2008-09-03 04:50:04 +00:00

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<p>Required reading: Eliminating receive livelock
<p>Notes based on prof. Morris's lecture on scheduling (6.824, fall'02).
<li>What is scheduling? The OS policies and mechanisms to allocates
resources to entities. A good scheduling policy ensures that the most
important entitity gets the resources it needs. This topic was
popular in the days of time sharing, when there was a shortage of
resources. It seemed irrelevant in era of PCs and workstations, when
resources were plenty. Now the topic is back from the dead to handle
massive Internet servers with paying customers. The Internet exposes
web sites to international abuse and overload, which can lead to
resource shortages. Furthermore, some customers are more important
than others (e.g., the ones that buy a lot).
<li>Key problems:
<li>Gap between desired policy and available mechanism. The desired
policies often include elements that not implementable with the
mechanisms available to the operation system. Furthermore, often
there are many conflicting goals (low latency, high throughput, and
fairness), and the scheduler must make a trade-off between the goals.
<li>Interaction between different schedulers. One have to take a
systems view. Just optimizing the CPU scheduler may do little to for
the overall desired policy.
<li>Resources you might want to schedule: CPU time, physical memory,
disk and network I/O, and I/O bus bandwidth.
<li>Entities that you might want to give resources to: users,
processes, threads, web requests, or MIT accounts.
<li>Many polices for resource to entity allocation are possible:
strict priority, divide equally, shortest job first, minimum guarantee
combined with admission control.
<li>General plan for scheduling mechanisms
<li> Understand where scheduling is occuring.
<li> Expose scheduling decisions, allow control.
<li> Account for resource consumption, to allow intelligent control.
<li>Simple example from 6.828 kernel. The policy for scheduling
environments is to give each one equal CPU time. The mechanism used to
implement this policy is a clock interrupt every 10 msec and then
selecting the next environment in a round-robin fashion.
<p>But this only works if processes are compute-bound. What if a
process gives up some of its 10 ms to wait for input? Do we have to
keep track of that and give it back?
<p>How long should the quantum be? is 10 msec the right answer?
Shorter quantum will lead to better interactive performance, but
lowers overall system throughput because we will reschedule more,
which has overhead.
<p>What if the environment computes for 1 msec and sends an IPC to
the file server environment? Shouldn't the file server get more CPU
time because it operates on behalf of all other functions?
<p>Potential improvements for the 6.828 kernel: track "recent" CPU use
(e.g., over the last second) and always run environment with least
recent CPU use. (Still, if you sleep long enough you lose.) Other
solution: directed yield; specify on the yield to which environment
you are donating the remainder of the quantuam (e.g., to the file
server so that it can compute on the environment's behalf).
<li>Pitfall: Priority Inversion
Assume policy is strict priority.
Thread T1: low priority.
Thread T2: medium priority.
Thread T3: high priority.
T1: acquire(l)
context switch to T3
T3: acquire(l)... must wait for T1 to release(l)...
context switch to T2
T2 computes for a while
T3 is indefinitely delayed despite high priority.
Can solve if T3 lends its priority to holder of lock it is waiting for.
So T1 runs, not T2.
[this is really a multiple scheduler problem.]
[since locks schedule access to locked resource.]
<li>Pitfall: Efficiency. Efficiency often conflicts with fairness (or
any other policy). Long time quantum for efficiency in CPU scheduling
versus low delay. Shortest seek versus FIFO disk scheduling.
Contiguous read-ahead vs data needed now. For example, scheduler
swaps out my idle emacs to let gcc run faster with more phys mem.
What happens when I type a key? These don't fit well into a "who gets
to go next" scheduler framework. Inefficient scheduling may make
<i>everybody</i> slower, including high priority users.
<li>Pitfall: Multiple Interacting Schedulers. Suppose you want your
emacs to have priority over everything else. Give it high CPU
priority. Does that mean nothing else will run if emacs wants to run?
Disk scheduler might not know to favor emacs's disk I/Os. Typical
UNIX disk scheduler favors disk efficiency, not process prio. Suppose
emacs needs more memory. Other processes have dirty pages; emacs must
wait. Does disk scheduler know these other processes' writes are high
<li>Pitfall: Server Processes. Suppose emacs uses X windows to
display. The X server must serve requests from many clients. Does it
know that emacs' requests should be given priority? Does the OS know
to raise X's priority when it is serving emacs? Similarly for DNS,
and NFS. Does the network know to give emacs' NFS requests priority?
<p>In short, scheduling is a system problem. There are many
schedulers; they interact. The CPU scheduler is usually the easy
part. The hardest part is system structure. For example, the
<i>existence</i> of interrupts is bad for scheduling. Conflicting
goals may limit effectiveness.
<h2>Case study: modern UNIX</h2>
<li>Simplicity (e.g. avoid complex locking regimes).
<li>Quick response to device interrupts.
<li> Favor interactive response.
<p>UNIX has a number of execution environments. We care about
scheduling transitions among them. Some transitions aren't possible,
some can't be be controlled. The execution environments are:
<li>Process, user half
<li>Process, kernel half
<li>Soft interrupts: timer, network
<li>Device interrupts
<p>The rules are:
<li>User is pre-emptible.
<li>Kernel half and software interrupts are not pre-emptible.
<li>Device handlers may not make blocking calls (e.g., sleep)
<li>Effective priorities: intr > soft intr > kernel half > user
<p>Rules are implemented as follows:
<li>UNIX: Process User Half. Runs in process address space, on
per-process stack. Interruptible. Pre-emptible: interrupt may cause
context switch. We don't trust user processes to yield CPU.
Voluntarily enters kernel half via system calls and faults.
<li>UNIX: Process Kernel Half. Runs in kernel address space, on
per-process kernel stack. Executes system calls and faults for its
process. Interruptible (but can defer interrupts in critical
sections). Not pre-emptible. Only yields voluntarily, when waiting
for an event. E.g. disk I/O done. This simplifies concurrency
control; locks often not required. No user process runs if any kernel
half wants to run. Many process' kernel halfs may be sleeping in the
<li>UNIX: Device Interrupts. Hardware asks CPU for an interrupt to ask
for attention. Disk read/write completed, or network packet received.
Runs in kernel space, on special interrupt stack. Interrupt routine
cannot block; must return. Interrupts are interruptible. They nest
on the one interrupt stack. Interrupts are not pre-emptible, and
cannot really yield. The real-time clock is a device and interrupts
every 10ms (or whatever). Process scheduling decisions can be made
when interrupt returns (e.g. wake up the process waiting for this
event). You want interrupt processing to be fast, since it has
priority. Don't do any more work than you have to. You're blocking
processes and other interrupts. Typically, an interrupt does the
minimal work necessary to keep the device happy, and then call wakeup
on a thread.
<li>UNIX: Soft Interrupts. (Didn't exist in xv6) Used when device
handling is expensive. But no obvious process context in which to
run. Examples include IP forwarding, TCP input processing. Runs in
kernel space, on interrupt stack. Interruptable. Not pre-emptable,
can't really yield. Triggered by hardware interrupt. Called when
outermost hardware interrupt returns. Periodic scheduling decisions
are made in timer s/w interrupt. Scheduled by hardware timer
interrupt (i.e., if current process has run long enough, switch).
<p>Is this good software structure? Let's talk about receive
<h2>Paper discussion</h2>
<li>What is application that the paper is addressing: IP forwarding.
What functionality does a network interface offer to driver?
<li> Read packets
<li> Poke hardware to send packets
<li> Interrupts when packet received/transmit complete
<li> Buffer many input packets
<li>What devices in the 6.828 kernel are interrupt driven? Which one
are polling? Is this ideal?
<li>Explain Figure 6-1. Why does it go up? What determines how high
the peak is? Why does it go down? What determines how fast it goes
does? Answer:
(fraction of packets discarded)(work invested in discarded packets)
(total work CPU is capable of)
<li>Suppose I wanted to test an NFS server for livelock.
Run client with this loop:
wait for response;
What would I see? Is the NFS server probably subject to livelock?
(No--offered load subject to feedback).
<li>What other problems are we trying to address?
<li>Increased latency for packet delivery and forwarding (e.g., start
disk head moving when first NFS read request comes)
<li>Transmit starvation
<li>User-level CPU starvation
<li>Why not tell the O/S scheduler to give interrupts lower priority?
Could you fix this by making interrupts faster? (Maybe, if coupled
with some limit on input rate.)
<li>Why not completely process each packet in the interrupt handler?
(I.e. forward it?) Other parts of kernel don't expect to run at high
interrupt-level (e.g., some packet processing code might invoke a function
that sleeps). Still might want an output queue
<li>What about using polling instead of interrupts? Solves overload
problem, but killer for latency.
<li>What's the paper's solution?
<li>No IP input queue.
<li>Input processing and device input polling in kernel thread.
<li>Device receive interrupt just wakes up thread. And leaves
interrupts *disabled* for that device.
<li>Thread does all input processing, then re-enables interrupts.
<p>Why does this work? What happens when packets arrive too fast?
What happens when packets arrive slowly?
<li>Explain Figure 6-3.
<li>Why does "Polling (no quota)" work badly? (Input still starves
xmit complete processing.)
<li>Why does it immediately fall to zero, rather than gradually decreasing?
(xmit complete processing must be very cheap compared to input.)
<li>Explain Figure 6-4.
<li>Why does "Polling, no feedback" behave badly? There's a queue in
front of screend. We can still give 100% to input thread, 0% to
<li>Why does "Polling w/ feedback" behave well? Input thread yields
when queue to screend fills.
<li>What if screend hangs, what about other consumers of packets?
(e.g., can you ssh to machine to fix screend?) Fortunately screend
typically is only application. Also, re-enable input after timeout.
<li>Why are the two solutions different?
<li> Polling thread <i>with quotas</i>.
<li> Feedback from full queue.
(I believe they should have used #2 for both.)
<li>If we apply the proposed fixes, does the phenomemon totally go
away? (e.g. for web server, waits for disk, &c.)
<li>Can the net device throw away packets without slowing down host?
<li>Problem: We want to drop packets for applications with big queues.
But requires work to determine which application a packet belongs to
Solution: NI-LRP (have network interface sort packets)
<li>What about latency question? (Look at figure 14 p. 243.)
<li>1st packet looks like an improvement over non-polling. But 2nd
packet transmitted later with poling. Why? (No new packets added to
xmit buffer until xmit interrupt)
<li>Why? In traditional BSD, to
amortize cost of poking device. Maybe better to poke a second time
<li>What if processing has more complex structure?
<li>Chain of processing stages with queues? Does feedback work?
What happens when a late stage is slow?
<li>Split at some point, multiple parallel paths? No so great; one
slow path blocks all paths.
<li>Can we formulate any general principles from paper?
<li>Don't spend time on new work before completing existing work.
<li>Or give new work lower priority than partially-completed work.