2005-04-21 14:53:53 +00:00

1057 lines
29 KiB
Executable file

#include <minix/config.h>
#include <minix/const.h>
#include "const.h"
#include "sconst.h"
#include "protect.h"
! This file contains a number of assembly code utility routines needed by the
! kernel. They are:
.define _monitor ! exit Minix and return to the monitor
.define _int86 ! make an 8086 interrupt call
.define real2prot ! switch from real to protected mode
.define prot2real ! switch from protected to real mode
.define _cp_mess ! copies messages from source to destination
.define _exit ! dummy for library routines
.define __exit ! dummy for library routines
.define ___exit ! dummy for library routines
.define .fat, .trp ! dummies for library routines
.define _phys_insw ! transfer data from (disk controller) port to memory
.define _phys_insb ! likewise byte by byte
.define _phys_outsw ! transfer data from memory to (disk controller) port
.define _phys_outsb ! likewise byte by byte
.define _enable_irq ! enable an irq at the 8259 controller
.define _disable_irq ! disable an irq
.define _phys_copy ! copy data from anywhere to anywhere in memory
.define _mem_rdw ! copy one word from [segment:offset]
.define _reset ! reset the system
.define _mem_vid_copy ! copy data to video ram
.define _vid_vid_copy ! move data in video ram
.define _idle_task ! executed when there is no work
.define _level0 ! call a function at level 0
.define klib_init_prot ! initialize klib functions for protected mode
! The routines only guarantee to preserve the registers the C compiler
! expects to be preserved (si, di, bp, sp, segment registers, and direction
! bit in the flags), though some of the older ones preserve bx, cx and dx.
# define EM_XFER_FUNC 0x87
#define JMP_OPCODE 0xE9 /* opcode used for patching */
#define OFF_MASK 0x000F /* offset mask for phys_b -> hclick:offset */
#define HCHIGH_MASK 0x0F /* h/w click mask for low byte of hi word */
#define HCLOW_MASK 0xF0 /* h/w click mask for low byte of low word */
! Exported variables
.extern kernel_cs
!* monitor *
! PUBLIC void monitor();
! Return to the monitor.
call prot2real ! switch to real mode
mov sp, _mon_sp ! restore monitor stack pointer
mov bx, _mon_ss ! monitor data segment
mov ds, bx
mov es, bx
mov ss, bx
pop di
pop si
pop bp
retf ! return to the monitor
!* int86 *
! PUBLIC void int86();
_int86: ! make an 8086 interrupt call.
push bp
push si
push di ! save C variable registers
pushf ! save flags
call int86 ! make the actual call
popf ! restore flags
pop di ! restore C registers
pop si
pop bp
! Do an 8086 interrupt from protected mode
push bp
push si
push di ! save C variable registers
pushf ! save flags
cli ! no interruptions
movb ah, al
push ax ! save interrupt masks
mov ax, _irq_use ! map of in-use IRQs
and ax, #~[1<<CLOCK_IRQ] ! keep the clock ticking
outb INT_CTLMASK ! enable all unused IRQs and vv.
movb al, ah
call prot2real ! switch to real mode
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax ! vector & BIOS data segments
eseg mov 0x046C, ax ! clear BIOS clock counter
eseg mov 0x046E, ax
sti ! enable interrupts
call int86 ! make the actual call
cli ! disable interrupts
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
eseg mov ax, 0x046C
add _lost_ticks, ax ! record lost clock ticks
call real2prot ! back to protected mode
pop ax ! restore interrupt masks
movb al, ah
popf ! restore flags
pop di ! restore C registers
pop si
pop bp
mov bp, #_reg86 ! address of parameter block
movb al, #0xCD ! INT instruction
movb ah, (bp) ! Interrupt number?
testb ah, ah
jnz 0f ! nonzero if INT, otherwise far call
push cs
push #intret+2 ! far return address
push 6(bp)
push 4(bp) ! far driver address
mov ax, #0x90CB ! RETF; NOP
0: cseg mov intret, ax ! patch `INT n` or `RETF; NOP` into code
jmp .+2 ! clear instruction queue
mov ds, 8(bp) ! Load parameters
mov es, 10(bp)
mov ax, 12(bp) ! (sorry, only ax set, not eax)
mov bx, 16(bp)
mov cx, 20(bp)
mov dx, 24(bp)
mov si, 28(bp)
mov di, 32(bp)
mov bp, 36(bp)
intret: int 0xFF ! do the interrupt or far call
push bp
mov bp, #_reg86 ! address of parameter block
pop (bp) ! eflags
mov 8(bp), ds
mov 10(bp), es
mov 12(bp), ax
mov 16(bp), bx
mov 20(bp), cx
mov 24(bp), dx
mov 28(bp), si
mov 32(bp), di
pop 36(bp) ! bp
mov ax, ss
mov ds, ax ! restore ds and es
mov es, ax
!* real2prot *
! Switch from real to protected mode.
lgdt _gdt+GDT_SELECTOR ! set global descriptor table
smsw ax
mov msw, ax ! save real mode msw
orb al, #0x01 ! set PE (protection enable) bit
lmsw ax ! set msw, enabling protected mode
jmpf csinit, CS_SELECTOR ! set code segment selector
mov ax, #DS_SELECTOR ! set data selectors
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
lidt _gdt+IDT_SELECTOR ! set interrupt vectors
andb _gdt+TSS_SELECTOR+DESC_ACCESS, #~0x02 ! clear TSS busy bit
ltr ax ! set TSS register
movb ah, #0x02
jmp gate_A20 ! enable the A20 address line
!* prot2real *
! Switch from protected to real mode.
mov save_sp, sp ! save stack pointer
cmp _processor, #386 ! is this a 386?
jae p2r386
xor ax, ax
mov _gdt+ES_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE, ax
movb _gdt+ES_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_MIDDLE, al
movb _gdt+ES_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_HIGH, al
mov ax, #ES_286_SELECTOR
mov es, ax ! BIOS data segment
eseg mov 0x0467, #real ! set return from shutdown address
cseg mov ax, kernel_cs
eseg mov 0x0469, ax
movb al, #0x8F
outb 0x70 ! select CMOS byte 0x0F (disable NMI)
jmp .+2
movb al, #0x0A
outb 0x71 ! set shutdown code to 0x0A "jump far"
jmp p_reset ! cause a processor shutdown
lidt idt_vectors ! real mode interrupt vectors
push _gdt+CS_SELECTOR+0
push _gdt+DS_SELECTOR+0 ! save CS and DS limits
mov _gdt+CS_SELECTOR+0, #0xFFFF
mov _gdt+DS_SELECTOR+0, #0xFFFF ! set 64k limits
jmpf cs64k, CS_SELECTOR ! reload selectors
cs64k: mov ax, #DS_SELECTOR
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
pop _gdt+DS_SELECTOR+0
pop _gdt+CS_SELECTOR+0 ! restore CS and DS limits
.data1 0x0F,0x20,0xC0 ! mov eax, cr0
mov ax, msw ! restore real mode (16 bits) msw
.data1 0x0F,0x22,0xC0 ! mov cr0, eax
.data1 0xEA ! jmpf real, "kernel_cs"
.data2 real
.data2 0
cseg mov ax, kernel_ds ! reload data segment registers
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, save_sp ! restore stack
xorb ah, ah
!jmp gate_A20 ! disable the A20 address line
! Enable (ah = 0x02) or disable (ah = 0x00) the A20 address line.
cmp _ps_mca, #0 ! PS/2 bus?
jnz gate_PS_A20
call kb_wait
movb al, #0xD1 ! Tell keyboard that a command is coming
outb 0x64
call kb_wait
movb al, #0xDD ! 0xDD = A20 disable code if ah = 0x00
orb al, ah ! 0xDF = A20 enable code if ah = 0x02
outb 0x60
call kb_wait
movb al, #0xFF ! Pulse output port
outb 0x64
call kb_wait ! Wait for the A20 line to settle down
inb 0x64
testb al, #0x02 ! Keyboard input buffer full?
jnz kb_wait ! If so, wait
gate_PS_A20: ! The PS/2 can twiddle A20 using port A
inb 0x92 ! Read port A
andb al, #0xFD
orb al, ah ! Set A20 bit to the required state
outb 0x92 ! Write port A
jmp .+2 ! Small delay
A20ok: inb 0x92 ! Check port A
andb al, #0x02
cmpb al, ah ! A20 line settled down to the new state?
jne A20ok ! If not then wait
!* cp_mess *
! PUBLIC void cp_mess(int src, phys_clicks src_clicks, vir_bytes src_offset,
! phys_clicks dst_clicks, vir_bytes dst_offset);
! This routine makes a fast copy of a message from anywhere in the address
! space to anywhere else. It also copies the source address provided as a
! parameter to the call into the first word of the destination message.
! Note that the message size, "Msize" is in WORDS (not bytes) and must be set
! correctly. Changing the definition of message in the type file and not
! changing it here will lead to total disaster.
push es ! save es
push ds ! save ds
mov bx,sp ! index off bx because machine cannot use sp
push si ! save si
push di ! save di
mov ax,12(bx) ! destination click
#error /* Small click sizes are not supported (right shift will lose bits). */
shl ax,cl ! destination segment
mov es,ax
mov di,14(bx) ! offset of destination message
! Be careful not to destroy ds before we are finished with the bx pointer.
! We are using bx and not the more natural bp to save pushing bp.
mov ax,6(bx) ! process number of sender
mov si,10(bx) ! offset of source message
mov bx,8(bx) ! source click (finished with bx as a pointer)
shl bx,cl ! source segment
mov ds,bx
stos ! copy process number of sender to dest message
add si,*2 ! do not copy first word
mov cx,*Msize-1 ! remember, first word does not count
rep ! iterate cx times to copy 11 words
movs ! copy the message
pop di ! restore di
pop si ! restore si
pop ds ! restore ds
pop es ! restore es
ret ! that is all folks!
!* exit *
! PUBLIC void exit();
! Some library routines use exit, so provide a dummy version.
! Actual calls to exit cannot occur in the kernel.
! Same for .fat & .trp.
jmp __exit
!* phys_insw *
! PUBLIC void phys_insw(Port_t port, phys_bytes buf, size_t count);
! Input an array from an I/O port. Absolute address version of insw().
call portio_intro
mov es, bx ! destination segment
mov di, ax ! destination offset
shr cx, #1 ! word count
rep ins ! input many words
jmp portio_return
pop ax ! hold return address
push bp ! create stack frame
mov bp, sp
push si
push di
push ax ! retore return address
mov dx, 4(bp) ! port to do I/O
mov ax, 6(bp) ! source/destination address in bx:ax
mov bx, 8(bp)
mov cx, 10(bp) ! count in bytes
cld ! direction is UP
push cx ! segment/offset setup
movb ch, bl
mov bx, ax
and ax, #0x000F ! ax = offset = address % HCLICK_SIZE
movb cl, #4
shr bx, cl
shlb ch, cl
orb bh, ch ! bx = segment = address / HCLICK_SIZE
pop cx
mov ax, ss ! restore segment registers
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
pop di ! unwind stack frame
pop si
pop bp
!* phys_insb *
! PUBLIC void phys_insb(Port_t port, phys_bytes buf, size_t count);
! Input an array from an I/O port. Absolute address version of insb().
! Note: The 8086 doesn't have string I/O instructions, so a loop is used.
call portio_intro
mov es, bx ! destination segment
mov di, ax ! destination offset
jcxz 1f
0: inb dx ! input 1 byte
stosb ! write 1 byte
loop 0b ! many times
jmp portio_return
!* phys_outsw *
! PUBLIC void phys_outsw(Port_t port, phys_bytes buf, size_t count);
! Output an array to an I/O port. Absolute address version of outsw().
call portio_intro
mov ds, bx ! source segment
mov si, ax ! source offset
shr cx, #1 ! word count
rep outs ! output many words
jmp portio_return
!* phys_outsb *
! PUBLIC void phys_outsb(Port_t port, phys_bytes buf, size_t count);
! Output an array to an I/O port. Absolute address version of outsb().
call portio_intro
mov ds, bx ! source segment
mov si, ax ! source offset
jcxz 1f
0: lodsb ! read 1 byte
outb dx ! output 1 byte
loop 0b ! many times
jmp portio_return
!* enable_irq *
! PUBLIC void enable_irq(irq_hook_t *hook)
! Enable an interrupt request line by clearing an 8259 bit.
! Equivalent code for irq < 8:
! if ((irq_actids[hook->irq] &= ~hook->id) == 0)
! outb(INT_CTLMASK, inb(INT_CTLMASK) & ~(1 << irq));
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov bx, 4(bp) ! hook
mov cx, 4(bx) ! irq
mov ax, 6(bx) ! id bit
not ax
mov bx, cx
add bx, bx
and _irq_actids(bx), ax ! clear this id bit
jnz en_done ! still masked by other handlers?
movb ah, #~1
rolb ah, cl ! ah = ~(1 << (irq % 8))
mov dx, #INT_CTLMASK ! enable irq < 8 at the master 8259
cmpb cl, #8
jb 0f
mov dx, #INT2_CTLMASK ! enable irq >= 8 at the slave 8259
0: inb dx
andb al, ah
outb dx ! clear bit at the 8259
!* disable_irq *
! PUBLIC int disable_irq(irq_hook_t *hook)
! Disable an interrupt request line by setting an 8259 bit.
! Equivalent code for irq < 8:
! irq_actids[hook->irq] |= hook->id;
! outb(INT_CTLMASK, inb(INT_CTLMASK) | (1 << irq));
! Returns true iff the interrupt was not already disabled.
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov bx, 4(bp) ! hook
mov cx, 4(bx) ! irq
mov ax, 6(bx) ! id bit
mov bx, cx
add bx, bx
or _irq_actids(bx), ax ! set this id bit
movb ah, #1
rolb ah, cl ! ah = (1 << (irq % 8))
mov dx, #INT_CTLMASK ! disable irq < 8 at the master 8259
cmpb cl, #8
jb 0f
mov dx, #INT2_CTLMASK ! disable irq >= 8 at the slave 8259
0: inb dx
testb al, ah
jnz dis_already ! already disabled?
orb al, ah
outb dx ! set bit at the 8259
mov ax, #1 ! disabled by this function
xor ax, ax ! already disabled
!* phys_copy *
! PUBLIC void phys_copy(phys_bytes source, phys_bytes destination,
! phys_bytes bytecount);
! Copy a block of physical memory.
push bp ! save only registers required by C
mov bp,sp ! set bp to point to source arg less 4
push si ! save si
push di ! save di
push ds ! save ds
push es ! save es
mov ax,SRCLO(bp) ! dx:ax = source address (dx is NOT segment)
mov dx,SRCHI(bp)
mov si,ax ! si = source offset = address % 16
and si,#OFF_MASK
andb dl,#HCHIGH_MASK ! ds = source segment = address / 16 % 0x10000
andb al,#HCLOW_MASK
orb al,dl ! now bottom 4 bits of dx are in ax
movb cl,#HCLICK_SHIFT ! rotate them to the top 4
ror ax,cl
mov ds,ax
mov ax,DESTLO(bp) ! dx:ax = destination addr (dx is NOT segment)
mov dx,DESTHI(bp)
mov di,ax ! di = dest offset = address % 16
and di,#OFF_MASK
andb dl,#HCHIGH_MASK ! es = dest segment = address / 16 % 0x10000
andb al,#HCLOW_MASK
orb al,dl
ror ax,cl
mov es,ax
mov ax,COUNTLO(bp) ! dx:ax = remaining count
mov dx,COUNTHI(bp)
! copy upwards (cannot handle overlapped copy)
mov cx,ax ! provisional count for this iteration
test ax,ax ! if count >= 0x8000, only do 0x8000 per iter
js pc_bigcount ! low byte already >= 0x8000
test dx,dx
jz pc_upcount ! less than 0x8000
mov cx,#0x8000 ! use maximum count per iteration
sub ax,cx ! update count
sbb dx,#0 ! cannot underflow, so carry clear now for rcr
rcr cx,#1 ! count in words, carry remembers if byte
jnb pc_even ! no odd byte
movb ! copy odd byte
rep ! copy 1 word at a time
movs ! word copy
mov cx,ax ! test if remaining count is 0
or cx,dx
jnz pc_more ! more to do
pop es ! restore es
pop ds ! restore ds
pop di ! restore di
pop si ! restore si
pop bp ! restore bp
ret ! return to caller
sub si,#0x8000 ! adjust pointers so the offset does not
mov cx,ds ! overflow in the next 0x8000 bytes
add cx,#0x800 ! pointers end up same physical location
mov ds,cx ! the current offsets are known >= 0x8000
sub di,#0x8000 ! since we just copied that many
mov cx,es
add cx,#0x800
mov es,cx
jmp pc_loop ! start next iteration
!* mem_rdw *
! PUBLIC u16_t mem_rdw(u16_t segment, u16_t *offset);
! Load and return the word at the far pointer segment:offset.
mov cx,ds ! save ds
pop dx ! return adr
pop ds ! segment
pop bx ! offset
sub sp,#2+2 ! adjust for parameters popped
mov ax,(bx) ! load the word to return
mov ds,cx ! restore ds
jmp (dx) ! return
!* reset *
! PUBLIC void reset();
! Reset the system.
! In real mode we simply jump to the reset address at F000:FFF0.
jmpf 0xFFF0,0xF000
!* mem_vid_copy *
! PUBLIC void mem_vid_copy(u16 *src, unsigned dst, unsigned count);
! Copy count characters from kernel memory to video memory. Src is an ordinary
! pointer to a word, but dst and count are character (word) based video offset
! and count. If src is null then screen memory is blanked by filling it with
! blank_color.
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
push di
push es
mov si, 4(bp) ! source
mov di, 6(bp) ! destination
mov dx, 8(bp) ! count
mov es, _vid_seg ! segment containing video memory
cld ! make sure direction is up
and di, _vid_mask ! wrap address
mov cx, dx ! one chunk to copy
mov ax, _vid_size
sub ax, di
cmp cx, ax
jbe 0f
mov cx, ax ! cx = min(cx, vid_size - di)
0: sub dx, cx ! count -= cx
shl di, #1 ! byte address
add di, _vid_off ! in video memory
test si, si ! source == 0 means blank the screen
jz mvc_blank
rep ! copy words to video memory
jmp mvc_test
mov ax, _blank_color ! ax = blanking character
stos ! copy blanks to video memory
!jmp mvc_test
sub di, _vid_off
shr di, #1 ! back to a word address
test dx, dx
jnz mvc_loop
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop bp
!* vid_vid_copy *
! PUBLIC void vid_vid_copy(unsigned src, unsigned dst, unsigned count);
! Copy count characters from video memory to video memory. Handle overlap.
! Used for scrolling, line or character insertion and deletion. Src, dst
! and count are character (word) based video offsets and counts.
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
push di
push es
mov si, 4(bp) ! source
mov di, 6(bp) ! destination
mov dx, 8(bp) ! count
mov es, _vid_seg ! segment containing video memory
cmp si, di ! copy up or down?
jb vvc_down
cld ! direction is up
and si, _vid_mask ! wrap addresses
and di, _vid_mask
mov cx, dx ! one chunk to copy
mov ax, _vid_size
sub ax, si
cmp cx, ax
jbe 0f
mov cx, ax ! cx = min(cx, vid_size - si)
0: mov ax, _vid_size
sub ax, di
cmp cx, ax
jbe 0f
mov cx, ax ! cx = min(cx, vid_size - di)
0: sub dx, cx ! count -= cx
call vvc_copy
test dx, dx
jnz vvc_uploop ! again?
jmp vvc_done
std ! direction is down
add si, dx ! start copying at the top
dec si
add di, dx
dec di
and si, _vid_mask ! wrap addresses
and di, _vid_mask
mov cx, dx ! one chunk to copy
lea ax, 1(si)
cmp cx, ax
jbe 0f
mov cx, ax ! cx = min(cx, si + 1)
0: lea ax, 1(di)
cmp cx, ax
jbe 0f
mov cx, ax ! cx = min(cx, di + 1)
0: sub dx, cx ! count -= cx
call vvc_copy
test dx, dx
jnz vvc_downloop ! again?
cld ! C compiler expect up
!jmp vvc_done
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop bp
! Copy video words. (Inner code of both the up and downcopying loop.)
shl si, #1
shl di, #1 ! byte addresses
add si, _vid_off
add di, _vid_off ! in video memory
push ds ! must set ds here, 8086 can't do
mov ds, _vid_seg ! 'rep eseg movs' with interrupts on
movs ! copy video words
pop ds
sub si, _vid_off
sub di, _vid_off
shr si, #1
shr di, #1 ! back to word addresses
!* level0 *
! PUBLIC void level0(void (*func)(void))
! Not very interesting in real mode, see p_level0.
mov bx, sp
jmp @2(bx)
!* klib_init_prot *
! PUBLIC void klib_init_prot();
! Initialize klib for protected mode by patching some real mode functions
! at their starts to jump to their protected mode equivalents, according to
! the patch table. Saves a lot of tests on the "protected_mode" variable.
! Note that this function must be run in real mode, for it writes the code
! segment. (One otherwise has to set up a descriptor, etc, etc.)
mov si,#patch_table
lods ! original function
mov bx,ax
cseg movb (bx),#JMP_OPCODE ! overwrite start of function by a long jump
lods ! new function - target of jump
sub ax,bx ! relative jump
sub ax,#3 ! adjust by length of jump instruction
cseg mov 1(bx),ax ! set address
cmp si,#end_patch_table ! end of table?
jb kip_next
!* variants for protected mode *
! Some routines are different in protected mode.
! The only essential difference is the handling of segment registers.
! One complication is that the method of building segment descriptors is not
! reentrant, so the protected mode versions must not be called by interrupt
! handlers.
!* p_cp_mess *
! The real mode version attempts to be efficient by passing raw segments but
! that just gets in the way here.
mov bx, sp ! bx -> arguments
push si
push di
push ds
push es
mov ax, 4(bx) ! Compute source descriptor base
mov dx, ax
shl ax, #CLICK_SHIFT
shr dx, #16-CLICK_SHIFT ! dx:ax = src_clicks * CLICK_SIZE
add ax, 6(bx)
adc dx, #0 ! dx:ax += src_offset
mov _gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE, ax
movb _gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_MIDDLE, dl
movb _gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_HIGH, dh
mov ax, 8(bx) ! Compute destination descriptor base
mov dx, ax
shl ax, #CLICK_SHIFT
shr dx, #16-CLICK_SHIFT ! dx:ax = dst_clicks * CLICK_SIZE
add ax, 10(bx)
adc dx, #0 ! dx:ax += dst_offset
mov _gdt+ES_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE, ax
movb _gdt+ES_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_MIDDLE, dl
movb _gdt+ES_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_HIGH, dh
mov bx, 2(bx) ! proc no
mov ax, #DS_286_SELECTOR
mov ds, ax
mov ax, #ES_286_SELECTOR
mov es, ax
eseg mov 0, bx ! proc no. of sender from arg, not msg
mov si, #2 ! src offset is now 2 relative to start of seg
mov di, si ! and destination offset
mov cx, #Msize-1 ! word count
cld ! direction is up
movs ! copy message (except first word)
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
!* p_portio_setup *
! The phys_insw, phys_outsw, etc. functions need an address setup routine that
! uses a segment descriptor.
mov _gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE, ax
movb _gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_MIDDLE, bl
movb _gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_HIGH, bh
xor ax, ax ! ax = 0 = start of segment
mov bx, #DS_286_SELECTOR ! bx = segment selector
!* p_phys_copy *
pop dx
pop _gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE
pop ax ! pop source into base of source descriptor
movb _gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_HIGH,ah
pop _gdt+ES_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE
pop ax ! pop destination into base of dst descriptor
movb _gdt+ES_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_HIGH,ah
pop cx ! byte count in bx:cx
pop bx
sub sp,#4+4+4
push di
push si
push es
push ds
sub si,si ! src offset is now 0 relative to start of seg
mov di,si ! and destination offset
jmp ppc_next
! It is too much trouble to align the segment bases, so word alignment is hard.
! Avoiding the book-keeping for alignment may be good anyway.
push cx
mov cx,#0x8000 ! copy a large chunk of this many words
pop cx
dec bx
pop ds ! update the descriptors
adcb _gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_HIGH,#0
adcb _gdt+ES_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_HIGH,#0
push ds
mov ax,#DS_286_SELECTOR ! (re)load the selectors
mov ds,ax
mov ax,#ES_286_SELECTOR
mov es,ax
test bx,bx
jnz ppc_large
shr cx,#1 ! word count
movs ! move any leftover words
rcl cx,#1 ! restore old bit 0
movb ! move any leftover byte
pop ds
pop es
pop si
pop di
jmp (dx)
!* p_reset *
! Reset the system by loading IDT with offset 0 and interrupting.
lidt idt_zero
int 3 ! anything goes, the 286 will not like it
!* idle_task *
! This task is called when the system has nothing else to do. The HLT
! instruction puts the processor in a state where it draws minimum power.
mov ax, #halt
push ax
call _level0 ! level0(halt)
pop ax
jmp _idle_task
!* p_level0 *
! PUBLIC void level0(void (*func)(void))
! Call a function at permission level 0. This allows kernel tasks to do
! things that are only possible at the most privileged CPU level.
mov bx, sp
mov ax, 2(bx)
mov _level0_func, ax
!* data *
patch_table: ! pairs (old function, new function)
.data2 _int86, p_int86
.data2 _cp_mess, p_cp_mess
.data2 _phys_copy, p_phys_copy
.data2 portio_setup, p_portio_setup
.data2 _reset, p_reset
.data2 _level0, p_level0
.data2 _restart, p_restart ! in mpx file
.data2 save, p_save ! in mpx file
end_patch_table: ! end of table
idt_vectors: ! limit and base of real mode interrupt vectors
.data2 0x3FF
idt_zero: ! zero limit IDT to cause a processor shutdown
.data2 0, 0, 0
save_sp: ! place to put sp when switching to real mode
.space 2
msw: ! saved real mode machine status word
.space 2