Cristiano Giuffrida f4574783dc Rewrite of boot process
- The kernel only knows about privileges of kernel tasks and the root system
process (now RS).
- Kernel tasks and the root system process are the only processes that are made
schedulable by the kernel at startup. All the other processes in the boot image
don't get their privileges set at startup and are inhibited from running by the
- Removed the assumption on the ordering of processes in the boot image table.
System processes can now appear in any order in the boot image table.
- Privilege ids can now be assigned both statically or dynamically. The kernel
assigns static privilege ids to kernel tasks and the root system process. Each
id is directly derived from the process number.
- User processes now all share the static privilege id of the root user
process (now INIT).
- sys_privctl split: we have more calls now to let RS set privileges for system
processes. SYS_PRIV_ALLOW / SYS_PRIV_DISALLOW are only used to flip the
RTS_NO_PRIV flag and allow / disallow a process from running. SYS_PRIV_SET_SYS /
SYS_PRIV_SET_USER are used to set privileges for a system / user process.
- boot image table flags split: PROC_FULLVM is the only flag that has been
moved out of the privilege flags and is still maintained in the boot image
table. All the other privilege flags are out of the kernel now.

- RS is the only user-space process who gets to run right after in-kernel
- RS uses the boot image table from the kernel and three additional boot image
info table (priv table, sys table, dev table) to complete the initialization
of the system.
- RS checks that the entries in the priv table match the entries in the boot
image table to make sure that every process in the boot image gets schedulable.
- RS only uses static privilege ids to set privileges for system services in
the boot image.
- RS includes basic memory management support to allocate the boot image buffer
dynamically during initialization. The buffer shall contain the executable
image of all the system services we would like to restart after a crash.
- First step towards decoupling between resource provisioning and resource
requirements in RS: RS must know what resources it needs to restart a process
and what resources it has currently available. This is useful to tradeoff
reliability and resource consumption. When required resources are missing, the
process cannot be restarted. In that case, in the future, a system flag will
tell RS what to do. For example, if CORE_PROC is set, RS should trigger a
system-wide panic because the system can no longer function correctly without
a core system process.

- The process tree built at initialization time is changed to have INIT as root
with pid 0, RS child of INIT and all the system services children of RS. This
is required to make RS in control of all the system services.
- PM no longer registers labels for system services in the boot image. This is
now part of RS's initialization process.
2009-12-11 00:08:19 +00:00

1663 lines
47 KiB

* Changes:
* Mar 02, 2009: Extended isolation policies (Jorrit N. Herder)
* Jul 22, 2005: Created (Jorrit N. Herder)
#include "inc.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/vm.h>
#include <minix/vm.h>
#include <lib.h>
#include <minix/sysutil.h>
/* Prototypes for internal functions that do the hard work. */
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( int caller_is_root, (endpoint_t endpoint) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( int caller_can_control, (endpoint_t endpoint,
char *label) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( int copy_label, (endpoint_t src_e,
struct rss_label *src_label, char *dst_label, size_t dst_len) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( int start_service, (struct rproc *rp, int flags,
endpoint_t *ep) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( int stop_service, (struct rproc *rp,int how) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( int fork_nb, (void) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( int read_exec, (struct rproc *rp) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( int copy_exec, (struct rproc *rp_src,
struct rproc *rp_dst) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( void run_script, (struct rproc *rp) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( char *get_next_label, (char *ptr, char *label,
char *caller_label) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( void add_forward_ipc, (struct rproc *rp,
struct priv *privp) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( void add_backward_ipc, (struct rproc *rp,
struct priv *privp) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( void init_privs, (struct rproc *rp, struct priv *privp) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( int set_privs, (endpoint_t endpoint, struct priv *privp,
int req) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( void init_pci, (struct rproc *rp, int endpoint) );
PRIVATE int shutting_down = FALSE;
* caller_is_root *
PRIVATE int caller_is_root(endpoint)
endpoint_t endpoint; /* caller endpoint */
uid_t euid;
/* Check if caller has root user ID. */
euid = getnuid(endpoint);
if (rs_verbose && euid != 0)
printf("RS: got unauthorized request from endpoint %d\n", endpoint);
return euid == 0;
* caller_can_control *
PRIVATE int caller_can_control(endpoint, label)
endpoint_t endpoint;
char *label;
int control_allowed = 0;
register struct rproc *rp;
int c;
char *progname;
/* Find name of binary for given label. */
for (rp = BEG_RPROC_ADDR; rp < END_RPROC_ADDR; rp++) {
if (strcmp(rp->r_label, label) == 0) {
if (rp == END_RPROC_ADDR) return 0;
progname = strrchr(rp->r_argv[0], '/');
if (progname != NULL)
progname = rp->r_argv[0];
/* Check if label is listed in caller's isolation policy. */
for (rp = BEG_RPROC_ADDR; rp < END_RPROC_ADDR; rp++) {
if (rp->r_proc_nr_e == endpoint) {
if (rp == END_RPROC_ADDR) return 0;
if (rp->r_nr_control > 0) {
for (c = 0; c < rp->r_nr_control; c++) {
if (strcmp(rp->r_control[c], progname) == 0)
control_allowed = 1;
if (rs_verbose) {
printf("RS: allowing %u control over %s via policy: %s\n",
endpoint, label, control_allowed ? "yes" : "no");
return control_allowed;
* copy_label *
PRIVATE int copy_label(src_e, src_label, dst_label, dst_len)
endpoint_t src_e;
struct rss_label *src_label;
char *dst_label;
size_t dst_len;
int s, len;
len = MIN(dst_len-1, src_label->l_len);
s = sys_datacopy(src_e, (vir_bytes) src_label->l_addr,
SELF, (vir_bytes) dst_label, len);
if (s != OK) return s;
dst_label[len] = 0;
if (rs_verbose)
printf("RS: do_start: using label (custom) '%s'\n", dst_label);
return OK;
* do_up *
PUBLIC int do_up(m_ptr, do_copy, flags)
message *m_ptr; /* request message pointer */
int do_copy; /* keep copy in memory */
int flags; /* extra flags, if any */
/* A request was made to start a new system service. Dismember the request
* message and gather all information needed to start the service. Starting
* is done by a helper routine.
register struct rproc *rp; /* system process table */
int slot_nr; /* local table entry */
int arg_count; /* number of arguments */
char *cmd_ptr; /* parse command string */
char *label; /* unique name of command */
enum dev_style dev_style; /* device style */
int s; /* status variable */
int len; /* length of string */
int r;
endpoint_t ep; /* new endpoint no. */
/* This call requires special privileges. */
if (!caller_is_root(m_ptr->m_source)) return(EPERM);
/* See if there is a free entry in the table with system processes. */
for (slot_nr = 0; slot_nr < NR_SYS_PROCS; slot_nr++) {
rp = &rproc[slot_nr]; /* get pointer to slot */
if (! rp->r_flags & RS_IN_USE) /* check if available */
/* Obtain command name and parameters. This is a space-separated string
* that looks like "/sbin/service arg1 arg2 ...". Arguments are optional.
if (m_ptr->RS_CMD_LEN > MAX_COMMAND_LEN) return(E2BIG);
if (OK!=(s=sys_datacopy(m_ptr->m_source, (vir_bytes) m_ptr->RS_CMD_ADDR,
SELF, (vir_bytes) rp->r_cmd, m_ptr->RS_CMD_LEN))) return(s);
rp->r_cmd[m_ptr->RS_CMD_LEN] = '\0'; /* ensure it is terminated */
if (rp->r_cmd[0] != '/') return(EINVAL); /* insist on absolute path */
rp->r_script[0]= '\0';
/* Build argument vector to be passed to execute call. The format of the
* arguments vector is: path, arguments, NULL.
arg_count = 0; /* initialize arg count */
rp->r_argv[arg_count++] = rp->r_cmd; /* start with path */
cmd_ptr = rp->r_cmd; /* do some parsing */
while(*cmd_ptr != '\0') { /* stop at end of string */
if (*cmd_ptr == ' ') { /* next argument */
*cmd_ptr = '\0'; /* terminate previous */
while (*++cmd_ptr == ' ') ; /* skip spaces */
if (*cmd_ptr == '\0') break; /* no arg following */
if (arg_count>MAX_NR_ARGS+1) break; /* arg vector full */
rp->r_argv[arg_count++] = cmd_ptr; /* add to arg vector */
cmd_ptr ++; /* continue parsing */
rp->r_argv[arg_count] = NULL; /* end with NULL pointer */
rp->r_argc = arg_count;
/* Default label for the driver */
label= strrchr(rp->r_argv[0], '/');
if (label)
label= rp->r_argv[0];
len= strlen(label);
if (len > MAX_LABEL_LEN-1)
len= MAX_LABEL_LEN-1; /* truncate name */
memcpy(rp->r_label, label, len);
rp->r_label[len]= '\0';
if(rs_verbose) printf("RS: do_up: using label '%s'\n", rp->r_label);
rp->r_uid= 0;
rp->r_nice= 0;
rp->r_sys_flags = DSRV_SF;
rp->r_exec= NULL;
if (do_copy)
s= read_exec(rp);
if (s != OK)
return s;
rp->r_sys_flags |= SF_USE_COPY;
/* Initialize some fields. */
rp->r_period = m_ptr->RS_PERIOD;
rp->r_dev_nr = m_ptr->RS_DEV_MAJOR;
rp->r_dev_style = STYLE_DEV;
rp->r_restarts = -1; /* will be incremented */
rp->r_set_resources= 0; /* old style */
/* All information was gathered. Now try to start the system service. */
r = start_service(rp, flags, &ep);
m_ptr->RS_ENDPOINT = ep;
return r;
* do_start *
PUBLIC int do_start(m_ptr)
message *m_ptr; /* request message pointer */
/* A request was made to start a new system service.
register struct rproc *rp; /* system process table */
int slot_nr; /* local table entry */
int arg_count; /* number of arguments */
char *cmd_ptr; /* parse command string */
char *label; /* unique name of command */
enum dev_style dev_style; /* device style */
int s; /* status variable */
int len; /* length of string */
int i;
int r;
endpoint_t ep;
struct rproc *tmp_rp;
struct rs_start rs_start;
/* This call requires special privileges. */
if (!caller_is_root(m_ptr->m_source)) return(EPERM);
/* See if there is a free entry in the table with system processes. */
for (slot_nr = 0; slot_nr < NR_SYS_PROCS; slot_nr++) {
rp = &rproc[slot_nr]; /* get pointer to slot */
if (!(rp->r_flags & RS_IN_USE)) /* check if available */
if (slot_nr >= NR_SYS_PROCS)
printf("rs`do_start: driver table full\n");
return ENOMEM;
/* Ok, there is space. Get the request structure. */
s= sys_datacopy(m_ptr->m_source, (vir_bytes) m_ptr->RS_CMD_ADDR,
SELF, (vir_bytes) &rs_start, sizeof(rs_start));
if (s != OK) return(s);
/* Obtain command name and parameters. This is a space-separated string
* that looks like "/sbin/service arg1 arg2 ...". Arguments are optional.
if (rs_start.rss_cmdlen > MAX_COMMAND_LEN-1) return(E2BIG);
s=sys_datacopy(m_ptr->m_source, (vir_bytes) rs_start.rss_cmd,
SELF, (vir_bytes) rp->r_cmd, rs_start.rss_cmdlen);
if (s != OK) return(s);
rp->r_cmd[rs_start.rss_cmdlen] = '\0'; /* ensure it is terminated */
if (rp->r_cmd[0] != '/') return(EINVAL); /* insist on absolute path */
/* Build argument vector to be passed to execute call. The format of the
* arguments vector is: path, arguments, NULL.
arg_count = 0; /* initialize arg count */
rp->r_argv[arg_count++] = rp->r_cmd; /* start with path */
cmd_ptr = rp->r_cmd; /* do some parsing */
while(*cmd_ptr != '\0') { /* stop at end of string */
if (*cmd_ptr == ' ') { /* next argument */
*cmd_ptr = '\0'; /* terminate previous */
while (*++cmd_ptr == ' ') ; /* skip spaces */
if (*cmd_ptr == '\0') break; /* no arg following */
if (arg_count>MAX_NR_ARGS+1) break; /* arg vector full */
rp->r_argv[arg_count++] = cmd_ptr; /* add to arg vector */
cmd_ptr ++; /* continue parsing */
rp->r_argv[arg_count] = NULL; /* end with NULL pointer */
rp->r_argc = arg_count;
if(rs_start.rss_label.l_len > 0) {
/* RS_START caller has supplied a custom label for this driver. */
int s = copy_label(m_ptr->m_source, &rs_start.rss_label,
rp->r_label, sizeof(rp->r_label));
if(s != OK)
return s;
printf("RS: do_start: using label (custom) '%s'\n", rp->r_label);
} else {
/* Default label for the driver. */
label= strrchr(rp->r_argv[0], '/');
if (label)
label= rp->r_argv[0];
len= strlen(label);
if (len > MAX_LABEL_LEN-1)
len= MAX_LABEL_LEN-1; /* truncate name */
memcpy(rp->r_label, label, len);
rp->r_label[len]= '\0';
printf("RS: do_start: using label (from binary %s) '%s'\n",
rp->r_argv[0], rp->r_label);
if(rs_start.rss_nr_control > 0) {
int i, s;
if (rs_start.rss_nr_control > RSS_NR_CONTROL)
printf("RS: do_start: too many control labels\n");
return EINVAL;
for (i=0; i<rs_start.rss_nr_control; i++) {
s = copy_label(m_ptr->m_source, &rs_start.rss_control[i],
rp->r_control[i], sizeof(rp->r_control[i]));
if(s != OK)
return s;
rp->r_nr_control = rs_start.rss_nr_control;
if (rs_verbose) {
printf("RS: do_start: control labels:");
for (i=0; i<rp->r_nr_control; i++)
printf(" %s", rp->r_control[i]);
/* Check for duplicates */
for (slot_nr = 0; slot_nr < NR_SYS_PROCS; slot_nr++) {
tmp_rp = &rproc[slot_nr]; /* get pointer to slot */
if (!(tmp_rp->r_flags & RS_IN_USE)) /* check if available */
if (tmp_rp == rp)
continue; /* Our slot */
if (strcmp(tmp_rp->r_label, rp->r_label) == 0)
printf("RS: found duplicate label '%s': slot %d\n",
rp->r_label, slot_nr);
return EBUSY;
rp->r_script[0]= '\0';
if (rs_start.rss_scriptlen > MAX_SCRIPT_LEN-1) return(E2BIG);
if (rs_start.rss_script != NULL)
s=sys_datacopy(m_ptr->m_source, (vir_bytes) rs_start.rss_script,
SELF, (vir_bytes) rp->r_script, rs_start.rss_scriptlen);
if (s != OK) return(s);
rp->r_script[rs_start.rss_scriptlen] = '\0';
rp->r_uid= rs_start.rss_uid;
rp->r_nice= rs_start.rss_nice;
if (rs_start.rss_flags & RF_IPC_VALID)
if (rs_start.rss_ipclen+1 > sizeof(rp->r_ipc_list))
printf("rs: ipc list too long for '%s'\n", rp->r_label);
return EINVAL;
s=sys_datacopy(m_ptr->m_source, (vir_bytes) rs_start.rss_ipc,
SELF, (vir_bytes) rp->r_ipc_list, rs_start.rss_ipclen);
if (s != OK) return(s);
rp->r_ipc_list[rs_start.rss_ipclen]= '\0';
rp->r_ipc_list[0]= '\0';
rp->r_sys_flags = DSRV_SF;
rp->r_exec= NULL;
if (rs_start.rss_flags & RF_COPY) {
int exst_cpy;
struct rproc *rp2;
exst_cpy = 0;
if(rs_start.rss_flags & RF_REUSE) {
char *cmd = rp->r_cmd;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < NR_SYS_PROCS; i++) {
rp2 = &rproc[i];
if(strcmp(rp->r_cmd, rp2->r_cmd) == 0 &&
(rp2->r_sys_flags & SF_USE_COPY)) {
/* We have found the same binary that's
* already been copied */
exst_cpy = 1;
s = read_exec(rp);
s = copy_exec(rp, rp2);
if (s != OK)
return s;
rp->r_sys_flags |= SF_USE_COPY;
/* All dynamically created services get the same privilege flags, and
* allowed traps. Other privilege settings can be specified at runtime.
* The privilege id is dynamically allocated by the kernel.
rp->r_priv.s_flags = DSRV_F; /* privilege flags */
rp->r_priv.s_trap_mask = DSRV_T; /* allowed traps */
/* Copy granted resources */
if (rs_start.rss_nr_irq > NR_IRQ)
printf("RS: do_start: too many IRQs requested\n");
return EINVAL;
rp->r_priv.s_nr_irq= rs_start.rss_nr_irq;
for (i= 0; i<rp->r_priv.s_nr_irq; i++)
rp->r_priv.s_irq_tab[i]= rs_start.rss_irq[i];
printf("RS: do_start: IRQ %d\n", rp->r_priv.s_irq_tab[i]);
if (rs_start.rss_nr_io > NR_IO_RANGE)
printf("RS: do_start: too many I/O ranges requested\n");
return EINVAL;
rp->r_priv.s_nr_io_range= rs_start.rss_nr_io;
for (i= 0; i<rp->r_priv.s_nr_io_range; i++)
rp->r_priv.s_io_tab[i].ior_base= rs_start.rss_io[i].base;
printf("RS: do_start: I/O [%x..%x]\n",
if (rs_start.rss_nr_pci_id > RSS_NR_PCI_ID)
printf("RS: do_start: too many PCI device IDs\n");
return EINVAL;
rp->r_nr_pci_id= rs_start.rss_nr_pci_id;
for (i= 0; i<rp->r_nr_pci_id; i++)
rp->r_pci_id[i].vid= rs_start.rss_pci_id[i].vid;
rp->r_pci_id[i].did= rs_start.rss_pci_id[i].did;
printf("RS: do_start: PCI %04x/%04x\n",
rp->r_pci_id[i].vid, rp->r_pci_id[i].did);
if (rs_start.rss_nr_pci_class > RSS_NR_PCI_CLASS)
printf("RS: do_start: too many PCI class IDs\n");
return EINVAL;
rp->r_nr_pci_class= rs_start.rss_nr_pci_class;
for (i= 0; i<rp->r_nr_pci_class; i++)
rp->r_pci_class[i].class= rs_start.rss_pci_class[i].class;
rp->r_pci_class[i].mask= rs_start.rss_pci_class[i].mask;
printf("RS: do_start: PCI class %06x mask %06x\n",
rp->r_pci_class[i].class, rp->r_pci_class[i].mask);
/* Copy 'system' call number bits */
if (sizeof(rs_start.rss_system[0]) == sizeof(rp->r_call_mask[0]) &&
sizeof(rs_start.rss_system) == sizeof(rp->r_call_mask))
for (i= 0; i<RSS_NR_SYSTEM; i++)
rp->r_call_mask[i]= rs_start.rss_system[i];
"RS: do_start: internal inconsistency: bad size of r_call_mask\n");
memset(rp->r_call_mask, '\0', sizeof(rp->r_call_mask));
/* Initialize some fields. */
rp->r_period = rs_start.rss_period;
rp->r_dev_nr = rs_start.rss_major;
rp->r_dev_style = STYLE_DEV;
rp->r_restarts = -1; /* will be incremented */
rp->r_set_resources= 1; /* new style, enforce
* I/O resources
if (sizeof(rp->r_vm) == sizeof(rs_start.rss_vm) &&
sizeof(rp->r_vm[0]) == sizeof(rs_start.rss_vm[0]))
memcpy(rp->r_vm, rs_start.rss_vm, sizeof(rp->r_vm));
printf("RS: do_start: internal inconsistency: bad size of r_vm\n");
memset(rp->r_vm, '\0', sizeof(rp->r_vm));
/* All information was gathered. Now try to start the system service. */
r = start_service(rp, 0, &ep);
m_ptr->RS_ENDPOINT = ep;
return r;
* do_down *
PUBLIC int do_down(message *m_ptr)
register struct rproc *rp;
size_t len;
int s, proc;
char label[MAX_LABEL_LEN];
/* This call requires special privileges. */
if (!caller_is_root(m_ptr->m_source)) return(EPERM);
len= m_ptr->RS_CMD_LEN;
if (len >= sizeof(label))
return EINVAL; /* Too long */
s= sys_datacopy(m_ptr->m_source, (vir_bytes) m_ptr->RS_CMD_ADDR,
SELF, (vir_bytes) label, len);
if (s != OK) return(s);
label[len]= '\0';
for (rp=BEG_RPROC_ADDR; rp<END_RPROC_ADDR; rp++) {
if (rp->r_flags & RS_IN_USE && strcmp(rp->r_label, label) == 0) {
printf("RS: stopping '%s' (%d)\n", label, rp->r_pid);
if (rp->r_pid == -1)
/* Process is already gone */
rp->r_flags = 0; /* release slot */
if (rp->r_exec)
rp->r_exec= NULL;
proc = _ENDPOINT_P(rp->r_proc_nr_e);
rproc_ptr[proc] = NULL;
/* Late reply - send a reply when process dies. */
rp->r_flags |= RS_LATEREPLY;
rp->r_caller = m_ptr->m_source;
if(rs_verbose) printf("RS: do_down: '%s' not found\n", label);
* do_restart *
PUBLIC int do_restart(message *m_ptr)
register struct rproc *rp;
size_t len;
int s, proc, r;
char label[MAX_LABEL_LEN];
endpoint_t ep;
len= m_ptr->RS_CMD_LEN;
if (len >= sizeof(label))
return EINVAL; /* Too long */
s= sys_datacopy(m_ptr->m_source, (vir_bytes) m_ptr->RS_CMD_ADDR,
SELF, (vir_bytes) label, len);
if (s != OK) return(s);
label[len]= '\0';
/* This call requires special privileges. */
if (! (caller_can_control(m_ptr->m_source, label) ||
caller_is_root(m_ptr->m_source))) {
for (rp=BEG_RPROC_ADDR; rp<END_RPROC_ADDR; rp++) {
if ((rp->r_flags & RS_IN_USE) && strcmp(rp->r_label, label) == 0) {
if(rs_verbose) printf("RS: restarting '%s' (%d)\n", label, rp->r_pid);
if (rp->r_pid >= 0)
printf("RS: do_restart: '%s' is (still) running, pid = %d\n",
return EBUSY;
r = start_service(rp, 0, &ep);
if (r != OK) printf("do_restart: start_service failed: %d\n", r);
m_ptr->RS_ENDPOINT = ep;
if(rs_verbose) {
printf("RS: do_restart: '%s' not found\n", label);
* do_refresh *
PUBLIC int do_refresh(message *m_ptr)
register struct rproc *rp;
size_t len;
int s;
char label[MAX_LABEL_LEN];
len= m_ptr->RS_CMD_LEN;
if (len >= sizeof(label))
return EINVAL; /* Too long */
s= sys_datacopy(m_ptr->m_source, (vir_bytes) m_ptr->RS_CMD_ADDR,
SELF, (vir_bytes) label, len);
if (s != OK) return(s);
label[len]= '\0';
/* This call requires special privileges. */
if (! (caller_can_control(m_ptr->m_source, label) ||
caller_is_root(m_ptr->m_source))) {
for (rp=BEG_RPROC_ADDR; rp<END_RPROC_ADDR; rp++) {
if (rp->r_flags & RS_IN_USE && strcmp(rp->r_label, label) == 0) {
if(rs_verbose) {
printf("RS: refreshing %s (%d)\n", rp->r_label, rp->r_pid);
if(rs_verbose) {
printf("RS: do_refresh: '%s' not found\n", label);
* do_shutdown *
PUBLIC int do_shutdown(message *m_ptr)
/* This call requires special privileges. */
if (m_ptr != NULL && !caller_is_root(m_ptr->m_source)) return(EPERM);
/* Set flag so that RS server knows services shouldn't be restarted. */
shutting_down = TRUE;
* do_exit *
PUBLIC void do_exit(message *m_ptr)
register struct rproc *rp;
pid_t exit_pid;
int exit_status, r, slot_nr;
endpoint_t ep;
printf("RS: got SIGCHLD signal, doing wait to get exited child.\n");
/* See which child exited and what the exit status is. This is done in a
* loop because multiple children may have exited, all reported by one
* SIGCHLD signal. The WNOHANG options is used to prevent blocking if,
* somehow, no exited child can be found.
while ( (exit_pid = waitpid(-1, &exit_status, WNOHANG)) != 0 ) {
if(rs_verbose) {
#if 0
printf("RS: pid %d, ", exit_pid);
if (WIFSIGNALED(exit_status)) {
#if 0
printf("killed, signal number %d\n", WTERMSIG(exit_status));
else if (WIFEXITED(exit_status)) {
#if 0
printf("normal exit, status %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(exit_status));
/* Read from the exec pipe */
for (;;)
r= read(exec_pipe[0], &slot_nr, sizeof(slot_nr));
if (r == -1)
break; /* No data */
if (r != sizeof(slot_nr))
panic("RS", "do_exit: unaligned read from exec pipe",
printf("do_exit: got slot %d\n", slot_nr);
if (slot_nr < 0 || slot_nr >= NR_SYS_PROCS)
panic("RS", "do_exit: bad slot number from exec pipe",
rp= &rproc[slot_nr];
rp->r_flags |= RS_EXITING;
/* Search the system process table to see who exited.
* This should always succeed.
for (rp=BEG_RPROC_ADDR; rp<END_RPROC_ADDR; rp++) {
if ((rp->r_flags & RS_IN_USE) && rp->r_pid == exit_pid) {
int proc;
proc = _ENDPOINT_P(rp->r_proc_nr_e);
rproc_ptr[proc] = NULL; /* invalidate */
rp->r_pid= -1;
pci_del_acl(rp->r_proc_nr_e); /* Ignore errors */
if ((rp->r_flags & RS_EXITING) || shutting_down) {
/* No reply sent to RS_DOWN yet. */
if(rp->r_flags & RS_LATEREPLY) {
message rsm;
rsm.m_type = OK;
send(rp->r_caller, &rsm);
/* Release slot. */
rp->r_flags = 0;
if (rp->r_exec)
rp->r_exec= NULL;
else if(rp->r_flags & RS_REFRESHING) {
rp->r_restarts = -1; /* reset counter */
if (rp->r_script[0] != '\0')
else {
start_service(rp, 0, &ep); /* direct restart */
m_ptr->RS_ENDPOINT = ep;
else {
/* Determine what to do. If this is the first unexpected
* exit, immediately restart this service. Otherwise use
* a binary exponential backoff.
#if 0
rp->r_restarts= 0;
if (WIFSIGNALED(exit_status)) {
case SIGKILL: rp->r_flags |= RS_KILLED; break;
default: rp->r_flags |= RS_SIGNALED; break;
rp->r_flags |= RS_CRASHED;
if (rp->r_script[0] != '\0') {
printf("RS: running restart script for %s\n",
} else if (rp->r_restarts > 0) {
printf("RS: restarting %s, restarts %d\n",
rp->r_cmd, rp->r_backoff);
rp->r_backoff = 1 << MIN(rp->r_restarts,(BACKOFF_BITS-2));
rp->r_backoff = MIN(rp->r_backoff,MAX_BACKOFF);
if ((rp->r_sys_flags & SF_USE_COPY) && rp->r_backoff > 1)
rp->r_backoff= 1;
else {
printf("RS: restarting %s\n", rp->r_cmd);
start_service(rp, 0, &ep); /* direct restart */
m_ptr->RS_ENDPOINT = ep;
/* Do this even if no I/O happens with the ioctl, in
* order to disambiguate requests with DEV_IOCTL_S.
* do_period *
PUBLIC void do_period(m_ptr)
message *m_ptr;
register struct rproc *rp;
clock_t now = m_ptr->NOTIFY_TIMESTAMP;
int s;
endpoint_t ep;
/* Search system services table. Only check slots that are in use. */
for (rp=BEG_RPROC_ADDR; rp<END_RPROC_ADDR; rp++) {
if (rp->r_flags & RS_IN_USE) {
/* If the service is to be revived (because it repeatedly exited,
* and was not directly restarted), the binary backoff field is
* greater than zero.
if (rp->r_backoff > 0) {
rp->r_backoff -= 1;
if (rp->r_backoff == 0) {
start_service(rp, 0, &ep);
m_ptr->RS_ENDPOINT = ep;
/* If the service was signaled with a SIGTERM and fails to respond,
* kill the system service with a SIGKILL signal.
else if (rp->r_stop_tm > 0 && now - rp->r_stop_tm > 2*RS_DELTA_T
&& rp->r_pid > 0) {
kill(rp->r_pid, SIGKILL); /* terminate */
/* There seems to be no special conditions. If the service has a
* period assigned check its status.
else if (rp->r_period > 0) {
/* Check if an answer to a status request is still pending. If
* the driver didn't respond within time, kill it to simulate
* a crash. The failure will be detected and the service will
* be restarted automatically.
if (rp->r_alive_tm < rp->r_check_tm) {
if (now - rp->r_alive_tm > 2*rp->r_period &&
rp->r_pid > 0 && !(rp->r_flags & RS_NOPINGREPLY)) {
printf("RS: service %d reported late\n",
rp->r_flags |= RS_NOPINGREPLY;
kill(rp->r_pid, SIGKILL); /* simulate crash */
/* No answer pending. Check if a period expired since the last
* check and, if so request the system service's status.
else if (now - rp->r_check_tm > rp->r_period) {
#if 0
printf("RS: status request sent to %d\n", rp->r_proc_nr_e);
notify(rp->r_proc_nr_e); /* request status */
rp->r_check_tm = now; /* mark time */
/* Reschedule a synchronous alarm for the next period. */
if (OK != (s=sys_setalarm(RS_DELTA_T, 0)))
panic("RS", "couldn't set alarm", s);
* start_service *
PRIVATE int start_service(rp, flags, endpoint)
struct rproc *rp;
int flags;
endpoint_t *endpoint;
/* Try to execute the given system service. Fork a new process. The child
* process will be inhibited from running by the NO_PRIV flag. Only let the
* child run once its privileges have been set by the parent.
int child_proc_nr_e, child_proc_nr_n; /* child process slot */
pid_t child_pid; /* child's process id */
char *file_only;
int s, use_copy, slot_nr;
struct priv *privp;
bitchunk_t *vm_mask;
message m;
char * null_env = NULL;
use_copy= (rp->r_sys_flags & SF_USE_COPY);
/* See if we are not using a copy but we do need one to start the service. */
if(!use_copy && (rp->r_sys_flags & SF_NEED_COPY)) {
printf("RS: unable to start service %s without an in-memory copy\n",
/* Now fork and branch for parent and child process (and check for error). */
if (use_copy) {
if(rs_verbose) printf("RS: fork_nb..\n");
child_pid= fork_nb();
} else {
if(rs_verbose) printf("RS: fork regular..\n");
child_pid = fork();
switch(child_pid) { /* see fork(2) */
case -1: /* fork failed */
report("RS", "warning, fork() failed", errno); /* shouldn't happen */
return(errno); /* return error */
case 0: /* child process */
/* Try to execute the binary that has an absolute path. If this fails,
* e.g., because the root file system cannot be read, try to strip off
* the path, and see if the command is in RS' current working dir.
nice(rp->r_nice); /* Nice before setuid, to allow negative
* nice values.
cpf_reload(); /* Tell kernel about grant table */
if (!use_copy)
execve(rp->r_argv[0], rp->r_argv, &null_env); /* POSIX execute */
file_only = strrchr(rp->r_argv[0], '/') + 1;
execve(file_only, rp->r_argv, &null_env); /* POSIX execute */
printf("RS: exec failed for %s: %d\n", rp->r_argv[0], errno);
slot_nr= rp-rproc;
s= write(exec_pipe[1], &slot_nr, sizeof(slot_nr));
if (s != sizeof(slot_nr))
printf("RS: write to exec pipe failed: %d/%d\n", s, errno);
exit(1); /* terminate child */
default: /* parent process */
#if 0
if(rs_verbose) printf("RS: parent forked, pid %d..\n", child_pid);
child_proc_nr_e = getnprocnr(child_pid); /* get child slot */
#if 0
if(rs_verbose) printf("RS: forked into %d..\n", child_proc_nr_e);
break; /* continue below */
/* Regardless of any following failures, there is now a child process.
* Update the system process table that is maintained by the RS server.
child_proc_nr_n = _ENDPOINT_P(child_proc_nr_e);
rp->r_flags = RS_IN_USE | flags; /* mark slot in use */
rp->r_restarts += 1; /* raise nr of restarts */
rp->r_proc_nr_e = child_proc_nr_e; /* set child details */
rp->r_pid = child_pid;
rp->r_check_tm = 0; /* not checked yet */
getuptime(&rp->r_alive_tm); /* currently alive */
rp->r_stop_tm = 0; /* not exiting yet */
rp->r_backoff = 0; /* not to be restarted */
rproc_ptr[child_proc_nr_n] = rp; /* mapping for fast access */
/* If any of the calls below fail, the RS_EXITING flag is set. This implies
* that the process will be removed from RS's process table once it has
* terminated. The assumption is that it is not useful to try to restart the
* process later in these failure cases.
if (use_copy)
extern char **environ;
/* Copy the executable image into the child process. If this call
* fails, the child process may or may not be killed already. If it is
* not killed, it's blocked because of NO_PRIV. Kill it now either way.
s = dev_execve(child_proc_nr_e, rp->r_exec, rp->r_exec_len, rp->r_argv,
if (s != OK) {
report("RS", "dev_execve call failed", s);
kill(child_pid, SIGKILL);
rp->r_flags |= RS_EXITING; /* don't try again */
privp= NULL;
vm_mask = NULL;
if (rp->r_set_resources)
init_privs(rp, &rp->r_priv);
privp= &rp->r_priv;
/* Inform the PCI server about the driver */
init_pci(rp, child_proc_nr_e);
vm_mask = &rp->r_vm[0];
/* Tell VM about allowed calls, before actually letting the process run. */
if ((s = vm_set_priv(child_proc_nr_e, vm_mask)) < 0) {
report("RS", "vm_set_priv call failed", s);
kill(child_pid, SIGKILL);
rp->r_flags |= RS_EXITING;
return (s);
/* Set the privilege structure for the child process.
* That will also cause the child process to start running.
* This call should succeed: we tested number in use above.
if ((s = set_privs(child_proc_nr_e, privp, SYS_PRIV_SET_SYS)) != OK) {
report("RS","set_privs failed", s);
kill(child_pid, SIGKILL); /* kill driver */
rp->r_flags |= RS_EXITING; /* expect exit */
return(s); /* return error */
/* The purpose of non-blocking forks is to avoid involving VFS in the forking
* process, because VFS may be blocked on a sendrec() to a MFS that is
* waiting for a endpoint update for a dead driver. We have just published
* that update, but VFS may still be blocked. As a result, VFS may not yet
* have received PM's fork message. Hence, if we call mapdriver5()
* immediately, VFS may not know about the process and thus refuse to add the
* driver entry. The following temporary hack works around this by forcing
* blocking communication from PM to VFS. Once VFS has been made non-blocking
* towards MFS instances, this hack and the entire fork_nb() call can go.
if (use_copy)
/* Publish the new system service. */
s = publish_service(rp);
if (s != OK) {
printf("RS: warning: publish_service failed: %d\n", s);
if (rp->r_dev_nr > 0) { /* set driver map */
if ((s=mapdriver5(rp->r_label, strlen(rp->r_label),
rp->r_dev_nr, rp->r_dev_style, !!use_copy /* force */)) < 0) {
report("RS", "couldn't map driver (continuing)", errno);
#if 0
kill(child_pid, SIGKILL); /* kill driver */
rp->r_flags |= RS_EXITING; /* expect exit */
return(s); /* return error */
printf("RS: started '%s', major %d, pid %d, endpoint %d, proc %d\n",
rp->r_cmd, rp->r_dev_nr, child_pid,
child_proc_nr_e, child_proc_nr_n);
/* The system service now has been successfully started. The only thing
* that can go wrong now, is that execution fails at the child. If that's
* the case, the child will exit.
if(endpoint) *endpoint = child_proc_nr_e; /* send back child endpoint */
* stop_service *
PRIVATE int stop_service(rp,how)
struct rproc *rp;
int how;
/* Try to stop the system service. First send a SIGTERM signal to ask the
* system service to terminate. If the service didn't install a signal
* handler, it will be killed. If it did and ignores the signal, we'll
* find out because we record the time here and send a SIGKILL.
if(rs_verbose) printf("RS tries to stop %s (pid %d)\n", rp->r_cmd, rp->r_pid);
rp->r_flags |= how; /* what to on exit? */
if(rp->r_pid > 0) kill(rp->r_pid, SIGTERM); /* first try friendly */
else if(rs_verbose) printf("RS: no process to kill\n");
getuptime(&rp->r_stop_tm); /* record current time */
* do_getsysinfo *
PUBLIC int do_getsysinfo(m_ptr)
message *m_ptr;
vir_bytes src_addr, dst_addr;
int dst_proc;
size_t len;
int s;
/* This call requires special privileges. */
if (!caller_is_root(m_ptr->m_source)) return(EPERM);
switch(m_ptr->m1_i1) {
src_addr = (vir_bytes) rproc;
len = sizeof(struct rproc) * NR_SYS_PROCS;
dst_proc = m_ptr->m_source;
dst_addr = (vir_bytes) m_ptr->m1_p1;
if (OK != (s=sys_datacopy(SELF, src_addr, dst_proc, dst_addr, len)))
PRIVATE pid_t fork_nb()
message m;
return(_syscall(PM_PROC_NR, FORK_NB, &m));
PRIVATE int copy_exec(rp_dst, rp_src)
struct rproc *rp_dst, *rp_src;
/* Copy binary from rp_src to rp_dst. */
rp_dst->r_exec_len = rp_src->r_exec_len;
rp_dst->r_exec = malloc(rp_dst->r_exec_len);
if(rp_dst->r_exec == NULL)
return ENOMEM;
memcpy(rp_dst->r_exec, rp_src->r_exec, rp_dst->r_exec_len);
if(rp_dst->r_exec_len != 0 && rp_dst->r_exec != NULL)
return OK;
rp_dst->r_exec = NULL;
return EIO;
PRIVATE int read_exec(rp)
struct rproc *rp;
int e, r, fd;
char *e_name;
struct stat sb;
e_name= rp->r_argv[0];
r= stat(e_name, &sb);
if (r != 0)
return -errno;
fd= open(e_name, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)
return -errno;
rp->r_exec_len= sb.st_size;
rp->r_exec= malloc(rp->r_exec_len);
if (rp->r_exec == NULL)
printf("RS: read_exec: unable to allocate %d bytes\n",
return ENOMEM;
r= read(fd, rp->r_exec, rp->r_exec_len);
e= errno;
if (r == rp->r_exec_len)
return OK;
printf("RS: read_exec: read failed %d, errno %d\n", r, e);
rp->r_exec= NULL;
if (r >= 0)
return EIO;
return -e;
* run_script *
PRIVATE void run_script(rp)
struct rproc *rp;
int r, proc_nr_e;
pid_t pid;
char *reason;
char incarnation_str[20]; /* Enough for a counter? */
char *envp[1] = { NULL };
if (rp->r_flags & RS_REFRESHING)
reason= "restart";
else if (rp->r_flags & RS_NOPINGREPLY)
reason= "no-heartbeat";
else if (rp->r_flags & RS_KILLED)
reason= "killed";
else if (rp->r_flags & RS_CRASHED)
reason= "crashed";
else if (rp->r_flags & RS_SIGNALED)
reason= "signaled";
"RS: run_script: can't find reason for termination of '%s'\n",
sprintf(incarnation_str, "%d", rp->r_restarts);
if(rs_verbose) {
printf("RS: calling script '%s'\n", rp->r_script);
printf("RS: sevice name: '%s'\n", rp->r_label);
printf("RS: reason: '%s'\n", reason);
printf("RS: incarnation: '%s'\n", incarnation_str);
pid= fork();
case -1:
printf("RS: run_script: fork failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
case 0:
execle(rp->r_script, rp->r_script, rp->r_label, reason,
incarnation_str, NULL, envp);
printf("RS: run_script: execl '%s' failed: %s\n",
rp->r_script, strerror(errno));
/* Set the privilege structure for the child process and let it
* run.
proc_nr_e = getnprocnr(pid);
if ((r= set_privs(proc_nr_e, NULL, SYS_PRIV_SET_USER)) != OK) {
printf("RS: run_script: set_privs call failed: %d\n",r);
/* Do not wait for the child */
* get_next_label *
PRIVATE char *get_next_label(ptr, label, caller_label)
char *ptr;
char *label;
char *caller_label;
/* Get the next label from the list of (IPC) labels.
char *p, *q;
size_t len;
for (p= ptr; p[0] != '\0'; p= q)
/* Skip leading space */
while (p[0] != '\0' && isspace((unsigned char)p[0]))
/* Find start of next word */
q= p;
while (q[0] != '\0' && !isspace((unsigned char)q[0]))
if (q == p)
len= q-p;
if (len > MAX_LABEL_LEN)
"rs:get_next_label: bad ipc list entry '.*s' for %s: too long\n",
len, p, caller_label);
memcpy(label, p, len);
label[len]= '\0';
return q; /* found another */
return NULL; /* done */
* add_forward_ipc *
PRIVATE void add_forward_ipc(rp, privp)
struct rproc *rp;
struct priv *privp;
/* Add IPC send permissions to a process based on that process's IPC
* list.
char label[MAX_LABEL_LEN+1], *p;
struct rproc *tmp_rp;
endpoint_t proc_nr_e;
int r;
int slot_nr, priv_id;
struct priv priv;
p = rp->r_ipc_list;
while ((p = get_next_label(p, label, rp->r_label)) != NULL) {
if (strcmp(label, "SYSTEM") == 0)
proc_nr_e= SYSTEM;
else if (strcmp(label, "USER") == 0)
proc_nr_e= INIT_PROC_NR; /* all user procs */
else if (strcmp(label, "PM") == 0)
proc_nr_e= PM_PROC_NR;
else if (strcmp(label, "VFS") == 0)
proc_nr_e= FS_PROC_NR;
else if (strcmp(label, "RS") == 0)
proc_nr_e= RS_PROC_NR;
else if (strcmp(label, "LOG") == 0)
proc_nr_e= LOG_PROC_NR;
else if (strcmp(label, "TTY") == 0)
proc_nr_e= TTY_PROC_NR;
else if (strcmp(label, "DS") == 0)
proc_nr_e= DS_PROC_NR;
else if (strcmp(label, "VM") == 0)
proc_nr_e= VM_PROC_NR;
/* Try to find process */
for (slot_nr = 0; slot_nr < NR_SYS_PROCS;
tmp_rp = &rproc[slot_nr];
if (!(tmp_rp->r_flags & RS_IN_USE))
if (strcmp(tmp_rp->r_label, label) == 0)
if (slot_nr >= NR_SYS_PROCS)
if (rs_verbose)
"add_forward_ipc: unable to find '%s'\n", label);
proc_nr_e= tmp_rp->r_proc_nr_e;
if ((r = sys_getpriv(&priv, proc_nr_e)) < 0)
"add_forward_ipc: unable to get priv_id for '%s': %d\n",
label, r);
priv_id= priv.s_id;
set_sys_bit(privp->s_ipc_to, priv_id);
* add_backward_ipc *
PRIVATE void add_backward_ipc(rp, privp)
struct rproc *rp;
struct priv *privp;
/* Add IPC send permissions to a process based on other processes' IPC
* lists. This is enough to allow each such two processes to talk to
* each other, as the kernel guarantees send mask symmetry. We need to
* add these permissions now because the current process may not yet
* have existed at the time that the other process was initialized.
char label[MAX_LABEL_LEN+1], *p;
struct rproc *rrp;
int priv_id, found;
for (rrp=BEG_RPROC_ADDR; rrp<END_RPROC_ADDR; rrp++) {
if (!(rrp->r_flags & RS_IN_USE))
/* If an IPC target list was provided for the process being
* checked here, make sure that the label of the new process
* is in that process's list.
if (rrp->r_ipc_list[0]) {
found = 0;
p = rrp->r_ipc_list;
while ((p = get_next_label(p, label, rp->r_label)) !=
if (!strcmp(rp->r_label, label)) {
found = 1;
if (!found)
priv_id= rrp->r_priv.s_id;
set_sys_bit(privp->s_ipc_to, priv_id);
* init_privs *
PRIVATE void init_privs(rp, privp)
struct rproc *rp;
struct priv *privp;
int i, src_bits_per_word, dst_bits_per_word, src_word, dst_word,
src_bit, call_nr;
unsigned long mask;
/* Clear s_k_call_mask */
memset(privp->s_k_call_mask, '\0', sizeof(privp->s_k_call_mask));
src_bits_per_word= 8*sizeof(rp->r_call_mask[0]);
dst_bits_per_word= 8*sizeof(privp->s_k_call_mask[0]);
for (src_word= 0; src_word < RSS_NR_SYSTEM; src_word++)
for (src_bit= 0; src_bit < src_bits_per_word; src_bit++)
mask= (1UL << src_bit);
if (!(rp->r_call_mask[src_word] & mask))
call_nr= src_word*src_bits_per_word+src_bit;
#if 0
printf("RS: init_privs: system call %d\n", call_nr);
dst_word= call_nr / dst_bits_per_word;
mask= (1UL << (call_nr % dst_bits_per_word));
if (dst_word >= CALL_MASK_SIZE)
"RS: init_privs: call number %d doesn't fit\n",
privp->s_k_call_mask[dst_word] |= mask;
/* Clear s_ipc_to */
memset(&privp->s_ipc_to, '\0', sizeof(privp->s_ipc_to));
if (strlen(rp->r_ipc_list) != 0)
add_forward_ipc(rp, privp);
add_backward_ipc(rp, privp);
for (i= 0; i<NR_SYS_PROCS; i++)
if (i != USER_PRIV_ID)
set_sys_bit(privp->s_ipc_to, i);
* set_privs *
PRIVATE int set_privs(endpoint, privp, req)
endpoint_t endpoint;
struct priv *privp;
int req;
int r;
/* Set the privilege structure. */
if ((r = sys_privctl(endpoint, req, privp)) != OK) {
return r;
/* Synch the privilege structure with the kernel for system services. */
if(req == SYS_PRIV_SET_SYS) {
if ((r = sys_getpriv(privp, endpoint)) != OK) {
return r;
/* Allow the process to run. */
if ((r = sys_privctl(endpoint, SYS_PRIV_ALLOW, NULL)) != OK) {
return r;
* init_pci *
PRIVATE void init_pci(rp, endpoint)
struct rproc *rp;
int endpoint;
/* Tell the PCI driver about the new driver */
size_t len;
int i, r;
struct rs_pci rs_pci;
if (strcmp(rp->r_label, "pci") == 0)
printf("RS: init_pci: not when starting 'pci'\n");
len= strlen(rp->r_label);
if (len+1 > sizeof(rs_pci.rsp_label))
printf("RS: init_pci: label '%s' too long for rsp_label\n",
strcpy(rs_pci.rsp_label, rp->r_label);
rs_pci.rsp_endpoint= endpoint;
rs_pci.rsp_nr_device= rp->r_nr_pci_id;
if (rs_pci.rsp_nr_device > RSP_NR_DEVICE)
printf("RS: init_pci: too many PCI devices (max %d) "
rs_pci.rsp_nr_device= RSP_NR_DEVICE;
for (i= 0; i<rs_pci.rsp_nr_device; i++)
rs_pci.rsp_device[i].vid= rp->r_pci_id[i].vid;
rs_pci.rsp_device[i].did= rp->r_pci_id[i].did;
rs_pci.rsp_nr_class= rp->r_nr_pci_class;
if (rs_pci.rsp_nr_class > RSP_NR_CLASS)
printf("RS: init_pci: too many PCI classes "
"(max %d) truncating\n",
rs_pci.rsp_nr_class= RSP_NR_CLASS;
for (i= 0; i<rs_pci.rsp_nr_class; i++)
rs_pci.rsp_class[i].class= rp->r_pci_class[i].class;
rs_pci.rsp_class[i].mask= rp->r_pci_class[i].mask;
printf("RS: init_pci: calling pci_set_acl\n");
r= pci_set_acl(&rs_pci);
printf("RS: init_pci: after pci_set_acl\n");
if (r != OK)
printf("RS: init_pci: pci_set_acl failed: %s\n",
* do_lookup *
PUBLIC int do_lookup(m_ptr)
message *m_ptr;
static char namebuf[100];
int len, r;
struct rproc *rrp;
len = m_ptr->RS_NAME_LEN;
if(len < 2 || len >= sizeof(namebuf)) {
printf("RS: len too weird (%d)\n", len);
return EINVAL;
if((r=sys_vircopy(m_ptr->m_source, D, (vir_bytes) m_ptr->RS_NAME,
SELF, D, (vir_bytes) namebuf, len)) != OK) {
printf("RS: name copy failed\n");
return r;
namebuf[len] = '\0';
for (rrp=BEG_RPROC_ADDR; rrp<END_RPROC_ADDR; rrp++) {
if (!(rrp->r_flags & RS_IN_USE))
if (!strcmp(rrp->r_label, namebuf)) {
m_ptr->RS_ENDPOINT = rrp->r_proc_nr_e;
return OK;
return ESRCH;