David van Moolenbroek dfc3261535 PFS, inet: use static UID to drop privileges
Previously, services would obtain the user ID of "service" through
getpwnam(3).  While this approach is conceptually better, it also
imposes linking against libc which in turn causes problems with
printf(3), which already led to PFS no longer dropping privileges at
all.  For now, we hardcode SERVICE_UID and use that instead.

In the future, two changes should allow removal of SERVICE_UID again:
- "service edit" should cause RS to request that a service (such as
  PFS) drop privileges through SEF, using the user ID resolved by
  service(8), or something similar;
- a future devfs should make it possible for inet to start without
  root privileges altogether.

Change-Id: Ie02a1e888cde325806fc0ae76909943ac42c9b96
2015-06-06 21:42:48 +00:00

453 lines
10 KiB

/* PFS - Pipe File Server */
#include <minix/drivers.h>
#include <minix/fsdriver.h>
#include <minix/vfsif.h>
#include <minix/rs.h>
#include <assert.h>
* The following constant defines the number of inodes in PFS, which is
* therefore the maximum number of open pipes and cloned devices that can be
* used in the entire system. If anything, it should be kept somewhat in sync
* with VFS's maximum number of inodes. In the future, inodes could be
* allocated dynamically, but this will require extra infrastructure.
#define PFS_NR_INODES 512 /* maximum number of inodes in PFS */
/* The following bits can be combined in the inode's i_update field. */
#define ATIME 0x1 /* update access time later */
#define MTIME 0x2 /* update modification time later */
#define CTIME 0x4 /* update change time later */
static struct inode {
ino_t i_num; /* inode number */
mode_t i_mode; /* file mode and permissions */
uid_t i_uid; /* user ID of the file's owner */
gid_t i_gid; /* group ID of the file's owner */
size_t i_size; /* current file size in bytes */
dev_t i_rdev; /* device number for device nodes */
time_t i_atime; /* file access time */
time_t i_mtime; /* file modification time */
time_t i_ctime; /* file change time */
char *i_data; /* data buffer, for pipes only */
size_t i_start; /* start of data into data buffer */
unsigned char i_update; /* which file times to update? */
unsigned char i_free; /* sanity check: is the inode free? */
LIST_ENTRY(inode) i_next; /* next element in free list */
} inode[PFS_NR_INODES];
static LIST_HEAD(, inode) free_inodes; /* list of free inodes */
* Mount the pipe file server.
static int
pfs_mount(dev_t __unused dev, unsigned int __unused flags,
struct fsdriver_node * node, unsigned int * res_flags)
struct inode *rip;
unsigned int i;
LIST_INIT(&free_inodes); /* initialize the free list */
* Initialize the inode table. We walk backwards so that the lowest
* inode numbers end up being used first. Silly? Sure, but aesthetics
* are worth something, too..
for (i = PFS_NR_INODES; i > 0; i--) {
rip = &inode[i - 1];
/* Inode number 0 is reserved. See also pfs_findnode. */
rip->i_num = i;
rip->i_free = TRUE;
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&free_inodes, rip, i_next);
* PFS has no root node, and VFS will ignore the returned node details
* anyway. The whole idea is to provide symmetry with other file
* systems, thus keeping libfsdriver simple and free of special cases.
memset(node, 0, sizeof(*node));
*res_flags = RES_64BIT;
return OK;
* Unmount the pipe file server.
static void
unsigned int i;
/* Warn about in-use inodes. There's nothing else we can do. */
for (i = 0; i < PFS_NR_INODES; i++)
if (inode[i].i_free == FALSE)
if (i < PFS_NR_INODES)
printf("PFS: unmounting while busy!\n");
* Find the node with the corresponding inode number. It must be in use.
static struct inode *
pfs_findnode(ino_t ino_nr)
struct inode *rip;
/* Inode numbers are 1-based, because inode number 0 is reserved. */
if (ino_nr < 1 || ino_nr > PFS_NR_INODES)
return NULL;
rip = &inode[ino_nr - 1];
assert(rip->i_num == ino_nr);
if (rip->i_free == TRUE)
return NULL;
return rip;
* Create a new, unlinked node. It must be either a pipe or a device file.
static int
pfs_newnode(mode_t mode, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, dev_t dev,
struct fsdriver_node * node)
struct inode *rip;
char *data;
int isfifo, isdev;
/* Check the file type. Do we support it at all? */
isfifo = S_ISFIFO(mode);
isdev = S_ISBLK(mode) || S_ISCHR(mode);
if (!isfifo && !isdev)
return EINVAL; /* this means VFS is misbehaving.. */
/* Is there a free inode? */
if (LIST_EMPTY(&free_inodes))
return ENFILE;
/* For pipes, we need a buffer. Try to allocate one. */
data = NULL;
if (isfifo && (data = malloc(PIPE_BUF)) == NULL)
return ENOSPC;
/* Nothing can go wrong now. Take an inode off the free list. */
rip = LIST_FIRST(&free_inodes);
LIST_REMOVE(rip, i_next);
assert(rip->i_free == TRUE);
rip->i_free = FALSE; /* this is for sanity checks only */
/* Initialize the inode's fields. */
rip->i_mode = mode;
rip->i_uid = uid;
rip->i_gid = gid;
rip->i_size = 0;
rip->i_update = ATIME | MTIME | CTIME;
if (isdev)
rip->i_rdev = dev;
rip->i_rdev = NO_DEV;
rip->i_data = data;
rip->i_start = 0;
/* Fill in the fields of the response message. */
node->fn_ino_nr = rip->i_num;
node->fn_mode = rip->i_mode;
node->fn_size = rip->i_size;
node->fn_uid = rip->i_uid;
node->fn_gid = rip->i_gid;
node->fn_dev = rip->i_rdev;
return OK;
* Close a node.
static int
pfs_putnode(ino_t ino_nr, unsigned int count)
struct inode *rip;
if ((rip = pfs_findnode(ino_nr)) == NULL)
return EINVAL;
* Since the new-node call is the only way to open an inode, and there
* is no way to increase the use count of an already-opened inode, we
* can safely assume that the reference count will only ever be one.
* That also means we are always freeing up the target inode here.
if (count != 1)
return EINVAL;
/* For pipes, free the inode data buffer. */
if (rip->i_data != NULL)
/* Return the inode to the free list. */
rip->i_free = TRUE;
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&free_inodes, rip, i_next);
return OK;
* Read from a pipe.
static ssize_t
pfs_read(ino_t ino_nr, struct fsdriver_data * data, size_t bytes,
off_t __unused pos, int __unused call)
struct inode *rip;
int r;
/* The target node must be a pipe. */
if ((rip = pfs_findnode(ino_nr)) == NULL || !S_ISFIFO(rip->i_mode))
return EINVAL;
/* We can't read beyond the maximum file position. */
if (bytes > PIPE_BUF)
return EFBIG;
/* Limit the request to how much is in the pipe. */
if (bytes > rip->i_size)
bytes = rip->i_size;
/* Copy the data to user space. */
if ((r = fsdriver_copyout(data, 0, rip->i_data + rip->i_start,
bytes)) != OK)
return r;
/* Update file size and access time. */
rip->i_size -= bytes;
rip->i_start += bytes;
rip->i_update |= ATIME;
/* Return the number of bytes transferred. */
return bytes;
* Write to a pipe.
static ssize_t
pfs_write(ino_t ino_nr, struct fsdriver_data * data, size_t bytes,
off_t __unused pos, int __unused call)
struct inode *rip;
int r;
/* The target node must be a pipe. */
if ((rip = pfs_findnode(ino_nr)) == NULL || !S_ISFIFO(rip->i_mode))
return EINVAL;
/* Check in advance to see if file will grow too big. */
if (rip->i_size + bytes > PIPE_BUF)
return EFBIG;
* Move any previously remaining data to the front of the buffer.
* Doing so upon writes rather than reads saves on memory moves when
* there are many small reads. Not using the buffer circularly saves
* on kernel calls.
if (rip->i_start > 0) {
if (rip->i_size > 0)
memmove(rip->i_data, rip->i_data + rip->i_start,
rip->i_start = 0;
/* Copy the data from user space. */
r = fsdriver_copyin(data, 0, rip->i_data + rip->i_size, bytes);
if (r != OK)
return r;
/* Update file size and times. */
rip->i_size += bytes;
rip->i_update |= CTIME | MTIME;
/* Return the number of bytes transferred. */
return bytes;
* Truncate a pipe.
static int
pfs_trunc(ino_t ino_nr, off_t start_pos, off_t end_pos)
struct inode *rip;
/* The target node must be a pipe. */
if ((rip = pfs_findnode(ino_nr)) == NULL || !S_ISFIFO(rip->i_mode))
return EINVAL;
/* We only support full truncation of pipes. */
if (start_pos != 0 || end_pos != 0)
return EINVAL;
/* Update file size and times. */
rip->i_size = 0;
rip->i_update |= CTIME | MTIME;
return OK;
* Return node status.
static int
pfs_stat(ino_t ino_nr, struct stat * statbuf)
struct inode *rip;
time_t now;
if ((rip = pfs_findnode(ino_nr)) == NULL)
return EINVAL;
/* Update the time fields in the inode, if need be. */
if (rip->i_update != 0) {
now = clock_time(NULL);
if (rip->i_update & ATIME) rip->i_atime = now;
if (rip->i_update & MTIME) rip->i_mtime = now;
if (rip->i_update & CTIME) rip->i_ctime = now;
rip->i_update = 0;
/* Fill the stat buffer. */
statbuf->st_dev = rip->i_rdev; /* workaround for old socketpair bug */
statbuf->st_ino = rip->i_num;
statbuf->st_mode = rip->i_mode;
statbuf->st_nlink = 0;
statbuf->st_uid = rip->i_uid;
statbuf->st_gid = rip->i_gid;
statbuf->st_rdev = rip->i_rdev;
statbuf->st_size = rip->i_size;
statbuf->st_atime = rip->i_atime;
statbuf->st_mtime = rip->i_mtime;
statbuf->st_ctime = rip->i_ctime;
statbuf->st_blksize = PIPE_BUF;
statbuf->st_blocks = howmany(rip->i_size, S_BLKSIZE);
return OK;
* Change node permissions.
static int
pfs_chmod(ino_t ino_nr, mode_t * mode)
struct inode *rip;
if ((rip = pfs_findnode(ino_nr)) == NULL)
return EINVAL;
/* Update file mode and times. */
rip->i_mode = (rip->i_mode & ~ALLPERMS) | (*mode & ALLPERMS);
rip->i_update |= MTIME | CTIME;
*mode = rip->i_mode;
return OK;
* Process a signal.
static void
pfs_signal(int signo)
/* Only check for termination signal, ignore anything else. */
if (signo != SIGTERM) return;
* Initialize PFS.
static int
pfs_init(int __unused type, sef_init_info_t * __unused info)
/* Drop privileges. */
if (setuid(SERVICE_UID) != 0)
printf("PFS: warning, unable to drop privileges\n");
return OK;
* Perform SEF initialization.
static void
/* Register initialization callbacks. */
/* No live update support for now. */
/* Register signal callbacks. */
/* Let SEF perform startup. */
* Function call table for the fsdriver library.
static struct fsdriver pfs_table = {
.fdr_mount = pfs_mount,
.fdr_unmount = pfs_unmount,
.fdr_newnode = pfs_newnode,
.fdr_putnode = pfs_putnode,
.fdr_read = pfs_read,
.fdr_write = pfs_write,
.fdr_trunc = pfs_trunc,
.fdr_stat = pfs_stat,
.fdr_chmod = pfs_chmod
* The main routine of this service.
/* Local startup. */
/* The fsdriver library does the actual work here. */