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- Getting comfy with async await
- Sanchayan Maity
- default
- aspectratio=169
# Who
- Who am I?
* Embedded Systems background
* Prefer C, Haskell and Rust
* Organize and speak at Rust and Haskell meet-ups in Bangalore
- Work?
* Software Engineer @ [asymptotic](
* Open source consulting firm based out of Bangalore and Toronto
* Work on low level systems software centred around multimedia
* GStreamer, PipeWire, PulseAudio
* Language Polyglots
# Agenda
- `Future` trait
- `async`/`await`
- Using futures/Runtime
- Working with multiple futures (`select`, `join`, `FuturesOrdered`)
- Streams
- Pitfalls
- `Pin`/`Unpin`/`pin_project`
# Future[^1]
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::Context;
pub trait Future {
type Output;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>)
-> Poll<Self::Output>;
pub enum Poll<T> {
[^1]: [Associated types](
# Example
async fn hello() {
println!("Hello from async");
fn main() {
println!("Hello from main");
# Where's the future
async fn give_number() -> u32 {
# Sugar town[^2]
fn give_number() -> impl Future<Output = u32> {
struct GiveNumberFuture {}
impl Future for GiveNumberFuture {
type Output = u32;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>)
-> Poll<Self::Output> {
[^2]: [Syntactic sugar for Future](
# Runtimes
![*_Run Futures_*](future-meme.jpg){width=80%}
# Runtimes[^3]
- `futures::executor`
- `tokio`
- `smol-rs`
- `embassy`
- `glommio`
- `async-std`
[^3]: [The state of Async Rust: Runtimes](
# Example
use futures::executor::block_on;
async fn hello() {
println!("hello, world!");
fn main() {
println!("Hello from main");
# Example
async fn hello() {
println!("Hello from async");
async fn main() {
println!("Hello from main");
# Multiple futures
- `join`
- `join_all`
- `select`
- `select!`
- `select_all`
- `FuturesOrdered`
- `FuturesUnordered`
- `JoinSet`
# `join`
use futures::future;
async fn main() {
let a = async { "Future 1" };
let b = async { "Future 2" };
let pair = future::join(a, b);
println!("{:?}", pair.await);
# `join_all`
use futures::future::join_all;
async fn hello(msg: String) -> String {
async fn main() {
let futures = vec![
hello("Future 1".to_string()),
hello("Future 2".to_string()),
hello("Future 3".to_string()),
hello("Future 4".to_string()),
println!("{:?}", join_all(futures).await);
# `JoinSet`
use tokio::task::JoinSet;
async fn main() {
let mut set = JoinSet::new();
for i in 0..10 {
set.spawn(async move { i });
while let Some(res) = set.join_next().await {
println!("{}", res.unwrap());
# `future::select`
pub fn select<A, B>(future1: A, future2: B) -> Select<A, B>
A: Future + Unpin,
B: Future + Unpin,
# `future::select`
use futures::{future, future::Either, future::FutureExt, select};
use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
async fn task1(delay: u64) -> u64 {
async fn task2(delay: u64) -> String {
# `future::select`
async fn main() {
let t1 = task1(200u64).fuse();
let t2 = task2(300u64).fuse();
tokio::pin!(t1, t2);
match future::select(t1, t2).await {
Either::Left((value1, _)) => println!("{}", value1),
Either::Right((value2, _)) => println!("{}", value2),
# `futures::select!`[^4]
use futures::{future::FutureExt, pin_mut, select};
use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
async fn task(delay: u64) {
async fn main() {
let t1 = task(300u64).fuse();
let t2 = task(200u64).fuse();
pin_mut!(t1, t2);
select! {
() = t1 => println!("task one completed first"),
() = t2 => println!("task two completed first"),
[^4]: [futures::select!](
# `tokio::select!`[^5]
use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
async fn task(delay: u64) {
async fn main() {
let t1 = task(300u64);
let t2 = task(200u64);
tokio::pin!(t1, t2);
tokio::select! {
() = t1 => println!("task one completed first"),
() = t2 => println!("task two completed first"),
[^5]: [tokio::select!](
# `loop tokio::select!`
async fn main() {
let mut count = 0;
let t1 = task(300u64);
let t2 = task(200u64);
tokio::pin!(t1, t2);
loop {
if count > 5 {
tokio::select! {
() = &mut t1 => println!("task one completed first"),
() = &mut t2 => println!("task two completed first"),
count += 1;
# `loop futures::select!`
async fn main() {
let mut count = 0;
let t1 = task(300u64).fuse();
let t2 = task(200u64).fuse();
tokio::pin!(t1, t2);
loop {
if count > 5 {
futures::select! {
() = &mut t1 => println!("task one completed first"),
() = &mut t2 => println!("task two completed first"),
count += 1;
# `Stream`[^6]
pub trait Stream {
type Item;
// Required method
fn poll_next(
self: Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>
) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>>;
[^6]: [Guided tour of Streams](
# `async-stream`
fn zero_to_three() -> impl Stream<Item = u32> {
stream! {
for i in 0..3 {
yield i;
async fn main() {
let s = zero_to_three();
pin_mut!(s); // needed for iteration
while let Some(value) = {
println!("got {}", value);
# `futures::select!` vs `tokio::select!`
- [futures::select!](
- [tokio::select!](
- [SO - What's the difference between futures::select and tokio::select?](
- [Provide `select!` macro](
# Multiple futures
- [FuturesUnordered](
- [FuturesOrdered](
- Must read
- [FuturesUnordered and the order of futures](
# Cancellation
- [futures::future::Abortable](
# Pitfalls
- Blocking in `async`
- [Async: What's blocking](
- TLDR: Async code should never spend a long time without reaching an `.await`
- Cancellation safety
- Holding a `Mutex` across an `await`
- Must read
- [Async cancellation: a case study of pub-sub in mini-redis](
- [Yoshua Wuyts - Async Cancellation](
- [Common mistakes with Rust Async](
- [Rust tokio task cancellation patterns](
- [`for await` and the battle of buffered streams](
- [Mutex without lock, Queue without push: cancel safety in lilos](
# Cancellation safety with `select!`
So the TLDR
- futures in `select!` other than the future that yields `Poll::Ready` get dropped
- futures which own some form of state aren't cancellation safe, since the
owned state gets dropped when another future returns `Poll::Ready`
# Pinning
use std::pin::Pin;
use pin_project::pin_project;
struct Struct<T, U> {
pinned: T,
unpinned: U,
impl<T, U> Struct<T, U> {
fn method(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
let this = self.project();
let _: Pin<&mut T> = this.pinned; // Pinned reference to the field
let _: &mut U = this.unpinned; // Normal reference to the field
# Pinning
- Must read
- [std::pin](
- [Pin and suffering](
- [Pin, Unpin, and why Rust needs them](
- [Async Book - Pinning](
- [pin_project](
# More references
- [Meetup code samples](
- [Tokio tutorial](
- [Tokio select](
- [Tokio internals](
- [How Rust optimizes async/await - I](
- [How Rust optimizes async/await - II](
# Questions
- Reach out on
* Email:
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