Cristiano Giuffrida 1f5841c8ed Basic System Event Framework (SEF) with ping and live update.
- SEF must be used by every system process and is thereby part of the system
- The framework provides a receive() interface (sef_receive) for system
processes to automatically catch known system even messages and process them.
- SEF provides a default behavior for each type of system event, but allows
system processes to register callbacks to override the default behavior.
- Custom (local to the process) or predefined (provided by SEF) callback
implementations can be registered to SEF.
- SEF currently includes support for 2 types of system events:
  1. SEF Ping. The event occurs every time RS sends a ping to figure out
  whether a system process is still alive. The default callback implementation
  provided by SEF is to notify RS back to let it know the process is alive
  and kicking.
  2. SEF Live update. The event occurs every time RS sends a prepare to update
  message to let a system process know an update is available and to prepare
  for it. The live update support is very basic for now. SEF only deals with
  verifying if the prepare state can be supported by the process, dumping the
  state for debugging purposes, and providing an event-driven programming
  model to the process to react to state changes check-in when ready to update.
- SEF should be extended in the future to integrate support for more types of
system events. Ideally, all the cross-cutting concerns should be integrated into
SEF to avoid duplicating code and ease extensibility. Examples include:
  * PM notify messages primarily used at shutdown.
  * SYSTEM notify messages primarily used for signals.
  * CLOCK notify messages used for system alarms.
  * Debug messages. IS could still be in charge of fkey handling but would
  forward the debug message to the target process (e.g. PM, if the user
  requested debug information about PM). SEF would then catch the message and
  do nothing unless the process has registered an appropriate callback to
  deal with the event. This simplifies the programming model to print debug
  information, avoids duplicating code, and reduces the effort to print
  debug information.

- Every system process registers SEF callbacks it needs to override the default
system behavior and calls sef_startup() right after being started.
- sef_startup() does almost nothing now, but will be extended in the future to
support callbacks of its own to let RS control and synchronize with every
system process at initialization time.
- Every system process calls sef_receive() now rather than receive() directly,
to let SEF handle predefined system events.

- RS supports a basic single-component live update protocol now, as follows:
  * When an update command is issued (via "service update *"), RS notifies the
  target system process to prepare for a specific update state.
  * If the process doesn't respond back in time, the update is aborted.
  * When the process responds back, RS kills it and marks it for refreshing.
  * The process is then automatically restarted as for a buggy process and can
  start running again.
  * Live update is currently prototyped as a controlled failure.
2009-12-21 14:12:21 +00:00

689 lines
18 KiB

#include <assert.h>
** File: dp.c Version 1.01, Oct. 17, 2007
** Original: eth.c Version 1.00, Jan. 14, 1997
** Author: Giovanni Falzoni <>
** This file contains the ethernet device driver main task.
** It has to be integrated with the board specific drivers.
** It is a rewriting of Minix 2.0.0 ethernet driver (dp8390.c)
** to remove bord specific code. It should operate (I hope)
** with any board driver.
** The valid messages and their parameters are:
** +------------+---------+---------+--------+-------+---------+
** +------------+---------+---------+--------+-------+---------+
** | HARD_STOP | | | | | |
** +------------+---------+---------+--------+-------+---------+
** | DL_WRITE | port nr | proc nr | count | mode | address | (3)
** +------------+---------+---------+--------+-------+---------+
** | DL_WRITEV | port nr | proc nr | count | mode | address | (4)
** +------------+---------+---------+--------+-------+---------+
** | DL_READ | port nr | proc nr | count | | address | (5)
** +------------+---------+---------+--------+-------+---------+
** | DL_READV | port nr | proc nr | count | | address | (6)
** +------------+---------+---------+--------+-------+---------+
** | DL_CONF | port nr | proc nr | | mode | address | (7)
** +------------+---------+---------+--------+-------+---------+
** | DL_STOP | port_nr | | | | | (8)
** +------------+---------+---------+--------+-------+---------+
** | DL_GETSTAT | port nr | proc nr | | | address | (9)
** +------------+---------+---------+--------+-------+---------+
** The messages sent are:
** +------------+---------+---------+--------+---------+---------+
** |DL_TASK_REPL| port nr | proc nr |rd-count| err|stat| clock | (21)
** +------------+---------+---------+--------+---------+---------+
** m_type m3_i1 m3_i2 m3_ca1
** +------------+---------+---------+---------------+
** |DL_CONF_REPL| port nr |last port| ethernet addr | (20)
** +------------+---------+---------+---------------+
** $Id$
** 2007-10-17: modified by
** added a third argument to the reply() function because not
** every reply should be of DL_TASK_REPLY (one should be
#include "drivers.h"
#include <minix/keymap.h>
#include <minix/endpoint.h>
#include <net/hton.h>
#include <net/gen/ether.h>
#include <net/gen/eth_io.h>
#include "dp.h"
** Local data
extern int errno;
static dpeth_t de_table[DE_PORT_NR];
static char *progname;
typedef struct dp_conf { /* Configuration description structure */
port_t dpc_port;
int dpc_irq;
phys_bytes dpc_mem;
char *dpc_envvar;
} dp_conf_t;
/* Device default configuration */
static dp_conf_t dp_conf[DE_PORT_NR] = {
/* I/O port, IRQ, Buff addr, Env. var, Buf. selector */
{ 0x300, 5, 0xC8000, "DPETH0", },
{ 0x280, 10, 0xCC000, "DPETH1", },
static char CopyErrMsg[] = "unable to read/write user data";
static char PortErrMsg[] = "illegal port";
static char RecvErrMsg[] = "sef_receive failed";
static char SendErrMsg[] = "send failed";
static char SizeErrMsg[] = "illegal packet size";
static char TypeErrMsg[] = "illegal message type";
static char DevName[] = "eth#?";
static void do_getname(message *mp);
** Name: void reply(dpeth_t *dep, int err, int m_type)
** Function: Fills a reply message and sends it.
static void reply(dpeth_t * dep, int err, int m_type)
message reply;
int status = FALSE;
if (dep->de_flags & DEF_ACK_SEND) status |= DL_PACK_SEND;
if (dep->de_flags & DEF_ACK_RECV) status |= DL_PACK_RECV;
reply.m_type = m_type;
reply.DL_PORT = dep - de_table;
reply.DL_PROC = dep->de_client;
reply.DL_STAT = status /* | ((u32_t) err << 16) */;
reply.DL_COUNT = dep->de_read_s;
DEBUG(printf("\t reply %d (%ld)\n", reply.m_type, reply.DL_STAT));
if ((status = send(dep->de_client, &reply)) == OK) {
dep->de_read_s = 0;
dep->de_flags &= NOT(DEF_ACK_SEND | DEF_ACK_RECV);
} else if (status != ELOCKED || err == OK)
panic(dep->de_name, SendErrMsg, status);
** Name: void dp_confaddr(dpeth_t *dep)
** Function: Checks environment for a User defined ethernet address.
static void dp_confaddr(dpeth_t * dep)
static char ea_fmt[] = "x:x:x:x:x:x";
char ea_key[16];
int ix;
long val;
strcpy(ea_key, dp_conf[dep - de_table].dpc_envvar);
strcat(ea_key, "_EA");
for (ix = 0; ix < SA_ADDR_LEN; ix++) {
val = dep->de_address.ea_addr[ix];
if (env_parse(ea_key, ea_fmt, ix, &val, 0x00L, 0xFFL) != EP_SET)
dep->de_address.ea_addr[ix] = val;
if (ix != 0 && ix != SA_ADDR_LEN)
/* It's all or nothing, force a panic */
env_parse(ea_key, "?", 0, &val, 0L, 0L);
** Name: void update_conf(dpeth_t *dep, dp_conf_t *dcp)
** Function: Gets the default settings from 'dp_conf' table and
** modifies them from the environment.
static void update_conf(dpeth_t * dep, dp_conf_t * dcp)
static char dpc_fmt[] = "x:d:x";
long val;
dep->de_mode = DEM_SINK;
val = dcp->dpc_port; /* Get I/O port address */
switch (env_parse(dcp->dpc_envvar, dpc_fmt, 0, &val, 0x000L, 0x3FFL)) {
case EP_OFF: dep->de_mode = DEM_DISABLED; break;
case EP_ON:
case EP_SET: dep->de_mode = DEM_ENABLED; break;
dep->de_base_port = val;
val = dcp->dpc_irq | DEI_DEFAULT; /* Get Interrupt line (IRQ) */
env_parse(dcp->dpc_envvar, dpc_fmt, 1, &val, 0L, (long) NR_IRQ_VECTORS - 1);
dep->de_irq = val;
val = dcp->dpc_mem; /* Get shared memory address */
env_parse(dcp->dpc_envvar, dpc_fmt, 2, &val, 0L, LONG_MAX);
dep->de_linmem = val;
** Name: void do_dump(message *mp)
** Function: Displays statistics on screen (SFx key from console)
static void do_dump(message *mp)
dpeth_t *dep;
int port;
for (port = 0, dep = de_table; port < DE_PORT_NR; port += 1, dep += 1) {
if (dep->de_mode == DEM_DISABLED) continue;
printf("%s statistics:\t\t", dep->de_name);
/* Network interface status */
printf("Status: 0x%04x (%d)\n\n", dep->de_flags, dep->de_int_pending);
(*dep->de_dumpstatsf) (dep);
/* Transmitted/received bytes */
printf("Tx bytes:%10ld\t", dep->bytes_Tx);
printf("Rx bytes:%10ld\n", dep->bytes_Rx);
/* Transmitted/received packets */
printf("Tx OK: %8ld\t", dep->de_stat.ets_packetT);
printf("Rx OK: %8ld\n", dep->de_stat.ets_packetR);
/* Transmit/receive errors */
printf("Tx Err: %8ld\t", dep->de_stat.ets_sendErr);
printf("Rx Err: %8ld\n", dep->de_stat.ets_recvErr);
/* Transmit unnerruns/receive overrruns */
printf("Tx Und: %8ld\t", dep->de_stat.ets_fifoUnder);
printf("Rx Ovr: %8ld\n", dep->de_stat.ets_fifoOver);
/* Transmit collisions/receive CRC errors */
printf("Tx Coll: %8ld\t", dep->de_stat.ets_collision);
printf("Rx CRC: %8ld\n", dep->de_stat.ets_CRCerr);
** Name: void get_userdata_s(int user_proc, vir_bytes user_addr, int count, void *loc_addr)
** Function: Copies data from user area.
static void get_userdata_s(int user_proc, cp_grant_id_t grant,
vir_bytes offset, int count, void *loc_addr)
int rc;
vir_bytes len;
len = (count > IOVEC_NR ? IOVEC_NR : count) * sizeof(iovec_t);
if ((rc = sys_safecopyfrom(user_proc, grant, 0, (vir_bytes)loc_addr, len, D)) != OK)
panic(DevName, CopyErrMsg, rc);
** Name: void do_first_init(dpeth_t *dep, dp_conf_t *dcp);
** Function: Init action to setup task
static void do_first_init(dpeth_t *dep, dp_conf_t *dcp)
if (dep->de_linmem != 0) {
dep->de_memsegm = BIOS_SEG;
/* phys2seg(&dep->de_memsegm, &dep->de_memoffs, dep->de_linmem); */
} else
dep->de_linmem = 0xFFFF0000;
/* Make sure statisics are cleared */
memset((void *) &(dep->de_stat), 0, sizeof(eth_stat_t));
/* Device specific initialization */
(*dep->de_initf) (dep);
/* Set the interrupt handler policy. Request interrupts not to be reenabled
* automatically. Return the IRQ line number when an interrupt occurs.
dep->de_hook = dep->de_irq;
sys_irqsetpolicy(dep->de_irq, 0 /*IRQ_REENABLE*/, &dep->de_hook);
dep->de_int_pending = FALSE;
** Name: void do_init(message *mp)
** Function: Checks for hardware presence.
** Provides initialization of hardware and data structures
static void do_init(message * mp)
int port;
dpeth_t *dep;
dp_conf_t *dcp;
message reply_mess;
port = mp->DL_PORT;
if (port >= 0 && port < DE_PORT_NR) {
dep = &de_table[port];
dcp = &dp_conf[port];
strcpy(dep->de_name, DevName);
dep->de_name[4] = '0' + port;
if (dep->de_mode == DEM_DISABLED) {
update_conf(dep, dcp); /* First time thru */
if (dep->de_mode == DEM_ENABLED &&
!el1_probe(dep) && /* Probe for 3c501 */
!wdeth_probe(dep) && /* Probe for WD80x3 */
!ne_probe(dep) && /* Probe for NEx000 */
!el2_probe(dep) && /* Probe for 3c503 */
!el3_probe(dep)) { /* Probe for 3c509 */
printf("%s: warning no ethernet card found at 0x%04X\n",
dep->de_name, dep->de_base_port);
dep->de_mode = DEM_DISABLED;
/* 'de_mode' may change if probe routines fail, test again */
switch (dep->de_mode) {
/* Device is configured OFF or hardware probe failed */
port = ENXIO;
/* Device is present and probed */
if (dep->de_flags == DEF_EMPTY) {
/* These actions only the first time */
do_first_init(dep, dcp);
dep->de_flags |= DEF_ENABLED;
dep->de_flags &= NOT(DEF_PROMISC | DEF_MULTI | DEF_BROAD);
dep->de_flags |= DEF_PROMISC | DEF_MULTI | DEF_BROAD;
if (mp->DL_MODE & DL_MULTI_REQ) dep->de_flags |= DEF_MULTI;
if (mp->DL_MODE & DL_BROAD_REQ) dep->de_flags |= DEF_BROAD;
(*dep->de_flagsf) (dep);
dep->de_client = mp->m_source;
case DEM_SINK:
/* Device not present (sink mode) */
memset(dep->de_address.ea_addr, 0, sizeof(ether_addr_t));
dp_confaddr(dep); /* Station address from env. */
default: break;
*(ether_addr_t *) reply_mess.m3_ca1 = dep->de_address;
} else /* Port number is out of range */
port = ENXIO;
reply_mess.m_type = DL_CONF_REPLY;
reply_mess.m3_i1 = port;
reply_mess.m3_i2 = DE_PORT_NR;
DEBUG(printf("\t reply %d\n", reply_mess.m_type));
if (send(mp->m_source, &reply_mess) != OK) /* Can't send */
panic(dep->de_name, SendErrMsg, mp->m_source);
** Name: void dp_next_iovec(iovec_dat_t *iovp)
** Function: Retrieves data from next iovec element.
PUBLIC void dp_next_iovec(iovec_dat_s_t * iovp)
iovp->iod_iovec_s -= IOVEC_NR;
iovp->iod_iovec_offset += IOVEC_NR * sizeof(iovec_t);
get_userdata_s(iovp->iod_proc_nr, iovp->iod_grant, iovp->iod_iovec_offset,
iovp->iod_iovec_s, iovp->iod_iovec);
** Name: int calc_iovec_size(iovec_dat_t *iovp)
** Function: Compute the size of a request.
static int calc_iovec_size(iovec_dat_s_t * iovp)
int size, ix;
size = ix = 0;
do {
size += iovp->iod_iovec[ix].iov_size;
if (++ix >= IOVEC_NR) {
ix = 0;
/* Till all vectors added */
} while (ix < iovp->iod_iovec_s);
return size;
** Name: void do_vwrite_s(message *mp, int vectored)
** Function:
static void do_vwrite_s(message * mp)
int port, size;
dpeth_t *dep;
port = mp->DL_PORT;
if (port < 0 || port >= DE_PORT_NR) /* Check for illegal port number */
panic(dep->de_name, PortErrMsg, port);
dep = &de_table[port];
dep->de_client = mp->DL_PROC;
if (dep->de_mode == DEM_ENABLED) {
if (dep->de_flags & DEF_SENDING) /* Is sending in progress? */
panic(dep->de_name, "send already in progress ", NO_NUM);
dep->de_write_iovec.iod_proc_nr = mp->DL_PROC;
get_userdata_s(mp->DL_PROC, mp->DL_GRANT, 0,
mp->DL_COUNT, dep->de_write_iovec.iod_iovec);
dep->de_write_iovec.iod_iovec_s = mp->DL_COUNT;
dep->de_write_iovec.iod_grant = (vir_bytes) mp->DL_GRANT;
dep->de_write_iovec.iod_iovec_offset = 0;
size = calc_iovec_size(&dep->de_write_iovec);
if (size < ETH_MIN_PACK_SIZE || size > ETH_MAX_PACK_SIZE)
panic(dep->de_name, SizeErrMsg, size);
dep->de_flags |= DEF_SENDING;
(*dep->de_sendf) (dep, FALSE, size);
} else if (dep->de_mode == DEM_SINK)
dep->de_flags |= DEF_ACK_SEND;
reply(dep, OK, DL_TASK_REPLY);
** Name: void do_vread_s(message *mp, int vectored)
** Function:
static void do_vread_s(message * mp)
int port, size;
dpeth_t *dep;
port = mp->DL_PORT;
if (port < 0 || port >= DE_PORT_NR) /* Check for illegal port number */
panic(dep->de_name, PortErrMsg, port);
dep = &de_table[port];
dep->de_client = mp->DL_PROC;
if (dep->de_mode == DEM_ENABLED) {
if (dep->de_flags & DEF_READING) /* Reading in progress */
panic(dep->de_name, "read already in progress", NO_NUM);
dep->de_read_iovec.iod_proc_nr = mp->DL_PROC;
get_userdata_s(mp->DL_PROC, (vir_bytes) mp->DL_GRANT, 0,
mp->DL_COUNT, dep->de_read_iovec.iod_iovec);
dep->de_read_iovec.iod_iovec_s = mp->DL_COUNT;
dep->de_read_iovec.iod_grant = (vir_bytes) mp->DL_GRANT;
dep->de_read_iovec.iod_iovec_offset = 0;
size = calc_iovec_size(&dep->de_read_iovec);
if (size < ETH_MAX_PACK_SIZE) panic(dep->de_name, SizeErrMsg, size);
dep->de_flags |= DEF_READING;
(*dep->de_recvf) (dep, FALSE, size);
#if 0
if ((dep->de_flags & (DEF_READING | DEF_STOPPED)) == (DEF_READING | DEF_STOPPED))
/* The chip is stopped, and all arrived packets delivered */
(*dep->de_resetf) (dep);
dep->de_flags &= NOT(DEF_STOPPED);
reply(dep, OK, DL_TASK_REPLY);
** Name: void do_getstat_s(message *mp)
** Function: Reports device statistics.
static void do_getstat_s(message * mp)
int port, rc;
dpeth_t *dep;
port = mp->DL_PORT;
if (port < 0 || port >= DE_PORT_NR) /* Check for illegal port number */
panic(dep->de_name, PortErrMsg, port);
dep = &de_table[port];
dep->de_client = mp->DL_PROC;
if (dep->de_mode == DEM_ENABLED) (*dep->de_getstatsf) (dep);
if ((rc = sys_safecopyto(mp->DL_PROC, mp->DL_GRANT, 0,
(vir_bytes) sizeof(dep->de_stat), 0)) != OK)
panic(DevName, CopyErrMsg, rc);
reply(dep, OK, DL_STAT_REPLY);
static void do_getname(mp)
message *mp;
int r;
strncpy(mp->DL_NAME, progname, sizeof(mp->DL_NAME));
mp->DL_NAME[sizeof(mp->DL_NAME)-1]= '\0';
mp->m_type= DL_NAME_REPLY;
r= send(mp->m_source, mp);
if (r != OK)
panic("dpeth", "do_getname: send failed: %d\n", r);
** Name: void do_stop(message *mp)
** Function: Stops network interface.
static void do_stop(message * mp)
int port;
dpeth_t *dep;
port = mp->DL_PORT;
if (port < 0 || port >= DE_PORT_NR) /* Check for illegal port number */
panic(dep->de_name, PortErrMsg, port);
dep = &de_table[port];
if (dep->de_mode == DEM_ENABLED && (dep->de_flags & DEF_ENABLED)) {
/* Stop device */
(dep->de_stopf) (dep);
dep->de_flags = DEF_EMPTY;
dep->de_mode = DEM_DISABLED;
static void do_watchdog(void *message)
DEBUG(printf("\t no reply"));
PRIVATE void handle_system_signal(message *m)
sigset_t set;
int port;
if (getsigset(&set) != 0) return;
if (sigismember(&set, SIGTERM)) { /* Shut down */
for (port = 0; port < DE_PORT_NR; port += 1) {
if (de_table[port].de_mode == DEM_ENABLED) {
m->m_type = DL_STOP;
m->DL_PORT = port;
PRIVATE void handle_hw_intr(void)
dpeth_t *dep;
for (dep = de_table; dep < &de_table[DE_PORT_NR]; dep += 1) {
/* If device is enabled and interrupt pending */
if (dep->de_mode == DEM_ENABLED) {
dep->de_int_pending = TRUE;
(*dep->de_interruptf) (dep);
if (dep->de_flags & (DEF_ACK_SEND | DEF_ACK_RECV))
reply(dep, !OK, DL_TASK_REPLY);
dep->de_int_pending = FALSE;
/* SEF functions and variables. */
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( void sef_local_startup, (void) );
** Name: int dpeth_task(void)
** Function: Main entry for dp task
PUBLIC int main(int argc, char **argv)
message m;
dpeth_t *dep;
int rc, fkeys, sfkeys, tasknr;
/* SEF local startup. */
(progname=strrchr(argv[0],'/')) ? progname++ : (progname=argv[0]);
env_setargs(argc, argv);
/* Request function key for debug dumps */
fkeys = sfkeys = 0; bit_set(sfkeys, 8);
if ((fkey_map(&fkeys, &sfkeys)) != OK)
printf("%s: couldn't program Shift+F8 key (%d)\n", DevName, errno);
static u16_t eth_ign_proto = 0;
long val;
val = 0xFFFF;
env_parse("ETH_IGN_PROTO", "x", 0, &val, 0x0000L, 0xFFFFL);
eth_ign_proto = htons((u16_t) val);
/* Try to notify inet that we are present (again) */
rc = _pm_findproc("inet", &tasknr);
if (rc == OK)
while (TRUE) {
if ((rc = sef_receive(ANY, &m)) != OK) panic(dep->de_name, RecvErrMsg, rc);
DEBUG(printf("eth: got message %d, ", m.m_type));
if (is_notify(m.m_type)) {
switch(_ENDPOINT_P(m.m_source)) {
case CLOCK:
/* to be defined */
/* Interrupt from device */
/* Function key pressed */
case PM_PROC_NR:
/* Invalid message type */
panic(DevName, TypeErrMsg, m.m_type);
/* message processed, get another one */
switch (m.m_type) {
case DL_WRITEV_S: /* Write message to device */
case DL_READV_S: /* Read message from device */
case DL_CONF: /* Initialize device */
case DL_GETSTAT_S: /* Get device statistics */
case DL_STOP: /* Stop device */
default: /* Invalid message type */
panic(DevName, TypeErrMsg, m.m_type);
return OK; /* Never reached, but keeps compiler happy */
* sef_local_startup *
PRIVATE void sef_local_startup()
/* No live update support for now. */
/* Let SEF perform startup. */
/** dp.c **/