Lionel Sambuc 4684ddb6aa LLVM Minix changes
- import libcxx
 - reduce targets to the one when compiled as a tools

Change-Id: Iabb8427f80ff8e89463559a28bcb8b4f2bdbc496
2014-07-28 17:05:59 +02:00

131 lines
1.8 KiB

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2013/11/28 13:47:29 joerg Exp $
.include <>
.PATH: ${LIBCXX_SRCDIR}/include/experimental
.PATH: ${LIBCXX_SRCDIR}/include/ext
INCS= __bit_reference \
__config \
__debug \
__functional_03 \
__functional_base \
__functional_base_03 \
__hash_table \
__locale \
__mutex_base \
__split_buffer \
__sso_allocator \
__std_stream \
__tree \
__tuple \
__tuple_03 \
__undef_min_max \
algorithm \
array \
atomic \
bitset \
cassert \
ccomplex \
cctype \
cerrno \
cfenv \
cfloat \
chrono \
cinttypes \
ciso646 \
climits \
clocale \
cmath \
codecvt \
complex \
complex.h \
condition_variable \
csetjmp \
csignal \
cstdarg \
cstdbool \
cstddef \
cstdint \
cstdio \
cstdlib \
cstring \
ctgmath \
ctime \
cwchar \
cwctype \
deque \
dynarray \
exception \
forward_list \
fstream \
functional \
future \
initializer_list \
iomanip \
ios \
iosfwd \
iostream \
istream \
iterator \
limits \
list \
locale \
map \
memory \
mutex \
new \
numeric \
optional \
ostream \
queue \
random \
ratio \
regex \
scoped_allocator \
set \
shared_mutex \
sstream \
stack \
stdexcept \
streambuf \
string \
strstream \
system_error \
tgmath.h \
thread \
tuple \
typeindex \
typeinfo \
type_traits \
unordered_map \
unordered_set \
utility \
valarray \
vector \
__hash \
hash_map \
INCS+= cxxabi.h
INCSDIR= /usr/include/c++
.for f in __hash hash_map hash_set
INCSDIR_${f}= /usr/include/c++/ext
.for f in dynarray optional
INCSDIR_${f}= /usr/include/c++/experimental
cxxabi.h: ${LIBCXXRT_SRCDIR}/src/cxxabi.h
cp ${LIBCXXRT_SRCDIR}/src/cxxabi.h .
DPSRCS+= cxxabi.h
CLEANFILES+= cxxabi.h
.include <>
.include <>
.include <>