Ben Gras 2fe8fb192f Full switch to clang/ELF. Drop ack. Simplify.
There is important information about booting non-ack images in
docs/UPDATING. ack/aout-format images can't be built any more, and
booting clang/ELF-format ones is a little different. Updating to the
new boot monitor is recommended.

Changes in this commit:

	. drop boot monitor -> allowing dropping ack support
	. facility to copy ELF boot files to /boot so that old boot monitor
	  can still boot fairly easily, see UPDATING
	. no more ack-format libraries -> single-case libraries
	. some cleanup of OBJECT_FMT, COMPILER_TYPE, etc cases
	. drop several ack toolchain commands, but not all support
	  commands (e.g. aal is gone but acksize is not yet).
	. a few libc files moved to netbsd libc dir
	. new /bin/date as minix date used code in libc/
	. test compile fix
	. harmonize includes
	. /usr/lib is no longer special: without ack, /usr/lib plays no
	  kind of special bootstrapping role any more and bootstrapping
	  is done exclusively through packages, so releases depend even
	  less on the state of the machine making them now.
	. rename nbsd_lib* to lib*
	. reduce mtree
2012-02-14 14:52:02 +01:00

498 lines
12 KiB

/* $NetBSD: math.h,v 1.53 2010/09/15 16:11:30 christos Exp $ */
* ====================================================
* Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Developed at SunPro, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software is freely granted, provided that this notice
* is preserved.
* ====================================================
* @(#)fdlibm.h 5.1 93/09/24
#ifndef _MATH_H_
#define _MATH_H_
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/featuretest.h>
union __float_u {
unsigned char __dummy[sizeof(float)];
float __val;
union __double_u {
unsigned char __dummy[sizeof(double)];
double __val;
union __long_double_u {
unsigned char __dummy[sizeof(long double)];
long double __val;
#include <machine/math.h> /* may use __float_u, __double_u,
or __long_double_u */
#define __fpmacro_unary_floating(__name, __arg0) \
/* LINTED */ \
((sizeof (__arg0) == sizeof (float)) \
? __ ## __name ## f (__arg0) \
: (sizeof (__arg0) == sizeof (double)) \
? __ ## __name ## d (__arg0) \
: __ ## __name ## l (__arg0))
#define __fpmacro_unary_floating(__name, __arg0) \
/* LINTED */ \
((sizeof (__arg0) == sizeof (float)) \
? __ ## __name ## f (__arg0) \
: __ ## __name ## d (__arg0))
#endif /* __HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(3, 3)
#define HUGE_VAL __builtin_huge_val()
extern const union __double_u __infinity;
#define HUGE_VAL __infinity.__val
* ISO C99
#if !defined(_ANSI_SOURCE) && !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) && \
!defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || \
((__STDC_VERSION__ - 0) >= 199901L) || \
((_POSIX_C_SOURCE - 0) >= 200112L) || \
((_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) >= 600) || \
defined(_ISOC99_SOURCE) || defined(_NETBSD_SOURCE)
#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(3, 3)
#define HUGE_VALF __builtin_huge_valf()
#define HUGE_VALL __builtin_huge_vall()
extern const union __float_u __infinityf;
#define HUGE_VALF __infinityf.__val
extern const union __long_double_u __infinityl;
#define HUGE_VALL __infinityl.__val
/* 7.12#4 INFINITY */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(3, 3)
#define INFINITY __builtin_inff()
#elif defined(__INFINITY)
#define INFINITY __INFINITY /* float constant which overflows */
#define INFINITY HUGE_VALF /* positive infinity */
#endif /* __INFINITY */
/* 7.12#5 NAN: a quiet NaN, if supported */
#ifdef __HAVE_NANF
#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(3,3)
#define NAN __builtin_nanf("")
extern const union __float_u __nanf;
#define NAN __nanf.__val
#endif /* __HAVE_NANF */
/* 7.12#6 number classification macros */
#define FP_INFINITE 0x00
#define FP_NAN 0x01
#define FP_NORMAL 0x02
#define FP_SUBNORMAL 0x03
#define FP_ZERO 0x04
/* NetBSD extensions */
#define _FP_LOMD 0x80 /* range for machine-specific classes */
#define _FP_HIMD 0xff
#endif /* !_ANSI_SOURCE && ... */
#if defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || defined(_NETBSD_SOURCE)
#define M_E 2.7182818284590452354 /* e */
#define M_LOG2E 1.4426950408889634074 /* log 2e */
#define M_LOG10E 0.43429448190325182765 /* log 10e */
#define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 /* log e2 */
#define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568402 /* log e10 */
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* pi */
#define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 /* pi/2 */
#define M_PI_4 0.78539816339744830962 /* pi/4 */
#define M_1_PI 0.31830988618379067154 /* 1/pi */
#define M_2_PI 0.63661977236758134308 /* 2/pi */
#define M_2_SQRTPI 1.12837916709551257390 /* 2/sqrt(pi) */
#define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 /* sqrt(2) */
#define M_SQRT1_2 0.70710678118654752440 /* 1/sqrt(2) */
#define MAXFLOAT ((float)3.40282346638528860e+38)
extern int signgam;
#if defined(_NETBSD_SOURCE)
enum fdversion {fdlibm_ieee = -1, fdlibm_svid, fdlibm_xopen, fdlibm_posix};
#define _LIB_VERSION_TYPE enum fdversion
#define _LIB_VERSION _fdlib_version
/* if global variable _LIB_VERSION is not desirable, one may
* change the following to be a constant by:
* #define _LIB_VERSION_TYPE const enum version
* In that case, after one initializes the value _LIB_VERSION (see
* s_lib_version.c) during compile time, it cannot be modified
* in the middle of a program
#define _IEEE_ fdlibm_ieee
#define _SVID_ fdlibm_svid
#define _XOPEN_ fdlibm_xopen
#define _POSIX_ fdlibm_posix
#ifndef __cplusplus
struct exception {
int type;
const char *name;
double arg1;
double arg2;
double retval;
* set X_TLOSS = pi*2**52, which is possibly defined in <values.h>
* (one may replace the following line by "#include <values.h>")
#define X_TLOSS 1.41484755040568800000e+16
#define DOMAIN 1
#define SING 2
#define OVERFLOW 3
#define UNDERFLOW 4
#define TLOSS 5
#define PLOSS 6
#endif /* _NETBSD_SOURCE */
double acos(double);
double asin(double);
double atan(double);
double atan2(double, double);
double cos(double);
double sin(double);
double tan(double);
double cosh(double);
double sinh(double);
double tanh(double);
double exp(double);
double exp2(double);
double frexp(double, int *);
double ldexp(double, int);
double log(double);
double log2(double);
double log10(double);
double modf(double, double *);
double pow(double, double);
double sqrt(double);
double ceil(double);
double fabs(double);
double floor(double);
double fmod(double, double);
#if defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || defined(_NETBSD_SOURCE)
double erf(double);
double erfc(double);
double gamma(double);
double hypot(double, double);
int finite(double);
double j0(double);
double j1(double);
double jn(int, double);
double lgamma(double);
double y0(double);
double y1(double);
double yn(int, double);
#if (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) >= 500 || defined(_NETBSD_SOURCE)
double acosh(double);
double asinh(double);
double atanh(double);
double cbrt(double);
double expm1(double);
int ilogb(double);
double log1p(double);
double logb(double);
double nextafter(double, double);
double remainder(double, double);
double rint(double);
double scalb(double, double);
#endif /* (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) >= 500 || defined(_NETBSD_SOURCE)*/
* ISO C99
#if !defined(_ANSI_SOURCE) && !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) && \
!defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || \
((__STDC_VERSION__ - 0) >= 199901L) || \
((_POSIX_C_SOURCE - 0) >= 200112L) || \
((_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) >= 600) || \
defined(_ISOC99_SOURCE) || defined(_NETBSD_SOURCE)
/* int fpclassify(real-floating x) */
#define fpclassify(__x) __fpmacro_unary_floating(fpclassify, __x)
/* int isfinite(real-floating x) */
#define isfinite(__x) __fpmacro_unary_floating(isfinite, __x)
/* int isnormal(real-floating x) */
#define isnormal(__x) (fpclassify(__x) == FP_NORMAL)
/* int signbit(real-floating x) */
#define signbit(__x) __fpmacro_unary_floating(signbit, __x)
/* 7.12.4 trigonometric */
float acosf(float);
float asinf(float);
float atanf(float);
float atan2f(float, float);
float cosf(float);
float sinf(float);
float tanf(float);
/* 7.12.5 hyperbolic */
float acoshf(float);
float asinhf(float);
float atanhf(float);
float coshf(float);
float sinhf(float);
float tanhf(float);
/* 7.12.6 exp / log */
float expf(float);
float exp2f(float);
float expm1f(float);
float frexpf(float, int *);
int ilogbf(float);
float ldexpf(float, int);
float logf(float);
float log2f(float);
float log10f(float);
float log1pf(float);
float logbf(float);
float modff(float, float *);
float scalbnf(float, int);
/* 7.12.7 power / absolute */
float cbrtf(float);
float fabsf(float);
long double fabsl(long double);
float hypotf(float, float);
float powf(float, float);
float sqrtf(float);
/* 7.12.8 error / gamma */
float erff(float);
float erfcf(float);
float lgammaf(float);
/* 7.12.9 nearest integer */
float ceilf(float);
float floorf(float);
float rintf(float);
double round(double);
float roundf(float);
double trunc(double);
float truncf(float);
long int lrint(double);
long int lrintf(float);
long long int llrint(double);
long long int llrintf(float);
long int lround(double);
long int lroundf(float);
long long int llround(double);
long long int llroundf(float);
/* 7.12.10 remainder */
float fmodf(float, float);
float remainderf(float, float);
/* 7.12.11 manipulation */
float copysignf(float, float);
long double copysignl(long double, long double);
double nan(const char *);
float nanf(const char *);
long double nanl(const char *);
float nextafterf(float, float);
long double nextafterl(long double, long double);
double nexttoward(double, long double);
/* 7.12.14 comparison */
#define isunordered(x, y) (isnan(x) || isnan(y))
#define isgreater(x, y) (!isunordered((x), (y)) && (x) > (y))
#define isgreaterequal(x, y) (!isunordered((x), (y)) && (x) >= (y))
#define isless(x, y) (!isunordered((x), (y)) && (x) < (y))
#define islessequal(x, y) (!isunordered((x), (y)) && (x) <= (y))
#define islessgreater(x, y) (!isunordered((x), (y)) && \
((x) > (y) || (y) > (x)))
double fdim(double, double);
double fmax(double, double);
double fmin(double, double);
float fdimf(float, float);
float fmaxf(float, float);
float fminf(float, float);
long double fdiml(long double, long double);
long double fmaxl(long double, long double);
long double fminl(long double, long double);
#endif /* !_ANSI_SOURCE && ... */
#if !defined(_ANSI_SOURCE) && !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || \
!defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || \
((__STDC_VERSION__ - 0) >= 199901L) || \
((_POSIX_C_SOURCE - 0) >= 200112L) || \
defined(_ISOC99_SOURCE) || defined(_NETBSD_SOURCE)
/* int isinf(real-floating x) */
#ifdef __isinf
#define isinf(__x) __isinf(__x)
#define isinf(__x) __fpmacro_unary_floating(isinf, __x)
/* int isnan(real-floating x) */
#ifdef __isnan
#define isnan(__x) __isnan(__x)
#define isnan(__x) __fpmacro_unary_floating(isnan, __x)
#endif /* !_ANSI_SOURCE && ... */
#if defined(_NETBSD_SOURCE)
#ifndef __cplusplus
int matherr(struct exception *);
* IEEE Test Vector
double significand(double);
* Functions callable from C, intended to support IEEE arithmetic.
double copysign(double, double);
double scalbn(double, int);
* BSD math library entry points
double drem(double, double);
#endif /* _NETBSD_SOURCE */
#if defined(_NETBSD_SOURCE) || defined(_REENTRANT)
* Reentrant version of gamma & lgamma; passes signgam back by reference
* as the second argument; user must allocate space for signgam.
double gamma_r(double, int *);
double lgamma_r(double, int *);
#if defined(_NETBSD_SOURCE)
/* float versions of ANSI/POSIX functions */
float gammaf(float);
int isinff(float);
int isnanf(float);
int finitef(float);
float j0f(float);
float j1f(float);
float jnf(int, float);
float y0f(float);
float y1f(float);
float ynf(int, float);
float scalbf(float, float);
* float version of IEEE Test Vector
float significandf(float);
* float versions of BSD math library entry points
float dremf(float, float);
#endif /* _NETBSD_SOURCE */
#if defined(_NETBSD_SOURCE) || defined(_REENTRANT)
* Float versions of reentrant version of gamma & lgamma; passes
* signgam back by reference as the second argument; user must
* allocate space for signgam.
float gammaf_r(float, int *);
float lgammaf_r(float, int *);
#endif /* !... || _REENTRANT */
* Library implementation
int __fpclassifyf(float);
int __fpclassifyd(double);
int __isfinitef(float);
int __isfinited(double);
int __isinff(float);
int __isinfd(double);
int __isnanf(float);
int __isnand(double);
int __signbitf(float);
int __signbitd(double);
int __fpclassifyl(long double);
int __isfinitel(long double);
int __isinfl(long double);
int __isnanl(long double);
int __signbitl(long double);
#endif /* _MATH_H_ */