Thomas Veerman 958b25be50 - Introduce support for sticky bit.
- Revise VFS-FS protocol and update VFS/MFS/ISOFS accordingly.
- Clean up MFS by removing old, dead code (backwards compatibility is broken by
  the new VFS-FS protocol, anyway) and rewrite other parts. Also, make sure all
  functions have proper banners and prototypes.
- VFS should always provide a (syntactically) valid path to the FS; no need for
  the FS to do sanity checks when leaving/entering mount points.
- Fix several bugs in MFS:
  - Several path lookup bugs in MFS.
  - A link can be too big for the path buffer.
  - A mountpoint can become inaccessible when the creation of a new inode
    fails, because the inode already exists and is a mountpoint.
- Introduce support for supplemental groups.
- Add test 46 to test supplemental group functionality (and removed obsolete
  suppl. tests from test 2).
- Clean up VFS (not everything is done yet).
- ISOFS now opens device read-only. This makes the -r flag in the mount command
  unnecessary (but will still report to be mounted read-write).
- Introduce PipeFS. PipeFS is a new FS that handles all anonymous and
  named pipes. However, named pipes still reside on the (M)FS, as they are part
  of the file system on disk. To make this work VFS now has a concept of
  'mapped' inodes, which causes read, write, truncate and stat requests to be
  redirected to the mapped FS, and all other requests to the original FS.
2009-12-20 20:27:14 +00:00

103 lines
2.7 KiB

# Makefile for the kernel image.
CC= exec cc
MDEC= /usr/mdec
# Specify the programs that are part of the system image.
PROGRAMS= ../kernel/kernel \
../servers/pm/pm \
../servers/vfs/vfs \
../servers/rs/rs \
../drivers/memory/memory \
../drivers/log/log \
../drivers/tty/tty \
../servers/ds/ds \
../servers/mfs/mfs \
../servers/vm/vm \
../servers/pfs/pfs \
@echo " " >&2
@echo "Master Makefile to create new MINIX configuration." >& 2
@echo "Root privileges are required." >&2
@echo " " >&2
@echo "Usage:" >&2
@echo " make includes # Install include files" >&2
@echo " make depend # Generate dependency files" >&2
@echo " make libraries # Make system libraries" >&2
@echo " make services # Compile and install all services" >&2
@echo " make fresh # Make clean, libraries, and services" >&2
@echo " make image # Make needed services and create boot image" >&2
@echo " make install # Make image, and install to hard disk" >&2
@echo " make hdboot # Make image, and install to hard disk" >&2
@echo " make fdboot # Make image, and install to floppy disk" >&2
@echo " make bootable # Make hard disk bootable" >&2
@echo " make clean # Remove all compiler results, except libs" >&2
@echo " " >&2
@echo "To create a fresh MINIX configuration, try:" >&2
@echo " make clean install # new boot image" >&2
@echo " make fresh install # new everything" >&2
@echo " " >&2
# create a fresh configuration or system image
cd ../lib && $(MAKE) clean
$(MAKE) clean
$(MAKE) libraries services
all: services image
image: includes
cd ../kernel && $(MAKE) EXTRA_OPTS=$(EXTRA_OPTS)
cd ../servers && $(MAKE) image
cd ../drivers && $(MAKE) image
installboot -image $@ $(PROGRAMS)
image_small: includes
cd ../kernel && $(MAKE) EXTRA_OPTS=$(EXTRA_OPTS)
cd ../servers && $(MAKE) EXTRA_OPTS=-D_MINIX_SMALL=1 image
cd ../drivers && $(MAKE) EXTRA_OPTS=$(EXTRA_OPTS) image
installboot -image $@ $(PROGRAMS)
# rebuild the program or system libraries
cd ../include && $(MAKE) install
depend: includes
cd ../ && $(MAKE) depend
services: includes
cd ../kernel && $(MAKE)
cd ../servers && $(MAKE) install
cd ../drivers && $(MAKE) install
libraries: includes
cd ../lib && $(MAKE) clean
cd ../lib && $(MAKE) all
cd ../lib && $(MAKE) install
# make bootable and place system images
exec su root mkboot bootable
hdboot: image
exec sh mkboot $@
fdboot: image
exec su root mkboot $@
install: includes services hdboot
# clean up compile results
cd ../kernel && $(MAKE) $@
cd ../servers && $(MAKE) $@
cd ../drivers && $(MAKE) $@
rm -rf *.bak image image_small *.iso *.iso.gz cdfdimage rootimage src