Ben Gras dd56aa321f to let tty run with its own page table (instead of with the kernel identity
map table), make it map in video memory.

sadly, this breaks tty in non-paged mode.

happily, this simplifies the code by throwing out the messing
around with segments, and throws out vidcopy.s.
2009-05-12 12:43:18 +00:00

201 lines
8.4 KiB

/* tty.h - Terminals */
#include <timers.h>
#undef lock
#undef unlock
#define TTY_REVIVE 6767
/* First minor numbers for the various classes of TTY devices. */
#define CONS_MINOR 0
#define LOG_MINOR 15
#define RS232_MINOR 16
#define KBD_MINOR 127
#define KBDAUX_MINOR 126
#define VIDEO_MINOR 125
#define TTYPX_MINOR 128
#define PTYPX_MINOR 192
#define LINEWRAP 1 /* console.c - wrap lines at column 80 */
#define TTY_IN_BYTES 256 /* tty input queue size */
#define TAB_SIZE 8 /* distance between tab stops */
#define TAB_MASK 7 /* mask to compute a tab stop position */
#define ESC '\33' /* escape */
#define O_NOCTTY 00400 /* from <fcntl.h>, or cc will choke */
#define O_NONBLOCK 04000
struct tty;
typedef _PROTOTYPE( int (*devfun_t), (struct tty *tp, int try_only) );
typedef _PROTOTYPE( void (*devfunarg_t), (struct tty *tp, int c) );
typedef struct tty {
int tty_events; /* set when TTY should inspect this line */
int tty_index; /* index into TTY table */
int tty_minor; /* device minor number */
/* Input queue. Typed characters are stored here until read by a program. */
u16_t *tty_inhead; /* pointer to place where next char goes */
u16_t *tty_intail; /* pointer to next char to be given to prog */
int tty_incount; /* # chars in the input queue */
int tty_eotct; /* number of "line breaks" in input queue */
devfun_t tty_devread; /* routine to read from low level buffers */
devfun_t tty_icancel; /* cancel any device input */
int tty_min; /* minimum requested #chars in input queue */
timer_t tty_tmr; /* the timer for this tty */
/* Output section. */
devfun_t tty_devwrite; /* routine to start actual device output */
devfunarg_t tty_echo; /* routine to echo characters input */
devfun_t tty_ocancel; /* cancel any ongoing device output */
devfun_t tty_break; /* let the device send a break */
/* Terminal parameters and status. */
int tty_position; /* current position on the screen for echoing */
char tty_reprint; /* 1 when echoed input messed up, else 0 */
char tty_escaped; /* 1 when LNEXT (^V) just seen, else 0 */
char tty_inhibited; /* 1 when STOP (^S) just seen (stops output) */
int tty_pgrp; /* slot number of controlling process */
char tty_openct; /* count of number of opens of this tty */
/* Information about incomplete I/O requests is stored here. */
int tty_inrepcode; /* reply code, TASK_REPLY or REVIVE */
char tty_inrevived; /* set to 1 if revive callback is pending */
int tty_incaller; /* process that made the call (usually FS) */
int tty_inproc; /* process that wants to read from tty */
vir_bytes tty_in_vir_g; /* address or grant where data is to go */
vir_bytes tty_in_vir_offset; /* offset into grant */
int tty_in_safe; /* nonzero: safecopies (in_vir is grantid) */
int tty_inleft; /* how many chars are still needed */
int tty_incum; /* # chars input so far */
int tty_outrepcode; /* reply code, TASK_REPLY or REVIVE */
int tty_outrevived; /* set to 1 if revive callback is pending */
int tty_outcaller; /* process that made the call (usually FS) */
int tty_outproc; /* process that wants to write to tty */
vir_bytes tty_out_vir_g; /* address or grant where data comes from */
vir_bytes tty_out_vir_offset; /* offset into grant */
int tty_out_safe; /* nonzero: safecopies (out_vir is grantid) */
int tty_outleft; /* # chars yet to be output */
int tty_outcum; /* # chars output so far */
int tty_iocaller; /* process that made the call (usually FS) */
int tty_iorevived; /* set to 1 if revive callback is pending */
int tty_ioproc; /* process that wants to do an ioctl */
int tty_iostatus; /* result */
int tty_ioreq; /* ioctl request code */
int tty_io_safe; /* safe copy mode? (iovir is grant id) */
vir_bytes tty_iovir_g; /* virtual address of ioctl buffer or grant */
/* select() data */
int tty_select_ops; /* which operations are interesting */
int tty_select_proc; /* which process wants notification */
/* Miscellaneous. */
devfun_t tty_ioctl; /* set line speed, etc. at the device level */
devfun_t tty_close; /* tell the device that the tty is closed */
void *tty_priv; /* pointer to per device private data */
struct termios tty_termios; /* terminal attributes */
struct winsize tty_winsize; /* window size (#lines and #columns) */
u16_t tty_inbuf[TTY_IN_BYTES];/* tty input buffer */
} tty_t;
/* Memory allocated in tty.c, so extern here. */
extern tty_t tty_table[NR_CONS+NR_RS_LINES+NR_PTYS];
extern int ccurrent; /* currently visible console */
extern int irq_hook_id; /* hook id for keyboard irq */
extern u32_t system_hz; /* system clock frequency */
extern unsigned long kbd_irq_set;
extern unsigned long rs_irq_set;
extern int panicing; /* From panic.c in sysutil */
/* Values for the fields. */
#define NOT_ESCAPED 0 /* previous character is not LNEXT (^V) */
#define ESCAPED 1 /* previous character was LNEXT (^V) */
#define RUNNING 0 /* no STOP (^S) has been typed to stop output */
#define STOPPED 1 /* STOP (^S) has been typed to stop output */
/* Fields and flags on characters in the input queue. */
#define IN_CHAR 0x00FF /* low 8 bits are the character itself */
#define IN_LEN 0x0F00 /* length of char if it has been echoed */
#define IN_LSHIFT 8 /* length = (c & IN_LEN) >> IN_LSHIFT */
#define IN_EOT 0x1000 /* char is a line break (^D, LF) */
#define IN_EOF 0x2000 /* char is EOF (^D), do not return to user */
#define IN_ESC 0x4000 /* escaped by LNEXT (^V), no interpretation */
/* Times and timeouts. */
#define force_timeout() ((void) (0))
/* Memory allocated in tty.c, so extern here. */
extern timer_t *tty_timers; /* queue of TTY timers */
extern clock_t tty_next_timeout; /* next TTY timeout */
/* Number of elements and limit of a buffer. */
#define buflen(buf) (sizeof(buf) / sizeof((buf)[0]))
#define bufend(buf) ((buf) + buflen(buf))
/* Memory allocated in tty.c, so extern here. */
extern struct machine machine; /* machine information (a.o.: pc_at, ega) */
/* The tty outputs diagnostic messages in a circular buffer. */
extern struct kmessages kmess;
/* Function prototypes for TTY driver. */
/* tty.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void handle_events, (struct tty *tp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void sigchar, (struct tty *tp, int sig, int mayflush) );
_PROTOTYPE( void tty_task, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int in_process, (struct tty *tp, char *buf, int count) );
_PROTOTYPE( void out_process, (struct tty *tp, char *bstart, char *bpos,
char *bend, int *icount, int *ocount) );
_PROTOTYPE( void tty_wakeup, (clock_t now) );
#define tty_reply(c, r, p, s) tty_reply_f(__FILE__, __LINE__, (c), (r), (p), (s))
_PROTOTYPE( void tty_reply_f, (char *f, int l, int code, int replyee, int proc_nr,
int status) );
_PROTOTYPE( int tty_devnop, (struct tty *tp, int try) );
_PROTOTYPE( int select_try, (struct tty *tp, int ops) );
_PROTOTYPE( int select_retry, (struct tty *tp) );
/* rs232.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void rs_init, (struct tty *tp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void rs_interrupt, (message *m) );
#if (CHIP == INTEL)
/* console.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void kputc, (int c) );
_PROTOTYPE( void cons_stop, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void do_new_kmess, (message *m) );
_PROTOTYPE( void do_diagnostics, (message *m, int safe) );
_PROTOTYPE( void do_get_kmess, (message *m) );
_PROTOTYPE( void do_get_kmess_s, (message *m) );
_PROTOTYPE( void scr_init, (struct tty *tp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void toggle_scroll, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int con_loadfont, (message *m) );
_PROTOTYPE( void select_console, (int cons_line) );
_PROTOTYPE( void beep_x, ( unsigned freq, clock_t dur) );
_PROTOTYPE( void do_video, (message *m) );
/* keyboard.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void kb_init, (struct tty *tp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void kb_init_once, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int kbd_loadmap, (message *m, int safe) );
_PROTOTYPE( void do_panic_dumps, (message *m) );
_PROTOTYPE( void do_fkey_ctl, (message *m) );
_PROTOTYPE( void kbd_interrupt, (message *m) );
_PROTOTYPE( void do_kbd, (message *m) );
_PROTOTYPE( void do_kbdaux, (message *m) );
_PROTOTYPE( int kbd_status, (message *m_ptr) );
/* pty.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void do_pty, (struct tty *tp, message *m_ptr) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pty_init, (struct tty *tp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void select_retry_pty, (struct tty *tp) );
_PROTOTYPE( int pty_status, (message *m_ptr) );
#endif /* (CHIP == INTEL) */