Lionel Sambuc 11be35a165 Importing NetBSD "Kyua" test framework
To do so, a few dependencies have been imported:

 * external/bsd/lutok
 * external/mit/lua
 * external/public-domain/sqlite
 * external/public-domain/xz

The Kyua framework is the new generation of ATF (Automated Test
Framework), it is composed of:

 * external/bsd/atf
 * external/bsd/kyua-atf-compat
 * external/bsd/kyua-cli
 * external/bsd/kyua-tester
 * tests

Kyua/ATF being written in C++, it depends on libstdc++ which is
provided by GCC. As this is not part of the sources, Kyua is only
compiled when the native GCC utils are installed.

To install Kyua do the following:

 * In a cross-build enviromnent, add the following to the
   commandline: -V MKBINUTILS=yes -V MKGCCCMDS=yes

  At this point the import is still experimental, and not supported
  on native builds (a.k.a make build).

Change-Id: I26aee23c5bbd2d64adcb7c1beb98fe0d479d7ada
2013-07-23 20:43:41 +02:00

20 lines
941 B

$NetBSD: README,v 1.4 2012/05/18 15:36:21 jruoho Exp $
When adding new tests, please try to follow the following conventions.
1. For library routines, including system calls, the directory structure of
the tests should follow the directory structure of the real source tree.
For instance, interfaces available via the C library should follow:
src/lib/libc/gen -> src/tests/lib/libc/gen
src/lib/libc/sys -> src/tests/lib/libc/sys
2. Equivalently, all tests for userland utilities should try to follow their
location in the source tree. If this can not be satisfied, the tests for
a utility should be located under the directory to which the utility is
installed. Thus, a test for env(1) should go to src/tests/usr.bin/env.
Likewise, a test for tcpdump(8) should be in src/tests/usr.sbin/tcpdump,
even though the source code for the program is located under src/external.
3. Otherwise use your own discretion.