Lionel Sambuc f4a2713ac8 Importing netbsd clang -- pristine
Change-Id: Ia40e9ffdf29b5dab2f122f673ff6802a58bc690f
2014-07-28 17:05:57 +02:00

25 lines
710 B

// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple armv7-apple-ios -x c++ -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
// According to the Itanium ABI (3.1.1), types with non-trivial copy
// constructors passed by value should be passed indirectly, with the caller
// creating a temporary.
struct Empty;
struct Empty {
Empty(const Empty &e);
bool check();
bool foo(Empty e) {
// CHECK: @_Z3foo5Empty(%struct.Empty* %e)
// CHECK: call {{.*}} @_ZN5Empty5checkEv(%struct.Empty* %e)
return e.check();
void caller(Empty &e) {
// CHECK: @_Z6callerR5Empty(%struct.Empty* %e)
// CHECK: call {{.*}} @_ZN5EmptyC1ERKS_(%struct.Empty* [[NEWTMP:%.*]], %struct.Empty*
// CHECK: call {{.*}} @_Z3foo5Empty(%struct.Empty* [[NEWTMP]])