Jorrit Herder 872687ddfc Scheduling updates to the kernel. Sched() function now is single point for
policy. Actual policy not yet implemented.

PM calculates nice values for processes in boot image.

IS debug dumps improved (Shift+F1-F4).
2005-08-22 15:14:11 +00:00

603 lines
23 KiB
Executable file

/* This file contains essentially all of the process and message handling.
* Together with "mpx.s" it forms the lowest layer of the MINIX kernel.
* There is one entry point from the outside:
* sys_call: a system call, i.e., the kernel is trapped with an INT
* As well as several entry points used from the interrupt and task level:
* lock_notify: notify a process of a system event
* lock_send: send a message to a process
* lock_enqueue: put a process on one of the scheduling queues
* lock_dequeue: remove a process from the scheduling queues
* Changes:
* Aug 19, 2005 rewrote scheduling code (Jorrit N. Herder)
* Jul 25, 2005 rewrote system call handling (Jorrit N. Herder)
* May 26, 2005 rewrote message passing functions (Jorrit N. Herder)
* May 24, 2005 new notification system call (Jorrit N. Herder)
* Oct 28, 2004 nonblocking send and receive calls (Jorrit N. Herder)
* The code here is critical to make everything work and is important for the
* overall performance of the system. A large fraction of the code deals with
* list manipulation. To make this both easy to understand and fast to execute
* pointer pointers are used throughout the code. Pointer pointers prevent
* exceptions for the head or tail of a linked list.
* node_t *queue, *new_node; // assume these as global variables
* node_t **xpp = &queue; // get pointer pointer to head of queue
* while (*xpp != NULL) // find last pointer of the linked list
* xpp = &(*xpp)->next; // get pointer to next pointer
* *xpp = new_node; // now replace the end (the NULL pointer)
* new_node->next = NULL; // and mark the new end of the list
* For example, when adding a new node to the end of the list, one normally
* makes an exception for an empty list and looks up the end of the list for
* nonempty lists. As shown above, this is not required with pointer pointers.
#include <minix/com.h>
#include <minix/callnr.h>
#include "kernel.h"
#include "proc.h"
/* Scheduling and message passing functions. The functions are available to
* other parts of the kernel through lock_...(). The lock temporarily disables
* interrupts to prevent race conditions.
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( int mini_send, (struct proc *caller_ptr, int dst,
message *m_ptr, unsigned flags) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( int mini_receive, (struct proc *caller_ptr, int src,
message *m_ptr, unsigned flags) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( int mini_notify, (struct proc *caller_ptr, int dst) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( void enqueue, (struct proc *rp) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( void dequeue, (struct proc *rp) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( void sched, (struct proc *rp, int *queue, int *front) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( void pick_proc, (void) );
#define BuildMess(m_ptr, src, dst_ptr) \
(m_ptr)->m_source = (src); \
(m_ptr)->m_type = NOTIFY_FROM(src); \
(m_ptr)->NOTIFY_TIMESTAMP = get_uptime(); \
switch (src) { \
case HARDWARE: \
(m_ptr)->NOTIFY_ARG = priv(dst_ptr)->s_int_pending; \
priv(dst_ptr)->s_int_pending = 0; \
break; \
case SYSTEM: \
(m_ptr)->NOTIFY_ARG = priv(dst_ptr)->s_sig_pending; \
priv(dst_ptr)->s_sig_pending = 0; \
break; \
#if (CHIP == INTEL)
#define CopyMess(s,sp,sm,dp,dm) \
cp_mess(s, (sp)->p_memmap[D].mem_phys, (vir_bytes)sm, (dp)->p_memmap[D].mem_phys, (vir_bytes)dm)
#endif /* (CHIP == INTEL) */
#if (CHIP == M68000)
/* M68000 does not have cp_mess() in assembly like INTEL. Declare prototype
* for cp_mess() here and define the function below. Also define CopyMess.
#endif /* (CHIP == M68000) */
* sys_call *
PUBLIC int sys_call(call_nr, src_dst, m_ptr)
int call_nr; /* system call number and flags */
int src_dst; /* src to receive from or dst to send to */
message *m_ptr; /* pointer to message in the caller's space */
/* System calls are done by trapping to the kernel with an INT instruction.
* The trap is caught and sys_call() is called to send or receive a message
* (or both). The caller is always given by 'proc_ptr'.
register struct proc *caller_ptr = proc_ptr; /* get pointer to caller */
int function = call_nr & SYSCALL_FUNC; /* get system call function */
unsigned flags = call_nr & SYSCALL_FLAGS; /* get flags */
int mask_entry; /* bit to check in send mask */
int result; /* the system call's result */
vir_clicks vlo, vhi; /* virtual clicks containing message to send */
/* Check if the process has privileges for the requested call. Calls to the
* kernel may only be SENDREC, because tasks always reply and may not block
* if the caller doesn't do receive().
if (! (priv(caller_ptr)->s_trap_mask & (1 << function)) ||
(iskerneln(src_dst) && function != SENDREC && function != RECEIVE)) {
kprintf("sys_call: trap %d not allowed, caller %d, src_dst %d\n",
function, proc_nr(caller_ptr), src_dst);
return(ECALLDENIED); /* trap denied by mask or kernel */
/* Require a valid source and/ or destination process, unless echoing. */
if (! (isokprocn(src_dst) || src_dst == ANY || function == ECHO)) {
kprintf("sys_call: invalid src_dst, src_dst %d, caller %d\n",
src_dst, proc_nr(caller_ptr));
return(EBADSRCDST); /* invalid process number */
/* If the call involves a message buffer, i.e., for SEND, RECEIVE, SENDREC,
* or ECHO, check the message pointer. This check allows a message to be
* anywhere in data or stack or gap. It will have to be made more elaborate
* for machines which don't have the gap mapped.
if (function & CHECK_PTR) {
vlo = (vir_bytes) m_ptr >> CLICK_SHIFT;
vhi = ((vir_bytes) m_ptr + MESS_SIZE - 1) >> CLICK_SHIFT;
if (vlo < caller_ptr->p_memmap[D].mem_vir || vlo > vhi ||
vhi >= caller_ptr->p_memmap[S].mem_vir +
caller_ptr->p_memmap[S].mem_len) {
kprintf("sys_call: invalid message pointer, trap %d, caller %d\n",
function, proc_nr(caller_ptr));
return(EFAULT); /* invalid message pointer */
/* If the call is to send to a process, i.e., for SEND, SENDREC or NOTIFY,
* verify that the caller is allowed to send to the given destination and
* that the destination is still alive.
if (function & CHECK_DST) {
if (! get_sys_bit(priv(caller_ptr)->s_ipc_to, nr_to_id(src_dst))) {
kprintf("sys_call: ipc mask denied %d sending to %d\n",
proc_nr(caller_ptr), src_dst);
return(ECALLDENIED); /* call denied by ipc mask */
if (isemptyn(src_dst)) {
kprintf("sys_call: dead destination, function %d, caller %d\n",
function, proc_nr(caller_ptr));
return(EDEADDST); /* cannot send to the dead */
/* Now check if the call is known and try to perform the request. The only
* system calls that exist in MINIX are sending and receiving messages.
* - SENDREC: combines SEND and RECEIVE in a single system call
* - SEND: sender blocks until its message has been delivered
* - RECEIVE: receiver blocks until an acceptable message has arrived
* - NOTIFY: nonblocking call; deliver notification or mark pending
* - ECHO: nonblocking call; directly echo back the message
switch(function) {
/* A flag is set so that notifications cannot interrupt SENDREC. */
priv(caller_ptr)->s_flags |= SENDREC_BUSY;
/* fall through */
case SEND:
result = mini_send(caller_ptr, src_dst, m_ptr, flags);
if (function == SEND || result != OK) {
break; /* done, or SEND failed */
} /* fall through for SENDREC */
if (function == RECEIVE)
priv(caller_ptr)->s_flags &= ~SENDREC_BUSY;
result = mini_receive(caller_ptr, src_dst, m_ptr, flags);
case NOTIFY:
result = mini_notify(caller_ptr, src_dst);
case ECHO:
CopyMess(caller_ptr->p_nr, caller_ptr, m_ptr, caller_ptr, m_ptr);
result = OK;
result = EBADCALL; /* illegal system call */
/* Now, return the result of the system call to the caller. */
* mini_send *
PRIVATE int mini_send(caller_ptr, dst, m_ptr, flags)
register struct proc *caller_ptr; /* who is trying to send a message? */
int dst; /* to whom is message being sent? */
message *m_ptr; /* pointer to message buffer */
unsigned flags; /* system call flags */
/* Send a message from 'caller_ptr' to 'dst'. If 'dst' is blocked waiting
* for this message, copy the message to it and unblock 'dst'. If 'dst' is
* not waiting at all, or is waiting for another source, queue 'caller_ptr'.
register struct proc *dst_ptr = proc_addr(dst);
register struct proc **xpp;
register struct proc *xp;
/* Check for deadlock by 'caller_ptr' and 'dst' sending to each other. */
xp = dst_ptr;
while (xp->p_rts_flags & SENDING) { /* check while sending */
xp = proc_addr(xp->p_sendto); /* get xp's destination */
if (xp == caller_ptr) return(ELOCKED); /* deadlock if cyclic */
/* Check if 'dst' is blocked waiting for this message. The destination's
* SENDING flag may be set when its SENDREC call blocked while sending.
if ( (dst_ptr->p_rts_flags & (RECEIVING | SENDING)) == RECEIVING &&
(dst_ptr->p_getfrom == ANY || dst_ptr->p_getfrom == caller_ptr->p_nr)) {
/* Destination is indeed waiting for this message. */
CopyMess(caller_ptr->p_nr, caller_ptr, m_ptr, dst_ptr,
if ((dst_ptr->p_rts_flags &= ~RECEIVING) == 0) enqueue(dst_ptr);
} else if ( ! (flags & NON_BLOCKING)) {
/* Destination is not waiting. Block and queue caller. */
caller_ptr->p_messbuf = m_ptr;
if (caller_ptr->p_rts_flags == 0) dequeue(caller_ptr);
caller_ptr->p_rts_flags |= SENDING;
caller_ptr->p_sendto = dst;
/* Process is now blocked. Put in on the destination's queue. */
xpp = &dst_ptr->p_caller_q; /* find end of list */
while (*xpp != NIL_PROC) xpp = &(*xpp)->p_q_link;
*xpp = caller_ptr; /* add caller to end */
caller_ptr->p_q_link = NIL_PROC; /* mark new end of list */
} else {
* mini_receive *
PRIVATE int mini_receive(caller_ptr, src, m_ptr, flags)
register struct proc *caller_ptr; /* process trying to get message */
int src; /* which message source is wanted */
message *m_ptr; /* pointer to message buffer */
unsigned flags; /* system call flags */
/* A process or task wants to get a message. If a message is already queued,
* acquire it and deblock the sender. If no message from the desired source
* is available block the caller, unless the flags don't allow blocking.
register struct proc **xpp;
register struct notification **ntf_q_pp;
message m;
int bit_nr;
sys_map_t *map;
bitchunk_t *chunk;
int i, src_id, src_proc_nr;
/* Check to see if a message from desired source is already available.
* The caller's SENDING flag may be set if SENDREC couldn't send. If it is
* set, the process should be blocked.
if (!(caller_ptr->p_rts_flags & SENDING)) {
/* Check if there are pending notifications, except for SENDREC. */
if (! (priv(caller_ptr)->s_flags & SENDREC_BUSY)) {
map = &priv(caller_ptr)->s_notify_pending;
for (chunk=&map->chunk[0]; chunk<&map->chunk[NR_SYS_CHUNKS]; chunk++) {
/* Find a pending notification from the requested source. */
if (! *chunk) continue; /* no bits in chunk */
for (i=0; ! (*chunk & (1<<i)); ++i) {} /* look up the bit */
src_id = (chunk - &map->chunk[0]) * BITCHUNK_BITS + i;
if (src_id >= NR_SYS_PROCS) break; /* out of range */
src_proc_nr = id_to_nr(src_id); /* get source proc */
if (src!=ANY && src!=src_proc_nr) continue; /* source not ok */
*chunk &= ~(1 << i); /* no longer pending */
/* Found a suitable source, deliver the notification message. */
BuildMess(&m, src_proc_nr, caller_ptr); /* assemble message */
CopyMess(src_proc_nr, proc_addr(HARDWARE), &m, caller_ptr, m_ptr);
return(OK); /* report success */
/* Check caller queue. Use pointer pointers to keep code simple. */
xpp = &caller_ptr->p_caller_q;
while (*xpp != NIL_PROC) {
if (src == ANY || src == proc_nr(*xpp)) {
/* Found acceptable message. Copy it and update status. */
CopyMess((*xpp)->p_nr, *xpp, (*xpp)->p_messbuf, caller_ptr, m_ptr);
if (((*xpp)->p_rts_flags &= ~SENDING) == 0) enqueue(*xpp);
*xpp = (*xpp)->p_q_link; /* remove from queue */
return(OK); /* report success */
xpp = &(*xpp)->p_q_link; /* proceed to next */
/* No suitable message is available or the caller couldn't send in SENDREC.
* Block the process trying to receive, unless the flags tell otherwise.
if ( ! (flags & NON_BLOCKING)) {
caller_ptr->p_getfrom = src;
caller_ptr->p_messbuf = m_ptr;
if (caller_ptr->p_rts_flags == 0) dequeue(caller_ptr);
caller_ptr->p_rts_flags |= RECEIVING;
} else {
* mini_notify *
PRIVATE int mini_notify(caller_ptr, dst)
register struct proc *caller_ptr; /* sender of the notification */
int dst; /* which process to notify */
register struct proc *dst_ptr = proc_addr(dst);
int src_id; /* source id for late delivery */
message m; /* the notification message */
/* Check to see if target is blocked waiting for this message. A process
* can be both sending and receiving during a SENDREC system call.
if ((dst_ptr->p_rts_flags & (RECEIVING|SENDING)) == RECEIVING &&
! (priv(dst_ptr)->s_flags & SENDREC_BUSY) &&
(dst_ptr->p_getfrom == ANY || dst_ptr->p_getfrom == caller_ptr->p_nr)) {
/* Destination is indeed waiting for a message. Assemble a notification
* message and deliver it. Copy from pseudo-source HARDWARE, since the
* message is in the kernel's address space.
BuildMess(&m, proc_nr(caller_ptr), dst_ptr);
CopyMess(proc_nr(caller_ptr), proc_addr(HARDWARE), &m,
dst_ptr, dst_ptr->p_messbuf);
dst_ptr->p_rts_flags &= ~RECEIVING; /* deblock destination */
if (dst_ptr->p_rts_flags == 0) enqueue(dst_ptr);
/* Destination is not ready to receive the notification. Add it to the
* bit map with pending notifications. Note the indirectness: the system id
* instead of the process number is used in the pending bit map.
src_id = priv(caller_ptr)->s_id;
set_sys_bit(priv(dst_ptr)->s_notify_pending, src_id);
* lock_notify *
PUBLIC int lock_notify(src, dst)
int src; /* sender of the notification */
int dst; /* who is to be notified */
/* Safe gateway to mini_notify() for tasks and interrupt handlers. The sender
* is explicitely given to prevent confusion where the call comes from. MINIX
* kernel is not reentrant, which means to interrupts are disabled after
* the first kernel entry (hardware interrupt, trap, or exception). Locking
* is done by temporarily disabling interrupts.
int result;
/* Exception or interrupt occurred, thus already locked. */
if (k_reenter >= 0) {
result = mini_notify(proc_addr(src), dst);
/* Call from task level, locking is required. */
else {
lock(0, "notify");
result = mini_notify(proc_addr(src), dst);
* enqueue *
PRIVATE void enqueue(rp)
register struct proc *rp; /* this process is now runnable */
/* Add 'rp' to one of the queues of runnable processes. This function is
* responsible for inserting a process into one of the scheduling queues.
* The mechanism is implemented here. The actual scheduling policy is
* defined in sched() and pick_proc().
int q; /* scheduling queue to use */
int front; /* add to front or back */
if(rp->p_ready) kprintf("enqueue() already ready process\n");
/* Determine where to insert to process. */
sched(rp, &q, &front);
/* Now add the process to the queue. */
if (rdy_head[q] == NIL_PROC) { /* add to empty queue */
rdy_head[q] = rdy_tail[q] = rp; /* create a new queue */
rp->p_nextready = NIL_PROC; /* mark new end */
else if (front) { /* add to head of queue */
rp->p_nextready = rdy_head[q]; /* chain head of queue */
rdy_head[q] = rp; /* set new queue head */
else { /* add to tail of queue */
rdy_tail[q]->p_nextready = rp; /* chain tail of queue */
rdy_tail[q] = rp; /* set new queue tail */
rp->p_nextready = NIL_PROC; /* mark new end */
/* Now select the next process to run. */
rp->p_ready = 1;
* dequeue *
PRIVATE void dequeue(rp)
register struct proc *rp; /* this process is no longer runnable */
/* A process must be removed from the scheduling queues, for example, because
* it has blocked. If the currently active process is removed, a new process
* is picked to run by calling pick_proc().
register int q = rp->p_priority; /* queue to use */
register struct proc **xpp; /* iterate over queue */
register struct proc *prev_xp;
/* Side-effect for kernel: check if the task's stack still is ok? */
if (iskernelp(rp)) {
if (*priv(rp)->s_stack_guard != STACK_GUARD)
panic("stack overrun by task", proc_nr(rp));
if (! rp->p_ready) kprintf("dequeue() already unready process\n");
/* Now make sure that the process is not in its ready queue. Remove the
* process if it is found. A process can be made unready even if it is not
* running by being sent a signal that kills it.
prev_xp = NIL_PROC;
for (xpp = &rdy_head[q]; *xpp != NIL_PROC; xpp = &(*xpp)->p_nextready) {
if (*xpp == rp) { /* found process to remove */
*xpp = (*xpp)->p_nextready; /* replace with next chain */
if (rp == rdy_tail[q]) /* queue tail removed */
rdy_tail[q] = prev_xp; /* set new tail */
if (rp == proc_ptr || rp == next_ptr) /* active process removed */
pick_proc(); /* pick new process to run */
prev_xp = *xpp; /* save previous in chain */
rp->p_ready = 0;
* sched *
PRIVATE void sched(rp, queue, front)
register struct proc *rp; /* process to be scheduled */
int *queue; /* return: queue to use */
int *front; /* return: front or back */
/* This function determines the scheduling policy. It is called whenever a
* process must be added to one of the scheduling queues to decide where to
* insert it.
int time_left;
int penalty;
/* Check whether the process has time left. Otherwise give a new quantum.
time_left = (rp->p_ticks_left > 0); /* check ticks left */
if ( ! time_left) { /* quantum consumed ? */
rp->p_ticks_left = rp->p_quantum_size; /* give new quantum */
/* Determine the new priority of this process. User and system processes
* are treated different. They can be distinguished because only user
* processes (and IDLE) are billable.
penalty = 0;
if (priv(rp)->s_flags & BILLABLE) { /* user process */
else { /* system process */
rp->p_priority = MIN((rp->p_max_priority + penalty), (IDLE_Q - 1));
/* If there is time left, the process is added to the front of its queue,
* so that it can immediately run. The queue to use simply is always the
* process' current priority.
*queue = rp->p_priority;
*front = time_left;
* pick_proc *
PRIVATE void pick_proc()
/* Decide who to run now. A new process is selected by setting 'next_ptr'.
* When a billable process is selected, record it in 'bill_ptr', so that the
* clock task can tell who to bill for system time.
register struct proc *rp; /* process to run */
int q; /* iterate over queues */
/* Check each of the scheduling queues for ready processes. The number of
* queues is defined in proc.h, and priorities are set in the task table.
* The lowest queue contains IDLE, which is always ready.
for (q=0; q < NR_SCHED_QUEUES; q++) {
if ( (rp = rdy_head[q]) != NIL_PROC) {
next_ptr = rp; /* run process 'rp' next */
if (priv(rp)->s_flags & BILLABLE)
bill_ptr = rp; /* bill for system time */
* lock_send *
PUBLIC int lock_send(dst, m_ptr)
int dst; /* to whom is message being sent? */
message *m_ptr; /* pointer to message buffer */
/* Safe gateway to mini_send() for tasks. */
int result;
lock(2, "send");
result = mini_send(proc_ptr, dst, m_ptr, NON_BLOCKING);
* lock_enqueue *
PUBLIC void lock_enqueue(rp)
struct proc *rp; /* this process is now runnable */
/* Safe gateway to enqueue() for tasks. */
lock(3, "enqueue");
* lock_dequeue *
PUBLIC void lock_dequeue(rp)
struct proc *rp; /* this process is no longer runnable */
/* Safe gateway to dequeue() for tasks. */
lock(4, "dequeue");