Cristiano Giuffrida e090013056 Drivers and servers are simply known as services.
- /etc/drivers.conf has been renamed to /etc/system.conf. Every entry in 
the file is now marked as "service" rather than driver.
- user "service" has been added to password file /etc/passwd.
- docs/UPDATING updated accordingly, as well as every other mention to the old
drivers.conf in the system.

- No more distinction between servers and drivers.
- RS_START has been renamed to RS_UP and the old legacy RS_UP and RS_UP_COPY
- RS asks PCI to set / remove ACL entries only for services whose ACL properties
have been set. This change eliminates unnecessary warnings.
- Temporarily minimize the risk of potential races at boot time or when starting
a new service. Upcoming changes will eliminate races completely.
- General cleanup.
2009-12-17 01:53:26 +00:00

114 lines
2.6 KiB

# Makefile for ramdisk image
PROGRAMS=at_wini bios_wini cdprobe dev2name floppy loadramdisk newroot \
pci sh service sysenv mfs
EXTRA=system.conf passwd
all: image.c image.s
rm -rf $(PROGRAMS) $(EXTRA) bintoc image image.c image.s t proto.gen
image.c: bintoc image
./bintoc -o $@ image
image.s: image.c
sed < image.c > $@ 's/^/.data1 /;s/,$$//' || { rm -f $@; false; }
# Note for cross compilation: this executable has to be compiled for the
# host system
bintoc: bintoc.c
$(CC) -o $@ bintoc.c
image: proto.gen mtab rc $(PROGRAMS) $(EXTRA)
mkfs image proto.gen || { rm -f image; false; }
at_wini: ../../at_wini/at_wini
install -s ../../$@/$@ $@
cd ../../at_wini && make
bios_wini: ../../bios_wini/bios_wini
install -s ../../$@/$@ $@
cd ../../bios_wini && make
floppy: ../../floppy/floppy
install -s ../../$@/$@ $@
cd ../../floppy && make
pci: ../../pci/pci
install -s ../../$@/$@ $@
cd ../../pci && make
cdprobe: ../../../commands/simple/cdprobe
install -s ../../../commands/simple/$@ $@
cd ../../../commands/simple && make cdprobe
dev2name: ../../../commands/simple/dev2name
install -s ../../../commands/simple/$@ $@
cd ../../../commands/simple && make dev2name
loadramdisk: ../../../commands/simple/loadramdisk
install -s ../../../commands/simple/$@ $@
cd ../../../commands/simple && make loadramdisk
newroot: ../../../commands/simple/newroot
install -s ../../../commands/simple/$@ $@
cd ../../../commands/simple && make newroot
sysenv: ../../../commands/simple/sysenv
install -s ../../../commands/simple/$@ $@
cd ../../../commands/simple && make sysenv
sh: ../../../commands/ash/sh
install -s ../../../commands/ash/$@ $@
cd ../../../commands/ash && make sh
service: ../../../servers/rs/service
install -s ../../../servers/rs/$@ $@
cd ../../../servers/rs && make service
mfs: ../../../servers/mfs/mfs
install -s ../../../servers/mfs/$@ $@
cd ../../../servers/mfs && make
system.conf: ../../../etc/system.conf
install -s ../../../etc/$@ $@
passwd: ../../../etc/passwd
install -s ../../../etc/$@ $@
mkdep "$(CC) -E $(CPPFLAGS)" *.c > .depend
proto.gen: $(MAKEDEV) proto
sh -e >proto.gen
# Include generated dependencies.
include .depend