Thomas Cort 60a61dffae weatherstation: BeagleBone Weather Cape demo app.
The BeagleBone Weather cape enhances the BeagleBone's capabilities
by providing environment sensors (temperature, humidity, pressure,
and ambient light level).

The weatherstation demo is a port of the bonescript weatherstation
to Minix. It provides a nice visual display of the sensor data in
a web browser.

The code is installed to /usr/share/beaglebone/weather on 'earm'
and an embedded web server is started at boot time on port 80
when the cape is attached. Further details are provided in the
README.txt file.

Change-Id: I1596a2b66b213762ace26c0c750c8154c76b5c6e
2013-08-26 21:51:32 +02:00

20 lines
806 B

# Start-up script for the BeagleBone Weather cape.
# TSL2550 Ambient Light Sensor
test -e /dev/tsl2550b3s39 || (cd /dev && MAKEDEV tsl2550b3s39)
/bin/service up /usr/sbin/tsl2550 -dev /dev/tsl2550b3s39 \
-label tsl2550.3.39 -args 'bus=3 address=0x39' && echo -n " tsl2550"
# SHT21 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
test -e /dev/sht21b3s40 || (cd /dev && MAKEDEV sht21b3s40)
/bin/service up /usr/sbin/sht21 -dev /dev/sht21b3s40 \
-label sht21.3.40 -args 'bus=3 address=0x40' && echo -n " sht21"
# BMP085 Temperature and Pressure Sensor
test -e /dev/bmp085b3s77 || (cd /dev && MAKEDEV bmp085b3s77)
/bin/service up /usr/sbin/bmp085 -dev /dev/bmp085b3s77 \
-label bmp085.3.77 -args 'bus=3 address=0x77' && echo -n " bmp085"
daemonize tcpd http /usr/share/beaglebone/weather/weatherstation.lua