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- Effect Systems in Haskell - Part I
- Sanchayan Maity
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# Agenda
- Cover two papers on Effect Systems by Oleg Kiselyov
* Extensible Effects - An Alternative to Monad Transformers
* Freer Monads, More Extensible Effects
- Related paper `Reflection Without Remorse`
- Some sections today's discussion isn't going to cover
* Efficiency/Performance of the library or effect system itself
* For the sake of time, focus more on the implementation
* Comparison of effect system libraries or how to choose one
# What's it all about
- **Separate syntax from semantics**
- **Interpret your abstract syntax tree in various ways**
- **Not losing performance while having both**
# Why effect systems
- Monads to model effects but monads don't compose[^1]
- transformers/mtl has limitations
* Monad transformer stacks are rigid
* Doesn't allow handling something like `Reader Int (Reader String)` due to functional dependencies
class Monad m => MonadReader r m | m -> r
* More than a few effects in stack become unwieldy
* n-square instances problem
[^1]: [Composing Monads by Mark Jones and Luc Duponcheel](
# Effect system libraries
- `freer-simple` based on Extensible Effects and Freer Monads, More Extensible Effects by Oleg Kiselyov
- `polysemy` based on Effect Handlers in Scope by Wu, Schrijvers et al
- `fused-effects` based on Fusion for Free: Efficient Algebraic Effect Handlers by Wu, Schrijvers et al
- `cleff` based on `ReaderT IO`
- `effectful` based on `ReaderT IO`
- others?
# Free monads
Given a `Functor f`, `Free f` is a `Free` monad.
data Free f a = Pure a
| Free (f (Free f a))
A Monad is something that "computes" when monadic context is collapsed by `join :: m (m a) -> m a` (recalling that `>>=` can be defined as `x >>= y = join (fmap y x))`. This is how Monads carry context through a sequential chain of computations: because at each point in the series, the context from the previous call is collapsed with the next.
A free monad satisfies all the Monad laws, but doesn't do any collapsing (that's the computation). It just builds up a nested series of contexts. The user who creates such a free monadic value is responsible for doing something with those nested contexts, so that the meaning of such a composition can be deferred until after the monadic value has been created.[^2]
[^2]: John Wiegley on [Stack Overflow](
# Huh, what did that mean
- Define a monad in terms of `return`, `fmap` and `join`, rather than `return` and `(>>=)`.
m >>= f = join (fmap f m)
- fmap is performing substitution and join is dealing with any re-normalization.
- Done this way, `(m >>= f)` on the `Maybe` monad would first `fmap` to obtain `Just (Just a)`, `Just Nothing` or `Nothing` before flattening.
- In the `Maybe a` case, the association of binds is largely immaterial, the normalization pass fixes things up to basically the same size.
- In Free monad, the monad is purely defined in terms of substitution.
join :: Functor f => Free f (Free f a) -> Free f a
join (Pure a) = a
join (Free as) = Free (fmap join as)
# Free monads performance
- Vanilla free monads don't have great performance.
- Solutions like `Codensity` monad transformer and Church encoded free monad exist.[^3][^4]
newtype FT f m a =
FT { runFT :: forall r. (a -> m r) -> (forall x. (x -> m r) -> f x -> m r) -> m r }
- Think of `Codensity` as a type level construction which ensures that you end up with a right associated bind.[^5]
[^3]: Asymptotic Improvement of Computations over Free Monads - Janis Voigtländer
[^4]: [The Free and The Furious: And by 'Furious' I mean Codensity. - raichoo](
[^5]: [Free Monads for less - Edward Kmett](
# Reflection without remorse
- A left associated expression is asymptotically slower than the equivalent right associated expression. $O(n^2)$ vs $O(n)$ respectively.
- What's meant by reflection? Build and observe.
- Efficient data structures give asymptotic improvement for problematic occurrences of build and observe pattern like monads and monadic reflection.
# Extensible effects
- Defines only one effect `Eff`
- Type level list of effects
- What does it mean to be extensible?
# Freer monads
- Improves on extensible effects
- How?
* Relaxes the `Functor` constraint, becoming `Freer`!
* No need for `Functor` and `Typeable` on `Union`
- `freer` and `freer-simple` are based on `Freer` monads
data FFree f a where
Pure :: a FFree f a
Impure :: f x (x FFree f a) FFree f a
instance Monad (FFree f) where
Impure fx k >>= k = Impure fx (k >>> k)
The construction lets this implementation choose how to perform the `fmap` operation fixed to the appropriate `output type`.
# Freer monads
- The continuation can now be accessed directly rather than via `fmap`, which has to rebuild the mapped data structure.
- The explicit continuation of `FFree` also makes it easier to change its representation.
class Member t r where
inj :: t v -> Union r v
prj :: Union r v -> Maybe (t v)
data FEFree r a where
Pure :: a FEFree r a
Impure :: Union r x (x FEFree r a) FEFree r a
# Freer monads
- `FEFree r` becomes `Eff r`, where `r` is the list of effect labels.
- The request continuation which receives the reply `x` and works towards the final answer `a`, then has the type `x → Eff r a`.
type Arr r a b = a Eff r b
data FTCQueue m a b where
Leaf :: (a -> m b) -> FTCQueue m a b
Node :: FTCQueue m a x -> FTCQueue m x b -> FTCQueue m a b
type Arrs r a b = FTCQueue (Eff r) a b
data Eff r a where
Pure :: a Eff r a
Impure :: Union r x Arrs r x a Eff r a
# Resources
- [Why Free monads matter](
- [Free monad considered harmful](
- [Building real-world Haskell applications using Tagless-Final and ReaderT](
- [Free monads from scratch](
- [An earlier talk of my own on Free Monads](
- [Free Monads for less](
- [When to use CPS vs codensity vs reflection without remorse](
- [ReaderT pattern is just extensible effects](https://xn--i2r.xn--rhqv96g/2022/02/03/readert-is-extensible-effects/)
- [My Effects Bibliography](
- [Effects Bibliography](
- [Freer simple effects examples](
- [Continuation Passing Style](
- [Existential Quantification](
# Questions?
- Reach out on
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