Ben Gras 2fe8fb192f Full switch to clang/ELF. Drop ack. Simplify.
There is important information about booting non-ack images in
docs/UPDATING. ack/aout-format images can't be built any more, and
booting clang/ELF-format ones is a little different. Updating to the
new boot monitor is recommended.

Changes in this commit:

	. drop boot monitor -> allowing dropping ack support
	. facility to copy ELF boot files to /boot so that old boot monitor
	  can still boot fairly easily, see UPDATING
	. no more ack-format libraries -> single-case libraries
	. some cleanup of OBJECT_FMT, COMPILER_TYPE, etc cases
	. drop several ack toolchain commands, but not all support
	  commands (e.g. aal is gone but acksize is not yet).
	. a few libc files moved to netbsd libc dir
	. new /bin/date as minix date used code in libc/
	. test compile fix
	. harmonize includes
	. /usr/lib is no longer special: without ack, /usr/lib plays no
	  kind of special bootstrapping role any more and bootstrapping
	  is done exclusively through packages, so releases depend even
	  less on the state of the machine making them now.
	. rename nbsd_lib* to lib*
	. reduce mtree
2012-02-14 14:52:02 +01:00

421 lines
15 KiB

# <pre>
# @(#)Makefile 8.8
# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
# Change the line below for your time zone (after finding the zone you want in
# the time zone files, or adding it to a time zone file).
# Alternately, if you discover you've got the wrong time zone, you can just
# zic -l rightzone
# to correct things.
# Use the command
# make zonenames
# to get a list of the values you can use for LOCALTIME.
# If you want something other than Eastern United States time as a template
# for handling POSIX-style time zone environment variables,
# change the line below (after finding the zone you want in the
# time zone files, or adding it to a time zone file).
# (When a POSIX-style environment variable is handled, the rules in the
# template file are used to determine "spring forward" and "fall back" days and
# times; the environment variable itself specifies UTC offsets of standard and
# summer time.)
# Alternately, if you discover you've got the wrong time zone, you can just
# zic -p rightzone
# to correct things.
# Use the command
# make zonenames
# to get a list of the values you can use for POSIXRULES.
# If you want POSIX compatibility, use "America/New_York".
POSIXRULES= America/New_York
# Also see TZDEFRULESTRING below, which takes effect only
# if the time zone files cannot be accessed.
# Everything gets put in subdirectories of. . .
TOPDIR= /usr/local
# "Compiled" time zone information is placed in the "TZDIR" directory
# (and subdirectories).
# Use an absolute path name for TZDIR unless you're just testing the software.
TZDIR= $(TOPDIR)/etc/zoneinfo
# The "tzselect", "zic", and "zdump" commands get installed in. . .
# If you "make INSTALL", the "date" command gets installed in. . .
# Manual pages go in subdirectories of. . .
# Library functions are put in an archive in LIBDIR.
TZLIB= $(LIBDIR)/libtz.a
# If you always want time values interpreted as "seconds since the epoch
# (not counting leap seconds)", use
# REDO= posix_only
# below. If you always want right time values interpreted as "seconds since
# the epoch" (counting leap seconds)", use
# REDO= right_only
# below. If you want both sets of data available, with leap seconds not
# counted normally, use
# REDO= posix_right
# below. If you want both sets of data available, with leap seconds counted
# normally, use
# REDO= right_posix
# below.
# POSIX mandates that leap seconds not be counted; for compatibility with it,
# use either "posix_only" or "posix_right".
REDO= posix_right
# Since "." may not be in PATH...
YEARISTYPE= ./yearistype
# Non-default libraries needed to link.
# Add -lintl if you want to use `gettext' on Solaris.
# Add the following to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line as needed.
# -DHAVE_ADJTIME=0 if `adjtime' does not exist (SVR0?)
# -DHAVE_GETTEXT=1 if `gettext' works (GNU, Linux, Solaris); also see LDLIBS
# -DHAVE_INCOMPATIBLE_CTIME_R=1 if your system's time.h declares
# ctime_r and asctime_r incompatibly with the POSIX standard (Solaris 8).
# -DHAVE_SETTIMEOFDAY=0 if settimeofday does not exist (SVR0?)
# -DHAVE_SETTIMEOFDAY=1 if settimeofday has just 1 arg (SVR4)
# -DHAVE_SETTIMEOFDAY=2 if settimeofday uses 2nd arg (4.3BSD)
# -DHAVE_SETTIMEOFDAY=3 if settimeofday ignores 2nd arg (4.4BSD)
# -DHAVE_STDINT_H=1 if you have a pre-C99 compiler with "stdint.h"
# -DHAVE_SYMLINK=0 if your system lacks the symlink function
# -DHAVE_SYS_STAT_H=0 if your compiler lacks a "sys/stat.h"
# -DHAVE_SYS_WAIT_H=0 if your compiler lacks a "sys/wait.h"
# -DLOCALE_HOME=\"path\" if locales are in "path", not "/usr/lib/locale"
# -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=0 if your compiler lacks a "unistd.h" (Microsoft C++ 7?)
# -DHAVE_UTMPX_H=1 if your compiler has a "utmpx.h"
# -DTZDEFRULESTRING=\",date/time,date/time\" to default to the specified
# DST transitions if the time zone files cannot be accessed
# -DTZ_DOMAIN=\"foo\" to use "foo" for gettext domain name; default is "tz"
# -TTZ_DOMAINDIR=\"/path\" to use "/path" for gettext directory;
# the default is system-supplied, typically "/usr/lib/locale"
# $(GCC_DEBUG_FLAGS) if you are using GCC and want lots of checking
# if you do not want run time warnings about formats that may cause
# year 2000 grief
# (or some other number) to set the maximum time zone abbreviation length
# that zic will accept without a warning (the default is 6)
GCC_DEBUG_FLAGS = -Dlint -g -O -fno-common \
-Wall -Wcast-qual -Wconversion -Wmissing-prototypes \
-Wnested-externs -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow \
-Wtraditional # -Wstrict-prototypes -Wwrite-strings
# If you want to use System V compatibility code, add
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line. This arrange for "timezone" and "daylight"
# variables to be kept up-to-date by the time conversion functions. Neither
# "timezone" nor "daylight" is described in X3J11's work.
# If your system has a "GMT offset" field in its "struct tm"s
# (or if you decide to add such a field in your system's "time.h" file),
# add the name to a define such as
# -DTM_GMTOFF=tm_gmtoff
# or
# -DTM_GMTOFF=_tm_gmtoff
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
# Neither tm_gmtoff nor _tm_gmtoff is described in X3J11's work;
# in its work, use of "tm_gmtoff" is described as non-conforming.
# Both Linux and BSD have done the equivalent of defining TM_GMTOFF in
# their recent releases.
# If your system has a "zone abbreviation" field in its "struct tm"s
# (or if you decide to add such a field in your system's "time.h" file),
# add the name to a define such as
# -DTM_ZONE=tm_zone
# or
# -DTM_ZONE=_tm_zone
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
# Neither tm_zone nor _tm_zone is described in X3J11's work;
# in its work, use of "tm_zone" is described as non-conforming.
# Both UCB and Sun have done the equivalent of defining TM_ZONE in
# their recent releases.
# If you want functions that were inspired by early versions of X3J11's work,
# add
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line. This arranges for the functions
# "tzsetwall", "offtime", "timelocal", "timegm", "timeoff",
# "posix2time", and "time2posix" to be added to the time conversion library.
# "tzsetwall" is like "tzset" except that it arranges for local wall clock
# time (rather than the time specified in the TZ environment variable)
# to be used.
# "offtime" is like "gmtime" except that it accepts a second (long) argument
# that gives an offset to add to the time_t when converting it.
# "timelocal" is equivalent to "mktime".
# "timegm" is like "timelocal" except that it turns a struct tm into
# a time_t using UTC (rather than local time as "timelocal" does).
# "timeoff" is like "timegm" except that it accepts a second (long) argument
# that gives an offset to use when converting to a time_t.
# "posix2time" and "time2posix" are described in an included manual page.
# X3J11's work does not describe any of these functions.
# Sun has provided "tzsetwall", "timelocal", and "timegm" in SunOS 4.0.
# These functions may well disappear in future releases of the time
# conversion package.
# If you want Source Code Control System ID's left out of object modules, add
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
# If you'll never want to handle solar-time-based time zones, add
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line
# (and comment out the "SDATA=" line below).
# This reduces (slightly) the run-time data-space requirements of
# the time conversion functions; it may reduce the acceptability of your system
# to folks in oil- and cash-rich places.
# If you want to allocate state structures in localtime, add
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line. Storage is obtained by calling malloc.
# If you want an "altzone" variable (a la System V Release 3.1), add
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
# This variable is not described in X3J11's work.
# If you want a "gtime" function (a la MACH), add
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line
# This function is not described in X3J11's work.
# NIST-PCTS:151-2, Version 1.4, (1993-12-03) is a test suite put
# out by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
# which claims to test C and Posix conformance. If you want to pass PCTS, add
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
# If you want strict compliance with XPG4 as of 1994-04-09, add
# -DXPG4_1994_04_09
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line. This causes "strftime" to always return
# 53 as a week number (rather than 52 or 53) for those days in January that
# before the first Monday in January when a "%V" format is used and January 1
# falls on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
# If you want zic's -s option used when installing, uncomment the next line
# ZFLAGS= -s
zic= ./zic
ZIC= $(zic) $(ZFLAGS)
# The name of a Posix-compliant `awk' on your system.
AWK= nawk
# The path where SGML DTDs are kept.
SGML_SEARCH_PATH= $(TOPDIR)/share/doc/sgml-lib/REC-html401-19991224/
# The catalog file(s) to use when validating.
# The name, arguments and environment of a program to validate your web pages.
# See <> for a validator, and
# <> for a validation library.
VALIDATE = nsgmls
VALIDATE_FLAGS = -s -B -wall -wno-unused-param
cc= cc
CC= $(cc) -DTZDIR=\"$(TZDIR)\"
TZCSRCS= zic.c localtime.c asctime.c scheck.c ialloc.c
TZCOBJS= zic.o localtime.o asctime.o scheck.o ialloc.o
TZDSRCS= zdump.c localtime.c ialloc.c
TZDOBJS= zdump.o localtime.o ialloc.o
DATESRCS= date.c localtime.c strftime.c asctime.c
DATEOBJS= date.o localtime.o strftime.o asctime.o
LIBSRCS= localtime.c asctime.c difftime.c
LIBOBJS= localtime.o asctime.o difftime.o
HEADERS= tzfile.h private.h
NONLIBSRCS= zic.c zdump.c scheck.c ialloc.c
NEWUCBSRCS= date.c strftime.c
MANS= newctime.3 newstrftime.3 newtzset.3 time2posix.3 \
tzfile.5 tzselect.8 zic.8 zdump.8
DOCS= README Theory $(MANS) date.1 Makefile
PRIMARY_YDATA= africa antarctica asia australasia \
europe northamerica southamerica
YDATA= $(PRIMARY_YDATA) pacificnew etcetera factory backward
NDATA= systemv
SDATA= solar87 solar88 solar89
DATA= $(YDATA) $(NDATA) $(SDATA) $(TABDATA) leapseconds
WEB_PAGES= tz-art.htm tz-link.htm
MISC= usno1988 usno1989 usno1989a usno1995 usno1997 usno1998 \
itca.jpg $(WEB_PAGES) checktab.awk \
# And for the benefit of csh users on systems that assume the user
# shell should be used to handle commands in Makefiles. . .
SHELL= /bin/sh
all: tzselect zic zdump $(LIBOBJS)
ALL: all date
install: all $(DATA) $(REDO) $(TZLIB) $(MANS) $(TABDATA)
-rm -f $(TZDIR)/ $(TZDIR)/
cp $(TZDIR)/.
-mkdir $(TOPDIR) $(ETCDIR)
cp tzselect zic zdump $(ETCDIR)/.
-mkdir $(TOPDIR) $(MANDIR) \
$(MANDIR)/man3 $(MANDIR)/man5 $(MANDIR)/man8
-rm -f $(MANDIR)/man3/newctime.3 \
$(MANDIR)/man3/newtzset.3 \
$(MANDIR)/man5/tzfile.5 \
$(MANDIR)/man8/tzselect.8 \
$(MANDIR)/man8/zdump.8 \
cp newctime.3 newtzset.3 $(MANDIR)/man3/.
cp tzfile.5 $(MANDIR)/man5/.
cp tzselect.8 zdump.8 zic.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/.
INSTALL: ALL install date.1
-mkdir $(TOPDIR) $(BINDIR)
cp date $(BINDIR)/.
-mkdir $(TOPDIR) $(MANDIR) $(MANDIR)/man1
-rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/date.1
cp date.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/.
zdump: $(TZDOBJS)
zic: $(TZCOBJS) yearistype
cp yearistype
chmod +x yearistype
posix_only: zic $(TDATA)
$(ZIC) -y $(YEARISTYPE) -d $(TZDIR) -L /dev/null $(TDATA)
right_only: zic leapseconds $(TDATA)
$(ZIC) -y $(YEARISTYPE) -d $(TZDIR) -L leapseconds $(TDATA)
# In earlier versions of this makefile, the other two directories were
# subdirectories of $(TZDIR). However, this led to configuration errors.
# For example, with posix_right under the earlier scheme,
# TZ='right/Australia/Adelaide' got you localtime with leap seconds,
# but gmtime without leap seconds, which led to problems with applications
# like sendmail that subtract gmtime from localtime.
# Therefore, the other two directories are now siblings of $(TZDIR).
# You must replace all of $(TZDIR) to switch from not using leap seconds
# to using them, or vice versa.
other_two: zic leapseconds $(TDATA)
$(ZIC) -y $(YEARISTYPE) -d $(TZDIR)-posix -L /dev/null $(TDATA)
-d $(TZDIR)-leaps -L leapseconds $(TDATA)
posix_right: posix_only other_two
right_posix: right_only other_two
zones: $(REDO)
-mkdir $(TOPDIR) $(LIBDIR)
ar ru $@ $(LIBOBJS)
if [ -x /usr/ucb/ranlib -o -x /usr/bin/ranlib ] ; \
then ranlib $@ ; fi
date: $(DATEOBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) date.o localtime.o asctime.o strftime.o \
$(LDLIBS) -lc -o $@
tzselect: tzselect.ksh
sed \
-e 's|AWK=[^}]*|AWK=$(AWK)|g' \
-e 's|TZDIR=[^}]*|TZDIR=$(TZDIR)|' \
<$? >$@
chmod +x $@
check: check_tables check_web
check_tables: checktab.awk $(PRIMARY_YDATA)
$(AWK) -f checktab.awk $(PRIMARY_YDATA)
check_web: $(WEB_PAGES)
rm -f core *.o *.out tzselect zdump zic yearistype date
maintainer-clean: clean
@echo 'This command is intended for maintainers to use; it'
@echo 'deletes files that may need special tools to rebuild.'
rm -f *.[1-8].txt tzcode.tar.gz tzdata.tar.gz
@echo $(ENCHILADA)
# The zics below ensure that each data file can stand on its own.
# We also do an all-files run to catch links to links.
public: $(ENCHILADA)
make maintainer-clean
-mkdir /tmp/,tzpublic
-for i in $(TDATA) ; do zic -v -d /tmp/,tzpublic $$i 2>&1 | grep -v "starting year" ; done
for i in $(TDATA) ; do zic -d /tmp/,tzpublic $$i || exit; done
zic -v -d /tmp/,tzpublic $(TDATA) || exit
rm -f -r /tmp/,tzpublic
for i in *.[1-8] ; do sh $$i > $$i.txt || exit; done
$(AWK) -f checktab.awk $(PRIMARY_YDATA)
tar cf - $(DOCS) $(SOURCES) $(MISC) *.[1-8].txt | gzip -9 > tzcode.tar.gz
tar cf - $(DATA) | gzip -9 > tzdata.tar.gz
make clean
for i in "long long" unsigned double; \
do \
make CFLAGS="-DTYPECHECK -D_TIME_T \"-Dtime_t=$$i\"" ; \
./zdump -v Europe/Rome ; \
make clean ; \
zonenames: $(TDATA)
@$(AWK) '/^Zone/ { print $$2 } /^Link/ { print $$3 }' $(TDATA)
asctime.o: private.h tzfile.h
date.o: private.h
difftime.o: private.h
ialloc.o: private.h
localtime.o: private.h tzfile.h
scheck.o: private.h
strftime.o: tzfile.h
zic.o: private.h tzfile.h