Lionel Sambuc 11be35a165 Importing NetBSD "Kyua" test framework
To do so, a few dependencies have been imported:

 * external/bsd/lutok
 * external/mit/lua
 * external/public-domain/sqlite
 * external/public-domain/xz

The Kyua framework is the new generation of ATF (Automated Test
Framework), it is composed of:

 * external/bsd/atf
 * external/bsd/kyua-atf-compat
 * external/bsd/kyua-cli
 * external/bsd/kyua-tester
 * tests

Kyua/ATF being written in C++, it depends on libstdc++ which is
provided by GCC. As this is not part of the sources, Kyua is only
compiled when the native GCC utils are installed.

To install Kyua do the following:

 * In a cross-build enviromnent, add the following to the
   commandline: -V MKBINUTILS=yes -V MKGCCCMDS=yes

  At this point the import is still experimental, and not supported
  on native builds (a.k.a make build).

Change-Id: I26aee23c5bbd2d64adcb7c1beb98fe0d479d7ada
2013-07-23 20:43:41 +02:00

27 lines
668 B

/* cast initialization */
typedef unsigned char u_char;
typedef unsigned int size_t;
struct sockaddr_x25 {
u_char x25_len;
u_char x25_family;
short x25_net;
char x25_addr[16];
struct x25opts {
char op_flags;
char op_psize;
char op_wsize;
char op_speed;
} x25_opts;
short x25_udlen;
char x25_udata[16];
struct sockaddr_x25 x25_dgmask = {
(unsigned char)(unsigned char)(unsigned int)(unsigned long)(&((( struct sockaddr_x25 *)0)->x25_udata[1])) ,
{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
{0, 0, 0, 0},
{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1},