Erik van der Kouwe b42c66ed10 this patch adds access to the debug breakpoints to
the kernel. They are not used atm, but having them in trunk allows them
to be easily used when needed. To set a breakpoint that triggers when
the variable foo is written to (the most common use case), one calls:

breakpoint_set(vir2phys((vir_bytes) &foo), 0,

It can later be disabled using:

breakpoint_set(vir2phys((vir_bytes) &foo), 0,

There are some limitations:

- There are at most four breakpoints (hardware limit); the index of the
  breakpoint (0-3) is specified as the second parameter of

- The breakpoint exception in the kernel is not handled and causes a
  panic; it would be reasonably easy to change this by inspecing DR6,
  printing a message, disabling the breakpoint and continuing. However,
  in my experience even just a panic can be very useful.

- Breakpoints can be set only in the part of the address space that is
  in every page table. It is useful for the kernel, but to use this for
  user processes would require saving and restoring the debug registers
  as part of the context switch. Although the CPU provides support for
  local breakpoints (I implemened this as BREAKPOINT_FLAG_LOCAL) they
  only work if task switching is used.
2010-03-19 19:15:20 +00:00

76 lines
2.8 KiB

You need flex in your $PATH, which has become part of the base
system. This needs bigger binaries.
If you don't have flex yet, you can compile it first by doing:
# cp /usr/src/etc/binary_sizes* /etc
# binsizes big
# cd /usr/src/commands/flex-2.5.4
# sh build
Install binaries in the right order because the new readdir
implementation and the new mount program are incompatible
with older kernels and the new kernels require the new mount.
# cd /usr/src
# make includes
# make libraries
# make cmds
# make depend
# cd /usr/src/tools
# make hdboot
# make install
# cd ..
# make install
Installing fails for boot. Reboot the system
# reboot -x 'unset image; boot'
Now install everything
# cd /usr/src
# make install
The archictecture-dependent/-independent split needs ARCH=<arch>
in /etc/make.conf, included by some Makefiles and sourced by
some shell scripts. To install it, type 'make install' in
src/etc, or simply copy the file over.
drivers.conf has been updated to include an ACL for mfs. it has
to be installed before rebooting after an update of the mount command.
20070212 (r2751):
mkfs needs more memory to make an image; chmem it or do
# touch mkfs.c ; make /usr/bin/mkfs
in /usr/src/commands/simple.
20091006 (r5422):
OSS requires an improved make to be compiled; run "make install"
in /usr/src/commands/make before running "make world".
/etc/drivers.conf has been renamed to /etc/system.conf.
user "service" has been added to password file /etc/passwd.
Make(1) has been replaced: Run 'make install' in commands/make
Mkdep updates: Copy commands/scripts/ to /usr/bin/mkdep
Make(1) needs mkfiles: Copy files in etc/mk to /etc/mk
ACK update: Copy commands/i386/acd.descr to /usr/lib/descr
End.a renamed:
-Copy /usr/lib/i86/end.a to /usr/lib/i86/libend.a
-Copy /usr/lib/i386/end.a to /usr/lib/i386/libend.a
-Copy /usr/gnu/lib/end.a to /usr/gnu/lib/libend.a
Asmconv updates: Run 'make install' in commands/i386/asmconv
Gas2ack updates: Run 'make install' in commands/i386/gas2ack
Include directory reorganization:
# mv /usr/include/ibm /usr/include/i386
# ln -s /usr/include/arch/i386 /usr/include/machine
Install(1) updates:
# cd commands/simple && make /bin/install
/usr/man/man9 is required
# mkdir /usr/man/man9
/usr/src/etc/system.conf updated to ignore default kernel calls: copy
it (or merge it) to /etc/system.conf.
The hello driver (/dev/hello) added to the distribution:
# cd /usr/src/commands/scripts && make clean install
# cd /dev && MAKEDEV hello
Gas2ack updates: Run 'make install' in commands/i386/gas2ack