Lionel Sambuc 11be35a165 Importing NetBSD "Kyua" test framework
To do so, a few dependencies have been imported:

 * external/bsd/lutok
 * external/mit/lua
 * external/public-domain/sqlite
 * external/public-domain/xz

The Kyua framework is the new generation of ATF (Automated Test
Framework), it is composed of:

 * external/bsd/atf
 * external/bsd/kyua-atf-compat
 * external/bsd/kyua-cli
 * external/bsd/kyua-tester
 * tests

Kyua/ATF being written in C++, it depends on libstdc++ which is
provided by GCC. As this is not part of the sources, Kyua is only
compiled when the native GCC utils are installed.

To install Kyua do the following:

 * In a cross-build enviromnent, add the following to the
   commandline: -V MKBINUTILS=yes -V MKGCCCMDS=yes

  At this point the import is still experimental, and not supported
  on native builds (a.k.a make build).

Change-Id: I26aee23c5bbd2d64adcb7c1beb98fe0d479d7ada
2013-07-23 20:43:41 +02:00

25 lines
968 B

4500 0028 0001 0000 ff06 adc0 0404 0404 0606 0001 03e8 0c38 0000 0001 1000 0001 5010 2000 61a4 0000
4500 0028 0001 0000 ff06 b5c9 0202 0202 0101 0101 0050 0065 0000 0001 1000 0001 5010 2000 7918 0000
List of active MAP/Redirect filters:
rewrite in on zx0 proto tcp from 0/0 to port = 80 -> src,1000-1001 dst,port = 3128;
List of active sessions:
RWR-RDR 101 80 <- -> 1000 3128
Hostmap table:
List of active state sessions:
List of configured pools
List of configured hash tables
List of groups configured (set 0)
List of groups configured (set 1)
Rules configured (set 0, in)
Rules configured (set 0, out)
Rules configured (set 1, in)
Rules configured (set 1, out)
Accounting rules configured (set 0, in)
Accounting rules configured (set 0, out)
Accounting rules configured (set 1, in)
Accounting rules configured (set 1, out)