2005-04-29 15:36:43 +00:00

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* System calls and magic process numbers *
/* Masks and flags for system calls. */
#define SYSCALL_FUNC 0x0F /* mask for system call function */
#define SYSCALL_FLAGS 0xF0 /* mask for system call flags */
#define NON_BLOCKING 0x10 /* don't block, but return */
/* System calls (numbers passed when trapping to the kernel) */
#define SEND 1 /* function code for sending messages */
#define RECEIVE 2 /* function code for receiving messages */
#define BOTH 3 /* function code for SEND + RECEIVE */
#define NB_SEND (SEND | NON_BLOCKING) /* non-blocking SEND */
#define NB_RECEIVE (RECEIVE | NON_BLOCKING) /* non-blocking RECEIVE */
/* Magic, invalid process numbers. */
#define ANY 0x7ace /* used to indicate 'any process' */
#define NONE 0x6ace /* used to indicate 'no process at all' */
#define SELF 0x8ace /* used to indicate 'own process' */
* Process numbers of processes in the system image *
/* The values of several task numbers depend on whether they or other tasks
* are enabled. They are defined as (PREVIOUS_TASK - ENABLE_TASK) in general.
* ENABLE_TASK is either 0 or 1, so a task either gets a new number, or gets
* the same number as the previous task and is further unused. Note that the
* order should correspond to the order in the task table defined in table.c.
/* Kernel tasks. These all run in the same address space. */
#define RTL8139 IDLE - ENABLE_RTL8139 /* networking */
#define IDLE -4 /* runs when no one else can run */
#define CLOCK -3 /* alarms and other clock functions */
#define SYSTASK -2 /* request system functionality */
#define HARDWARE -1 /* used as source on notify() messages */
/* Number of tasks. Note that NR_PROCS is defined in <minix/config.h>. */
#define NR_TASKS (4 + ENABLE_RTL8139)
/* Magic numbers for controllers. Device driver mapping is dynamic. */
#define CTRLR(n) (NONE + (n))
/* User-level processes, that is, device drivers, servers, and INIT. */
#define PM_PROC_NR 0 /* process manager */
#define FS_PROC_NR 1 /* file system */
#define IS_PROC_NR 5 /* information server */
#define TTY 6 /* terminal (TTY) driver */
#define MEMORY 8 /* memory driver (RAM disk, null, etc.) */
#define AT_WINI (MEMORY + ENABLE_AT_WINI) /* AT Winchester */
#define FLOPPY (AT_WINI + ENABLE_FLOPPY) /* floppy disk */
#define PRINTER (FLOPPY + ENABLE_PRINTER) /* Centronics */
#define INIT_PROC_NR (PRINTER + 1) /* init -- goes multiuser */
/* Number of first user process not part of the operating system. */
/* The number of processes that are contained in the system image. */
#define IMAGE_SIZE (NR_TASKS + \
* Kernel notification types *
/* Kernel notification types. In principle, these can be sent to any process,
* so make sure that these types do not interfere with other message types.
* Notifications are prioritized because of the way they are unhold() and
* blocking notifications are delivered. The lowest numbers go first. The
* offset are used for the per-process notification bit maps.
#define NR_NOTIFICATIONS 5 /* max. is # bits in notify_mask_t */
# define NOTIFICATION 333 /* offset for notification types */
# define HARD_INT NOTIFICATION + 0 /* hardware interrupt */
# define SYN_ALARM NOTIFICATION + 1 /* synchronous alarm */
# define KSIG_PENDING NOTIFICATION + 2 /* signal(s) pending */
# define NEW_KMESS NOTIFICATION + 3 /* new kernel message */
# define HARD_STOP NOTIFICATION + 4 /* system shutdown */
* Messages for BLOCK and CHARACTER device drivers *
#define CANCEL 0 /* general req to force a task to cancel */
#define DEV_READ 3 /* fcn code for reading from tty */
#define DEV_WRITE 4 /* fcn code for writing to tty */
#define DEV_IOCTL 5 /* fcn code for ioctl */
#define DEV_OPEN 6 /* fcn code for opening tty */
#define DEV_CLOSE 7 /* fcn code for closing tty */
#define DEV_SCATTER 8 /* fcn code for writing from a vector */
#define DEV_GATHER 9 /* fcn code for reading into a vector */
#define TTY_SETPGRP 10 /* fcn code for setpgroup */
#define TTY_EXIT 11 /* a process group leader has exited */
#define SUSPEND -998 /* used in interrupts when tty has no data */
/* Field names for messages to block and character device drivers. */
#define DEVICE m2_i1 /* major-minor device */
#define PROC_NR m2_i2 /* which (proc) wants I/O? */
#define COUNT m2_i3 /* how many bytes to transfer */
#define REQUEST m2_i3 /* ioctl request code */
#define POSITION m2_l1 /* file offset */
#define ADDRESS m2_p1 /* core buffer address */
/* Field names used in reply messages from tasks. */
#define REP_PROC_NR m2_i1 /* # of proc on whose behalf I/O was done */
#define REP_STATUS m2_i2 /* bytes transferred or error number */
/* Field names for messages to TTY driver. */
#define TTY_LINE DEVICE /* message parameter: terminal line */
#define TTY_REQUEST COUNT /* message parameter: ioctl request code */
#define TTY_SPEK POSITION/* message parameter: ioctl speed, erasing */
#define TTY_FLAGS m2_l2 /* message parameter: ioctl tty mode */
#define TTY_PGRP m2_i3 /* message parameter: process group */
/* Field names for the QIC 02 status reply from tape driver */
#define TAPE_STAT0 m2_l1
#define TAPE_STAT1 m2_l2
/* Major and minor device numbers for MEMORY driver. */
# define MEMORY_MAJOR 1 /* major device for memory devices */
# define RAM_DEV 0 /* minor device for /dev/ram */
# define MEM_DEV 1 /* minor device for /dev/mem */
# define KMEM_DEV 2 /* minor device for /dev/kmem */
# define NULL_DEV 3 /* minor device for /dev/null */
# define BOOT_DEV 4 /* minor device for /dev/boot */
# define RANDOM_DEV 5 /* minor device for /dev/random */
# define ZERO_DEV 6 /* minor device for /dev/zero */
/* Full device numbers that are special to the boot monitor and FS. */
# define DEV_RAM 0x0100 /* device number of /dev/ram */
# define DEV_BOOT 0x0104 /* device number of /dev/boot */
* Messages for networking layer *
/* Message types for network layer requests. */
/* Message types for data link layer requests. */
#define DL_WRITE 3
#define DL_WRITEV 4
#define DL_READ 5
#define DL_READV 6
#define DL_INIT 7
#define DL_STOP 8
#define DL_GETSTAT 9
/* Message type for data link layer replies. */
#define DL_INIT_REPLY 20
#define DL_TASK_REPLY 21
/* Field names for data link layer messages. */
#define DL_PORT m2_i1
#define DL_PROC m2_i2
#define DL_COUNT m2_i3
#define DL_MODE m2_l1
#define DL_CLCK m2_l2
#define DL_ADDR m2_p1
#define DL_STAT m2_l1
/* Bits in 'DL_STAT' field of DL replies. */
# define DL_PACK_SEND 0x01
# define DL_PACK_RECV 0x02
# define DL_READ_IP 0x04
/* Bits in 'DL_MODE' field of DL requests. */
# define DL_NOMODE 0x0
# define DL_PROMISC_REQ 0x2
# define DL_MULTI_REQ 0x4
# define DL_BROAD_REQ 0x8
* CLOCK request types and field names *
/* Clock library calls are dispatched via a call vector, so be careful when
* modifying the clock call numbers. The numbers here determine which call
* is made from the call vector.
# define CLK_SIGNALRM 1 /* clk_signalrm(proc_nr, ticks) */
# define CLK_SYNCALRM 6 /* clk_syncalrm(proc_nr,exp_time,abs_time) */
# define CLK_FLAGALRM 7 /* clk_flagalrm(ticks, flag_ptr) */
* SYSTASK request types and field names *
/* System library calls are dispatched via a call vector, so be careful when
* modifying the system call numbers. The numbers here determine which call
* is made from the call vector.
#define NR_SYS_CALLS 33 /* number of system calls */
# define SYS_TIMES 0 /* sys_times(proc_nr, bufptr) */
# define SYS_XIT 1 /* sys_xit(parent, proc) */
# define SYS_GETSIG 2 /* sys_getsig(proc_nr, sig_map) */
# define SYS_FORK 4 /* sys_fork(parent, child, pid) */
# define SYS_NEWMAP 5 /* sys_newmap(proc_nr, map_ptr) */
# define SYS_ENDSIG 6 /* sys_endsig(proc_nr) */
# define SYS_EXEC 7 /* sys_exec(proc_nr, new_sp) */
# define SYS_SIGSEND 8 /* sys_sigsend(proc_nr, ctxt_ptr) */
# define SYS_ABORT 9 /* sys_abort() */
# define SYS_KILL 10 /* sys_kill(proc_nr, sig) */
# define SYS_UMAP 11 /* sys_umap(proc_nr, etc) */
# define SYS_RANDOM 12 /* sys_random(...) */
# define SYS_TRACE 13 /* sys_trace(req,pid,addr,data) */
# define SYS_SIGNALRM 15 /* sys_signalrm(proc_nr, ticks) */
# define SYS_SYNCALRM 16 /* sys_syncalrm(proc_nr,exp_time,abs_time) */
# define SYS_FLAGALRM 17 /* sys_flagalrm(ticks, flag_ptr) */
# define SYS_SVRCTL 19 /* sys_svrctl(proc_nr, req, argp) */
# define SYS_SDEVIO 20 /* sys_sdevio(port, proc_nr, buf, count) */
# define SYS_SIGRETURN 21 /* sys_sigreturn(proc_nr, ctxt_ptr, flags) */
# define SYS_GETINFO 22 /* sys_getinfo(what, whereto) */
# define SYS_DEVIO 23 /* sys_devio(port, value) */
# define SYS_VDEVIO 24 /* sys_vdevio(buf_ptr, nr_ports) */
# define SYS_IRQCTL 25 /* sys_irqctl() */
# define SYS_KMALLOC 26 /* sys_kmalloc(size, phys_base) */
# define SYS_IOPENABLE 27 /* sys_enable_iop() */
# define SYS_SEGCTL 28 /* sys_segctl(*idx, *seg, *off, phys, size) */
# define SYS_EXIT 29 /* sys_exit(status) */
# define SYS_VIRCOPY 30 /* sys_vircopy(src,seg,addr,dst,seg,addr,cnt) */
# define SYS_PHYSCOPY 31 /* sys_physcopy(src_addr,dst_addr,count) */
# define SYS_VIRVCOPY 32 /* sys_virvcopy(vec_ptr, vec_size) */
/* Field names for SYS_MEM, SYS_KMALLOC. */
#define MEM_CHUNK_BASE m4_l1 /* physical base address */
#define MEM_CHUNK_SIZE m4_l2 /* size of mem chunk */
#define MEM_TOT_SIZE m4_l3 /* total memory size */
#define MEM_CHUNK_TAG m4_l4 /* tag to identify chunk of mem */
/* Field names for SYS_DEVIO, SYS_VDEVIO, SYS_SDEVIO. */
#define DIO_REQUEST m2_i3 /* device in or output */
# define DIO_INPUT 0 /* input */
# define DIO_OUTPUT 1 /* output */
#define DIO_TYPE m2_i1 /* flag indicating byte, word, or long */
# define DIO_BYTE 'b' /* byte type values */
# define DIO_WORD 'w' /* word type values */
# define DIO_LONG 'l' /* long type values */
#define DIO_PORT m2_l1 /* single port address */
#define DIO_VALUE m2_l2 /* single I/O value */
#define DIO_VEC_ADDR m2_p1 /* address of buffer or (p,v)-pairs */
#define DIO_VEC_SIZE m2_l2 /* number of elements in vector */
#define DIO_VEC_PROC m2_i2 /* number of process where vector is */
#define ALRM_EXP_TIME m2_l1 /* expire time for the alarm call */
#define ALRM_ABS_TIME m2_i2 /* set to 1 to use absolute alarm time */
#define ALRM_TIME_LEFT m2_l1 /* how many ticks were remaining */
#define ALRM_PROC_NR m2_i1 /* which process wants the alarm? */
#define ALRM_FLAG_PTR m2_p1 /* virtual address of timeout flag */
/* Field names for SYS_IRQCTL. */
#define IRQ_REQUEST m5_c1 /* what to do? */
# define IRQ_SETPOLICY 1 /* manage a slot of the IRQ table */
# define IRQ_ENABLE 2 /* enable interrupts */
# define IRQ_DISABLE 3 /* disable interrupts */
#define IRQ_VECTOR m5_c2 /* irq vector */
#define IRQ_POLICY m5_i1 /* options for IRQCTL request */
# define IRQ_READ_PORT 0x001 /* read port and return value */
# define IRQ_WRITE_PORT 0x002 /* write given value to port */
# define IRQ_STROBE 0x010 /* write masked value back to port */
# define IRQ_ECHO_VAL 0x020 /* write value read back to port */
# define IRQ_REENABLE 0x040 /* reenable IRQ line after interrupt */
# define IRQ_BYTE 0x100 /* byte values */
# define IRQ_WORD 0x200 /* word values */
# define IRQ_LONG 0x400 /* long values */
#define IRQ_PROC_NR m5_i2 /* process number, SELF, NONE */
#define IRQ_PORT m5_l1 /* port to read or write */
#define IRQ_VIR_ADDR m5_l2 /* address to store value read */
#define IRQ_MASK_VAL m5_l3 /* value or strobe mask */
/* Names of message field and paramaters for SYS_EXIT request. */
#define EXIT_STATUS m2_i1 /* zero for normal exit, non-zero else */
/* Field names for SYS_SEGCTL. */
#define SEG_SELECT m4_l1 /* segment selector returned */
#define SEG_OFFSET m4_l2 /* offset in segment returned */
#define SEG_PHYS m4_l3 /* physical address of segment */
#define SEG_SIZE m4_l4 /* segment size */
#define SEG_INDEX m4_l5 /* segment index in remote map */
/* Field names for SYS_VIDCOPY. */
#define VID_REQUEST m4_l1 /* what to do? */
# define VID_VID_COPY 1 /* request vid_vid_copy() */
# define MEM_VID_COPY 2 /* request mem_vid_copy() */
#define VID_SRC_ADDR m4_l2 /* virtual address in memory */
#define VID_SRC_OFFSET m4_l3 /* offset in video memory */
#define VID_DST_OFFSET m4_l4 /* offset in video memory */
#define VID_CP_COUNT m4_l5 /* number of words to be copied */
/* Field names for SYS_ABORT. */
#define ABRT_HOW m1_i1 /* RBT_REBOOT, RBT_HALT, etc. */
#define ABRT_MON_PROC m1_i2 /* process where monitor params are */
#define ABRT_MON_LEN m1_i3 /* length of monitor params */
#define ABRT_MON_ADDR m1_p1 /* virtual address of monitor params */
/* Field names for _UMAP, _VIRCOPY, _PHYSCOPY. */
#define CP_SRC_SPACE m5_c1 /* T or D space (stack is also D) */
#define CP_SRC_PROC_NR m5_i1 /* process to copy from */
#define CP_SRC_ADDR m5_l1 /* address where data come from */
#define CP_DST_SPACE m5_c2 /* T or D space (stack is also D) */
#define CP_DST_PROC_NR m5_i2 /* process to copy to */
#define CP_DST_ADDR m5_l2 /* address where data go to */
#define CP_NR_BYTES m5_l3 /* number of bytes to copy */
/* Field names for SYS_VCOPY and SYS_VVIRCOPY. */
#define VCP_SRC_PROC m1_i1 /* process to copy from */
#define VCP_DST_PROC m1_i2 /* process to copy to */
#define VCP_VEC_SIZE m1_i3 /* size of copy vector */
#define VCP_VEC_ADDR m1_p1 /* pointer to copy vector */
/* Field names for SYS_GETINFO. */
#define I_REQUEST m7_i3 /* what info to get */
# define GET_KINFO 0 /* get kernel information structure */
# define GET_IMAGE 1 /* get system image table */
# define GET_PROCTAB 2 /* get (kernel) process table */
# define GET_PROCNR 3 /* find nr of process with name */
# define GET_MONPARAMS 4 /* get monitor parameters */
# define GET_KENV 5 /* get kernel environment string */
# define GET_IRQTAB 6 /* get the IRQ table */
# define GET_KMESSAGES 7 /* get kernel messages */
# define GET_MEMCHUNKS 8 /* get base+size of mem chunks */
# define GET_KADDRESSES 9 /* get various kernel addresses */
# define GET_SCHEDINFO 10 /* get scheduling queues */
# define GET_PROC 11 /* get process slot if given process */
# define GET_MACHINE 12 /* get machine information */
#define I_PROC_NR m7_i4 /* calling process */
#define I_VAL_PTR m7_p1 /* virtual address at caller */
#define I_VAL_LEN m7_i1 /* max length of value */
#define I_KEY_PTR m7_p2 /* virtual address of key to lookup */
#define I_KEY_LEN m7_i2 /* length of key to lookup */
/* Field names for SYS_TIMES. */
#define T_PROC_NR m4_l1 /* process to request time info for */
#define T_USER_TIME m4_l1 /* user time consumed by process */
#define T_SYSTEM_TIME m4_l2 /* system time consumed by process */
#define T_CHILD_UTIME m4_l3 /* user time consumed by process' children */
#define T_CHILD_STIME m4_l4 /* sys time consumed by process' children */
#define T_BOOT_TICKS m4_l5 /* number of clock ticks since boot time */
/* Field names for SYS_TRACE, SYS_SVRCTL. */
#define CTL_PROC_NR m2_i1 /* process number of the caller */
#define CTL_REQUEST m2_i2 /* server control request */
#define CTL_MM_PRIV m2_i3 /* privilege as seen by MM */
#define CTL_ARG_PTR m2_p1 /* pointer to argument */
#define CTL_ADDRESS m2_l1 /* address at traced process' space */
#define CTL_DATA m2_l2 /* data field for tracing */
/* Field names for SYS_KILL, SYS_SIGCTL */
#define SIG_REQUEST m2_l2 /* MM signal control request */
#define S_GETSIG 0 /* get pending kernel signal */
#define S_ENDSIG 1 /* finish a kernel signal */
#define S_SENDSIG 2 /* POSIX style signal handling */
#define S_SIGRETURN 3 /* return from POSIX handling */
#define S_KILL 4 /* servers kills process with signal */
#define SIG_PROC m2_i1 /* process number for inform */
#define SIG_NUMBER m2_i2 /* signal number to send */
#define SIG_FLAGS m2_i3 /* signal flags field */
#define SIG_MAP m2_l1 /* used by kernel to pass signal bit map */
#define SIG_CTXT_PTR m2_p1 /* pointer to info to restore signal context */
/* Field names for SYS_FORK, _EXEC, _XIT, _GETSP, _GETMAP, _NEWMAP */
#define PR_PROC_NR m1_i1 /* indicates a (child) process */
#define PR_PPROC_NR m1_i2 /* indicates a (parent) process */
#define PR_STACK_PTR m1_p1 /* used for stack ptr in sys_exec, sys_getsp */
#define PR_TRACING m1_i3 /* flag to indicate tracing is on/ off */
#define PR_NAME_PTR m1_p2 /* tells where program name is for dmp */
#define PR_IP_PTR m1_p3 /* initial value for ip after exec */
#define PR_PID m1_i3 /* process id passed from MM to kernel */
#define PR_MEM_PTR m1_p1 /* tells where memory map is for sys_newmap */
* Miscellaneous messages, mainly used by IS *
/* Miscellaneous request types and field names, e.g. used by IS server. */
#define PANIC_DUMPS 97 /* debug dumps at the TTY on RBT_PANIC */
#define FKEY_CONTROL 98 /* control a function key at the TTY */
#define FKEY_PRESSED 99 /* notify process of function key event */
# define FKEY_NUM m2_l1 /* fkey number excluding modifiers */
# define FKEY_CODE m2_l2 /* fkey code including modifiers */
# define FKEY_ENABLE m2_i1 /* enable or disable mapping */
#define DIAGNOSTICS 100 /* output a string without FS in between */
# define DIAG_PRINT_BUF m1_p1
# define DIAG_BUF_COUNT m1_i1
# define DIAG_PROC_NR m1_i2