David van Moolenbroek cb9453ca63 libminixfs: add support for peeking blocks
With this change, the lmfs_get_block*(3) functions allow the caller to
specify that it only wants the block if it is in the cache or the
secondary VM cache.  If the block is not found there, the functions
return NULL.  Previously, the PREFETCH method would be used to this
end instead, which was both abuse in name and less efficient.

Change-Id: Ieb5a15b67fa25d2008a8eeef9d126ac908fc2395
2015-08-13 13:46:50 +00:00

575 lines
18 KiB

/* Created (MFS based):
* February 2010 (Evgeniy Ivanov)
#include "fs.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "buf.h"
#include "inode.h"
#include "super.h"
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <assert.h>
static struct buf *rahead(struct inode *rip, block_t baseblock, u64_t
position, unsigned bytes_ahead);
static int rw_chunk(struct inode *rip, u64_t position, unsigned off,
size_t chunk, unsigned left, int call, struct fsdriver_data *data,
unsigned buf_off, unsigned int block_size, int *completed);
* fs_readwrite *
ssize_t fs_readwrite(ino_t ino_nr, struct fsdriver_data *data, size_t nrbytes,
off_t position, int call)
int r;
int regular;
off_t f_size, bytes_left;
size_t off, cum_io, block_size, chunk;
mode_t mode_word;
int completed;
struct inode *rip;
r = OK;
/* Find the inode referred */
if ((rip = find_inode(fs_dev, ino_nr)) == NULL)
mode_word = rip->i_mode & I_TYPE;
regular = (mode_word == I_REGULAR);
/* Determine blocksize */
block_size = rip->i_sp->s_block_size;
f_size = rip->i_size;
if (f_size < 0) f_size = MAX_FILE_POS;
if (call == FSC_WRITE) {
/* Check in advance to see if file will grow too big. */
if (position > (off_t) (rip->i_sp->s_max_size - nrbytes))
cum_io = 0;
/* Split the transfer into chunks that don't span two blocks. */
while (nrbytes != 0) {
off = (unsigned int) (position % block_size);/* offset in blk*/
chunk = block_size - off;
if (chunk > nrbytes)
chunk = nrbytes;
if (call == FSC_READ) {
bytes_left = f_size - position;
if (position >= f_size) break; /* we are beyond EOF */
if (chunk > bytes_left) chunk = (int) bytes_left;
/* Read or write 'chunk' bytes. */
r = rw_chunk(rip, ((u64_t)((unsigned long)position)), off, chunk,
nrbytes, call, data, cum_io, block_size, &completed);
if (r != OK) break; /* EOF reached */
if (lmfs_rdwt_err() < 0) break;
/* Update counters and pointers. */
nrbytes -= chunk; /* bytes yet to be read */
cum_io += chunk; /* bytes read so far */
position += (off_t) chunk; /* position within the file */
/* On write, update file size and access time. */
if (call == FSC_WRITE) {
if (regular || mode_word == I_DIRECTORY) {
if (position > f_size) rip->i_size = position;
rip->i_seek = NO_SEEK;
if (lmfs_rdwt_err() != OK) r = lmfs_rdwt_err(); /* check for disk error */
if (lmfs_rdwt_err() == END_OF_FILE) r = OK;
if (r != OK)
return r;
if (call == FSC_READ) rip->i_update |= ATIME;
if (call == FSC_WRITE) rip->i_update |= CTIME | MTIME;
rip->i_dirt = IN_DIRTY; /* inode is thus now dirty */
* rw_chunk *
static int rw_chunk(rip, position, off, chunk, left, call, data, buf_off,
block_size, completed)
register struct inode *rip; /* pointer to inode for file to be rd/wr */
u64_t position; /* position within file to read or write */
unsigned off; /* off within the current block */
size_t chunk; /* number of bytes to read or write */
unsigned left; /* max number of bytes wanted after position */
int call; /* FSC_READ, FSC_WRITE, or FSC_PEEK */
struct fsdriver_data *data; /* structure for (remote) user buffer */
unsigned buf_off; /* offset in user buffer */
unsigned int block_size; /* block size of FS operating on */
int *completed; /* number of bytes copied */
/* Read or write (part of) a block. */
register struct buf *bp = NULL;
register int r = OK;
int n;
block_t b;
dev_t dev;
ino_t ino = VMC_NO_INODE;
u64_t ino_off = rounddown(position, block_size);
*completed = 0;
if (ex64hi(position) != 0)
panic("rw_chunk: position too high");
b = read_map(rip, (off_t) ex64lo(position), 0);
dev = rip->i_dev;
ino = rip->i_num;
assert(ino != VMC_NO_INODE);
if (b == NO_BLOCK) {
if (call == FSC_READ) {
/* Reading from a nonexistent block. Must read as all zeros.*/
r = fsdriver_zero(data, buf_off, chunk);
if(r != OK) {
printf("ext2fs: fsdriver_zero failed\n");
return r;
} else if (call == FSC_PEEK) {
/* Peeking a nonexistent block. Report to VM. */
lmfs_zero_block_ino(dev, ino, ino_off);
return OK;
} else {
/* Writing to a nonexistent block.
* Create and enter in inode.
if ((bp = new_block(rip, (off_t) ex64lo(position))) == NULL)
} else if (call != FSC_WRITE) {
/* Read and read ahead if convenient. */
bp = rahead(rip, b, position, left);
} else {
/* Normally an existing block to be partially overwritten is first read
* in. However, a full block need not be read in. If it is already in
* the cache, acquire it, otherwise just acquire a free buffer.
n = (chunk == block_size ? NO_READ : NORMAL);
if (off == 0 && (off_t) ex64lo(position) >= rip->i_size)
n = NO_READ;
assert(ino != VMC_NO_INODE);
assert(!(ino_off % block_size));
bp = lmfs_get_block_ino(dev, b, n, ino, ino_off);
/* In all cases, bp now points to a valid buffer. */
if (bp == NULL)
panic("bp not valid in rw_chunk, this can't happen");
if (call == FSC_WRITE && chunk != block_size &&
(off_t) ex64lo(position) >= rip->i_size && off == 0) {
if (call == FSC_READ) {
/* Copy a chunk from the block buffer to user space. */
r = fsdriver_copyout(data, buf_off, b_data(bp)+off, chunk);
} else if (call == FSC_WRITE) {
/* Copy a chunk from user space to the block buffer. */
r = fsdriver_copyin(data, buf_off, b_data(bp)+off, chunk);
n = (off + chunk == block_size ? FULL_DATA_BLOCK : PARTIAL_DATA_BLOCK);
put_block(bp, n);
* read_map *
block_t read_map(rip, position, opportunistic)
register struct inode *rip; /* ptr to inode to map from */
off_t position; /* position in file whose blk wanted */
int opportunistic;
/* Given an inode and a position within the corresponding file, locate the
* block number in which that position is to be found and return it.
struct buf *bp;
int mindex;
block_t b;
unsigned long excess, block_pos;
static char first_time = TRUE;
static long addr_in_block;
static long addr_in_block2;
static long doub_ind_s;
static long triple_ind_s;
static long out_range_s;
int iomode;
iomode = opportunistic ? PEEK : NORMAL;
if (first_time) {
addr_in_block = rip->i_sp->s_block_size / BLOCK_ADDRESS_BYTES;
addr_in_block2 = addr_in_block * addr_in_block;
doub_ind_s = EXT2_NDIR_BLOCKS + addr_in_block;
triple_ind_s = doub_ind_s + addr_in_block2;
out_range_s = triple_ind_s + addr_in_block2 * addr_in_block;
first_time = FALSE;
block_pos = position / rip->i_sp->s_block_size; /* relative blk # in file */
/* Is 'position' to be found in the inode itself? */
if (block_pos < EXT2_NDIR_BLOCKS)
/* It is not in the inode, so it must be single, double or triple indirect */
if (block_pos < doub_ind_s) {
b = rip->i_block[EXT2_NDIR_BLOCKS]; /* address of single indirect block */
mindex = block_pos - EXT2_NDIR_BLOCKS;
} else if (block_pos >= out_range_s) { /* TODO: do we need it? */
} else {
/* double or triple indirect block. At first if it's triple,
* find double indirect block.
excess = block_pos - doub_ind_s;
b = rip->i_block[EXT2_DIND_BLOCK];
if (block_pos >= triple_ind_s) {
b = rip->i_block[EXT2_TIND_BLOCK];
if (b == NO_BLOCK) return(NO_BLOCK);
bp = get_block(rip->i_dev, b, NORMAL); /* get triple ind block */
ASSERT(lmfs_dev(bp) != NO_DEV);
ASSERT(lmfs_dev(bp) == rip->i_dev);
excess = block_pos - triple_ind_s;
mindex = excess / addr_in_block2;
b = rd_indir(bp, mindex); /* num of double ind block */
put_block(bp, INDIRECT_BLOCK); /* release triple ind block */
excess = excess % addr_in_block2;
if (b == NO_BLOCK) return(NO_BLOCK);
bp = get_block(rip->i_dev, b, iomode); /* get double indirect block */
if (bp == NULL)
return NO_BLOCK; /* peeking failed */
ASSERT(lmfs_dev(bp) != NO_DEV);
ASSERT(lmfs_dev(bp) == rip->i_dev);
mindex = excess / addr_in_block;
b = rd_indir(bp, mindex); /* num of single ind block */
put_block(bp, INDIRECT_BLOCK); /* release double ind block */
mindex = excess % addr_in_block; /* index into single ind blk */
if (b == NO_BLOCK) return(NO_BLOCK);
bp = get_block(rip->i_dev, b, iomode); /* get single indirect block */
if (bp == NULL)
return NO_BLOCK; /* peeking failed */
ASSERT(lmfs_dev(bp) != NO_DEV);
ASSERT(lmfs_dev(bp) == rip->i_dev);
b = rd_indir(bp, mindex);
put_block(bp, INDIRECT_BLOCK); /* release single ind block */
struct buf *get_block_map(register struct inode *rip, u64_t position)
block_t b = read_map(rip, position, 0); /* get block number */
int block_size = get_block_size(rip->i_dev);
if(b == NO_BLOCK)
return NULL;
position = rounddown(position, block_size);
assert(rip->i_num != VMC_NO_INODE);
return lmfs_get_block_ino(rip->i_dev, b, NORMAL, rip->i_num, position);
* rd_indir *
block_t rd_indir(bp, mindex)
struct buf *bp; /* pointer to indirect block */
int mindex; /* index into *bp */
if (bp == NULL)
panic("rd_indir() on NULL");
/* TODO: use conv call */
return conv4(le_CPU, b_ind(bp)[mindex]);
* rahead *
static struct buf *rahead(rip, baseblock, position, bytes_ahead)
register struct inode *rip; /* pointer to inode for file to be read */
block_t baseblock; /* block at current position */
u64_t position; /* position within file */
unsigned bytes_ahead; /* bytes beyond position for immediate use */
/* Fetch a block from the cache or the device. If a physical read is
* required, prefetch as many more blocks as convenient into the cache.
* This usually covers bytes_ahead and is at least BLOCKS_MINIMUM.
* The device driver may decide it knows better and stop reading at a
* cylinder boundary (or after an error). Rw_scattered() puts an optional
* flag on all reads to allow this.
/* Minimum number of blocks to prefetch. */
# define BLOCKS_MINIMUM (nr_bufs < 50 ? 18 : 32)
int nr_bufs = lmfs_nr_bufs();
int read_q_size;
unsigned int blocks_ahead, fragment, block_size;
block_t block, blocks_left;
off_t ind1_pos;
dev_t dev;
struct buf *bp = NULL;
static unsigned int readqsize = 0;
static struct buf **read_q = NULL;
u64_t position_running;
if(readqsize != nr_bufs) {
if(readqsize > 0) {
assert(read_q != NULL);
read_q = NULL;
readqsize = 0;
assert(readqsize == 0);
assert(read_q == NULL);
if(!(read_q = malloc(sizeof(read_q[0])*nr_bufs)))
panic("couldn't allocate read_q");
readqsize = nr_bufs;
dev = rip->i_dev;
assert(dev != NO_DEV);
block_size = get_block_size(dev);
block = baseblock;
fragment = position % block_size;
position -= fragment;
position_running = position;
bytes_ahead += fragment;
blocks_ahead = (bytes_ahead + block_size - 1) / block_size;
bp = lmfs_get_block_ino(dev, block, PREFETCH, rip->i_num, position);
assert(bp != NULL);
if (lmfs_dev(bp) != NO_DEV) return(bp);
/* The best guess for the number of blocks to prefetch: A lot.
* It is impossible to tell what the device looks like, so we don't even
* try to guess the geometry, but leave it to the driver.
* The floppy driver can read a full track with no rotational delay, and it
* avoids reading partial tracks if it can, so handing it enough buffers to
* read two tracks is perfect. (Two, because some diskette types have
* an odd number of sectors per track, so a block may span tracks.)
* The disk drivers don't try to be smart. With todays disks it is
* impossible to tell what the real geometry looks like, so it is best to
* read as much as you can. With luck the caching on the drive allows
* for a little time to start the next read.
* The current solution below is a bit of a hack, it just reads blocks from
* the current file position hoping that more of the file can be found. A
* better solution must look at the already available
* indirect blocks (but don't call read_map!).
blocks_left = (block_t) (rip->i_size-ex64lo(position)+(block_size-1)) /
/* Go for the first indirect block if we are in its neighborhood. */
ind1_pos = (EXT2_NDIR_BLOCKS) * block_size;
if ((off_t) ex64lo(position) <= ind1_pos && rip->i_size > ind1_pos) {
/* No more than the maximum request. */
if (blocks_ahead > NR_IOREQS) blocks_ahead = NR_IOREQS;
/* Read at least the minimum number of blocks, but not after a seek. */
if (blocks_ahead < BLOCKS_MINIMUM && rip->i_seek == NO_SEEK)
blocks_ahead = BLOCKS_MINIMUM;
/* Can't go past end of file. */
if (blocks_ahead > blocks_left) blocks_ahead = blocks_left;
read_q_size = 0;
/* Acquire block buffers. */
for (;;) {
block_t thisblock;
read_q[read_q_size++] = bp;
if (--blocks_ahead == 0) break;
/* Don't trash the cache, leave 4 free. */
if (lmfs_bufs_in_use() >= nr_bufs - 4) break;
position_running += block_size;
thisblock = read_map(rip, (off_t) ex64lo(position_running), 1);
if (thisblock != NO_BLOCK) {
bp = lmfs_get_block_ino(dev, thisblock, PREFETCH, rip->i_num,
} else {
bp = get_block(dev, block, PREFETCH);
if (lmfs_dev(bp) != NO_DEV) {
/* Oops, block already in the cache, get out. */
put_block(bp, FULL_DATA_BLOCK);
lmfs_rw_scattered(dev, read_q, read_q_size, READING);
return(lmfs_get_block_ino(dev, baseblock, NORMAL, rip->i_num, position));
* get_dtype *
static unsigned int get_dtype(struct ext2_disk_dir_desc *dp)
/* Return the type of the file identified by the given directory entry. */
return DT_UNKNOWN;
switch (dp->d_file_type) {
case EXT2_FT_REG_FILE: return DT_REG;
case EXT2_FT_DIR: return DT_DIR;
case EXT2_FT_SYMLINK: return DT_LNK;
case EXT2_FT_BLKDEV: return DT_BLK;
case EXT2_FT_CHRDEV: return DT_CHR;
case EXT2_FT_FIFO: return DT_FIFO;
default: return DT_UNKNOWN;
* fs_getdents *
ssize_t fs_getdents(ino_t ino_nr, struct fsdriver_data *data, size_t bytes,
off_t *posp)
#define GETDENTS_BUFSIZE (sizeof(struct dirent) + EXT2_NAME_MAX + 1)
static char getdents_buf[GETDENTS_BUFSIZE * GETDENTS_ENTRIES];
struct fsdriver_dentry fsdentry;
struct inode *rip;
int r, done;
unsigned int block_size, len;
off_t pos, off, block_pos, new_pos, ent_pos;
struct buf *bp;
struct ext2_disk_dir_desc *d_desc;
ino_t child_nr;
/* Check whether the position is properly aligned */
pos = *posp;
if ((unsigned int) pos % DIR_ENTRY_ALIGN)
if ((rip = get_inode(fs_dev, ino_nr)) == NULL)
block_size = rip->i_sp->s_block_size;
off = (pos % block_size); /* Offset in block */
block_pos = pos - off;
done = FALSE; /* Stop processing directory blocks when done is set */
fsdriver_dentry_init(&fsdentry, data, bytes, getdents_buf,
/* The default position for the next request is EOF. If the user's buffer
* fills up before EOF, new_pos will be modified. */
new_pos = rip->i_size;
r = 0;
for (; block_pos < rip->i_size; block_pos += block_size) {
off_t temp_pos = block_pos;
/* Since directories don't have holes, 'bp' cannot be NULL. */
bp = get_block_map(rip, block_pos); /* get a dir block */
assert(bp != NULL);
assert(bp != NULL);
/* Search a directory block. */
d_desc = (struct ext2_disk_dir_desc*) &b_data(bp);
/* we need to seek to entry at off bytes.
* when NEXT_DISC_DIR_POS == block_size it's last dentry.
for (; temp_pos + conv2(le_CPU, d_desc->d_rec_len) <= pos
&& NEXT_DISC_DIR_POS(d_desc, &b_data(bp)) < block_size;
d_desc = NEXT_DISC_DIR_DESC(d_desc)) {
temp_pos += conv2(le_CPU, d_desc->d_rec_len);
for (; CUR_DISC_DIR_POS(d_desc, &b_data(bp)) < block_size;
d_desc = NEXT_DISC_DIR_DESC(d_desc)) {
if (d_desc->d_ino == 0)
continue; /* Entry is not in use */
len = d_desc->d_name_len;
assert(len <= NAME_MAX);
assert(len <= EXT2_NAME_MAX);
/* Need the position of this entry in the directory */
ent_pos = block_pos + ((char *)d_desc - b_data(bp));
child_nr = (ino_t) conv4(le_CPU, d_desc->d_ino);
r = fsdriver_dentry_add(&fsdentry, child_nr, d_desc->d_name,
len, get_dtype(d_desc));
/* If the user buffer is full, or an error occurred, stop. */
if (r <= 0) {
done = TRUE;
/* Record the position of this entry, it is the
* starting point of the next request (unless the
* position is modified with lseek).
new_pos = ent_pos;
put_block(bp, DIRECTORY_BLOCK);
if (done)
if (r >= 0 && (r = fsdriver_dentry_finish(&fsdentry)) >= 0) {
*posp = new_pos;
rip->i_update |= ATIME;
rip->i_dirt = IN_DIRTY;
put_inode(rip); /* release the inode */