Sanchayan Maity b28eba04a8 Incrase file size to around 8MB
Use 10 direct block numbers, 2 indirect block numbers and one double
indirect block number to increase the maximum file size to around 8MB.

Using this scheme, we can address a total of blocks
10 + 2 * 128 + 128 * 128 = 16650 blocks or just over 8MB.
2015-04-13 23:07:31 +05:30

39 lines
767 B

struct file {
enum { FD_NONE, FD_PIPE, FD_INODE } type;
int ref; // reference count
char readable;
char writable;
struct pipe *pipe;
struct inode *ip;
uint off;
// in-memory copy of an inode
struct inode {
uint dev; // Device number
uint inum; // Inode number
int ref; // Reference count
int flags; // I_BUSY, I_VALID
short type; // copy of disk inode
short major;
short minor;
short nlink;
uint size;
uint addrs[NDIRECT+3];
#define I_BUSY 0x1
#define I_VALID 0x2
// table mapping major device number to
// device functions
struct devsw {
int (*read)(struct inode*, char*, int);
int (*write)(struct inode*, char*, int);
extern struct devsw devsw[];
#define CONSOLE 1