Philip Homburg f9ccfca2a1 (Incomplete) support for access control in PCI (pci_set_acl).
-script argument to service for crash recovery scripts
-config argument to service for driver resource configuration
restart command in service to restart a driver after a crash (for use in
crash recovery scripts).
down and refresh now take labels instead of pids.
verious changes in rs to make this work.
2006-10-20 15:01:32 +00:00

70 lines
1.1 KiB

# Makefile for lib/syslib.
libsys_FILES=" \
assert.c \
panic.c \
pci_attr_r16.c \
pci_attr_r32.c \
pci_attr_r8.c \
pci_attr_w16.c \
pci_attr_w32.c \
pci_attr_w8.c \
pci_dev_name.c \
pci_find_dev.c \
pci_first_dev.c \
pci_ids.c \
pci_init.c \
pci_init1.c \
pci_next_dev.c \
pci_rescan_bus.c \
pci_reserve.c \
pci_set_acl.c \
pci_slot_name.c \
safecopies.c \
sys_abort.c \
sys_endsig.c \
sys_eniop.c \
sys_exec.c \
sys_exit.c \
sys_fork.c \
sys_getinfo.c \
sys_getsig.c \
sys_in.c \
sys_int86.c \
sys_irqctl.c \
sys_kill.c \
sys_memset.c \
sys_newmap.c \
sys_nice.c \
sys_out.c \
sys_physcopy.c \
sys_readbios.c \
sys_safecopy.c \
sys_vsafecopy.c \
sys_sdevio.c \
sys_segctl.c \
sys_setalarm.c \
sys_sigreturn.c \
sys_sigsend.c \
sys_privctl.c \
sys_setgrant.c \
sys_times.c \
sys_trace.c \
sys_umap.c \
sys_vinb.c \
sys_vinl.c \
sys_vinw.c \
sys_vircopy.c \
sys_vm_map.c \
sys_vm_setbuf.c \
sys_voutb.c \
sys_voutl.c \
sys_voutw.c \
taskcall.c \