. move cache size heuristic from mfs there
so mfs and ext2 can share it
. add vfs credentials retrieving function, with
backwards compatability from previous struct
format, to be used by both ext2 and mfs
. fix for ext2 - STATICINIT was fed no.
of bytes instead of no. of elements, overallocating
memory by a megabyte or two for the superblock
ack_build.sh - for ACK library building
gnu_build.sh - for GNU library building
ack_build.sh obj - create objdirs for gnu libraries
ack_build.sh depend - find dependencies of ack libraries
ack_build.sh all - compile ack libraries
ack_build.sh install - compile and install ack libraries
ack_build.sh clean - clean for ack libraries
gnu_build.sh obj - create objdirs for gnu libraries
gnu_build.sh depend - find dependencies of gnu libraries
gnu_build.sh all - compile gnu libraries
gnu_build.sh install - compile and install gnu libraries
gnu_build.sh clean - clean for gnu libraries