2005-06-23 11:07:31 +00:00

1255 lines
31 KiB
Executable file

/* diff - print differences between 2 files Author: Erik Baalbergen */
/* Poor man's implementation of diff(1) - no options available
* - may give more output than other diffs,
* due to the straight-forward algorithm
* - runs out of memory if the differing chunks become too large
* - input line length should not exceed LINELEN; longer lines are
* truncated, while only the first LINELEN characters are compared
* - Bug fixes by Rick Thomas Sept. 1989
* Please report bugs and suggestions to
* Changed diff to conform to POSIX 1003.2 ( Draft 11) by Thomas Brupbacher
* (
* To incorporate the context diff option -c in the program, the source code
* for the program cdiff has been copied to the end of this program. Only
* slight modifications for the cdiff code to work within the program diff
* were made( e.g. main() -> context_diff()).
* New options:
* -c, -C n where n=0,1,...:
* produces a context diff as the program cdiff. The default is to
* print 3 lines of context, this value can be changed with -C
* ( e.g. -C 5 prints five lines of context.)
* -e : Prints an ed script, so you can convert <file1> to <file2> with
* the command ed <file1> < `diff -e <file1> <file2>`.
* -b : Causes trailing blanks to be ignored and spaces of multiple blanks
* to be reduced to one blank before comparison.
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h> /* NAME_MAX for maximal filename length */
#include <string.h> /* string manipulation */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* These definitions are needed only to suppress warning messages. */
#define Nullfp ((FILE*)0)
#define Nullch ((char*)0)
#define NullStructLine ((struct line *)0)
#define LINELEN 128 /* max line length included in diff */
#define NOT_SET 0 /* Defines to characterise if a flag */
#define SET 1 /* is set */
/* Indexes of the warning-message array */
/* Used to define the mode */
typedef enum {
undefined, context, ed_mode
/* Global variables for the 'normal' diff part */
char *progname; /* program name (on command line) */
int diffs = 0; /* number of differences */
MODE mode; /* which mode is used */
int severe_error; /* nonzero after severe, non-fatal error */
/* The following global variables are used with the -r option:
* for every pair of files that are different, a "command line" of the
* form "diff <options> <oldfile> <newfile>" is printed before the real
* output starts. */
int firstoutput = 1; /* flag to print one time */
char options_string[10]; /* string to hold command line options */
char oldfile[PATH_MAX]; /* first file */
char newfile[PATH_MAX]; /* second file */
/* Global variables for the command-line options */
int trim_blanks = NOT_SET; /* SET if -b specified */
int recursive_dir = NOT_SET; /* SET if -r specified */
int context_lines = 3; /* numbers of lines in a context */
static int offset; /* offset of the actual line number for -e */
/* Function prototypes for the functions in this file */
struct f;
_PROTOTYPE(int main, (int argc, char **argv ));
_PROTOTYPE(void process_command_line, (int argc, char **argv ));
_PROTOTYPE(void analyse_input_files, (char *arg1, char *arg2, char *input1,
char *input2 ));
_PROTOTYPE(void diff, (char *filename1, char *filename2 ));
_PROTOTYPE(FILE *check_file, (char *name ));
_PROTOTYPE(void build_option_string, (void ));
_PROTOTYPE(void fatal_error, (char *fmt, char *s ));
_PROTOTYPE(void warn, (int number, char *string ));
_PROTOTYPE(void trimming_blanks, (char *l_text ));
_PROTOTYPE(char *filename, (char *path_string));
_PROTOTYPE(struct line *new_line, (int size ));
_PROTOTYPE(void free_line, (struct line *l ));
_PROTOTYPE(int equal_line, (struct line *l1, struct line *l2 ));
_PROTOTYPE(int equal_3, (struct line *l1, struct line *l2 ));
_PROTOTYPE(struct line *read_line, (FILE *fp ));
_PROTOTYPE(void advance, (struct f *f ));
_PROTOTYPE(void aside, (struct f *f, struct line *l ));
_PROTOTYPE(struct line *next, (struct f *f ));
_PROTOTYPE(void init_f, (struct f *f, FILE *fp ));
_PROTOTYPE(void update, (struct f *f, char *s ));
_PROTOTYPE(void __diff, (FILE *fp1, FILE *fp2 ));
_PROTOTYPE(void differ, (struct f *f1, struct f *f2 ));
_PROTOTYPE(int wlen, (struct f *f ));
_PROTOTYPE(void range, (int a, int b ));
_PROTOTYPE(void cdiff, (char *old, char *new, FILE *file1, FILE *file2 ));
_PROTOTYPE(void dumphunk, (void ));
_PROTOTYPE(char *getold, (int targ ));
_PROTOTYPE(char *getnew, (int targ ));
_PROTOTYPE(int isdir, (char *path ));
_PROTOTYPE(void diff_recursive, (char *dir1, char *dir2 ));
_PROTOTYPE(void file_type_error, (char *filename1, char *filename2,
struct stat *statbuf1, struct stat *statbuf2 ));
_PROTOTYPE(void *xmalloc, (size_t size));
_PROTOTYPE(void *xrealloc, (void *ptr, size_t size));
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
char file1[PATH_MAX], file2[PATH_MAX];
extern int optind; /* index of the current string in argv */
progname = argv[0];
process_command_line(argc, argv);
analyse_input_files(argv[optind], argv[optind + 1], file1, file2);
if (recursive_dir == SET) {
diff_recursive(file1, file2);
} else {
diff(file1, file2);
return(severe_error ? 2 : diffs > 0 ? 1 : 0);
/* Process the command line and set the flags for the different
* options. the processing of the command line is done with the
* getopt() library function. a minimal error processing is done
* for the number of command line arguments. */
void process_command_line(argc, argv)
int argc; /* number of arguments on command line */
char **argv; /* ** to arguments on command line */
int c;
extern char *optarg; /* points to string with options */
extern int optind; /* index of the current string in argv */
/* Are there enough arguments? */
if (argc < 3) {
fatal_error("Usage: %s [-c|-e|-C n][-br] file1 file2\n", progname);
/* Process all options using getopt() */
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "ceC:br")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 'c':
if (mode != undefined) warn(EXCLUSIVE_OPTIONS, "c");
mode = context;
context_lines = 3;
case 'e':
if (mode != undefined) warn(EXCLUSIVE_OPTIONS, "e");
mode = ed_mode;
case 'C':
if (mode != undefined) warn(EXCLUSIVE_OPTIONS, "C");
mode = context;
context_lines = atoi(optarg);
case 'b': trim_blanks = SET; break;
case 'r': recursive_dir = SET; break;
case '?':
/* We should have two arguments left */
if ((argc - optind) != 2)
fatal_error("Need exactly two input file-names!\n", "");
/* Analyse_input_files takes the two input files on the command line
* and decides what to do. returns the (corrected) filenames that
* can be used to call diff().
* if two directories are given, then a recursive diff is done.
* one directory and one filename compares the file with <filename>
* in the directory <directory> with <filename>.
* if two filenames are specified, no special action takes place.
void analyse_input_files(arg1, arg2, input1, input2)
char *arg1, *arg2; /* filenames on the command line */
char *input1, *input2; /* filenames to be used with diff() */
int stat1 = 0, stat2 = 0;
if (strcmp(arg1, "-") != 0)
stat1 = isdir(arg1); /* != 0 <-> arg1 is directory */
if (strcmp(arg2, "-") != 0) stat2 = isdir(arg2);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "%s, stat = %d\n", arg1, stat1);
fprintf(stderr, "%s, stat = %d\n", arg2, stat2);
if (stat1 && stat2) { /* both arg1 and arg2 are directories */
recursive_dir = SET;
strcpy(input1, arg1);
strcpy(input2, arg2);
if (stat1 != 0) { /* arg1 is a dir, arg2 not */
if (strcmp(arg2, "-") != 0) { /* arg2 != stdin */
strcpy(input1, arg1);
strcat(input1, "/");
strcat(input1, arg2);
strcpy(input2, arg2);
} else {
fatal_error("cannot compare stdin (-) with a directory!", "");
if (stat2 != 0) { /* arg2 is a dir, arg1 not */
if (strcmp(arg1, "-") != 0) { /* arg1 != stdin */
strcpy(input1, arg1);
strcpy(input2, arg2);
strcat(input2, "/");
strcat(input2, arg1);
} else { /* arg1 == stdin */
fatal_error("cannot compare stdin (-) with a directory!", "");
/* Both arg1 and arg2 are normal files */
strcpy(input1, arg1);
strcpy(input2, arg2);
/* Diff() is the front end for all modes of the program diff, execpt
* the recursive_dir option.
* diff() expects the filenames of the two files to be compared as
* arguments. the mode is determined from the global variable mode.
void diff(filename1, filename2)
char *filename1, *filename2;
FILE *file1 = check_file(filename1);
FILE *file2 = check_file(filename2);
struct stat statbuf1, statbuf2;
if ((file1 != Nullfp) && (file2 != Nullfp)) {
/* If we do a recursive diff, then we don't compare block
* special, character special or FIFO special files to any
* file. */
fstat(fileno(file1), &statbuf1);
fstat(fileno(file2), &statbuf2);
if ((((statbuf1.st_mode & S_IFREG) != S_IFREG) ||
((statbuf2.st_mode & S_IFREG) != S_IFREG)) &&
(recursive_dir == SET)) {
file_type_error(filename1, filename2, &statbuf1, &statbuf2);
} else {
switch (mode) {
case context:
cdiff(filename1, filename2, file1, file2);
case ed_mode:
case undefined:
__diff(file1, file2);
if (mode == ed_mode) printf("w\n");
} else
severe_error = 1;
if (file1 != Nullfp) fclose(file1);
if (file2 != Nullfp) fclose(file2);
/* Check_file() opens the fileptr with name <filename>. if <filename>
* equals "-" stdin is associated with the return value.
FILE *check_file(name)
char *name;
FILE *temp;
if (strcmp(name, "-") == 0) {
} else {
temp = fopen(name, "r");
if (temp == Nullfp) warn(CANNOT_OPEN_FILE, name);
/* Build_option_string() is called before recursive_dir() is called
* from the main() function. its purpose is to build the string that
* is used on the command line to get the current operation mode.
* e.g. "-C 6 -b".
void build_option_string()
switch (mode) {
case ed_mode:sprintf(options_string, "-e");
case context:
if (context_lines == 3)
sprintf(options_string, "-c");
sprintf(options_string, "-C %d", context_lines);
/* The fatal error handler.
* Expects a format string and a string as arguments. The arguments
* are printed to stderr and the program exits with an error code 2.
void fatal_error(fmt, s)
char *fmt; /* the format sttring to be printed */
char *s; /* string to be inserted into the format
* string */
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname);
fprintf(stderr, fmt, s);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
/* This function prints non fatal error messages to stderr.
* Expects the index of the message to be printed and a pointer
* to the (optional) string to be printed.
* Returns no value.
void warn(number, string)
int number; /* index of the warning */
char *string; /* string to be inserted to the warning */
static char *warning[] = {
"%s: The options -c, -e, -C n are mutually exclusive! Assuming -%c\n",
"%s: cannot open file %s for reading\n",
fprintf(stderr, warning[number], progname, string);
/* Function used with the optione -b, trims the blanks in a input line:
* - blanks between words are reduced to one
* - trailing blanks are eliminated.
void trimming_blanks(l_text)
char *l_text; /* begin of the char array */
char *line = l_text;
char *copy_to, *copy_from;
do {
if (*line == ' ') {
copy_from = line;
copy_to = line;
while (*(++copy_from) == ' ');
if (*copy_from != '\n') copy_to++;
while (*copy_from != '\0') *(copy_to++) = *(copy_from++);
*copy_to = '\0';
} while (*(++line) != '\0');
/* Filename separates the filename and the relative path in path_string.
* Returns the filename with a leading /
char *filename(path_string)
char *path_string;
char name[NAME_MAX + 2]; /* filename plus / */
char *ptr;
name[0] = '/';
ptr = strrchr(path_string, '/');
if (ptr == 0) { /* no / in path_string, only a filename */
strcat(name, path_string);
} else {
strcat(name, ptr);
/* The line module: one member in a linked list of lines. */
struct line {
struct line *l_next; /* pointer to the next line */
char l_eof; /* == 0 if last line in file */
char *l_text; /* array with the text */
struct line *freelist = 0;
#define stepup(ll) ( ((ll) && ((ll)->l_eof==0)) ? (ll)->l_next : (ll) )
/* Function to allocate space for a new line containing SIZE chars */
struct line *new_line(size)
int size;
register struct line *l;
if ((l = freelist) != NullStructLine)
freelist = freelist->l_next;
else {
l = (struct line *) xmalloc(3 * sizeof(void *));
l->l_text = (char *) xmalloc((size + 2) * sizeof(char));
if ((l == 0) || (l->l_text == 0)) fatal_error("Out of memory", "");
return l;
/* Free_line() releases storage allocated for <l>. */
void free_line(l)
register struct line *l;
l->l_next = freelist;
freelist = l;
/* Equal_line() compares two lines, <l1> and <l2>.
* the returned value is the result of the strcmp() function.
int equal_line(l1, l2)
struct line *l1, *l2;
if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0)
else if (l1->l_eof || l2->l_eof)
return(l1->l_eof == l2->l_eof);
return(strcmp(l1->l_text, l2->l_text) == 0);
int equal_3(l1, l2)
struct line *l1, *l2;
register int i, ansr;
ansr = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (l1 == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "\t(null)\n");
else if (l1->l_eof)
fprintf(stderr, "\t(eof)\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t%s", l1->l_text);
if (l2 == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "\t(null)\n");
else if (l2->l_eof)
fprintf(stderr, "\t(eof)\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t%s", l2->l_text);
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (!equal_line(l1, l2)) {
ansr = 0;
l1 = stepup(l1);
l2 = stepup(l2);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\t%d\n", ansr);
struct line *
FILE *fp;
register struct line *l = new_line(LINELEN);
register char *p;
register int c;
(p = &(l->l_text[LINELEN]))[1] = '\377';
l->l_eof = 0;
if (fgets(l->l_text, LINELEN + 2, fp) == 0) {
l->l_eof = 1;
l->l_text[0] = 0;
} else if ((p[1] & 0377) != 0377 && *p != '\n') {
while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != '\n' && c != EOF) {
*p++ = '\n';
*p = '\0';
l->l_next = 0;
if (trim_blanks == SET) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("xxx %s xxx\n", l->l_text);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("xxx %s xxx\n", l->l_text);
return l;
/* File window handler */
struct f {
struct line *f_bwin, *f_ewin;
struct line *f_aside;
int f_linecnt; /* line number in file of last advanced line */
FILE *f_fp;
void advance(f)
register struct f *f;
register struct line *l;
if ((l = f->f_bwin) != NullStructLine) {
if (f->f_ewin == l)
f->f_bwin = f->f_ewin = 0;
f->f_bwin = l->l_next;
void aside(f, l)
struct f *f;
struct line *l;
register struct line *ll;
if (l == 0) return;
if ((ll = l->l_next) != NullStructLine) {
while (ll->l_next) ll = ll->l_next;
ll->l_next = f->f_aside;
f->f_aside = l->l_next;
l->l_next = 0;
f->f_ewin = l;
struct line *next(f)
register struct f *f;
register struct line *l;
if ((l = f->f_aside) != NullStructLine) {
f->f_aside = l->l_next;
l->l_next = 0;
} else
l = read_line(f->f_fp);
if (l) {
if (f->f_bwin == 0)
f->f_bwin = f->f_ewin = l;
else {
if (f->f_ewin->l_eof && l->l_eof) {
f->f_ewin->l_next = l;
f->f_ewin = l;
return l;
/* Init_f() initialises a window structure (struct f). <fp> is the
* file associated with <f>.
void init_f(f, fp)
register struct f *f;
FILE *fp;
f->f_bwin = f->f_ewin = f->f_aside = 0;
f->f_linecnt = 0;
f->f_fp = fp;
/* Update() prints a window. <f> is a pointer to the window, <s> is the
* string containing the "prefix" to the printout( either "<" or ">").
* after completion of update(), the window is empty.
void update(f, s)
register struct f *f;
char *s;
char *help;
int only_dot = 0;
if (firstoutput && (recursive_dir == SET)) {
printf("diff %s %s %s\n", options_string, oldfile, newfile);
firstoutput = 0;
while (f->f_bwin && f->f_bwin != f->f_ewin) {
if (mode != ed_mode) {
printf("%s%s", s, f->f_bwin->l_text);
} else {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("ed_mode: test for only dot");
printf("%s", f->f_bwin->l_text);
help = f->f_bwin->l_text;
while ((*help == ' ') ||
(*help == '.') ||
(*help == '\t')) {
if (*(help++) == '.') only_dot++;
if (only_dot > 1) break;
/* If only_dot is equal 1, there is only one dot on
* the line, so we have to take special actions.
* f the line with only one dot is found, we output
* two dots (".."), terminate the append modus and
* substitute "." for "..". Afterwards we restart
* with the append command. */
if (*help == '\n' && only_dot == 1) {
help = f->f_bwin->l_text;
while (*help != '\0') {
if (*help == '.') printf(".");
putchar((int) *(help++));
} else {
printf("%s%s", s, f->f_bwin->l_text);
/* __Diff(), performs the "core operation" of the program.
* Expects two file-pointers as arguments. This functions does
* *not* check if the file-pointers are valid.
void __diff(fp1, fp2)
FILE *fp1, *fp2;
struct f f1, f2;
struct line *l1, *s1, *b1, *l2, *s2, *b2;
register struct line *ll;
init_f(&f1, fp1);
init_f(&f2, fp2);
l1 = next(&f1);
l2 = next(&f2);
while ((l1->l_eof == 0) || (l2->l_eof == 0)) {
if (equal_line(l1, l2)) {
l1 = next(&f1);
l2 = next(&f2);
s1 = b1 = l1;
s2 = b2 = l2;
/* Read several more lines */
/* Start searching */
ll = s1;
do {
if (equal_3(ll, b2)) {
l1 = ll;
l2 = b2;
aside(&f1, ll);
aside(&f2, b2);
differ(&f1, &f2);
goto equal;
if (ll->l_eof) break;
ll = stepup(ll);
} while (ll);
b2 = stepup(b2);
ll = s2;
do {
if (equal_3(b1, ll)) {
l1 = b1;
l2 = ll;
aside(&f2, ll);
aside(&f1, b1);
differ(&f1, &f2);
goto equal;
if (ll->l_eof != 0) break;
ll = stepup(ll);
} while (ll);
b1 = stepup(b1);
goto search;
/* Both of the files reached EOF */
/* Differ() prints the differences between files. the arguments <f1> and
* <f2> are pointers to the two windows, where the differences are.
void differ(f1, f2)
register struct f *f1, *f2;
int cnt1 = f1->f_linecnt, len1 = wlen(f1);
int cnt2 = f2->f_linecnt, len2 = wlen(f2);
if ((len1 != 0) || (len2 != 0)) {
if (len1 == 0) {
if (mode == ed_mode) {
cnt1 += offset;
printf("%d a\n", cnt1);
update(f2, "");
offset += len2;
} else {
printf("%da", cnt1);
range(cnt2 + 1, cnt2 + len2);
} else if (len2 == 0) {
if (mode == ed_mode) {
cnt1 += offset;
range(cnt1 + 1, cnt1 + len1);
offset -= len1;
while (f1->f_bwin && f1->f_bwin != f1->f_ewin)
} else {
range(cnt1 + 1, cnt1 + len1);
printf("d%d", cnt2);
} else {
if (mode != ed_mode) {
range(cnt1 + 1, cnt1 + len1);
range(cnt2 + 1, cnt2 + len2);
} else {
cnt1 += offset;
if (len1 == len2) {
range(cnt1 + 1, cnt1 + len1);
update(f2, "");
} else {
range(cnt1 + 1, cnt1 + len1);
printf("%d a\n", cnt1);
update(f2, "");
offset -= len1 - len2;
while (f1->f_bwin && f1->f_bwin != f1->f_ewin)
if (mode != ed_mode) {
if (len1 != 0) update(f1, "< ");
if ((len1 != 0) && (len2 != 0)) printf("---\n");
if (len2 != 0) update(f2, "> ");
/* Function wlen() calculates the number of lines in a window. */
int wlen(f)
struct f *f;
register cnt = 0;
register struct line *l = f->f_bwin, *e = f->f_ewin;
while (l && l != e) {
l = l->l_next;
return cnt;
/* Range() prints the line numbers of a range. the arguments <a> and <b>
* are the beginning and the ending line number of the range. if
* <a> == <b>, only one line number is printed. otherwise <a> and <b> are
* separated by a ",".
void range(a, b)
int a, b;
printf(((a == b) ? "%d" : "%d,%d"), a, b);
/* Here follows the code for option -c.
* This code is from the cdiff program by Larry Wall. I changed it only
* slightly to reflect the POSIX standard and to call the main routine
* as function context_diff().
/* Cdiff - context diff Author: Larry Wall */
/* These global variables are still here from the original cdiff program...
* I was to lazy just to sort them out...
char buff[512];
FILE *oldfp, *newfp;
int oldmin, oldmax, newmin, newmax;
int oldbeg, oldend, newbeg, newend;
int preoldmax, prenewmax;
int preoldbeg, preoldend, prenewbeg, prenewend;
int oldwanted, newwanted;
char *oldhunk, *newhunk;
size_t oldsize, oldalloc, newsize, newalloc;
int oldline, newline; /* Jose */
void cdiff(old, new, file1, file2)
char *old, *new; /* The names of the two files to be compared */
FILE *file1, *file2; /* The corresponding file-pointers */
FILE *inputfp;
struct stat statbuf;
register char *s;
char op;
char *newmark, *oldmark;
int len;
char *line;
int i, status;
oldfp = file1;
newfp = file2;
oldalloc = 512;
oldhunk = (char *) xmalloc(oldalloc);
newalloc = 512;
newhunk = (char *) xmalloc(newalloc);
/* The context diff spawns a new process that executes a normal diff
* and parses the output.
if (trim_blanks == SET)
sprintf(buff, "diff -b %s %s", old, new);
sprintf(buff, "diff %s %s", old, new);
inputfp = popen(buff, "r");
if (!inputfp) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't execute diff %s %s, popen failed with %s\n",
old, new, strerror(errno));
preoldend = -1000;
firstoutput = 1;
oldline = newline = 0;
while (fgets(buff, sizeof buff, inputfp) != Nullch) {
if (firstoutput) {
if (recursive_dir == SET) {
printf("diff %s %s %s\n", options_string,
oldfile, newfile);
fstat(fileno(oldfp), &statbuf);
printf("*** %s %s", old, ctime(&statbuf.st_mtime));
fstat(fileno(newfp), &statbuf);
printf("--- %s %s", new, ctime(&statbuf.st_mtime));
firstoutput = 0;
if (isdigit(*buff)) {
oldmin = atoi(buff);
for (s = buff; isdigit(*s); s++);
if (*s == ',') {
oldmax = atoi(s);
for (; isdigit(*s); s++);
} else {
oldmax = oldmin;
if (*s != 'a' && *s != 'd' && *s != 'c') {
fprintf(stderr, "Unparseable input: %s", s);
op = *s;
newmin = atoi(s);
for (; isdigit(*s); s++);
if (*s == ',') {
newmax = atoi(s);
for (; isdigit(*s); s++);
} else {
newmax = newmin;
if (*s != '\n' && *s != ' ') {
fprintf(stderr, "Unparseable input: %s", s);
newmark = oldmark = "! ";
if (op == 'a') {
newmark = "+ ";
if (op == 'd') {
oldmark = "- ";
oldbeg = oldmin - context_lines;
oldend = oldmax + context_lines;
if (oldbeg < 1) oldbeg = 1;
newbeg = newmin - context_lines;
newend = newmax + context_lines;
if (newbeg < 1) newbeg = 1;
if (preoldend < oldbeg - 1) {
if (preoldend >= 0) {
preoldbeg = oldbeg;
prenewbeg = newbeg;
oldwanted = newwanted = 0;
oldsize = newsize = 0;
} else { /* we want to append to previous hunk */
oldbeg = preoldmax + 1;
newbeg = prenewmax + 1;
for (i = oldbeg; i <= oldmax; i++) {
line = getold(i);
if (!line) {
oldend = oldmax = i - 1;
len = strlen(line) + 2;
if (oldsize + len + 1 >= oldalloc) {
oldalloc *= 2;
oldhunk = (char *) xrealloc(oldhunk, oldalloc);
if (i >= oldmin) {
strcpy(oldhunk + oldsize, oldmark);
} else {
strcpy(oldhunk + oldsize, " ");
strcpy(oldhunk + oldsize + 2, line);
oldsize += len;
preoldmax = oldmax;
preoldend = oldend;
for (i = newbeg; i <= newmax; i++) {
line = getnew(i);
if (!line) {
newend = newmax = i - 1;
len = strlen(line) + 2;
if (newsize + len + 1 >= newalloc) {
newalloc *= 2;
newhunk = (char *) xrealloc(newhunk, newalloc);
if (i >= newmin) {
strcpy(newhunk + newsize, newmark);
} else {
strcpy(newhunk + newsize, " ");
strcpy(newhunk + newsize + 2, line);
newsize += len;
prenewmax = newmax;
prenewend = newend;
fprintf(stderr, "pipe fd is %d\n", fileno(inputfp));
status = pclose(inputfp);
if (status != 0) diffs++;
if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) > 1) severe_error = 1;
if (preoldend >= 0) {
void dumphunk()
int i;
char *line;
int len;
for (i = preoldmax + 1; i <= preoldend; i++) {
line = getold(i);
if (!line) {
preoldend = i - 1;
len = strlen(line) + 2;
if (oldsize + len + 1 >= oldalloc) {
oldalloc *= 2;
oldhunk = (char *) xrealloc(oldhunk, oldalloc);
strcpy(oldhunk + oldsize, " ");
strcpy(oldhunk + oldsize + 2, line);
oldsize += len;
for (i = prenewmax + 1; i <= prenewend; i++) {
line = getnew(i);
if (!line) {
prenewend = i - 1;
len = strlen(line) + 2;
if (newsize + len + 1 >= newalloc) {
newalloc *= 2;
newhunk = (char *) xrealloc(newhunk, newalloc);
strcpy(newhunk + newsize, " ");
strcpy(newhunk + newsize + 2, line);
newsize += len;
fputs("***************\n", stdout);
if (preoldbeg >= preoldend) {
printf("*** %d ****\n", preoldend);
} else {
printf("*** %d,%d ****\n", preoldbeg, preoldend);
if (oldwanted) {
fputs(oldhunk, stdout);
oldsize = 0;
*oldhunk = '\0';
if (prenewbeg >= prenewend) {
printf("--- %d ----\n", prenewend);
} else {
printf("--- %d,%d ----\n", prenewbeg, prenewend);
if (newwanted) {
fputs(newhunk, stdout);
newsize = 0;
*newhunk = '\0';
char *getold(targ)
int targ;
while (fgets(buff, sizeof buff, oldfp) != Nullch) {
if (oldline == targ) return buff;
return Nullch;
char *getnew(targ)
int targ;
while (fgets(buff, sizeof buff, newfp) != Nullch) {
if (newline == targ) return buff;
return Nullch;
/* Isdir() checks, if <path> is the name of a directory. a return value
* is 0, <path> is a normal file. otherwise the <path> is a directory.
int isdir(path)
char *path;
struct stat buf;
stat(path, &buf);
if (buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) { /* path is a directory */
} else {
/* This is the "main" function if a diff of two directories has to be
* done. diff_recursive() expects the names of the two directories to
* be compared. */
void diff_recursive(dir1, dir2)
char *dir1, *dir2;
FILE *ls1, *ls2;
char file1[PATH_MAX], file2[PATH_MAX];
char jointfile1[PATH_MAX], jointfile2[PATH_MAX];
char command[PATH_MAX];
int difference, eof1, eof2;
sprintf(command, "ls %s", dir1);
ls1 = popen(command, "r");
sprintf(command, "ls %s", dir2);
ls2 = popen(command, "r");
if ((ls1 == NULL) || (ls2 == NULL))
fatal_error("cannot execute ls!", "");
file1[0] = '\0';
eof1 = fscanf(ls1, "%s\n", file1);
file2[0] = '\0';
eof2 = fscanf(ls2, "%s\n", file2);
while ((file1[0] != '\0') && (file2[0] != '\0')) {
difference = strcmp(file1, file2);
while (difference != 0) {
if (difference < 0) {
printf("Only in %s: %s\n", dir1, file1);
file1[0] = '\0';
eof1 = fscanf(ls1, "%s\n", file1);
if (file1[0] == '\0') break;
} else {
printf("Only in %s: %s\n", dir2, file2);
file2[0] = '\0';
eof2 = fscanf(ls2, "%s\n", file2);
if (file2[0] == '\0') break;
difference = strcmp(file1, file2);
if (eof1 != EOF && eof2 != EOF) {
strcpy(jointfile1, dir1);
strcat(jointfile1, "/");
strcat(jointfile1, file1);
strcpy(jointfile2, dir2);
strcat(jointfile2, "/");
strcat(jointfile2, file2);
if ((isdir(jointfile1) != 0) && (isdir(jointfile2) != 0)) {
printf("Common subdirectories: %s and %s\n",
jointfile1, jointfile2);
diff_recursive(jointfile1, jointfile2);
} else {
firstoutput = 1;
strcpy(oldfile, jointfile1);
strcpy(newfile, jointfile2);
diff(jointfile1, jointfile2);
file1[0] = '\0';
eof1 = fscanf(ls1, "%s\n", file1);
file2[0] = '\0';
eof2 = fscanf(ls2, "%s\n", file2);
if (file1[0] != '\0') { /* first arg still has files */
do {
printf("Only in %s: %s\n", dir1, file1);
eof1 = fscanf(ls1, " %s\n", file1);
} while (eof1 != EOF);
if (file2[0] != '\0') {
do {
printf("Only in %s: %s\n", dir2, file2);
eof2 = fscanf(ls2, " %s\n", file2);
} while (eof2 != EOF);
if (pclose(ls1) != 0) severe_error = 1;
if (pclose(ls2) != 0) severe_error = 1;
/* File_type_error is called, if in a recursive diff ( -r) one of the two
* files a block special, a character special or a FIFO special file is.
* The corresponding error message is printed here. */
void file_type_error(filename1, filename2, statbuf1, statbuf2)
char *filename1, *filename2;
struct stat *statbuf1, *statbuf2;
char type1[25], type2[25];
switch (statbuf1->st_mode & S_IFMT) { /* select only file mode */
case S_IFREG:
sprintf(type1, "regular file ");
case S_IFBLK:
sprintf(type1, "block special file ");
case S_IFDIR: sprintf(type1, "directory "); break;
case S_IFCHR:
sprintf(type1, "character special file ");
case S_IFIFO:
sprintf(type1, "FIFO special file ");
switch (statbuf2->st_mode & S_IFMT) { /* select only file mode */
case S_IFREG:
sprintf(type2, "regular file ");
case S_IFBLK:
sprintf(type2, "block special file ");
case S_IFDIR: sprintf(type2, "directory "); break;
case S_IFCHR:
sprintf(type2, "character special file ");
case S_IFIFO:
sprintf(type2, "FIFO special file ");
printf("File %s is a %s while file %s is a %s\n",
filename1, type1, filename2, type2);
void *xmalloc(size)
size_t size;
void *ptr;
ptr = malloc(size);
if (ptr == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", progname);
void *xrealloc(ptr, size)
void *ptr;
size_t size;
ptr = realloc(ptr, size);
if (ptr == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", progname);