Cristiano Giuffrida 48c6bb79f4 Driver refactory for live update and crash recovery.
- DS calls to publish / retrieve labels consider endpoints instead of u32_t.

- mapdriver() only adds an entry in the dmap table in VFS.
- dev_up() is only executed upon reception of a driver up event.

- INET no longer searches for existing drivers instances at startup.
- A newtwork driver is (re)initialized upon reception of a driver up event.
- Networking startup is now race-free by design. No need to waste 5 seconds
at startup any more.

- Every driver publishes driver up events when starting for the first time or
in case of restart when recovery actions must be taken in the upper layers.
- Driver up events are published by drivers through DS. 
- For regular drivers, VFS is normally the only subscriber, but not necessarily.
For instance, when the filter driver is in use, it must subscribe to driver
up events to initiate recovery.
- For network drivers, inet is the only subscriber for now.
- Every VFS driver is statically linked with libdriver, every network driver
is statically linked with libnetdriver.

- Libdriver is extended to provide generic receive() and ds_publish() interfaces
for VFS drivers.
- driver_receive() is a wrapper for sef_receive() also used in driver_task()
to discard spurious messages that were meant to be delivered to a previous
version of the driver.
- driver_receive_mq() is the same as driver_receive() but integrates support
for queued messages.
- driver_announce() publishes a driver up event for VFS drivers and marks
the driver as initialized and expecting a DEV_OPEN message.
- Libnetdriver is introduced to provide similar receive() and ds_publish()
interfaces for network drivers (netdriver_announce() and netdriver_receive()).
- Network drivers all support live update with no state transfer now.

- Added kernel call statectl for state management. Used by driver_announce() to
unblock eventual callers sendrecing to the driver.
2010-04-08 13:41:35 +00:00

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#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H
/* This file defines the kernel configuration. It allows to set sizes of some
* kernel buffers and to enable or disable debugging code, timing features,
* and individual kernel calls.
* Changes:
* Jul 11, 2005 Created. (Jorrit N. Herder)
/* In embedded and sensor applications, not all the kernel calls may be
* needed. In this section you can specify which kernel calls are needed
* and which are not. The code for unneeded kernel calls is not included in
* the system binary, making it smaller. If you are not sure, it is best
* to keep all kernel calls enabled.
#define USE_FORK 1 /* fork a new process */
#define USE_NEWMAP 1 /* set a new memory map */
#define USE_EXEC 1 /* update process after execute */
#define USE_CLEAR 1 /* clean up after process exit */
#define USE_EXIT 1 /* a system process wants to exit */
#define USE_TRACE 1 /* process information and tracing */
#define USE_GETKSIG 1 /* retrieve pending kernel signals */
#define USE_ENDKSIG 1 /* finish pending kernel signals */
#define USE_KILL 1 /* send a signal to a process */
#define USE_SIGSEND 1 /* send POSIX-style signal */
#define USE_SIGRETURN 1 /* sys_sigreturn(proc_nr, ctxt_ptr, flags) */
#define USE_ABORT 1 /* shut down MINIX */
#define USE_GETINFO 1 /* retrieve a copy of kernel data */
#define USE_TIMES 1 /* get process and system time info */
#define USE_SETALARM 1 /* schedule a synchronous alarm */
#define USE_VTIMER 1 /* set or retrieve a process-virtual timer */
#define USE_DEVIO 1 /* read or write a single I/O port */
#define USE_VDEVIO 1 /* process vector with I/O requests */
#define USE_SDEVIO 1 /* perform I/O request on a buffer */
#define USE_IRQCTL 1 /* set an interrupt policy */
#define USE_SEGCTL 1 /* set up a remote segment */
#define USE_PRIVCTL 1 /* system privileges control */
#define USE_UMAP 1 /* map virtual to physical address */
#define USE_VIRCOPY 1 /* copy using virtual addressing */
#define USE_PHYSCOPY 1 /* copy using physical addressing */
#define USE_MEMSET 1 /* write char to a given memory area */
#define USE_RUNCTL 1 /* control stop flags of a process */
#define USE_UPDATE 1 /* update a process into another */
#define USE_MCONTEXT 1 /* enable getting and setting of mach context*/
#define USE_STATECTL 1 /* let a process control its state */
/* Length of program names stored in the process table. This is only used
* for the debugging dumps that can be generated with the IS server. The PM
* server keeps its own copy of the program name.
#define P_NAME_LEN 8
/* This section contains defines for valuable system resources that are used
* by device drivers. The number of elements of the vectors is determined by
* the maximum needed by any given driver. The number of interrupt hooks may
* be incremented on systems with many device drivers.
#define NR_IRQ_HOOKS 16 /* number of interrupt hooks */
#define VDEVIO_BUF_SIZE 64 /* max elements per VDEVIO request */
/* How many bytes for the kernel stack. Space allocated in mpx.s. */
#define K_STACK_BYTES 1024
#endif /* CONFIG_H */