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@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
- Monads
- Monads in Haskell
- Sanchayan Maity
- default
- aspectratio=169
- 169
- 14pt
- "presentation-16-9"
# Agenda
## Agenda
- Recap of Functors
- Recap of Applicative
- Monads
# Functor[^1][^2]
## Functor
class Functor f where
@ -23,8 +25,6 @@ class Functor f where
(<$) :: a -> f b -> f a
Functors Laws
- Must preserve identity
@ -37,16 +37,13 @@ fmap id = id
fmap (f . g) == fmap f . fmap g
[^1]: [Category Design Pattern](
[^2]: [Functor Design Pattern](
## Higher order kinds
# Higher order kinds[^3]
- For something to be a functor, it has to be a first order kind[^1].
- For something to be a functor, it has to be a first order kind.
[^1]: [Haskell's Kind System](
[^3]: [Haskell's Kind System](
# Applicative
## Applicative
class Functor f => Applicative (f :: TYPE -> TYPE) where
@ -63,7 +60,7 @@ class Functor f => Applicative (f :: TYPE -> TYPE) where
fmap f x = pure f <*> x
# Examples
## Examples
pure (+1) <*> [1..3]
@ -85,7 +82,7 @@ pure (+1) <*> [1..3]
# Use cases[^4]
## Use cases
@ -94,7 +91,7 @@ Person
<*> parseTelephone "telephone" o
Can also be written as
Can also be written as[^2]
liftA3 Person
@ -102,9 +99,9 @@ liftA3 Person
(parseInt "age" o)
(parseTelephone "telephone" o)
[^4]: [FP Complete - Crash course to Applicative syntax](
[^2]: [FP Complete - Crash course to Applicative syntax](
# Use cases[^5]
## Use cases
parsePerson :: Parser Person
@ -118,9 +115,7 @@ parsePerson = do
pure $ Person name age
[^5]: [FP Complete - Crash course to Applicative syntax](
# Use cases[^6]
## Use cases
helper :: () -> Text -> () -> () -> Int -> () -> Person
@ -136,10 +131,7 @@ parsePerson = helper
<*> endOfLine
[^6]: [FP Complete - Crash course to Applicative syntax](
# Lifting
## Lifting
- Seeing Functor as unary lifting and Applicative as n-ary lifting
@ -153,7 +145,7 @@ liftA4 :: Applicative f => ..
Where `liftA0 = pure` and `liftA1 = fmap`.
# Monoidal functors
## Monoidal functors
- Remember Monoid?
@ -177,7 +169,7 @@ instance Monoid a => Applicative ((,) a) where
(u, f) <*> (v, x) = (u `mappend` v, f x)
# Where are monoids again
## Where are monoids again
fmap (+1) ("blah", 0)
@ -193,17 +185,15 @@ liftA2 (,) [1, 2] [3, 4]
# Function apply
## Function apply
- Applying a function to an `effectful` argument
(<$>) :: Functor m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
(<*>) :: Applicative m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
(=<<) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
# Applicative laws
## Applicative laws
-- Identity
@ -219,23 +209,26 @@ pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x)
u <*> pure y = pure ($ y) <*> u
# Operators[^7]
## Operators
- `pure` wraps up a pure value into some kind of Applicative
- `liftA2` applies a pure function to the values inside two `Applicative` wrapped values
- `<$>` operator version of `fmap`
- `<*>` apply a wrapped function to a wrapped value
- `*>`, `<*`
- See more at[^3]
[^7]: [FP Complete - Crash course to Applicative syntax](
[^3]: [FP Complete - Crash course to Applicative syntax](
# Monad, is that you?[^8]
## Monad, is that you?
[^8]: [The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Metaphor](
- Unreasonable Effectiveness of Metaphor[^4]
# Motivation - I
[^4]: [The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Metaphor](
## Motivation - I
safeInverse :: Float -> Maybe Float
@ -251,7 +244,7 @@ sqrtInverse1 :: Float -> Maybe (Maybe Float)
sqrtInverse1 x = safeInverse <$> (safeSqrt x)
# Motivation - I
## Motivation - I
joinMaybe :: Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
@ -265,7 +258,7 @@ sqrtInverse2 x = joinMaybe $ safeInverse <$> (safeSqrt x)
-- join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a
# Motivation - II
## Motivation - II
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
@ -282,7 +275,7 @@ sqrtInverse x = (>>=) (safeSqrt x) safeInverse
-- (>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
# Motivation - III
## Motivation - III
(>=>) :: (a -> Maybe b) -> (b -> Maybe c) -> (a -> Maybe c)
@ -297,13 +290,13 @@ sqrtInverse3 = safeSqrt >=> safeInverse
-- (>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (a -> m c)
# Motivations
## Motivations
- Flattening
- Sequencing
- Composition
# Monad
## Monad
class Applicative m => Monad (m :: Type -> Type) where
@ -315,7 +308,7 @@ import Control.Monad (join)
join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a
# `do` notation
## Just **do**
main :: IO ()
@ -326,7 +319,7 @@ main = do
putStrLn greeting
# Monad laws
## Monad laws
-- Left identity
@ -339,11 +332,11 @@ x >>= return == x
m >>= (\x -> k x >>= h) == (m >>= k) >>= h
# ???
## ???
# Monoids recap
## Monoids recap
class Semigroup m where
@ -357,7 +350,7 @@ class Semigroup m => Monoid m where
mappend = (<>)
# Some Math
## Some Math
@ -365,7 +358,7 @@ class Semigroup m => Monoid m where
- Arrows between objects (morphisms): functions mapping one object to another
- Two categories: **Set** and **Hask**
# Categories
## Categories
- **Set**
- Category of sets
@ -376,9 +369,9 @@ class Semigroup m => Monoid m where
- Arrows between objects `a` & `b` are functions of type `a -> b`
- `a -> b` also a `Type` in **Hask**
- If `A -> B` and `B -> C`, then `A -> C` ~= `.` in **Hask**
- Fun fact: Function composition forms a monoid! (See [Endo](
- Fun fact: Function composition forms a monoid! (See [Endo](
# Monads are monoids...
## Monads are monoids...
In Haskell
@ -400,24 +393,24 @@ Type
a -> m b
# Now?
## Now?
# Contrasts with Monad
## Contrasts with Monad
- No data dependency between `f a` and `f b`
- Result of `f a` can't possibly influence the behaviour of `f b`
- That needs something like `a -> f b`
# Applicative vs Monads
## Applicative vs Monads
- Applicative
* Effects
* Batching and aggregation
* Concurrency/Independent
- Parsing context free grammar
- Exploring all branches of computation (see [`Alternative`](
- Exploring all branches of computation (see [`Alternative`](
- Monads
* Effects
@ -426,14 +419,14 @@ a -> m b
- Parsing context sensitive grammar
- Branching on previous results
# Weaker but better
## Weaker but better
- Weaker than monads but thus also more common
- Lends itself to optimisation (See Facebook's [Haxl]( project)
- Always opt for the least powerful mechanism to get things done
- No dependency issues or branching? just use applicative
# State monad
## State monad
newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) }
@ -452,7 +445,7 @@ instance Applicative (State s) where
(aTob a, s'')
# State monad
## State monad
instance Monad (State s) where
@ -473,7 +466,7 @@ get :: State s s
get = State $ \s -> (s, s)
# State monad
## State monad
put :: s -> State s ()
@ -487,7 +480,7 @@ eval (State sa) x = let (a, _) = sa x
in a
# Context
## Context
type Stack = [Int]
@ -505,7 +498,7 @@ tos :: State Stack Int
tos = State $ \(x:xs) -> (x, x:xs)
# Context
## Context
stackManip :: State Stack Int
@ -520,7 +513,7 @@ stackManip = do
testState = eval stackManip empty
# Reader monad
## Reader monad
class Monad m => MonadReader r m | m -> r where
@ -528,7 +521,7 @@ class Monad m => MonadReader r m | m -> r where
local :: (r -> r) -> m a -> m a
# Context
## Context
import Control.Monad.Reader
@ -544,7 +537,7 @@ jerry = do
return (env ++ " This is Jerry.")
# Context
## Context
tomAndJerry :: Reader String String
@ -557,10 +550,8 @@ runJerryRun :: String
runJerryRun = runReader tomAndJerry "Who is this?"
# Questions
## Questions
- Reach out on
* Email:
* Mastodon: [](
* Telegram: [](
* Blog: [](
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<text text-anchor="middle" x="1989.2" y="-299.9" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" font-size="8.00">[>]</text>
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<g id="clust23" class="cluster">
<g id="clust24" class="cluster">
<path fill="#aaffaa" stroke="black" d="M1043.2,-186C1043.2,-186 1192.2,-186 1192.2,-186 1198.2,-186 1204.2,-192 1204.2,-198 1204.2,-198 1204.2,-299 1204.2,-299 1204.2,-305 1198.2,-311 1192.2,-311 1192.2,-311 1043.2,-311 1043.2,-311 1037.2,-311 1031.2,-305 1031.2,-299 1031.2,-299 1031.2,-198 1031.2,-198 1031.2,-192 1037.2,-186 1043.2,-186"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1117.7" y="-299.4" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" font-size="8.00">GstQueue</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1117.7" y="-289.65" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" font-size="8.00">queue0</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1117.7" y="-279.9" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" font-size="8.00">[>]</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1117.7" y="-270.15" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" font-size="8.00">current-level-buffers=24</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1117.7" y="-260.4" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" font-size="8.00">current-level-bytes=1475593</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1117.7" y="-250.65" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" font-size="8.00">current-level-time=1000000000</text>
<g id="clust25" class="cluster">
<g id="clust26" class="cluster">
<g id="clust27" class="cluster">
<path fill="#aaffaa" stroke="black" d="M602.95,-117C602.95,-117 756.45,-117 756.45,-117 762.45,-117 768.45,-123 768.45,-129 768.45,-129 768.45,-233 768.45,-233 768.45,-239 762.45,-245 756.45,-245 756.45,-245 602.95,-245 602.95,-245 596.95,-245 590.95,-239 590.95,-233 590.95,-233 590.95,-129 590.95,-129 590.95,-123 596.95,-117 602.95,-117"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="679.7" y="-233.4" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" font-size="8.00">GstOggDemux</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="679.7" y="-223.65" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" font-size="8.00">oggdemux0</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="679.7" y="-213.9" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" font-size="8.00">[>]</text>
<g id="clust28" class="cluster">
<g id="clust29" class="cluster">
<g id="clust30" class="cluster">
<path fill="#ffaaaa" stroke="black" d="M113.47,-150C113.47,-150 199.97,-150 199.97,-150 205.97,-150 211.97,-156 211.97,-162 211.97,-162 211.97,-243 211.97,-243 211.97,-249 205.97,-255 199.97,-255 199.97,-255 113.47,-255 113.47,-255 107.47,-255 101.47,-249 101.47,-243 101.47,-243 101.47,-162 101.47,-162 101.47,-156 107.47,-150 113.47,-150"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="156.72" y="-243.4" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" font-size="8.00">GstFileSrc</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="156.72" y="-233.65" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" font-size="8.00">filesrc0</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="156.72" y="-223.9" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" font-size="8.00">[>]</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="156.72" y="-214.15" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" font-size="8.00">location="sample.ogv"</text>
<g id="clust31" class="cluster">
<!-- legend -->
<g id="node1" class="node">
<polygon fill="lightgrey" stroke="black" points="312.45,-142.47 0,-142.47 0,-71.53 312.45,-71.53 312.45,-142.47"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="3.6" y="-130.32" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">Legend</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="3.6" y="-117.58" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">Element-States: [~] void-pending, [0] null, [-] ready, [=] paused, [>] playing</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="3.6" y="-104.83" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">Pad-Activation: [-] none, [>] push, [<] pull</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="3.6" y="-92.08" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">Pad-Flags: [b]locked, [f]lushing, [b]locking, [E]OS; upper-case is set</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="3.6" y="-79.33" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">Pad-Task: [T] has started task, [t] has paused task</text>
<!-- _proxypad1_0x7e0674058020 -->
<g id="node2" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ddddff" stroke="black" points="2408.45,-100.75 2354.45,-100.75 2354.45,-75.25 2408.45,-75.25 2408.45,-100.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2381.45" y="-92.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">proxypad1</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2381.45" y="-79.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- autoaudiosink0_actual_sink_pulse_0x7e0674069520_sink_0x7e0674069930 -->
<g id="node4" class="node">
<polygon fill="#aaaaff" stroke="black" points="2829.7,-57.75 2775.7,-57.75 2775.7,-32.25 2829.7,-32.25 2829.7,-57.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2802.7" y="-49.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">sink</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2802.7" y="-36.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- _proxypad1_0x7e0674058020->autoaudiosink0_actual_sink_pulse_0x7e0674069520_sink_0x7e0674069930 -->
<g id="edge2" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M2408.68,-85.31C2480.43,-77.95 2680.18,-57.46 2763.96,-48.87"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="2764.12,-52.37 2773.71,-47.87 2763.4,-45.41 2764.12,-52.37"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2442.82" y="-151.48" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">audio/x-raw</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2442.82" y="-138.73" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">              format: F32LE</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2442.82" y="-125.98" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">              layout: interleaved</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2442.82" y="-113.23" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">                rate: 48000</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2442.82" y="-100.48" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">            channels: 2</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2442.82" y="-87.73" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">        channel-mask: 0x0000000000000003</text>
<!-- autoaudiosink0_0x7e06740576f0_sink_0x7e0674057d30 -->
<g id="node3" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ddddff" stroke="black" points="2408.45,-67.75 2354.45,-67.75 2354.45,-42.25 2408.45,-42.25 2408.45,-67.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2381.45" y="-59.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">sink</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2381.45" y="-46.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- autoaudiosink0_0x7e06740576f0_sink_0x7e0674057d30->_proxypad1_0x7e0674058020 -->
<g id="edge1" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,2" d="M2381.45,-68.15C2381.45,-68.29 2381.45,-68.43 2381.45,-68.57"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="2377.95,-63.46 2381.45,-73.46 2384.95,-63.46 2377.95,-63.46"/>
<!-- queue3_0x7e067405b990_sink_0x7e067405be50 -->
<g id="node5" class="node">
<polygon fill="#aaaaff" stroke="black" points="1972.7,-78.75 1918.7,-78.75 1918.7,-53.25 1972.7,-53.25 1972.7,-78.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1945.7" y="-70.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">sink</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1945.7" y="-57.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- queue3_0x7e067405b990_src_0x7e067405c350 -->
<g id="node6" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ffaaaa" stroke="black" points="2059.7,-78.75 2005.7,-78.75 2005.7,-53.25 2059.7,-53.25 2059.7,-78.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2032.7" y="-70.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">src</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2032.7" y="-57.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb][T]</text>
<!-- queue3_0x7e067405b990_sink_0x7e067405be50->queue3_0x7e067405b990_src_0x7e067405c350 -->
<!-- queue3_0x7e067405b990_src_0x7e067405c350->autoaudiosink0_0x7e06740576f0_sink_0x7e0674057d30 -->
<g id="edge4" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M2060.05,-65.16C2121,-63.23 2271.94,-58.44 2342.7,-56.2"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="2342.75,-59.7 2352.63,-55.88 2342.52,-52.7 2342.75,-59.7"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2102.07" y="-132.35" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">audio/x-raw</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2102.07" y="-119.6" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">              format: F32LE</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2102.07" y="-106.85" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">              layout: interleaved</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2102.07" y="-94.1" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">                rate: 48000</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2102.07" y="-81.35" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">            channels: 2</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2102.07" y="-68.6" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">        channel-mask: 0x0000000000000003</text>
<!-- vorbisdec0_0x7e0674054030_sink_0x7e0674054690 -->
<g id="node7" class="node">
<polygon fill="#aaaaff" stroke="black" points="1536.95,-98.75 1482.95,-98.75 1482.95,-73.25 1536.95,-73.25 1536.95,-98.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1509.95" y="-90.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">sink</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1509.95" y="-77.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- vorbisdec0_0x7e0674054030_src_0x7e0674054960 -->
<g id="node8" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ffaaaa" stroke="black" points="1623.95,-98.75 1569.95,-98.75 1569.95,-73.25 1623.95,-73.25 1623.95,-98.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1596.95" y="-90.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">src</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1596.95" y="-77.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- vorbisdec0_0x7e0674054030_sink_0x7e0674054690->vorbisdec0_0x7e0674054030_src_0x7e0674054960 -->
<!-- vorbisdec0_0x7e0674054030_src_0x7e0674054960->queue3_0x7e067405b990_sink_0x7e067405be50 -->
<g id="edge6" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M1624.3,-84.48C1685.25,-80.96 1836.19,-72.26 1906.95,-68.18"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="1907.1,-71.67 1916.88,-67.6 1906.7,-64.69 1907.1,-71.67"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1666.32" y="-151.05" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">audio/x-raw</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1666.32" y="-138.3" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">              format: F32LE</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1666.32" y="-125.55" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">              layout: interleaved</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1666.32" y="-112.8" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">                rate: 48000</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1666.32" y="-100.05" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">            channels: 2</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1666.32" y="-87.3" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">        channel-mask: 0x0000000000000003</text>
<!-- queue2_0x7e0674058fd0_sink_0x7e0674059490 -->
<g id="node9" class="node">
<polygon fill="#aaaaff" stroke="black" points="1101.2,-108.75 1047.2,-108.75 1047.2,-83.25 1101.2,-83.25 1101.2,-108.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1074.2" y="-100.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">sink</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1074.2" y="-87.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- queue2_0x7e0674058fd0_src_0x7e0674059990 -->
<g id="node10" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ffaaaa" stroke="black" points="1188.2,-108.75 1134.2,-108.75 1134.2,-83.25 1188.2,-83.25 1188.2,-108.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1161.2" y="-100.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">src</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1161.2" y="-87.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb][T]</text>
<!-- queue2_0x7e0674058fd0_sink_0x7e0674059490->queue2_0x7e0674058fd0_src_0x7e0674059990 -->
<!-- queue2_0x7e0674058fd0_src_0x7e0674059990->vorbisdec0_0x7e0674054030_sink_0x7e0674054690 -->
<g id="edge8" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M1188.55,-95.24C1249.5,-93.48 1400.44,-89.13 1471.2,-87.09"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="1471.24,-90.59 1481.13,-86.8 1471.03,-83.59 1471.24,-90.59"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1212.2" y="-137" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">audio/x-vorbis</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1212.2" y="-124.25" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">                rate: 48000</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1212.2" y="-111.5" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">            channels: 2</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1212.2" y="-98.75" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">        streamheader: < (buffer)01766f7262... ></text>
<!-- _proxypad0_0x7e0674028fa0 -->
<g id="node11" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ddddff" stroke="black" points="2408.45,-287.75 2354.45,-287.75 2354.45,-262.25 2408.45,-262.25 2408.45,-287.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2381.45" y="-279.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">proxypad0</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2381.45" y="-266.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- autovideosink0_actual_sink_xvimage_0x7e0674038f30_sink_0x7e06740393d0 -->
<g id="node13" class="node">
<polygon fill="#aaaaff" stroke="black" points="2829.7,-262.75 2775.7,-262.75 2775.7,-237.25 2829.7,-237.25 2829.7,-262.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2802.7" y="-254.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">sink</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2802.7" y="-241.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- _proxypad0_0x7e0674028fa0->autovideosink0_actual_sink_xvimage_0x7e0674038f30_sink_0x7e06740393d0 -->
<g id="edge10" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M2408.68,-273.44C2480.43,-269.16 2680.18,-257.25 2763.96,-252.25"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="2763.93,-255.76 2773.7,-251.67 2763.51,-248.77 2763.93,-255.76"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2424.45" y="-404.1" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">video/x-raw</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2424.45" y="-391.35" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">              format: I420</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2424.45" y="-378.6" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">               width: 1920</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2424.45" y="-365.85" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">              height: 1080</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2424.45" y="-353.1" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">      interlace-mode: progressive</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2424.45" y="-340.35" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">      multiview-mode: mono</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2424.45" y="-327.6" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">     multiview-flags: 0:ffffffff:/right-view...</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2424.45" y="-314.85" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">  pixel-aspect-ratio: 1/1</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2424.45" y="-302.1" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">         chroma-site: jpeg</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2424.45" y="-289.35" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">         colorimetry: 2:4:5:0</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2424.45" y="-276.6" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">           framerate: 24/1</text>
<!-- autovideosink0_0x7e0674027fa0_sink_0x7e0674028b60 -->
<g id="node12" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ddddff" stroke="black" points="2408.45,-254.75 2354.45,-254.75 2354.45,-229.25 2408.45,-229.25 2408.45,-254.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2381.45" y="-246.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">sink</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2381.45" y="-233.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- autovideosink0_0x7e0674027fa0_sink_0x7e0674028b60->_proxypad0_0x7e0674028fa0 -->
<g id="edge9" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="5,2" d="M2381.45,-255.15C2381.45,-255.29 2381.45,-255.43 2381.45,-255.57"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="2377.95,-250.46 2381.45,-260.46 2384.95,-250.46 2377.95,-250.46"/>
<!-- queue1_0x7e067402f440_sink_0x7e067402f900 -->
<g id="node14" class="node">
<polygon fill="#aaaaff" stroke="black" points="1972.7,-247.75 1918.7,-247.75 1918.7,-222.25 1972.7,-222.25 1972.7,-247.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1945.7" y="-239.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">sink</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1945.7" y="-226.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- queue1_0x7e067402f440_src_0x7e067402fe00 -->
<g id="node15" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ffaaaa" stroke="black" points="2059.7,-247.75 2005.7,-247.75 2005.7,-222.25 2059.7,-222.25 2059.7,-247.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2032.7" y="-239.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">src</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="2032.7" y="-226.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb][T]</text>
<!-- queue1_0x7e067402f440_sink_0x7e067402f900->queue1_0x7e067402f440_src_0x7e067402fe00 -->
<!-- queue1_0x7e067402f440_src_0x7e067402fe00->autovideosink0_0x7e0674027fa0_sink_0x7e0674028b60 -->
<g id="edge12" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M2060.05,-235.53C2121,-236.76 2271.94,-239.81 2342.7,-241.24"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="2342.56,-244.74 2352.63,-241.44 2342.7,-237.74 2342.56,-244.74"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2083.7" y="-372.68" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">video/x-raw</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2083.7" y="-359.93" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">              format: I420</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2083.7" y="-347.18" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">               width: 1920</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2083.7" y="-334.43" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">              height: 1080</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2083.7" y="-321.68" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">      interlace-mode: progressive</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2083.7" y="-308.93" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">      multiview-mode: mono</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2083.7" y="-296.18" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">     multiview-flags: 0:ffffffff:/right-view...</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2083.7" y="-283.43" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">  pixel-aspect-ratio: 1/1</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2083.7" y="-270.68" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">         chroma-site: jpeg</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2083.7" y="-257.93" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">         colorimetry: 2:4:5:0</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="2083.7" y="-245.18" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">           framerate: 24/1</text>
<!-- theoradec0_0x7e06740233a0_sink_0x7e0674023790 -->
<g id="node16" class="node">
<polygon fill="#aaaaff" stroke="black" points="1536.95,-234.75 1482.95,-234.75 1482.95,-209.25 1536.95,-209.25 1536.95,-234.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1509.95" y="-226.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">sink</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1509.95" y="-213.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- theoradec0_0x7e06740233a0_src_0x7e0674023ac0 -->
<g id="node17" class="node">
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<text text-anchor="middle" x="1596.95" y="-213.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- theoradec0_0x7e06740233a0_sink_0x7e0674023790->theoradec0_0x7e06740233a0_src_0x7e0674023ac0 -->
<!-- theoradec0_0x7e06740233a0_src_0x7e0674023ac0->queue1_0x7e067402f440_sink_0x7e067402f900 -->
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<text text-anchor="start" x="1647.95" y="-364.81" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">video/x-raw</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1647.95" y="-352.06" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">              format: I420</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1647.95" y="-339.31" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">               width: 1920</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1647.95" y="-326.56" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">              height: 1080</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1647.95" y="-313.81" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">      interlace-mode: progressive</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1647.95" y="-301.06" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">      multiview-mode: mono</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1647.95" y="-288.31" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">     multiview-flags: 0:ffffffff:/right-view...</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1647.95" y="-275.56" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">  pixel-aspect-ratio: 1/1</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1647.95" y="-262.81" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">         chroma-site: jpeg</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1647.95" y="-250.06" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">         colorimetry: 2:4:5:0</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1647.95" y="-237.31" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">           framerate: 24/1</text>
<!-- queue0_0x7e067402cbd0_sink_0x7e067402d050 -->
<g id="node18" class="node">
<polygon fill="#aaaaff" stroke="black" points="1101.2,-227.75 1047.2,-227.75 1047.2,-202.25 1101.2,-202.25 1101.2,-227.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1074.2" y="-219.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">sink</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1074.2" y="-206.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- queue0_0x7e067402cbd0_src_0x7e067402d440 -->
<g id="node19" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ffaaaa" stroke="black" points="1188.2,-227.75 1134.2,-227.75 1134.2,-202.25 1188.2,-202.25 1188.2,-227.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1161.2" y="-219.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">src</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="1161.2" y="-206.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb][T]</text>
<!-- queue0_0x7e067402cbd0_sink_0x7e067402d050->queue0_0x7e067402cbd0_src_0x7e067402d440 -->
<!-- queue0_0x7e067402cbd0_src_0x7e067402d440->theoradec0_0x7e06740233a0_sink_0x7e0674023790 -->
<g id="edge16" class="edge">
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<text text-anchor="start" x="1212.2" y="-288.93" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">video/x-theora</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1212.2" y="-276.18" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">               width: 1920</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1212.2" y="-263.43" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">              height: 1080</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1212.2" y="-250.68" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">           framerate: 24/1</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1212.2" y="-237.93" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">  pixel-aspect-ratio: 1/1</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="1212.2" y="-225.18" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">        streamheader: < (buffer)807468656f... ></text>
<!-- oggdemux0_0x5e6a306699a0_sink_0x5e6a30669ee0 -->
<g id="node20" class="node">
<polygon fill="#aaaaff" stroke="black" points="660.95,-191.75 606.95,-191.75 606.95,-166.25 660.95,-166.25 660.95,-191.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="633.95" y="-183.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">sink</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="633.95" y="-170.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[<][bfb][T]</text>
<!-- oggdemux0_0x5e6a306699a0_src_135e55b4_0x7e067400c200 -->
<g id="node21" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ffaaaa" stroke="black" points="752.45,-191.75 693.95,-191.75 693.95,-166.25 752.45,-166.25 752.45,-191.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="723.2" y="-183.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">src_135e55b4</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="723.2" y="-170.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- oggdemux0_0x5e6a306699a0_sink_0x5e6a30669ee0->oggdemux0_0x5e6a306699a0_src_135e55b4_0x7e067400c200 -->
<!-- oggdemux0_0x5e6a306699a0_src_135e55b4_0x7e067400c200->queue0_0x7e067402cbd0_sink_0x7e067402d050 -->
<g id="edge18" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M752.76,-181.95C815.55,-188.42 965.58,-203.9 1035.78,-211.14"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="1035.32,-214.61 1045.62,-212.16 1036.04,-207.65 1035.32,-214.61"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="776.45" y="-277.72" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">video/x-theora</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="776.45" y="-264.97" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">               width: 1920</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="776.45" y="-252.22" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">              height: 1080</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="776.45" y="-239.47" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">           framerate: 24/1</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="776.45" y="-226.72" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">  pixel-aspect-ratio: 1/1</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="776.45" y="-213.97" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">        streamheader: < (buffer)807468656f... ></text>
<!-- oggdemux0_0x5e6a306699a0_src_4d0453ff_0x7e0674013fa0 -->
<g id="node22" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ffaaaa" stroke="black" points="750.2,-158.75 696.2,-158.75 696.2,-133.25 750.2,-133.25 750.2,-158.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="723.2" y="-150.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">src_4d0453ff</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="723.2" y="-137.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[>][bfb]</text>
<!-- oggdemux0_0x5e6a306699a0_src_4d0453ff_0x7e0674013fa0->queue2_0x7e0674058fd0_sink_0x7e0674059490 -->
<g id="edge19" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M750.65,-138.77C758.87,-136.69 768,-134.57 776.45,-133 868.9,-115.8 979.07,-104.42 1035.61,-99.23"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="1035.69,-102.74 1045.33,-98.35 1035.06,-95.77 1035.69,-102.74"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="776.45" y="-175.45" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">audio/x-vorbis</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="776.45" y="-162.7" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">                rate: 48000</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="776.45" y="-149.95" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">            channels: 2</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="776.45" y="-137.2" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">        streamheader: < (buffer)01766f7262... ></text>
<!-- filesrc0_0x5e6a306639a0_src_0x5e6a30663cf0 -->
<g id="node23" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ffaaaa" stroke="black" points="183.22,-191.75 129.22,-191.75 129.22,-166.25 183.22,-166.25 183.22,-191.75"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="156.22" y="-183.2" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">src</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="156.22" y="-170.45" font-family="sans" font-size="9.00">[<][bfb]</text>
<!-- filesrc0_0x5e6a306639a0_src_0x5e6a30663cf0->oggdemux0_0x5e6a306699a0_sink_0x5e6a30669ee0 -->
<g id="edge20" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M183.48,-179C263.07,-179 501.87,-179 595.09,-179"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="594.97,-182.5 604.97,-179 594.97,-175.5 594.97,-182.5"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="451.7" y="-183.2" font-family="monospace" font-size="9.00">                                                  </text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="476.48" y="-191.3" font-family="monospace" font-size="6.00">application/ogg</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="476.48" y="-182.3" font-family="monospace" font-size="6.00">audio/ogg</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="476.48" y="-173.3" font-family="monospace" font-size="6.00">video/ogg</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="476.48" y="-164.3" font-family="monospace" font-size="6.00">application/kate</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="283.48" y="-177.8" font-family="monospace" font-size="6.00">ANY</text>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 46 KiB |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 298 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 120 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
@ -48,34 +48,53 @@ gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! autovideosink
gst-launch-1.0 audiotestsrc ! autoaudiosink
## Media pipeline[^1]
## **gst-inspect**
Factory Details:
Rank none (0)
Long-name Video test source
Klass Source/Video
Description Creates a test video stream
Author David A. Schleef <>
Plugin Details:
Name videotestsrc
Description Creates a test video stream
Filename /usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/
Version 1.24.9
License LGPL
Source module gst-plugins-base
Source release date 2024-10-30
Binary package Arch Linux GStreamer 1.24.9-3
Origin URL
Pad Templates:
SRC template: 'src'
Availability: Always
## Media pipeline
![*_Simple Player_*](simple-player.png){width=80%}
[^1]: [Dynamic Pipelines](
## Playback pipeline
## Playback pipeline graph
![*_playbin HLS_*](playbin-hls.svg)
## Custom elements
![*_Rounded Corners_*](roundedcorners.jpg){width=58%}
gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=bunny.mp4 ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! roundedcorners border-radius-px=100 ! videoconvert ! gtksink
## Why Rust?
- Codec implementations in pure Rust (Rust Audio, Xiph AV1, Symphonia)
- Things we care about
- Things to care about
* **Low cognitive overhead**
* Immutability
* Expressive type system
@ -84,7 +103,7 @@ gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=bunny.mp4 ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! roundedco
## Why Rust?
- Bindings/abstractions over GLib/GObject and for GStreamer[^2]
- Bindings/abstractions over GLib/GObject and for GStreamer[^1]
- Provides a root for the object hierarchy tree filed in by the GStreamer library
- Gives basic reference counting, parenting functionality and locking.
- GObject
@ -99,7 +118,7 @@ gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=bunny.mp4 ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! roundedco
- GstElement
- GstPad
[^2]: [GstObject](
[^1]: [GstObject](
## Why immutability and types matter?
@ -210,9 +229,86 @@ For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0596`.
## GStreamer & Rust
## Code
- Some stats[^3]
let src = gst::ElementFactory::make("filesrc")
.property("location", "sample.ogv")
let demux = gst::ElementFactory::make("oggdemux").build().unwrap();
let pipeline_weak = pipeline.downgrade();
demux.connect("pad-added", false, move |args| {
let pipeline = match pipeline_weak.upgrade() {
Some(self_) => self_,
None => return None,
let pad = args[1]
.expect("Second argument to demux pad-added must be pad");
## Code
if let Some(caps) = pad.current_caps() {
let s = caps.structure(0).unwrap();
let (decoder, sink) = if"video") {
let decoder = gst::ElementFactory::make("theoradec").build().unwrap();
let sink = gst::ElementFactory::make("autovideosink").build().unwrap();
(decoder, sink)
} else {
let decoder = gst::ElementFactory::make("vorbisdec").build().unwrap();
let sink = gst::ElementFactory::make("autoaudiosink").build().unwrap();
(decoder, sink)
let queue1 = gst::ElementFactory::make("queue").build().unwrap();
let queue2 = gst::ElementFactory::make("queue").build().unwrap();
## Code
.add_many([&queue1, &decoder, &queue2, &sink])
let sinkpad = queue1.static_pad("sink").unwrap();
## Code
pipeline.add_many([&src, &demux]).unwrap();
## Media pipeline
## Some stats
- **gstreamer-rs** & **gst-plugins-rs**[^2]
- gstreamer-rs: ~2700 commits, gst-plugins-rs: ~2600 commits
- gstreamer-rs: ~85 contributors, gst-plugins-rs: ~110 contributors
- gst-plugins-rs: ~ +180k SLOC / -37k SLOC
@ -221,22 +317,24 @@ For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0596`.
- 1.22 cycle: ~33% commits / MRs in Rust modules
- 1.24 cycle: ~25% commits / MRs in Rust modules
[^3]: [GStreamer & Rust: What has happened over the last 5 years](
[^2]: [GStreamer & Rust: What has happened over the last 5 years](
## Resources
- [Dynamic Pipelines](
- [GObject subclassing in Rust ](
- [GStreamer bindings for Rust](
- [Rust GStreamer Plugins](
- [Using GStreamer](
- [How to get started with GStreamer](
- [GStreamer for your backend services](
- [OGG demultiplexing Rust sample code](
## Questions?
- Rust Bangalore
* Meetup:
* Telegram:
* Meetup: [](
* Telegram: [](
- Reach out on
* email:
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#import "@preview/diatypst:0.2.0": *
#show: slides.with(
title: "Multimedia using Rust & GStreamer",
authors: ("Sanchayan Maity"),
ratio: 16/9,
layout: "large",
toc: false,
Reference in a new issue