#include "types.h" #include "mmu.h" #include "x86.h" #include "param.h" #include "fd.h" #include "proc.h" #include "defs.h" #include "spinlock.h" struct spinlock proc_table_lock; struct proc proc[NPROC]; struct proc *curproc[NCPU]; int next_pid = 1; /* * set up a process's task state and segment descriptors * correctly, given its current size and address in memory. * this should be called whenever the latter change. * doesn't change the cpu's current segmentation setup. */ void setupsegs(struct proc *p) { memset(&p->ts, 0, sizeof(struct Taskstate)); p->ts.ts_ss0 = SEG_KDATA << 3; p->ts.ts_esp0 = (unsigned)(p->kstack + KSTACKSIZE); // XXX it may be wrong to modify the current segment table! p->gdt[0] = SEG_NULL; p->gdt[SEG_KCODE] = SEG(STA_X|STA_R, 0, 0xffffffff, 0); p->gdt[SEG_KDATA] = SEG(STA_W, 0, 0xffffffff, 0); p->gdt[SEG_TSS] = SEG16(STS_T32A, (unsigned) &p->ts, sizeof(p->ts), 0); p->gdt[SEG_TSS].sd_s = 0; p->gdt[SEG_UCODE] = SEG(STA_X|STA_R, (unsigned)p->mem, p->sz, 3); p->gdt[SEG_UDATA] = SEG(STA_W, (unsigned)p->mem, p->sz, 3); p->gdt_pd.pd__garbage = 0; p->gdt_pd.pd_lim = sizeof(p->gdt) - 1; p->gdt_pd.pd_base = (unsigned) p->gdt; } extern void trapret(); /* * internal fork(). does not copy kernel stack; instead, * sets up the stack to return as if from system call. * caller must set state to RUNNABLE. */ struct proc * newproc() { struct proc *np; struct proc *op; int fd; acquire(&proc_table_lock); for(np = &proc[1]; np < &proc[NPROC]; np++){ if(np->state == UNUSED){ np->state = EMBRYO; break; } } if(np >= &proc[NPROC]){ release(&proc_table_lock); return 0; } // copy from proc[0] if we're bootstrapping op = curproc[cpu()]; if(op == 0) op = &proc[0]; np->pid = next_pid++; np->ppid = op->pid; release(&proc_table_lock); np->sz = op->sz; np->mem = kalloc(op->sz); if(np->mem == 0) return 0; memcpy(np->mem, op->mem, np->sz); np->kstack = kalloc(KSTACKSIZE); if(np->kstack == 0){ kfree(np->mem, op->sz); np->state = UNUSED; return 0; } setupsegs(np); // set up kernel stack to return to user space np->tf = (struct Trapframe *) (np->kstack + KSTACKSIZE - sizeof(struct Trapframe)); *(np->tf) = *(op->tf); np->tf->tf_regs.reg_eax = 0; // so fork() returns 0 in child // set up new jmpbuf to start executing at trapret with esp pointing at tf memset(&np->jmpbuf, 0, sizeof np->jmpbuf); np->jmpbuf.jb_eip = (unsigned) trapret; np->jmpbuf.jb_esp = (unsigned) np->tf - 4; // -4 for the %eip that isn't actually there // copy file descriptors for(fd = 0; fd < NOFILE; fd++){ np->fds[fd] = op->fds[fd]; if(np->fds[fd]) fd_reference(np->fds[fd]); } return np; } void scheduler(void) { struct proc *op, *np; int i; cprintf("start scheduler on cpu %d jmpbuf %p\n", cpu(), &cpus[cpu()].jmpbuf); cpus[cpu()].lastproc = &proc[0]; setjmp(&cpus[cpu()].jmpbuf); op = curproc[cpu()]; if(op == 0 || op->mtx != &proc_table_lock) acquire1(&proc_table_lock, op); if(op){ if(op->newstate <= 0 || op->newstate > ZOMBIE) panic("scheduler"); op->state = op->newstate; op->newstate = -1; if(op->mtx){ struct spinlock *mtx = op->mtx; op->mtx = 0; if(mtx != &proc_table_lock) release1(mtx, op); } } // find a runnable process and switch to it curproc[cpu()] = 0; np = cpus[cpu()].lastproc + 1; while(1){ for(i = 0; i < NPROC; i++){ if(np >= &proc[NPROC]) np = &proc[0]; if(np->state == RUNNABLE) break; np++; } if(i < NPROC){ np->state = RUNNING; release1(&proc_table_lock, op); break; } release1(&proc_table_lock, op); op = 0; acquire(&proc_table_lock); np = &proc[0]; } cpus[cpu()].lastproc = np; curproc[cpu()] = np; // h/w sets busy bit in TSS descriptor sometimes, and faults // if it's set in LTR. so clear tss descriptor busy bit. np->gdt[SEG_TSS].sd_type = STS_T32A; // XXX should probably have an lgdt() function in x86.h // to confine all the inline assembly. // XXX probably ought to lgdt on trap return too, in case // a system call has moved a program or changed its size. asm volatile("lgdt %0" : : "g" (np->gdt_pd.pd_lim)); ltr(SEG_TSS << 3); if(0) cprintf("cpu%d: run %d esp=%p callerpc=%p\n", cpu(), np-proc); longjmp(&np->jmpbuf); } // give up the cpu by switching to the scheduler, // which runs on the per-cpu stack. void swtch(int newstate) { struct proc *p = curproc[cpu()]; if(p == 0) panic("swtch no proc"); if(p->mtx == 0 && p->locks != 0) panic("swtch w/ locks"); if(p->mtx && p->locks != 1) panic("swtch w/ locks 1"); if(p->mtx && p->mtx->locked == 0) panic("switch w/ lock but not held"); if(p->locks && (read_eflags() & FL_IF)) panic("swtch w/ lock but FL_IF"); p->newstate = newstate; // basically an argument to scheduler() if(setjmp(&p->jmpbuf) == 0) longjmp(&cpus[cpu()].jmpbuf); } void sleep(void *chan, struct spinlock *mtx) { struct proc *p = curproc[cpu()]; if(p == 0) panic("sleep"); p->chan = chan; p->mtx = mtx; // scheduler will release it swtch(WAITING); if(mtx) acquire(mtx); p->chan = 0; } void wakeup1(void *chan) { struct proc *p; for(p = proc; p < &proc[NPROC]; p++) if(p->state == WAITING && p->chan == chan) p->state = RUNNABLE; } void wakeup(void *chan) { acquire(&proc_table_lock); wakeup1(chan); release(&proc_table_lock); } // give up the CPU but stay marked as RUNNABLE void yield() { if(curproc[cpu()] == 0 || curproc[cpu()]->state != RUNNING) panic("yield"); swtch(RUNNABLE); } void proc_exit() { struct proc *p; struct proc *cp = curproc[cpu()]; int fd; for(fd = 0; fd < NOFILE; fd++){ if(cp->fds[fd]){ fd_close(cp->fds[fd]); cp->fds[fd] = 0; } } acquire(&proc_table_lock); // wake up parent for(p = proc; p < &proc[NPROC]; p++) if(p->pid == cp->ppid) wakeup1(p); // abandon children for(p = proc; p < &proc[NPROC]; p++) if(p->ppid == cp->pid) p->pid = 1; cp->mtx = &proc_table_lock; swtch(ZOMBIE); panic("a zombie revived"); } int proc_wait(void) { struct proc *p; struct proc *cp = curproc[cpu()]; int any, pid; acquire(&proc_table_lock); while(1){ any = 0; for(p = proc; p < &proc[NPROC]; p++){ if(p->state == ZOMBIE && p->ppid == cp->pid){ kfree(p->mem, p->sz); kfree(p->kstack, KSTACKSIZE); pid = p->pid; p->state = UNUSED; release(&proc_table_lock); return pid; } if(p->state != UNUSED && p->ppid == cp->pid) any = 1; } if(any == 0){ release(&proc_table_lock); return -1; } sleep(cp, &proc_table_lock); } } int proc_kill(int pid) { struct proc *p; acquire(&proc_table_lock); for(p = proc; p < &proc[NPROC]; p++){ if(p->pid == pid && p->state != UNUSED){ p->killed = 1; if(p->state == WAITING) p->state = RUNNABLE; release(&proc_table_lock); return 0; } } release(&proc_table_lock); return -1; } // disable interrupts void cli(void) { if(cpus[cpu()].clis == 0) __asm __volatile("cli"); cpus[cpu()].clis += 1; if((read_eflags() & FL_IF) != 0) panic("cli but enabled"); } // enable interrupts void sti(void) { if((read_eflags() & FL_IF) != 0) panic("sti but enabled"); if(cpus[cpu()].clis < 1) panic("sti"); cpus[cpu()].clis -= 1; if(cpus[cpu()].clis < 1) __asm __volatile("sti"); }