Thomas Veerman a209c3ae12 Fix a ton of compiler warnings
This patch fixes most of current reasons to generate compiler warnings.
The changes consist of:
 - adding missing casts
 - hiding or unhiding function declarations
 - including headers where missing
 - add __UNCONST when assigning a const char * to a char *
 - adding missing return statements
 - changing some types from unsigned to signed, as the code seems to want
   signed ints
 - converting old-style function definitions to current style (i.e.,
   void func(param1, param2) short param1, param2; {...} to
   void func (short param1, short param2) {...})
 - making the compiler silent about signed vs unsigned comparisons. We
   have too many of those in the new libc to fix.

A number of bugs in the test set were fixed. These bugs were never
triggered with our old libc. Consequently, these tests are now forced to
link with the new libc or they will generate errors (in particular tests 43
and 55).

Most changes in NetBSD libc are limited to moving aroudn "#ifndef __minix"
or stuff related to Minix-specific things (code in sys-minix or gen/minix).
2011-11-14 10:07:49 +00:00

402 lines
13 KiB

/* test28: mkdir() rmdir() Author: Jan-Mark Wams ( */
** Not tested readonly file systems (EROFS.)
** Not tested fs full (ENOSPC.)
** Not really tested EBUSY.
** Not tested unlinking busy directories.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_ERROR 4
#define ITERATIONS 2
#include "common.c"
#define DIRENT0 ((struct dirent *) NULL)
#define System(cmd) if (system(cmd) != 0) printf("``%s'' failed\n", cmd)
#define Chdir(dir) if (chdir(dir) != 0) printf("Can't goto %s\n", dir)
int subtest = 1;
int superuser;
char *MaxName; /* Name of maximum length */
char MaxPath[PATH_MAX];
char *ToLongName; /* Name of maximum +1 length */
char ToLongPath[PATH_MAX + 1];
_PROTOTYPE(void test28a, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(void test28c, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(void test28b, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(void makelongnames, (void));
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i, m = 0xFFFF;
if (argc == 2) m = atoi(argv[1]);
superuser = (getuid() == 0);
umask(0000); /* no umask */
for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) {
if (m & 0001) test28a();
if (m & 0002) test28b();
if (m & 0004) test28c();
void test28a()
int mode; /* used in for loop */
struct stat st;
time_t time1, time2;
DIR *dirp;
struct dirent *dep;
int dot = 0, dotdot = 0;
subtest = 1;
System("rm -rf foo /tmp/foo");/* clean up junk */
/* Check relative path names */
if (mkdir("./foo", 0777) != 0) e(1); /* make a dir foo */
if (mkdir("./foo/bar", 0777) != 0) e(2); /* make foo/bar */
if (rmdir("foo/bar") != 0) e(3); /* delete bar */
if (mkdir("foo/../foo/bar", 0777) != 0) e(4); /* make bar again */
if (rmdir("./foo/bar") != 0) e(5); /* and remove again */
/* Foo should be empty (ie. contain only "." and ".." */
if ((dirp = opendir("foo")) == (DIR *) NULL) e(6); /* open foo */
if ((dep = readdir(dirp)) == DIRENT0) e(7); /* get first entry */
if (strcmp(dep->d_name, ".") == 0) dot += 1; /* record what it is */
if (strcmp(dep->d_name, "..") == 0) dotdot += 1;
if ((dep = readdir(dirp)) == DIRENT0) e(8); /* get second entry */
if (strcmp(dep->d_name, ".") == 0) dot += 1; /* record again */
if (strcmp(dep->d_name, "..") == 0) dotdot += 1;
if ((dep = readdir(dirp)) != DIRENT0) e(9); /* no 3d entry */
if (dot == 1 && dotdot != 1) e(10); /* only . and .. */
if (closedir(dirp) != 0) e(11); /* close foo */
if (rmdir("./foo") != 0) e(12); /* remove dir foo */
/* Check absolute path names */
if (mkdir("/tmp/foo", 0777) != 0) e(13);
if (mkdir("/tmp/foo/bar", 0777) != 0) e(14);
if (rmdir("/tmp/foo/bar") != 0) e(15); /* make some dirs */
if (rmdir("/tmp/foo") != 0) e(16);
/* Check the mode arument for mkdir() */
for (mode = 0; mode <= 0777; mode++) {
if (mkdir("foo", mode) != 0) e(17); /* make foo */
if (stat("foo", &st) != 0) e(18);
if ((st.st_mode & 0777) != mode) e(19); /* check it's mode */
if (rmdir("foo") != 0) e(20); /* and remove it */
/* Check the stat */
while (time1 >= time((time_t *)0))
if (mkdir("foo", 0765) != 0) e(21); /* make foo */
if (stat("foo", &st) != 0) e(22);
while (time2 >= time((time_t *)0))
if (st.st_nlink != 2) e(23);
if (st.st_uid != geteuid()) e(24);
if (st.st_gid != getegid()) e(25);
if (st.st_size < 0) e(26);
if ((st.st_mode & 0777) != 0765) e(27);
if (st.st_atime <= time1) e(28);
if (st.st_atime >= time2) e(29);
if (st.st_ctime <= time1) e(30);
if (st.st_ctime >= time2) e(31);
if (st.st_mtime <= time1) e(32);
if (st.st_mtime >= time2) e(33);
/* Check if parent is updated */
if (stat(".", &st) != 0) e(34);
while (time2 >= time((time_t *)0))
if (st.st_ctime <= time1) e(35);
if (st.st_ctime >= time2) e(36);
if (st.st_mtime <= time1) e(37);
if (st.st_mtime >= time2) e(38);
while (time1 >= time((time_t *)0))
if (rmdir("foo") != 0) e(39);
if (stat(".", &st) != 0) e(40);
while (time2 >= time((time_t *)0))
if (st.st_ctime <= time1) e(41);
if (st.st_ctime >= time2) e(42);
if (st.st_mtime <= time1) e(43);
if (st.st_mtime >= time2) e(44);
void test28b()
{ /* Test critical values. */
struct stat st;
DIR *dirp;
struct dirent *dep;
int fd; /* file descriptor */
int other = 0, dot = 0, dotdot = 0; /* dirent counters */
int r; /* Intermediate result */
int rmdir_result; /* tmp var */
int stat_loc, does_truncate;
subtest = 2;
System("rm -rf ../DIR_28/*");
/* Check funny but valid path names */
if (mkdir("/../../..////.//../tmp/foo/", 0777) != 0) e(1);
if (mkdir("/tmp/foo//////..//foo//../foo/bar/", 0777) != 0) e(2);
if (rmdir("///tmp/..//tmp/foo/bar//../..//foo/bar") != 0) e(3);
if (mkdir("///tmp/foo/foobar//", 0777) != 0) e(4);
if (rmdir("/tmp/foo/foobar//") != 0) e(5);
if (rmdir("/.././/././/tmp/foo///////////////") != 0) e(6);
if (rmdir("/tmp/foo") != -1) e(7); /* try again */
/* Test max path ed. */
if (mkdir(MaxName, 0777) != 0) e(9); /* make dir MaxName */
if (rmdir(MaxName) != 0) e(10); /* and remove it */
MaxPath[strlen(MaxPath) - 2] = '/'; /* convert MaxPath */
MaxPath[strlen(MaxPath) - 1] = 'a'; /* to ././.../a */
if (mkdir(MaxPath, 0777) != 0) e(11); /* it should be */
if (rmdir(MaxPath) != 0) e(12); /* ok */
/* Test too long path ed. */
does_truncate = does_fs_truncate();
r = mkdir(ToLongName, 0777);
if (does_truncate ) {
/* FS truncates names, mkdir should've worked */
if (r != 0) e(13); /* Try ToLongName */
if (rmdir(ToLongName) != 0) e(14); /* and remove it */
} else {
/* Too long, should've failed with ENAMETOOLONG */
if (r == 0) e(15);
if (errno != ENAMETOOLONG) e(16);
ToLongPath[strlen(ToLongPath) - 2] = '/'; /* make ToLongPath */
ToLongPath[strlen(ToLongPath) - 1] = 'a'; /* contain ././.../a */
if (mkdir(ToLongPath, 0777) != -1) e(17); /* it should */
if (errno != ENAMETOOLONG) e(18); /* not be ok */
if (rmdir(ToLongPath) != -1) e(19);
if (errno != ENAMETOOLONG) e(20);
if (mkdir("foo", 0777) != 0) e(21);
System("touch foo/xyzzy");
/* Test if rmdir removes only empty dirs */
if (rmdir("foo") != -1) e(29);/* not empty */
if (errno != EEXIST && errno != ENOTEMPTY) e(30);
/* Test if rmdir removes a dir with an empty file (it shouldn't.) */
System("rm -rf foo"); /* cleanup */
if (mkdir("foo", 0777) != 0) e(31);
System("> foo/empty"); /* > empty */
if (rmdir("foo") != -1) e(32);/* not empty */
if (errno != EEXIST && errno != ENOTEMPTY) e(33);
if (unlink("foo/empty") != 0) e(34); /* rm empty */
/* See what happens if foo is linked. */
#if 0
if (superuser) {
if (link("foo", "footoo") != 0) e(35); /* foo still */
if (rmdir("footoo") != 0) e(36); /* exist */
if (chdir("footoo") != -1) e(37); /* footoo */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(38); /* is gone */
#ifdef _MINIX
/* Some implementations might allow users to link directories. */
if (!superuser) {
if (link("foo", "footoo") != -1) e(39);
if (errno != EPERM) e(40);
if (unlink("foo") != -1) e(41);
if (errno != EPERM) e(42);
/* See if ".." and "." are removed from the dir, and if it is
* unwriteable
* Note, we can not remove any files in the PARENT
* process, because this
* will make readdir unpredicatble. (see
* 1003.1 page 84 line 30.) However
* removal of the directory is
* not specified in the standard.
System("rm -rf /tmp/sema[12].07");
switch (fork()) {
case -1: printf("Can't fork\n"); break;
case 0:
if ((fd = open("foo", O_RDONLY)) <= 2) e(43); /* open */
if ((dirp = opendir("foo")) == (DIR *) NULL) e(44); /* opendir */
/* UpA downB */
system(">/tmp/sema1.07; while test -f /tmp/sema1.07; do sleep 1;done");
while ((dep = readdir(dirp)) != DIRENT0) {
if (strcmp(dep->d_name, "..") == 0)
dotdot += 1;
else if (strcmp(dep->d_name, ".") == 0)
dot += 1;
other += 1;
if (dotdot != 0) e(45); /* no entrys */
if (dot != 0) e(46); /* shoul be */
if (other != 0) e(47); /* left or */
/* No new files (entrys) are allowed on foo */
if (creat("foo/nono", 0777) != -1) e(48); /* makeable */
if (closedir(dirp) != 0) e(49); /* close foo */
system("while test ! -f /tmp/sema2.07; do sleep 1; done"); /* downA */
System("rm -f /tmp/sema2.07"); /* clean up */
/* Foo still exist, so we should be able to get a fstat */
if (fstat(fd, &st) != 0) e(50);
if (st.st_nlink != (nlink_t) 0) e(51); /* 0 left */
if (close(fd) != 0) e(52); /* last one */
system("while test ! -f /tmp/sema1.07; do sleep 1; done"); /* downA */
if (rmdir("foo") != 0) e(53); /* cleanerup */
System("rm -f /tmp/sema1.07"); /* upB */
if (chdir("foo") != -1) e(54); /* it should */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(55); /* be gone */
System("> /tmp/sema2.07"); /* upA */
if (wait(&stat_loc) == -1) e(56);
if (stat_loc != 0) e(57);
/* See if foo isn't accessible any more */
if (chdir("foo") != -1) e(58);
if (errno != ENOENT) e(59);
/* Let's see if we can get a EBUSSY..... */
if (mkdir("foo", 0777) != 0) e(60); /* mkdir foo */
System("rm -f /tmp/sema.07"); /* unness */
switch (fork()) {
case -1: printf("Can't fork\n"); break;
case 0:
if (chdir("foo") != 0) e(61); /* child goes */
System("> /tmp/sema.07"); /* upA */
system("while test -f /tmp/sema.07; do sleep 1; done"); /* downB */
system("while test ! -f /tmp/sema.07; do sleep 1; done"); /* downA */
rmdir_result = rmdir("foo"); /* try remove */
if (rmdir_result == -1) { /* if it failed */
if (errno != EBUSY) e(62); /* foo is busy */
} else {
if (rmdir_result != 0) e(63);
if (rmdir("foo") != -1) e(64); /* not removable */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(65); /* again. */
if (chdir("foo") != -1) e(66); /* we can't go */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(67); /* there any more */
if (mkdir("foo", 0777) != 0) e(68); /* we can remake foo */
System("rm -f /tmp/sema.07"); /* upB */
if (wait(&stat_loc) == -1) e(69);
if (stat_loc != 0) e(70);
if (rmdir("foo") != 0) e(71); /* clean up */
void test28c()
{ /* Test error handeling. */
subtest = 3;
System("rm -rf ../DIR_28/*");
System("rm -rf foo /tmp/foo");/* clean up junk */
/* Test common errors */
if (mkdir("foo", 0777) != 0) e(1); /* mkdir shouldn't fail */
if (mkdir("foo", 0777) != -1) e(2); /* should fail the 2d time */
if (errno != EEXIST) e(3); /* because it exists already */
if (rmdir("foo") != 0) e(4); /* rmdir shouldn't fail */
if (rmdir("foo") != -1) e(5); /* but it should now because */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(6); /* it's gone the 1st time */
/* Test on access etc. */
if (mkdir("foo", 0777) != 0) e(7);
if (mkdir("foo/bar", 0777) != 0) e(8);
if (!superuser) {
System("chmod 677 foo");/* make foo inaccesable */
if (mkdir("foo/foo", 0777) != -1) e(9);
if (errno != EACCES) e(10);
if (rmdir("foo/bar") != -1) e(11);
if (errno != EACCES) e(12);
System("chmod 577 foo");/* make foo unwritable */
if (mkdir("foo/foo", 0777) != -1) e(13);
if (errno != EACCES) e(14);
if (rmdir("foo/bar") != -1) e(15);
if (errno != EACCES) e(16);
System("chmod 777 foo");/* make foo full accessable */
if (rmdir("foo/bar") != 0) e(17); /* bar should be removable */
if (mkdir("foo/no/foo", 0777) != -1) e(18); /* Note: "no" doesn't exist */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(19);
if (mkdir("", 0777) != -1) e(20); /* empty string isn't ok */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(21);
if (rmdir("") != -1) e(22); /* empty string isn't ok */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(23);
System("> foo/no"); /* make a file "no" */
if (mkdir("foo/no/foo", 0777) != -1) e(24);
if (errno != ENOTDIR) e(25); /* note: "no" is not a a dir */
if (rmdir("foo/no/foo") != -1) e(26);
if (errno != ENOTDIR) e(27);
System("rm -rf foo"); /* clean up */
void makelongnames()
register int i;
int max_name_length;
max_name_length = name_max("."); /* Aka NAME_MAX, but not every FS supports
* the same length, hence runtime check */
MaxName = malloc(max_name_length + 1);
ToLongName = malloc(max_name_length + 1 + 1); /* Name of maximum +1 length */
memset(MaxName, 'a', max_name_length);
MaxName[max_name_length] = '\0';
for (i = 0; i < PATH_MAX - 1; i++) { /* idem path */
MaxPath[i++] = '.';
MaxPath[i] = '/';
MaxPath[PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0';
strcpy(ToLongName, MaxName); /* copy them Max to ToLong */
strcpy(ToLongPath, MaxPath);
ToLongName[max_name_length] = 'a';
ToLongName[max_name_length+1] = '\0';/* extend ToLongName by one too many */
ToLongPath[PATH_MAX - 1] = '/';
ToLongPath[PATH_MAX] = '\0'; /* inc ToLongPath by one */