Thomas Veerman 1efb51b1de VFS: improve crashed FS resource cleanup
When VFS detects that an FS has crashed and tries to clean up
resources, it marks fairly late in the process that a vmnt is not
to be used again (to send requests to). This allows a thread to
become blocked on a vmnt after all blocked threads were stopped, but
before it finds out it shouldn't try to send to that vmnt.
2012-02-22 13:54:35 +00:00

391 lines
17 KiB

#ifndef __VFS_PROTO_H__
#define __VFS_PROTO_H__
/* Function prototypes. */
#include "timers.h"
#include "request.h"
#include "tll.h"
#include "threads.h"
#include <minix/rs.h>
/* Structs used in prototypes must be declared as such first. */
struct filp;
struct fproc;
struct vmnt;
struct vnode;
struct lookup;
struct worker_thread;
struct job;
typedef struct filp * filp_id_t;
/* comm.c */
_PROTOTYPE(void fs_cancel, (struct vmnt *vmp) );
_PROTOTYPE(int fs_sendrec, (endpoint_t fs_e, message *reqm) );
_PROTOTYPE(void fs_sendmore, (struct vmnt *vmp) );
_PROTOTYPE(void send_work, (void) );
/* device.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int dev_open, (dev_t dev, endpoint_t proc_e, int flags) );
_PROTOTYPE( int dev_reopen, (dev_t dev, int filp_no, int flags) );
_PROTOTYPE( int dev_close, (dev_t dev, int filp_no) );
_PROTOTYPE( int bdev_open, (dev_t dev, int access) );
_PROTOTYPE( int bdev_close, (dev_t dev) );
_PROTOTYPE( int dev_io, (int op, dev_t dev, endpoint_t proc_e, void *buf,
u64_t pos, size_t bytes, int flags, int suspend_reopen) );
_PROTOTYPE( int gen_opcl, (int op, dev_t dev, endpoint_t task_nr, int flags));
_PROTOTYPE( int gen_io, (endpoint_t driver_e, message *mess_ptr) );
_PROTOTYPE( int asyn_io, (int task_nr, message *mess_ptr) );
_PROTOTYPE( int no_dev, (int op, dev_t dev, int proc, int flags) );
_PROTOTYPE( int no_dev_io, (int, message *) );
_PROTOTYPE( int tty_opcl, (int op, dev_t dev, endpoint_t proc, int flags));
_PROTOTYPE( int ctty_opcl, (int op, dev_t dev, endpoint_t proc, int flags));
_PROTOTYPE( int clone_opcl, (int op, dev_t dev, int proc, int flags) );
_PROTOTYPE( int ctty_io, (int task_nr, message *mess_ptr) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_ioctl, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pm_setsid, (int proc_e) );
_PROTOTYPE( void dev_status, (message *) );
_PROTOTYPE( void bdev_up, (int major) );
_PROTOTYPE( void cdev_up, (int major) );
_PROTOTYPE( endpoint_t find_suspended_ep, (endpoint_t driver,
cp_grant_id_t g) );
_PROTOTYPE( void reopen_reply, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void open_reply, (void) );
/* dmap.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int do_mapdriver, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void init_dmap, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int dmap_driver_match, (endpoint_t proc, int major) );
_PROTOTYPE( void dmap_endpt_up, (int proc_nr, int is_blk) );
_PROTOTYPE( void dmap_unmap_by_endpt, (int proc_nr) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct dmap *get_dmap, (endpoint_t proc_e) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_mapdriver, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int map_service, (struct rprocpub *rpub) );
_PROTOTYPE( void dmap_unmap_by_endpt, (int proc_nr) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct dmap *get_dmap, (endpoint_t proc_e) );
_PROTOTYPE( int map_driver, (const char *label, int major, endpoint_t proc_nr,
int dev_style, int flags) );
_PROTOTYPE( int map_service, (struct rprocpub *rpub) );
/* elf_core_dump.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void write_elf_core_file, (struct filp *f, int csig,
char *exe_name) );
/* exec.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int pm_exec, (int proc_e, char *path, vir_bytes path_len,
char *frame, vir_bytes frame_len, vir_bytes *pc));
#define check_bsf_lock() do { \
assert(mutex_trylock(&bsf_lock) == 0); \
unlock_bsf(); \
} while(0)
/* filedes.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void check_filp_locks, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void check_filp_locks_by_me, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void init_filps, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct filp *find_filp, (struct vnode *vp, mode_t bits) );
_PROTOTYPE( int get_fd, (int start, mode_t bits, int *k,
struct filp **fpt) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct filp *get_filp, (int fild, tll_access_t locktype) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct filp *get_filp2, (struct fproc *rfp, int fild,
tll_access_t locktype) );
_PROTOTYPE( void lock_filp, (struct filp *filp, tll_access_t locktype) );
_PROTOTYPE( void unlock_filp, (struct filp *filp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void unlock_filps, (struct filp *filp1, struct filp *filp2) );
_PROTOTYPE( int invalidate_filp, (struct filp *) );
_PROTOTYPE( void invalidate_filp_by_endpt, (endpoint_t proc_e) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_verify_fd, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int set_filp, (filp_id_t sfilp) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_set_filp, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int copy_filp, (endpoint_t to_ep, filp_id_t cfilp) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_copy_filp, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int put_filp, (filp_id_t pfilp) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_put_filp, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int cancel_fd, (endpoint_t ep, int fd) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_cancel_fd, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void close_filp, (struct filp *fp) );
/* fscall.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void nested_fs_call, (message *m) );
/* link.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int do_link, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_unlink, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_rename, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_truncate, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_ftruncate, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int truncate_vnode, (struct vnode *vp, off_t newsize) );
_PROTOTYPE( int rdlink_direct, (char *orig_path, char *link_path,
struct fproc *rfp) );
/* lock.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int lock_op, (struct filp *f, int req) );
_PROTOTYPE( void lock_revive, (void) );
/* main.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int main, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void reply, (int whom, int result) );
_PROTOTYPE( void lock_proc, (struct fproc *rfp, int force_lock) );
_PROTOTYPE( void unlock_proc, (struct fproc *rfp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void *do_dummy, (void *arg) );
/* misc.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int do_dup, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pm_exit, (int proc) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_fcntl, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pm_fork, (int pproc, int cproc, int cpid) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pm_setgid, (int proc_e, int egid, int rgid) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pm_setuid, (int proc_e, int euid, int ruid) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pm_setgroups, (int proc_e, int ngroups, gid_t *addr) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_sync, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_fsync, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pm_reboot, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_svrctl, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_getsysinfo, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int pm_dumpcore, (endpoint_t proc_e, int sig,
vir_bytes exe_name) );
_PROTOTYPE( void ds_event, (void) );
/* mount.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int do_fsready, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_mount, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_umount, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int is_nonedev, (dev_t dev) );
_PROTOTYPE( void mount_pfs, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int mount_fs, (dev_t dev, char fullpath[PATH_MAX+1],
endpoint_t fs_e, int rdonly,
char mount_label[LABEL_MAX]) );
_PROTOTYPE( int unmount, (dev_t dev, char *label) );
_PROTOTYPE( void unmount_all, (void) );
/* open.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int do_close, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int close_fd, (struct fproc *rfp, int fd_nr) );
_PROTOTYPE( void close_reply, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int common_open, (char path[PATH_MAX], int oflags,
mode_t omode) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_creat, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_lseek, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_llseek, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_mknod, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_mkdir, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_open, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_slink, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_vm_open, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_vm_close, (void) );
/* path.c */
_PROTOTYPE( struct vnode *advance, (struct vnode *dirp, struct lookup *resolve,
struct fproc *rfp) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct vnode *eat_path, (struct lookup *resolve,
struct fproc *rfp) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct vnode *last_dir, (struct lookup *resolve,
struct fproc *rfp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void lookup_init, (struct lookup *resolve, char *path, int flags,
struct vmnt **vmp, struct vnode **vp) );
_PROTOTYPE( int get_name, (struct vnode *dirp, struct vnode *entry,
char *_name) );
_PROTOTYPE( int canonical_path, (char *orig_path, struct fproc *rfp) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_check_perms, (void) );
/* pipe.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int do_pipe, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int map_vnode, (struct vnode *vp, endpoint_t fs_e) );
_PROTOTYPE( void unpause, (int proc_nr_e) );
_PROTOTYPE( int pipe_check, (struct vnode *vp, int rw_flag,
int oflags, int bytes, u64_t position, int notouch) );
_PROTOTYPE( void release, (struct vnode *vp, int call_nr, int count) );
_PROTOTYPE( void revive, (int proc_nr, int bytes) );
_PROTOTYPE( void suspend, (int task) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pipe_suspend, (struct filp *rfilp, char *buf, size_t size));
_PROTOTYPE( void unsuspend_by_endpt, (endpoint_t) );
_PROTOTYPE( void wait_for, (endpoint_t) );
_PROTOTYPE( int check_pipe, (void) );
/* protect.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int do_access, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_chmod, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_chown, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_umask, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int forbidden, (struct fproc *rfp, struct vnode *vp,
mode_t access_desired) );
_PROTOTYPE( int read_only, (struct vnode *vp) );
/* read.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int do_read, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_getdents, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void lock_bsf, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void unlock_bsf, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_read_write, (int rw_flag) );
_PROTOTYPE( int read_write, (int rw_flag, struct filp *f, char *buffer,
size_t nbytes, endpoint_t for_e) );
_PROTOTYPE( int rw_pipe, (int rw_flag, endpoint_t usr, struct filp *f,
char *buf, size_t req_size) );
/* request.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int req_breadwrite, (endpoint_t fs_e, endpoint_t user_e,
dev_t dev, u64_t pos, unsigned int num_of_bytes,
char *user_addr, int rw_flag,
u64_t *new_posp, unsigned int *cum_iop) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_chmod, (int fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, mode_t rmode,
mode_t *new_modep) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_chown, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr,
uid_t newuid, gid_t newgid, mode_t *new_modep) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_create, (int fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, int omode,
uid_t uid, gid_t gid, char *path, node_details_t *res) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_flush, (endpoint_t fs_e, dev_t dev) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_fstatfs, (int fs_e, int who_e, char *buf) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_statvfs, (int fs_e, int who_e, char *buf) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_ftrunc, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr,
off_t start, off_t end) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_getdents, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr,
u64_t pos, char *buf, size_t size,
u64_t *new_pos, int direct) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_inhibread, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_link, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t link_parent,
char *lastc, ino_t linked_file) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_lookup, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t dir_ino, ino_t root_ino,
uid_t uid, gid_t gid, struct lookup *resolve,
lookup_res_t *res, struct fproc *rfp) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_mkdir, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr,
char *lastc, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, mode_t dmode) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_mknod, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr,
char *lastc, uid_t uid, gid_t gid,
mode_t dmode, dev_t dev) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_mountpoint, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_newnode, (endpoint_t fs_e, uid_t uid,
gid_t gid, mode_t dmode,
dev_t dev, struct node_details *res) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_putnode, (int fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, int count) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_rdlink, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr,
endpoint_t who_e, char *buf, size_t len,
int direct) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_readsuper, (endpoint_t fs_e, char *driver_name,
dev_t dev, int readonly, int isroot,
struct node_details *res_nodep,
int *con_reqs) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_readwrite, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr,
u64_t pos, int rw_flag,
endpoint_t user_e, char *user_addr,
unsigned int num_of_bytes, u64_t *new_posp,
unsigned int *cum_iop) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_rename, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t old_dir,
char *old_name, ino_t new_dir, char *new_name) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_rmdir, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr,
char *lastc) );
_PROTOTYPE(int req_slink, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, char *lastc,
endpoint_t who_e, char *path_addr,
unsigned short path_length, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_stat, (int fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, int who_e,
char *buf, int pos, int stat_version) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_sync, (endpoint_t fs_e) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_unlink, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr,
char *lastc) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_unmount, (endpoint_t fs_e) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_utime, (endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr,
time_t actime, time_t modtime) );
_PROTOTYPE( int req_newdriver, (endpoint_t fs_e, dev_t dev,
char *label) );
/* stadir.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int do_chdir, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_fchdir, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_chroot, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_fstat, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_stat, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_fstatfs, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_statvfs, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_fstatvfs, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_rdlink, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int do_lstat, (void) );
/* time.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int do_utime, (void) );
/* tll.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void tll_downgrade, (tll_t *tllp) );
_PROTOTYPE( int tll_haspendinglock, (tll_t *tllp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void tll_init, (tll_t *tllp) );
_PROTOTYPE( int tll_islocked, (tll_t *tllp) );
_PROTOTYPE( int tll_lock, (tll_t *tllp, tll_access_t locktype) );
_PROTOTYPE( int tll_locked_by_me, (tll_t *tllp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void tll_lockstat, (tll_t *tllp) );
_PROTOTYPE( int tll_unlock, (tll_t *tllp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void tll_upgrade, (tll_t *tllp) );
/* utility.c */
_PROTOTYPE( time_t clock_time, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( unsigned conv2, (int norm, int w) );
_PROTOTYPE( long conv4, (int norm, long x) );
_PROTOTYPE( int fetch_name, (char *path, int len, int flag, char *dest) );
_PROTOTYPE( int no_sys, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int isokendpt_f, (char *f, int l, endpoint_t e, int *p, int ft));
_PROTOTYPE( int in_group, (struct fproc *rfp, gid_t grp) );
#define okendpt(e, p) isokendpt_f(__FILE__, __LINE__, (e), (p), 1)
#define isokendpt(e, p) isokendpt_f(__FILE__, __LINE__, (e), (p), 0)
/* vmnt.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void check_vmnt_locks, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void check_vmnt_locks_by_me, (struct fproc *rfp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void mark_vmnt_free, (struct vmnt *vmp) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct vmnt *get_free_vmnt, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct vmnt *find_vmnt, (endpoint_t fs_e) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct vmnt *get_locked_vmnt, (struct fproc *rfp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void init_vmnts, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int lock_vmnt, (struct vmnt *vp, tll_access_t locktype) );
_PROTOTYPE( void unlock_vmnt, (struct vmnt *vp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void vmnt_unmap_by_endpt, (endpoint_t proc_e) );
/* vnode.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void check_vnode_locks, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void check_vnode_locks_by_me, (struct fproc *rfp) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct vnode *get_free_vnode, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct vnode *find_vnode, (int fs_e, int numb) );
_PROTOTYPE( void init_vnodes, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int is_vnode_locked, (struct vnode *vp) );
_PROTOTYPE( int lock_vnode, (struct vnode *vp, tll_access_t locktype) );
_PROTOTYPE( void unlock_vnode, (struct vnode *vp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void dup_vnode, (struct vnode *vp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void put_vnode, (struct vnode *vp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void vnode_clean_refs, (struct vnode *vp) );
_PROTOTYPE( int check_vrefs, (void) );
/* write.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int do_write, (void) );
/* gcov.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int do_gcov_flush, (void) );
#define do_gcov_flush no_sys
/* select.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int do_select, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void init_select, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void select_callback, (struct filp *, int ops) );
_PROTOTYPE( void select_forget, (endpoint_t proc_e) );
_PROTOTYPE( void select_reply1, (endpoint_t driver_e, int minor, int status));
_PROTOTYPE( void select_reply2, (endpoint_t driver_e, int minor, int status));
_PROTOTYPE( void select_timeout_check, (timer_t *) );
_PROTOTYPE( void select_unsuspend_by_endpt, (endpoint_t proc) );
/* worker.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int worker_available, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct worker_thread *worker_get, (thread_t worker_tid) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct job *worker_getjob, (thread_t worker_tid) );
_PROTOTYPE( void worker_init, (struct worker_thread *worker) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct worker_thread *worker_self, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void worker_signal, (struct worker_thread *worker) );
_PROTOTYPE( void worker_start, (void *(*func)(void *arg)) );
_PROTOTYPE( void worker_stop, (struct worker_thread *worker) );
_PROTOTYPE( void worker_stop_by_endpt, (endpoint_t proc_e) );
_PROTOTYPE( void worker_wait, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void sys_worker_start, (void *(*func)(void *arg)) );
_PROTOTYPE( void dl_worker_start, (void *(*func)(void *arg)) );