Ben Gras a9db0ea184 x86 hd image creator
A script that creates a HD image ready to be booted by an x86
emulator, ready to work in a crossbuild environment.

It's really just for qemu/kvm as there's no boot code in
the MBR and no bootloader installed so we rely on the in-kvm
multiboot implementation for now. This is very convenient for
passing args too.

To minimize reliance on external tools, we use the Minix
'partition' utility to write the partition table of the HD
image, which therefore has to be compiled natively.

	. new script releasetools/
	. natively compile minix 'partition' utility
	. make <machine/partition.h> 64-bit safe for it

Change-Id: If645b4691536752271e0b8a8ed59a34f248dace4
2013-09-25 19:30:22 +02:00

149 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable file

set -e
: ${ARCH=i386}
: ${OBJ=../obj.${ARCH}}
: ${CROSS_TOOLS=${OBJ}/"tooldir.`uname -s`-`uname -r`-`uname -m`"/bin}
: ${CROSS_PREFIX=${CROSS_TOOLS}/i586-elf32-minix-}
: ${JOBS=1}
: ${DESTDIR=${OBJ}/destdir.$ARCH}
: ${FSTAB=${DESTDIR}/etc/fstab}
: ${}
# Directory where to store temporary file system images
: ${IMG_DIR=${OBJ}/img}
: ${IMG=minix_x86.img}
if [ ! -f ${BUILDSH} ]
then echo "Please invoke me from the root source dir, where ${BUILDSH} is."
exit 1
export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
# Artifacts from this script are stored in the IMG_DIR
mkdir -p $IMG_DIR
# Call using a sloppy file list so we don't need to remove the installed /etc/fstag
sh ${BUILDSH} -V SLOPPY_FLIST=yes -V MKBINUTILS=yes -V MKGCCCMDS=yes -j ${JOBS} -m ${ARCH} -O ${OBJ} -D ${DESTDIR} ${BUILDVARS} -U -u distribution
# This script creates a bootable image and should at some point in the future
# be replaced by makefs.
# All sized are written in 512 byte blocks
# we create a disk image of about 2 gig's
# for alignement reasons, prefer sizes which are multiples of 4096 bytes
: ${IMG_SIZE=$(( 2*(2**30) / 512))}
: ${ROOT_SIZE=$(( 64*(2**20) / 512))}
: ${HOME_SIZE=$(( 128*(2**20) / 512))}
: ${USR_SIZE=$((1536*(2**20) / 512))}
# create a fstab entry in /etc this is normally done during the
# setup phase on x86
/dev/c0d0p1 /home mfs rw 0 2
/dev/c0d0p2 /usr mfs rw 0 2
rm -f ${DESTDIR}/SETS.*
${CROSS_TOOLS}/nbpwd_mkdb -V 0 -p -d ${DESTDIR} ${DESTDIR}/etc/master.passwd
# Now given the sizes above use DD to create separate files representing
# the partitions we are going to use.
dd if=/dev/zero of=${IMG_DIR}/root.img bs=512 count=1 seek=$(($ROOT_SIZE -1)) 2>/dev/null
dd if=/dev/zero of=${IMG_DIR}/home.img bs=512 count=1 seek=$(($HOME_SIZE -1)) 2>/dev/null
dd if=/dev/zero of=${IMG_DIR}/usr.img bs=512 count=1 seek=$(($USR_SIZE -1)) 2>/dev/null
# Create the empty image where we later will but the partitions in
dd if=/dev/zero of=${IMG} bs=512 count=1 seek=$(($IMG_SIZE -1))
# Do some math to determine the start addresses of the partitions.
# Ensure the start of the partitions are always aligned, the end will
# always be as we assume the sizes are multiples of 4096 bytes, which
# is always true as soon as you have an integer multiple of 1MB.
set -x
${CROSS_TOOLS}/nbpartition -m ${IMG} ${ROOT_START} 81:${ROOT_SIZE} 81:${HOME_SIZE} 81:${USR_SIZE}
set +x
# make the different file system. this part is *also* hacky. We first convert
# the METALOG.sanitised using mtree into a input METALOG containing uids and
# gids.
# Afther that we do some magic processing to add device nodes (also missing from METALOG)
# and convert the METALOG into a proto file that can be used by mkfs.mfs
echo "creating the file systems"
# read METALOG and use mtree to conver the user and group names into uid and gids
# FIX put "input somwhere clean"
cat ${DESTDIR}/METALOG.sanitised | ${CROSS_TOOLS}/nbmtree -N ${DESTDIR}/etc -C > ${IMG_DIR}/input
# add fstab
echo "./etc/fstab type=file uid=0 gid=0 mode=0755 size=747 time=1365060731.000000000" >> ${IMG_DIR}/input
# fill root.img (skipping /usr entries while keeping the /usr directory)
cat ${IMG_DIR}/input | grep -v "^./usr/" | ${CROSS_TOOLS}/nbtoproto -b ${DESTDIR} -o ${IMG_DIR}/
# add device nodes somewhere in the middle of the proto file. Better would be to add the entries in the
# original METALOG
# grab the first part
grep -B 10000 "^ dev" ${IMG_DIR}/ > ${IMG_DIR}/root.proto
# add the device nodes from the ramdisk
cat ${OBJ}/drivers/ramdisk/ >> ${IMG_DIR}/root.proto
# and add the rest of the file
grep -A 10000 "^ dev" ${IMG_DIR}/ | tail -n +2 >> ${IMG_DIR}/root.proto
rm ${IMG_DIR}/
# Create proto files for /usr and /home using toproto.
cat ${IMG_DIR}/input | grep "^\./usr/\|^. " | sed "s,\./usr,\.,g" | ${CROSS_TOOLS}/nbtoproto -b ${DESTDIR}/usr -o ${IMG_DIR}/usr.proto
cat ${IMG_DIR}/input | grep "^\./home/\|^. " | sed "s,\./home,\.,g" | ${CROSS_TOOLS}/nbtoproto -b ${DESTDIR}/home -o ${IMG_DIR}/home.proto
# Generate /root, /usr and /home partition images.
echo "Writing Minix filesystem images"
echo " - ROOT"
${CROSS_TOOLS}/nbmkfs.mfs -b $((${ROOT_SIZE} / 8)) ${IMG_DIR}/root.img ${IMG_DIR}/root.proto
echo " - USR"
${CROSS_TOOLS}/nbmkfs.mfs -b $((${USR_SIZE} / 8)) ${IMG_DIR}/usr.img ${IMG_DIR}/usr.proto
echo " - HOME"
${CROSS_TOOLS}/nbmkfs.mfs -b $((${HOME_SIZE} / 8)) ${IMG_DIR}/home.img ${IMG_DIR}/home.proto
# Merge the partitions into a single image.
echo "Merging file systems"
dd if=${IMG_DIR}/root.img of=${IMG} seek=$ROOT_START conv=notrunc
dd if=${IMG_DIR}/home.img of=${IMG} seek=$HOME_START conv=notrunc
dd if=${IMG_DIR}/usr.img of=${IMG} seek=$USR_START conv=notrunc
mods="`( cd $moddir; echo mod* | tr ' ' ',' )`"
echo "To boot this image on kvm:"
echo "cd $moddir && kvm -serial stdio -kernel kernel -append \"console=tty00 rootdevname=c0d0p0\" -initrd \"$mods\" -hda `pwd`/$IMG"