David van Moolenbroek cc810ee4d9 VFS/FS: replace protocol version with flag field
The main motivation for this change is that only Loris supports
multithreading, and Loris supports dynamic thread allocation, so the
number of supported threads can be implemented as a bit flag (i.e.,
either 1 or "at least as many as VFS has"). The ABI break obviates the
need to support file system versioning at this time, and several
other aspects are better implemented as flags as well. Other changes:

- replace peek/bpeek test upon mount with FS flag as well;
- mark libsffs as 64-bit file size capable;
- remove old (3.2.1) getdents support.

Change-Id: I313eace9c50ed816656c31cd47d969033d952a03
2014-02-18 11:25:02 +01:00

345 lines
9.7 KiB

#include "inc.h"
#include <minix/com.h>
#include <minix/vfsif.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "buf.h"
static char getdents_buf[GETDENTS_BUFSIZ];
* fs_read *
int fs_read(void) {
int r, chunk, block_size;
int nrbytes;
cp_grant_id_t gid;
off_t position, f_size, bytes_left;
unsigned int off, cum_io;
int completed;
struct dir_record *dir;
int rw;
switch(fs_m_in.m_type) {
case REQ_READ: rw = READING; break;
case REQ_PEEK: rw = PEEKING; break;
default: panic("odd m_type");
r = OK;
/* Try to get inode according to its index */
dir = get_dir_record(fs_m_in.REQ_INODE_NR);
if (dir == NULL) return(EINVAL); /* no inode found */
position = fs_m_in.REQ_SEEK_POS_LO;
nrbytes = (unsigned) fs_m_in.REQ_NBYTES; /* number of bytes to read */
block_size = v_pri.logical_block_size_l;
gid = fs_m_in.REQ_GRANT;
f_size = dir->d_file_size;
rdwt_err = OK; /* set to EIO if disk error occurs */
cum_io = 0;
/* Split the transfer into chunks that don't span two blocks. */
while (nrbytes != 0) {
off = (unsigned int) (position % block_size);
chunk = MIN(nrbytes, block_size - off);
if (chunk < 0) chunk = block_size - off;
bytes_left = f_size - position;
if (position >= f_size) break; /* we are beyond EOF */
if (chunk > bytes_left) chunk = (int) bytes_left;
/* Read or write 'chunk' bytes. */
r = read_chunk(dir, ((u64_t)(position)), off, chunk, (unsigned) nrbytes,
gid, cum_io, block_size, &completed, rw);
if (r != OK) break; /* EOF reached */
if (rdwt_err < 0) break;
/* Update counters and pointers. */
nrbytes -= chunk; /* bytes yet to be read */
cum_io += chunk; /* bytes read so far */
position += chunk; /* position within the file */
fs_m_out.RES_SEEK_POS_LO = position;
if (rdwt_err != OK) r = rdwt_err; /* check for disk error */
if (rdwt_err == END_OF_FILE) r = OK;
fs_m_out.RES_NBYTES = cum_io; /*dir->d_file_size;*/
* fs_bread *
int fs_bread(void)
int r, rw_flag, chunk, block_size;
cp_grant_id_t gid;
int nrbytes;
u64_t position;
unsigned int off, cum_io;
int completed;
struct dir_record *dir;
r = OK;
rw_flag = (fs_m_in.m_type == REQ_BREAD ? READING : WRITING);
gid = fs_m_in.REQ_GRANT;
position = make64(fs_m_in.REQ_SEEK_POS_LO, fs_m_in.REQ_SEEK_POS_HI);
nrbytes = (unsigned) fs_m_in.REQ_NBYTES;
block_size = v_pri.logical_block_size_l;
dir = v_pri.dir_rec_root;
if(rw_flag == WRITING) return (EIO); /* Not supported */
rdwt_err = OK; /* set to EIO if disk error occurs */
cum_io = 0;
/* Split the transfer into chunks that don't span two blocks. */
while (nrbytes != 0) {
off = rem64u(position, block_size); /* offset in blk*/
chunk = MIN(nrbytes, block_size - off);
if (chunk < 0) chunk = block_size - off;
/* Read 'chunk' bytes. */
r = read_chunk(dir, position, off, chunk, (unsigned) nrbytes,
gid, cum_io, block_size, &completed, READING);
if (r != OK) break; /* EOF reached */
if (rdwt_err < 0) break;
/* Update counters and pointers. */
nrbytes -= chunk; /* bytes yet to be read */
cum_io += chunk; /* bytes read so far */
position += chunk; /* position within the file */
fs_m_out.RES_SEEK_POS_LO = ex64lo(position);
fs_m_out.RES_SEEK_POS_HI = ex64hi(position);
if (rdwt_err != OK) r = rdwt_err; /* check for disk error */
if (rdwt_err == END_OF_FILE) r = OK;
fs_m_out.RES_NBYTES = cum_io;
* fs_getdents *
int fs_getdents(void) {
struct dir_record *dir;
pino_t ino;
cp_grant_id_t gid;
size_t block_size;
off_t pos, block_pos, block, cur_pos, tmpbuf_offset, userbuf_off;
struct buf *bp;
struct dir_record *dir_tmp;
struct dirent *dirp;
int r,done,o,len,reclen;
char *cp;
char name[NAME_MAX + 1];
char name_old[NAME_MAX + 1];
/* Initialize the tmp arrays */
/* Get input parameters */
ino = fs_m_in.REQ_INODE_NR;
gid = fs_m_in.REQ_GRANT;
pos = fs_m_in.REQ_SEEK_POS_LO;
block_size = v_pri.logical_block_size_l;
cur_pos = pos; /* The current position */
tmpbuf_offset = 0;
userbuf_off = 0;
memset(getdents_buf, '\0', GETDENTS_BUFSIZ); /* Avoid leaking any data */
if ((dir = get_dir_record(ino)) == NULL) return(EINVAL);
block = dir->loc_extent_l; /* First block of the directory */
block += pos / block_size; /* Shift to the block where start to read */
done = FALSE;
while (cur_pos<dir->d_file_size) {
bp = get_block(block); /* Get physical block */
if (bp == NULL) {
block_pos = cur_pos % block_size; /* Position where to start read */
while (block_pos < block_size) {
dir_tmp = get_free_dir_record();
create_dir_record(dir_tmp,b_data(bp) + block_pos,
block*block_size + block_pos);
if (dir_tmp->length == 0) { /* EOF. I exit and return 0s */
block_pos = block_size;
done = TRUE;
} else { /* The dir record is valid. Copy data... */
if (dir_tmp->file_id[0] == 0)
strlcpy(name, ".", NAME_MAX + 1);
else if (dir_tmp->file_id[0] == 1)
strlcpy(name, "..", NAME_MAX + 1);
else {
/* Extract the name from the field file_id */
strncpy(name, dir_tmp->file_id,
name[dir_tmp->length_file_id] = 0;
/* Tidy up file name */
cp = memchr(name, ';', NAME_MAX);
if (cp != NULL) name[cp - name] = 0;
/*If no file extension, then remove final '.'*/
if (name[strlen(name) - 1] == '.')
name[strlen(name) - 1] = '\0';
if (strcmp(name_old, name) == 0) {
cur_pos += dir_tmp->length;
strlcpy(name_old, name, NAME_MAX + 1);
/* Compute the length of the name */
cp = memchr(name, '\0', NAME_MAX);
if (cp == NULL) len = NAME_MAX;
else len= cp - name;
/* Compute record length */
reclen = offsetof(struct dirent, d_name) + len + 1;
o = (reclen % sizeof(long));
if (o != 0)
reclen += sizeof(long) - o;
/* If the new record does not fit, then copy the buffer
* and start from the beginning. */
if (tmpbuf_offset + reclen > GETDENTS_BUFSIZ) {
r = sys_safecopyto(VFS_PROC_NR, gid, userbuf_off,
(vir_bytes)getdents_buf, tmpbuf_offset);
if (r != OK)
panic("fs_getdents: sys_safecopyto failed: %d", r);
userbuf_off += tmpbuf_offset;
tmpbuf_offset= 0;
/* The standard data structure is created using the
* data in the buffer. */
dirp = (struct dirent *) &getdents_buf[tmpbuf_offset];
dirp->d_ino = (u32_t)(b_data(bp) + (size_t)block_pos);
dirp->d_off= cur_pos;
dirp->d_reclen= reclen;
memcpy(dirp->d_name, name, len);
dirp->d_name[len]= '\0';
tmpbuf_offset += reclen;
cur_pos += dir_tmp->length;
block_pos += dir_tmp->length;
put_block(bp); /* release the block */
if (done == TRUE) break;
cur_pos += block_size - cur_pos;
block++; /* read the next one */
if (tmpbuf_offset != 0) {
r = sys_safecopyto(VFS_PROC_NR, gid, userbuf_off,
(vir_bytes) getdents_buf, tmpbuf_offset);
if (r != OK)
panic("fs_getdents: sys_safecopyto failed: %d", r);
userbuf_off += tmpbuf_offset;
fs_m_out.RES_NBYTES = userbuf_off;
fs_m_out.RES_SEEK_POS_LO = cur_pos;
release_dir_record(dir); /* release the inode */
* read_chunk *
int read_chunk(dir, position, off, chunk, left, gid, buf_off, block_size, completed, rw)
register struct dir_record *dir;/* pointer to inode for file to be rd/wr */
u64_t position; /* position within file to read or write */
unsigned off; /* off within the current block */
int chunk; /* number of bytes to read or write */
unsigned left; /* max number of bytes wanted after position */
cp_grant_id_t gid; /* grant */
unsigned buf_off; /* offset in grant */
int block_size; /* block size of FS operating on */
int *completed; /* number of bytes copied */
int rw; /* READING or PEEKING */
register struct buf *bp;
register int r = OK;
block_t b;
int file_unit, rel_block, offset;
*completed = 0;
if ((ex64lo(position) <= dir->d_file_size) &&
(ex64lo(position) > dir->data_length_l)) {
while ((dir->d_next != NULL) && (ex64lo(position) > dir->data_length_l)) {
position = sub64ul(position, dir->data_length_l);
dir = dir->d_next;
if (dir->inter_gap_size != 0) {
rel_block = div64u(position, block_size);
file_unit = rel_block / dir->data_length_l;
offset = rel_block % dir->file_unit_size;
b = dir->loc_extent_l + (dir->file_unit_size +
dir->inter_gap_size) * file_unit + offset;
} else {
b = dir->loc_extent_l + div64u(position, block_size); /* Physical position
* to read. */
bp = get_block(b);
/* In all cases, bp now points to a valid buffer. */
if (bp == NULL) {
panic("bp not valid in rw_chunk; this can't happen");
if(rw == READING) {
r = sys_safecopyto(VFS_PROC_NR, gid, buf_off,
(vir_bytes) (b_data(bp)+off), (phys_bytes) chunk);