Lionel Sambuc b8a678ef1d Cross compile on minix support
* Remade patch so it works with minix patch tool.

 * New MINIX tar support -ox, so revert back to it

   In fetch scripts, tar had been replaced by bsdtar as the prebvious
   tar did not support the -o flag under minix, which is required to
   prevent usage of tar file stored user and group information.

   This introduces portability problems. As our new tar tool now
   support that flag revert back to improve portability.
2012-11-15 16:07:30 +01:00

140 lines
4.2 KiB

# Makefile for the kernel image.
.include <>
.include "nbsd.config"
.include <>
.include <>
MDEC= /usr/mdec
GEN_FILES= *.bak image kernel *.iso *.iso.gz cdfdimage rootimage src
# LSC detect where were built the objects files
.if "${MAKEOBJDIR:S,${.CURDIR},,}" != ""
PROGROOT:= ${MAKEOBJDIR:S,releasetools,,}
# Specify the programs that are part of the system image.
KERNEL= ${PROGROOT}/kernel/kernel
# PROGRAMS are in the order they should be loaded by boot
${PROGROOT}/servers/ds/ds \
${PROGROOT}/servers/rs/rs \
${PROGROOT}/servers/pm/pm \
${PROGROOT}/servers/sched/sched \
${PROGROOT}/servers/vfs/vfs \
${PROGROOT}/drivers/memory/memory \
${PROGROOT}/drivers/log/log \
${PROGROOT}/drivers/tty/tty \
${PROGROOT}/servers/mfs/mfs \
${PROGROOT}/servers/vm/vm \
${PROGROOT}/servers/pfs/pfs \
@echo " " >&2
@echo "Master Makefile to create new MINIX configuration." >& 2
@echo "Root privileges are required." >&2
@echo " " >&2
@echo "Usage:" >&2
@echo " make includes # Install include files" >&2
@echo " make depend # Generate dependency files" >&2
@echo " make services # Compile and install all services" >&2
@echo " make install # Make image, and install to hard disk" >&2
@echo " make hdboot # Make image, and install to hard disk" >&2
@echo " make bootable # Make hard disk bootable" >&2
@echo " make nbsd_fetch # Download current NetBSD reference sources" >&2
@echo " make nbsd_diff # Update minix-port.patch in NetBSD sources" >&2
@echo " make clean # Remove all compiler results, except libs" >&2
@echo " " >&2
@echo "To create a fresh MINIX configuration, try:" >&2
@echo " make clean install # new boot image" >&2
@echo " make fresh install # new everything" >&2
@echo " " >&2
all: services
# rebuild the program or system libraries
$(MAKE) -C ../ includes
depend: includes .gitignore
$(MAKE) -C ../ depend
.gitignore: Makefile
echo $(GEN_FILES) | tr ' ' '\n' >.gitignore
services: includes kernel servers .WAIT drivers
kernel: includes
$(MAKE) -C ../kernel
servers: includes
$(MAKE) -C ../servers all install
drivers: includes servers
$(MAKE) -C ../drivers all install
# make bootable and place system images
exec su root mkboot bootable
@rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/boot/minix/.temp/
${INSTALL_DIR} ${DESTDIR}/boot/minix/.temp
# mod_0 is used to make alphabetical order equal to the boot order
@n=0; \
for i in ${PROGRAMS}; \
do \
n=`expr $$n + 1`; \
[ "$$n" -ge 10 ] && prefix="mod" || prefix="mod0"; \
newname="${DESTDIR}/boot/minix/.temp/$${prefix}$${n}_`basename $$i`"; \
${INSTALL} $$i $$newname; \
@cp ${PROGROOT}/kernel/kernel ${DESTDIR}/boot/minix/.temp/
@if [ "${MKINSTALLBOOT:Uno}" != "no" ] ; then \
${STRIP} -s ${DESTDIR}/boot/minix/.temp/* ; \
gzip ${DESTDIR}/boot/minix/.temp/mod* ; \
${HOST_SH} mkboot $@; \
${HOST_SH} ../commands/update_bootcfg/;\
else \
${INSTALL_DIR} ${DESTDIR}/multiboot; \
${INSTALL} ${DESTDIR}/boot/minix/.temp/* ${DESTDIR}/multiboot; \
${MAKE} includes services hdboot
# download and update NetBSD reference sources.
export CVS_RSH=ssh; \
echo "retrieving hierarchies from ${NBSD_CVSROOT}"; \
IFS=,; \
cat nbsd_ports | grep -v '^#' | while read port ; \
do set $$port; \
date=$$1; minixpath=$$2; origpath=$$3; \
if [ $$# -lt 3 ]; then origpath=$$2; fi; \
echo "retrieving $$origpath .."; \
cd .. && cvs -q -d ${NBSD_CVSROOT} co -N -D "$$date UTC" -d nbsdsrc "src/$$origpath" ; \
find .. -name minix-port.patch | xargs rm
cat nbsd_ports | grep -v '^#' | \
( cd .. && awk -F, '{ minixpath=$$2; origpath=$$3; if(NF < 3) { origpath=$$2; } system("sh releasetools/ " \
"nbsdsrc/src/"origpath" "minixpath" "minixpath"/minix-port.patch");}' )
find .. -name minix-port.patch | xargs wc -l | sort -n
# clean up compile results
$(MAKE) -C ../kernel $@
$(MAKE) -C ../servers $@
$(MAKE) -C ../drivers $@
rm -rf $(GEN_FILES)
$(MAKE) -C ../kernel $@
$(MAKE) -C ../servers $@
$(MAKE) -C ../drivers $@