SYSLIB CHANGES: - DS calls to publish / retrieve labels consider endpoints instead of u32_t. VFS CHANGES: - mapdriver() only adds an entry in the dmap table in VFS. - dev_up() is only executed upon reception of a driver up event. INET CHANGES: - INET no longer searches for existing drivers instances at startup. - A newtwork driver is (re)initialized upon reception of a driver up event. - Networking startup is now race-free by design. No need to waste 5 seconds at startup any more. DRIVER CHANGES: - Every driver publishes driver up events when starting for the first time or in case of restart when recovery actions must be taken in the upper layers. - Driver up events are published by drivers through DS. - For regular drivers, VFS is normally the only subscriber, but not necessarily. For instance, when the filter driver is in use, it must subscribe to driver up events to initiate recovery. - For network drivers, inet is the only subscriber for now. - Every VFS driver is statically linked with libdriver, every network driver is statically linked with libnetdriver. DRIVER LIBRARIES CHANGES: - Libdriver is extended to provide generic receive() and ds_publish() interfaces for VFS drivers. - driver_receive() is a wrapper for sef_receive() also used in driver_task() to discard spurious messages that were meant to be delivered to a previous version of the driver. - driver_receive_mq() is the same as driver_receive() but integrates support for queued messages. - driver_announce() publishes a driver up event for VFS drivers and marks the driver as initialized and expecting a DEV_OPEN message. - Libnetdriver is introduced to provide similar receive() and ds_publish() interfaces for network drivers (netdriver_announce() and netdriver_receive()). - Network drivers all support live update with no state transfer now. KERNEL CHANGES: - Added kernel call statectl for state management. Used by driver_announce() to unblock eventual callers sendrecing to the driver.
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/* Function prototypes. */
#ifndef PROTO_H
#define PROTO_H
#include <minix/safecopies.h>
#include <machine/archtypes.h>
#include <a.out.h>
/* Struct declarations. */
struct proc;
struct timer;
/* clock.c */
_PROTOTYPE( clock_t get_uptime, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void set_timer, (struct timer *tp, clock_t t, tmr_func_t f) );
_PROTOTYPE( void reset_timer, (struct timer *tp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void ser_dump_proc, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void cycles_accounting_init, (void) );
* This functions start and stop accounting for process, kernel or idle cycles.
* It inherently have to account for some kernel cycles for process too,
* therefore it should be called asap after trapping to kernel and as late as
* possible before returning to userspace. These function is architecture
* dependent
_PROTOTYPE( void cycles_accounting_stop, (struct proc * p) );
/* this is a wrapper to make calling it from assembly easier */
_PROTOTYPE( void cycles_accounting_stop_idle, (void) );
/* main.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void main, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void prepare_shutdown, (int how) );
_PROTOTYPE( void minix_shutdown, (struct timer *tp) );
/* proc.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int do_ipc, (reg_t r1, reg_t r2, reg_t r3) );
_PROTOTYPE( int mini_notify, (const struct proc *src, endpoint_t dst) );
_PROTOTYPE( void enqueue, (struct proc *rp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void dequeue, (const struct proc *rp) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct proc * schedcheck, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct proc * arch_finish_schedcheck, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( struct proc *endpoint_lookup, (endpoint_t ep) );
_PROTOTYPE( int isokendpt_f, (const char *file, int line, endpoint_t e, int *p, int f));
#define isokendpt_d(e, p, f) isokendpt_f(__FILE__, __LINE__, (e), (p), (f))
_PROTOTYPE( int isokendpt_f, (endpoint_t e, int *p, int f) );
#define isokendpt_d(e, p, f) isokendpt_f((e), (p), (f))
_PROTOTYPE( void check_ticks_left, (struct proc *p));
/* start.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void cstart, (U16_t cs, U16_t ds, U16_t mds,
U16_t parmoff, U16_t parmsize) );
/* system.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int get_priv, (register struct proc *rc, int proc_type) );
_PROTOTYPE( void set_sendto_bit, (const struct proc *rc, int id) );
_PROTOTYPE( void unset_sendto_bit, (const struct proc *rc, int id) );
_PROTOTYPE( void send_sig, (endpoint_t proc_nr, int sig_nr) );
_PROTOTYPE( void cause_sig, (proc_nr_t proc_nr, int sig_nr) );
_PROTOTYPE( void sig_delay_done, (struct proc *rp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void kernel_call, (message *m_user, struct proc * caller) );
_PROTOTYPE( void system_init, (void) );
#define numap_local(proc_nr, vir_addr, bytes) \
umap_local(proc_addr(proc_nr), D, (vir_addr), (bytes))
_PROTOTYPE( phys_bytes umap_grant, (struct proc *, cp_grant_id_t, vir_bytes));
_PROTOTYPE( void clear_endpoint, (struct proc *rc) );
_PROTOTYPE( void clear_ipc, (struct proc *rc) );
_PROTOTYPE( void clear_ipc_refs, (struct proc *rc, int caller_ret) );
_PROTOTYPE( phys_bytes umap_bios, (vir_bytes vir_addr, vir_bytes bytes));
_PROTOTYPE( void kernel_call_resume, (struct proc *p));
/* system/do_newmap.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int newmap, (struct proc * caller, struct proc *rp,
struct mem_map *map_ptr));
/* system/do_vtimer.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void vtimer_check, (struct proc *rp) );
/* interrupt.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void put_irq_handler, (irq_hook_t *hook, int irq,
irq_handler_t handler) );
_PROTOTYPE( void rm_irq_handler, (const irq_hook_t *hook) );
_PROTOTYPE( void enable_irq, (const irq_hook_t *hook) );
_PROTOTYPE( int disable_irq, (const irq_hook_t *hook) );
/* debug.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int runqueues_ok, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( char *rtsflagstr, (int flags) );
_PROTOTYPE( char *miscflagstr, (int flags) );
_PROTOTYPE( char *schedulerstr, (struct proc *scheduler) );
/* system/do_safemap.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int map_invoke_vm, (struct proc * caller, int req_type,
endpoint_t end_d, int seg_d, vir_bytes off_d,
endpoint_t end_s, int seg_s, vir_bytes off_s,
size_t size, int flag));
/* system/do_safecopy.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int verify_grant, (endpoint_t, endpoint_t,
cp_grant_id_t, vir_bytes, int,
vir_bytes, vir_bytes *, endpoint_t *));
/* system/do_sysctl.c */
_PROTOTYPE( int do_sysctl, (struct proc * caller, message *m));
/* profile.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void init_profile_clock, (u32_t) );
_PROTOTYPE( void stop_profile_clock, (void) );
/* functions defined in architecture-dependent files. */
_PROTOTYPE( void prot_init, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( phys_bytes phys_copy, (phys_bytes source, phys_bytes dest,
phys_bytes count) );
_PROTOTYPE( void phys_copy_fault, (void));
_PROTOTYPE( void phys_copy_fault_in_kernel, (void));
#define virtual_copy(src, dst, bytes) \
virtual_copy_f(NULL, src, dst, bytes, 0)
#define virtual_copy_vmcheck(caller, src, dst, bytes) \
virtual_copy_f(caller, src, dst, bytes, 1)
_PROTOTYPE( int virtual_copy_f, (struct proc * caller,
struct vir_addr *src, struct vir_addr *dst,
vir_bytes bytes, int vmcheck) );
_PROTOTYPE( int data_copy, (endpoint_t from, vir_bytes from_addr,
endpoint_t to, vir_bytes to_addr, size_t bytes));
_PROTOTYPE( int data_copy_vmcheck, (struct proc *,
endpoint_t from, vir_bytes from_addr,
endpoint_t to, vir_bytes to_addr, size_t bytes));
_PROTOTYPE( void alloc_segments, (struct proc *rp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void vm_init, (struct proc *first) );
_PROTOTYPE( phys_bytes umap_local, (register struct proc *rp, int seg,
vir_bytes vir_addr, vir_bytes bytes));
_PROTOTYPE( void cp_mess, (int src,phys_clicks src_clicks,
vir_bytes src_offset, phys_clicks dst_clicks, vir_bytes dst_offset));
_PROTOTYPE( phys_bytes umap_remote, (const struct proc* rp, int seg,
vir_bytes vir_addr, vir_bytes bytes) );
_PROTOTYPE( phys_bytes umap_virtual, (struct proc* rp,
int seg, vir_bytes vir_addr, vir_bytes bytes) );
_PROTOTYPE( phys_bytes seg2phys, (U16_t) );
_PROTOTYPE( int vm_phys_memset, (phys_bytes source, u8_t pattern,
phys_bytes count) );
_PROTOTYPE( vir_bytes alloc_remote_segment, (u32_t *, segframe_t *,
int, phys_bytes, vir_bytes, int));
_PROTOTYPE( int intr_init, (int, int) );
_PROTOTYPE( int intr_disabled, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void halt_cpu, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void arch_init, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void ser_putc, (char) );
_PROTOTYPE( void arch_shutdown, (int) );
_PROTOTYPE( void arch_monitor, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void arch_get_aout_headers, (int i, struct exec *h) );
_PROTOTYPE( void restart, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void read_tsc, (unsigned long *high, unsigned long *low) );
_PROTOTYPE( int arch_init_profile_clock, (u32_t freq) );
_PROTOTYPE( void arch_stop_profile_clock, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void arch_ack_profile_clock, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void do_ser_debug, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( int arch_get_params, (char *parm, int max));
_PROTOTYPE( int arch_set_params, (char *parm, int max));
_PROTOTYPE( void arch_pre_exec, (struct proc *pr, u32_t, u32_t));
_PROTOTYPE( int arch_umap, (const struct proc *pr, vir_bytes, vir_bytes,
int, phys_bytes *));
_PROTOTYPE( int arch_do_vmctl, (message *m_ptr, struct proc *p));
_PROTOTYPE( int vm_contiguous, (const struct proc *targetproc, vir_bytes vir_buf, size_t count));
_PROTOTYPE( void proc_stacktrace, (struct proc *proc) );
_PROTOTYPE( int vm_lookup, (const struct proc *proc, vir_bytes virtual, vir_bytes *result, u32_t *ptent));
_PROTOTYPE( int delivermsg, (struct proc *target));
_PROTOTYPE( void arch_do_syscall, (struct proc *proc) );
_PROTOTYPE( int arch_phys_map, (int index, phys_bytes *addr,
phys_bytes *len, int *flags));
_PROTOTYPE( int arch_phys_map_reply, (int index, vir_bytes addr));
_PROTOTYPE( int arch_enable_paging, (struct proc * caller, const message * m_ptr));
_PROTOTYPE( int copy_msg_from_user, (struct proc * p, message * user_mbuf,
message * dst));
_PROTOTYPE( int copy_msg_to_user, (struct proc * p, message * src,
message * user_mbuf));
_PROTOTYPE(void switch_address_space, (struct proc * p));
#endif /* PROTO_H */