Jorrit Herder 42ab148155 Reorganized system call library; uses separate file per call now.
New configuration header file to include/ exclude functionality.
Extracted privileged features from struct proc and create new struct priv.
Renamed various system calls for readability.
2005-07-14 15:12:12 +00:00

46 lines
1.6 KiB

#include "../system.h"
#include <unistd.h>
/* The system call implemented in this file:
* m_type: SYS_ABORT
* The parameters for this system call are:
* m1_i1: ABRT_HOW (how to abort, possibly fetch monitor params)
* m1_i2: ABRT_MON_PROC (proc nr to get monitor params from)
* m1_i3: ABRT_MON_LEN (length of monitor params)
* m1_p1: ABRT_MON_ADDR (virtual address of params)
* do_abort *
PUBLIC int do_abort(m_ptr)
message *m_ptr; /* pointer to request message */
/* Handle sys_abort. MINIX is unable to continue. This can originate in the
* PM (normal abort or panic) or FS (panic), or TTY (user issued CTRL-ALT-DEL
* or ESC after debugging dumps).
int how = m_ptr->ABRT_HOW;
if (how == RBT_MONITOR) {
/* The monitor is to run the specified instructions. */
int proc_nr = m_ptr->ABRT_MON_PROC;
int length = m_ptr->ABRT_MON_LEN + 1;
vir_bytes src_vir = (vir_bytes) m_ptr->ABRT_MON_ADDR;
phys_bytes src_phys = numap_local(proc_nr, src_vir, length);
/* Validate length and address of shutdown code before copying. */
if (length > kinfo.params_size || src_phys == 0)
phys_copy(vir2phys("delay;boot"), kinfo.params_base, 11);
phys_copy(src_phys, kinfo.params_base, (phys_bytes) length);
return(OK); /* pro-forma (really EDISASTER) */
#endif /* USE_ABORT */