David van Moolenbroek 87337273e4 Remove support for reopening character devices
Previously, VFS would reopen a character device after a driver crash
if the associated file descriptor was opened with the O_REOPEN flag.
This patch removes support for this feature. The code was complex,
full of uncovered corner cases, and hard to test. Moreover, it did not
actually hide the crash from user applications: they would get an
error code to indicate that something went wrong, and have to decide
based on the nature of the underlying device how to continue.

- remove support for O_REOPEN, and make playwave(1) reopen its device;
- remove support for the DEV_REOPEN protocol message;
- remove all code in VFS related to reopening character devices;
- no longer change VFS filp reference count and FD bitmap upon filp
  invalidation; instead, make get_filp* fail all calls on invalidated
  FDs except when obtained with the locktype VNODE_OPCL which is used
  by close_fd only;
- remove the VFS fproc file descriptor bitmap entirely, returning to
  the situation that a FD is in use if its slot points to a filp; use
  FILP_CLOSED as single means of marking a filp as invalidated.

Change-Id: I34f6bc69a036b3a8fc667c1f80435ff3af56558f
2014-03-01 09:04:52 +01:00

233 lines
5.1 KiB

* playwave.c
* Play sound files in wave format. Only MicroSoft PCM is supported.
* Michel R. Prevenier.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <minix/sound.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv);
void usage(void);
/******* Wave format definitions *********/
#define RIFF_ID 0x46464952
#define WAVE_ID1 0x45564157
#define WAVE_ID2 0x20746D66
#define DATA_ID 0x61746164
#define MS_PCM_FORMAT 0x0001
#define WORD short
#define DWORD unsigned long
struct RIFF_fields
DWORD data_ptr;
} r_fields;
struct common_fields
WORD FormatTag;
WORD Channels;
DWORD SamplesPerSec;
DWORD AvgBytesPerSec;
WORD BlockAlign;
} c_fields;
struct specific_fields
WORD BitsPerSample;
} s_fields;
DWORD data_id;
DWORD data_len;
/******** End of wave definitions *********/
void usage()
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: playwav [-i] file\n");
int open_audio(unsigned int *fragment_size, unsigned int channels,
unsigned int samples_per_sec, unsigned int bits)
unsigned int sign;
int audio;
/* Open DSP */
if ((audio = open("/dev/audio", O_RDWR | O_REOPEN)) < 0)
printf("Cannot open /dev/audio: %s\n", strerror(errno));
ioctl(audio, DSPIOMAX, fragment_size); /* Get maximum fragment size. */
/* Set DSP parameters (should check return values..) */
ioctl(audio, DSPIOSIZE, fragment_size); /* Use max. fragment size. */
ioctl(audio, DSPIOSTEREO, &channels);
ioctl(audio, DSPIORATE, &samples_per_sec);
ioctl(audio, DSPIOBITS, &bits);
sign = (bits == 16 ? 1 : 0);
ioctl(audio, DSPIOSIGN, &sign);
return audio;
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
int i, r, audio, file;
char *buffer, *file_name = NULL;
unsigned int fragment_size, fragment_size2;
long data_pos;
int showinfo = 0;
/* Check Parameters */
if (argc > 2)
if (strncmp(argv[1], "-i", 2) == 0)
showinfo = 1;
file_name = argv[2];
else file_name = argv[1];
/* Open wav file */
if((file = open(file_name, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
printf("Cannot open %s\n", file_name);
/* Check for valid wave format */
read(file, &r_fields, 20);
if(r_fields.RIFF_id != RIFF_ID)
printf("%s not in RIFF format\n", file_name);
if(r_fields.WAVE_id1 != WAVE_ID1 || r_fields.WAVE_id2 != WAVE_ID2)
printf("%s not in WAVE format\n", file_name);
/* Store data_chunk position */
data_pos = lseek(file, 0L, 1) + r_fields.data_ptr;
/* Read the common and specific fields */
read(file, &c_fields, 14);
read(file, &s_fields, 2);
/* Check for valid wave format, we can only play MicroSoft PCM */
if(c_fields.FormatTag != MS_PCM_FORMAT)
printf("%s not in MicroSoft PCM format\n", file_name);
/* Open audio device and set DSP parameters */
audio = open_audio(&fragment_size, c_fields.Channels - 1,
c_fields.SamplesPerSec, s_fields.BitsPerSample);
if ((buffer = malloc(fragment_size)) == (char *)0)
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate buffer\n");
/* Goto data chunk */
lseek(file, data_pos, SEEK_SET);
/* Check for valid data chunk */
read(file, &data_id, sizeof(data_id));
if(data_id != DATA_ID)
printf("Invalid data chunk\n");
/* Get length of data */
read(file, &data_len, sizeof(data_len));
if (showinfo)
printf("\nBits per sample : %d \n", s_fields.BitsPerSample);
printf("Stereo : %s \n", (c_fields.Channels == 1 ? "yes" : "no"));
printf("Samples per second: %ld \n", c_fields.SamplesPerSec);
printf("Average bytes/sec : %ld \n", c_fields.AvgBytesPerSec);
printf("Block alignment : %d \n", c_fields.BlockAlign);
printf("Datalength (bytes): %ld \n\n", data_len);
/* Play data */
while(data_len > 0)
if (data_len > fragment_size)
/* Read next fragment */
read(file, buffer, fragment_size);
data_len-= fragment_size;
/* Read until end of file and fill rest of buffer with silence,
* in PCM this means: fill buffer with last played value
read(file, buffer, data_len);
for (i = data_len; i< fragment_size; i++)
buffer[i] = buffer[(int)data_len-1];
data_len = 0;
/* Copy data to DSP */
r= write(audio, buffer, fragment_size);
if (r != fragment_size)
if (r < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "playwave: write to audio device failed: %s\n",
/* If we get EIO, the driver might have restarted. Reopen the
* audio device.
if (errno == EIO) {
audio = open_audio(&fragment_size2,
c_fields.Channels - 1, c_fields.SamplesPerSec,
if (fragment_size2 != fragment_size) {
fprintf(stderr, "Fragment size has changed\n");
fprintf(stderr, "playwave: partial write %d instead of %d\n",
r, fragment_size);