier to populate and contains a bit more information than just a big dict. Also change the next level data into a matrix instead of a dict of dicts. Move the "get" function into the Database object. (The get function is used by the output parsing function as the interface for accessing backend storage, same interface for profile stuff.) Change the old get variable to the method variable, it describes how the get works, (whether using sum, stdev, etc.) util/stats/ Clean up the display functions, mostly formatting. Handle values the way they should be now. util/stats/ Totally re-work how values are accessed from their data store. Access individual values on demand instead of calculating everything and passing up a huge result from the bottom. This impacts the way that proxying works, and in general, everything is now esentially a proxy for the lower level database. Provide new operators: unproxy, scalar, vector, value, values, total, and len which retrieve the proper result from the object they are called on. Move the ProxyGroup stuff (proxies of proxies!) here from the now gone file and integrate the shared parts of the code. The ProxyGroup stuff allows you to write formulas without specifying the statistics until evaluation time. Get rid of global variables! util/stats/ Move the dbinfo stuff into the Database itself. Each source should have it's own get() function for accessing it's data. This get() function behaves a bit differently than before in that it can return vectors as well, deal with these vectors and with no result conditions better. util/stats/ the info module no longer has the source global variable, just create the database source and pass it around as necessary --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 8e5aa228e5d3ae8068ef9c40f65b3a2f9e7c0cff
2005-10-21 22:29:13 +02:00
self._method = self.sum
elif value == 'avg':
Major cleanup of the statistics handling code util/stats/ Build a result object as the result of a query operation so it is easier to populate and contains a bit more information than just a big dict. Also change the next level data into a matrix instead of a dict of dicts. Move the "get" function into the Database object. (The get function is used by the output parsing function as the interface for accessing backend storage, same interface for profile stuff.) Change the old get variable to the method variable, it describes how the get works, (whether using sum, stdev, etc.) util/stats/ Clean up the display functions, mostly formatting. Handle values the way they should be now. util/stats/ Totally re-work how values are accessed from their data store. Access individual values on demand instead of calculating everything and passing up a huge result from the bottom. This impacts the way that proxying works, and in general, everything is now esentially a proxy for the lower level database. Provide new operators: unproxy, scalar, vector, value, values, total, and len which retrieve the proper result from the object they are called on. Move the ProxyGroup stuff (proxies of proxies!) here from the now gone file and integrate the shared parts of the code. The ProxyGroup stuff allows you to write formulas without specifying the statistics until evaluation time. Get rid of global variables! util/stats/ Move the dbinfo stuff into the Database itself. Each source should have it's own get() function for accessing it's data. This get() function behaves a bit differently than before in that it can return vectors as well, deal with these vectors and with no result conditions better. util/stats/ the info module no longer has the source global variable, just create the database source and pass it around as necessary --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 8e5aa228e5d3ae8068ef9c40f65b3a2f9e7c0cff
2005-10-21 22:29:13 +02:00
self._method = self.avg
elif value == 'stdev':
Major cleanup of the statistics handling code util/stats/ Build a result object as the result of a query operation so it is easier to populate and contains a bit more information than just a big dict. Also change the next level data into a matrix instead of a dict of dicts. Move the "get" function into the Database object. (The get function is used by the output parsing function as the interface for accessing backend storage, same interface for profile stuff.) Change the old get variable to the method variable, it describes how the get works, (whether using sum, stdev, etc.) util/stats/ Clean up the display functions, mostly formatting. Handle values the way they should be now. util/stats/ Totally re-work how values are accessed from their data store. Access individual values on demand instead of calculating everything and passing up a huge result from the bottom. This impacts the way that proxying works, and in general, everything is now esentially a proxy for the lower level database. Provide new operators: unproxy, scalar, vector, value, values, total, and len which retrieve the proper result from the object they are called on. Move the ProxyGroup stuff (proxies of proxies!) here from the now gone file and integrate the shared parts of the code. The ProxyGroup stuff allows you to write formulas without specifying the statistics until evaluation time. Get rid of global variables! util/stats/ Move the dbinfo stuff into the Database itself. Each source should have it's own get() function for accessing it's data. This get() function behaves a bit differently than before in that it can return vectors as well, deal with these vectors and with no result conditions better. util/stats/ the info module no longer has the source global variable, just create the database source and pass it around as necessary --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 8e5aa228e5d3ae8068ef9c40f65b3a2f9e7c0cff
2005-10-21 22:29:13 +02:00
self._method = self.stdev
raise AttributeError, "can only set get to: sum | avg | stdev"
def data(self, stat, bins=None, ticks=None):
if bins is None:
bins = self.bins
if ticks is None:
ticks = self.ticks
Major cleanup of the statistics handling code util/stats/ Build a result object as the result of a query operation so it is easier to populate and contains a bit more information than just a big dict. Also change the next level data into a matrix instead of a dict of dicts. Move the "get" function into the Database object. (The get function is used by the output parsing function as the interface for accessing backend storage, same interface for profile stuff.) Change the old get variable to the method variable, it describes how the get works, (whether using sum, stdev, etc.) util/stats/ Clean up the display functions, mostly formatting. Handle values the way they should be now. util/stats/ Totally re-work how values are accessed from their data store. Access individual values on demand instead of calculating everything and passing up a huge result from the bottom. This impacts the way that proxying works, and in general, everything is now esentially a proxy for the lower level database. Provide new operators: unproxy, scalar, vector, value, values, total, and len which retrieve the proper result from the object they are called on. Move the ProxyGroup stuff (proxies of proxies!) here from the now gone file and integrate the shared parts of the code. The ProxyGroup stuff allows you to write formulas without specifying the statistics until evaluation time. Get rid of global variables! util/stats/ Move the dbinfo stuff into the Database itself. Each source should have it's own get() function for accessing it's data. This get() function behaves a bit differently than before in that it can return vectors as well, deal with these vectors and with no result conditions better. util/stats/ the info module no longer has the source global variable, just create the database source and pass it around as necessary --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 8e5aa228e5d3ae8068ef9c40f65b3a2f9e7c0cff
2005-10-21 22:29:13 +02:00
sql = self._method(self, stat, bins, ticks)
runs = {}
Major cleanup of the statistics handling code util/stats/ Build a result object as the result of a query operation so it is easier to populate and contains a bit more information than just a big dict. Also change the next level data into a matrix instead of a dict of dicts. Move the "get" function into the Database object. (The get function is used by the output parsing function as the interface for accessing backend storage, same interface for profile stuff.) Change the old get variable to the method variable, it describes how the get works, (whether using sum, stdev, etc.) util/stats/ Clean up the display functions, mostly formatting. Handle values the way they should be now. util/stats/ Totally re-work how values are accessed from their data store. Access individual values on demand instead of calculating everything and passing up a huge result from the bottom. This impacts the way that proxying works, and in general, everything is now esentially a proxy for the lower level database. Provide new operators: unproxy, scalar, vector, value, values, total, and len which retrieve the proper result from the object they are called on. Move the ProxyGroup stuff (proxies of proxies!) here from the now gone file and integrate the shared parts of the code. The ProxyGroup stuff allows you to write formulas without specifying the statistics until evaluation time. Get rid of global variables! util/stats/ Move the dbinfo stuff into the Database itself. Each source should have it's own get() function for accessing it's data. This get() function behaves a bit differently than before in that it can return vectors as well, deal with these vectors and with no result conditions better. util/stats/ the info module no longer has the source global variable, just create the database source and pass it around as necessary --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 8e5aa228e5d3ae8068ef9c40f65b3a2f9e7c0cff
2005-10-21 22:29:13 +02:00
xmax = 0
ymax = 0
for x in self.cursor.fetchall():
data = Data(x)
if not runs.has_key(
runs[] = {}
if not runs[].has_key(data.x):
runs[][data.x] = {}
Major cleanup of the statistics handling code util/stats/ Build a result object as the result of a query operation so it is easier to populate and contains a bit more information than just a big dict. Also change the next level data into a matrix instead of a dict of dicts. Move the "get" function into the Database object. (The get function is used by the output parsing function as the interface for accessing backend storage, same interface for profile stuff.) Change the old get variable to the method variable, it describes how the get works, (whether using sum, stdev, etc.) util/stats/ Clean up the display functions, mostly formatting. Handle values the way they should be now. util/stats/ Totally re-work how values are accessed from their data store. Access individual values on demand instead of calculating everything and passing up a huge result from the bottom. This impacts the way that proxying works, and in general, everything is now esentially a proxy for the lower level database. Provide new operators: unproxy, scalar, vector, value, values, total, and len which retrieve the proper result from the object they are called on. Move the ProxyGroup stuff (proxies of proxies!) here from the now gone file and integrate the shared parts of the code. The ProxyGroup stuff allows you to write formulas without specifying the statistics until evaluation time. Get rid of global variables! util/stats/ Move the dbinfo stuff into the Database itself. Each source should have it's own get() function for accessing it's data. This get() function behaves a bit differently than before in that it can return vectors as well, deal with these vectors and with no result conditions better. util/stats/ the info module no longer has the source global variable, just create the database source and pass it around as necessary --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 8e5aa228e5d3ae8068ef9c40f65b3a2f9e7c0cff
2005-10-21 22:29:13 +02:00
xmax = max(xmax, data.x)
ymax = max(ymax, data.y)
runs[][data.x][data.y] =
Major cleanup of the statistics handling code util/stats/ Build a result object as the result of a query operation so it is easier to populate and contains a bit more information than just a big dict. Also change the next level data into a matrix instead of a dict of dicts. Move the "get" function into the Database object. (The get function is used by the output parsing function as the interface for accessing backend storage, same interface for profile stuff.) Change the old get variable to the method variable, it describes how the get works, (whether using sum, stdev, etc.) util/stats/ Clean up the display functions, mostly formatting. Handle values the way they should be now. util/stats/ Totally re-work how values are accessed from their data store. Access individual values on demand instead of calculating everything and passing up a huge result from the bottom. This impacts the way that proxying works, and in general, everything is now esentially a proxy for the lower level database. Provide new operators: unproxy, scalar, vector, value, values, total, and len which retrieve the proper result from the object they are called on. Move the ProxyGroup stuff (proxies of proxies!) here from the now gone file and integrate the shared parts of the code. The ProxyGroup stuff allows you to write formulas without specifying the statistics until evaluation time. Get rid of global variables! util/stats/ Move the dbinfo stuff into the Database itself. Each source should have it's own get() function for accessing it's data. This get() function behaves a bit differently than before in that it can return vectors as well, deal with these vectors and with no result conditions better. util/stats/ the info module no longer has the source global variable, just create the database source and pass it around as necessary --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 8e5aa228e5d3ae8068ef9c40f65b3a2f9e7c0cff
2005-10-21 22:29:13 +02:00
results = Result(xmax + 1, ymax + 1)
for run,data in runs.iteritems():
result = results[run]
for x,ydata in data.iteritems():
for y,data in ydata.iteritems():
result[x][y] = data
return results
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.stattop[key]