Tomas Hruby 728f0f0c49 Removal of the system task
* Userspace change to use the new kernel calls

	- _taskcall(SYSTASK...) changed to _kernel_call(...)

	- int 32 reused for the kernel calls

	- _do_kernel_call() to make the trap to kernel

	- kernel_call() to make the actuall kernel call from C using

	- unlike ipc call the kernel call always succeeds as kernel is
	  always available, however, kernel may return an error

* Kernel side implementation of kernel calls

	- the SYSTEm task does not run, only the proc table entry is

	- every data_copy(SYSTEM is no data_copy(KERNEL

	- "locking" is an empty operation now as everything runs in

	- sys_task() is replaced by kernel_call() which copies the
	  message into kernel, dispatches the call to its handler and
	  finishes by either copying the results back to userspace (if
	  need be) or by suspending the process because of VM

	- suspended processes are later made runnable once the memory
	  issue is resolved, picked up by the scheduler and only at
	  this time the call is resumed (in fact restarted) which does
	  not need to copy the message from userspace as the message
	  is already saved in the process structure.

	- no ned for the vmrestart queue, the scheduler will restart
	  the system calls

	- no special case in do_vmctl(), all requests remove the
2010-02-09 15:20:09 +00:00

253 lines
12 KiB

/* Prototypes for system library functions. */
#ifndef _SYSLIB_H
#define _SYSLIB_H
#ifndef _TYPES_H
#include <minix/types.h>
#ifndef _IPC_H
#include <minix/ipc.h>
#include <minix/u64.h>
#ifndef _DEVIO_H
#include <minix/devio.h>
#include <minix/safecopies.h>
#include <minix/sef.h>
/* Forward declaration */
struct reg86u;
struct rs_pci;
* Minix system library. *
_PROTOTYPE( int _taskcall, (endpoint_t who, int syscallnr, message *msgptr));
_PROTOTYPE( int _kernel_call, (int syscallnr, message *msgptr));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_abort, (int how, ...));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_enable_iop, (endpoint_t proc_ep));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_exec, (endpoint_t proc_ep, char *ptr,
char *aout, vir_bytes initpc));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_fork, (endpoint_t parent, endpoint_t child, endpoint_t *,
struct mem_map *ptr, u32_t vm, vir_bytes *));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_newmap, (endpoint_t proc_ep, struct mem_map *ptr));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_exit, (endpoint_t proc_ep));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_trace, (int req, endpoint_t proc_ep, long addr, long *data_p));
/* Shorthands for sys_runctl() system call. */
#define sys_stop(proc_ep) sys_runctl(proc_ep, RC_STOP, 0)
#define sys_delay_stop(proc_ep) sys_runctl(proc_ep, RC_STOP, RC_DELAY)
#define sys_resume(proc_ep) sys_runctl(proc_ep, RC_RESUME, 0)
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_runctl, (endpoint_t proc_ep, int action, int flags));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_privctl, (endpoint_t proc_ep, int req, void *p));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_privquery_mem, (endpoint_t proc_ep,
phys_bytes physstart, phys_bytes physlen));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_setgrant, (cp_grant_t *grants, int ngrants));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_nice, (endpoint_t proc_ep, int priority));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_int86, (struct reg86u *reg86p));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_vm_setbuf, (phys_bytes base, phys_bytes size,
phys_bytes high));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_vm_map, (endpoint_t proc_ep, int do_map,
phys_bytes base, phys_bytes size, phys_bytes offset));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_vmctl, (endpoint_t who, int param, u32_t value));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_vmctl_get_pagefault_i386, (endpoint_t *who, u32_t *cr2, u32_t *err));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_vmctl_get_cr3_i386, (endpoint_t who, u32_t *cr3) );
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_vmctl_get_memreq, (endpoint_t *who, vir_bytes *mem,
vir_bytes *len, int *wrflag, endpoint_t *who_s, vir_bytes *mem_s,
endpoint_t *) );
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_vmctl_enable_paging, (struct mem_map *));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_readbios, (phys_bytes address, void *buf, size_t size));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_stime, (time_t boottime));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_sysctl, (int ctl, char *arg1, int arg2));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_sysctl_stacktrace, (endpoint_t who));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_vmctl_get_mapping, (int index, phys_bytes *addr,
phys_bytes *len, int *flags));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_vmctl_reply_mapping, (int index, vir_bytes addr));
/* Shorthands for sys_sdevio() system call. */
#define sys_insb(port, proc_ep, buffer, count) \
sys_sdevio(DIO_INPUT_BYTE, port, proc_ep, buffer, count, 0)
#define sys_insw(port, proc_ep, buffer, count) \
sys_sdevio(DIO_INPUT_WORD, port, proc_ep, buffer, count, 0)
#define sys_outsb(port, proc_ep, buffer, count) \
sys_sdevio(DIO_OUTPUT_BYTE, port, proc_ep, buffer, count, 0)
#define sys_outsw(port, proc_ep, buffer, count) \
sys_sdevio(DIO_OUTPUT_WORD, port, proc_ep, buffer, count, 0)
#define sys_safe_insb(port, ept, grant, offset, count) \
sys_sdevio(DIO_SAFE_INPUT_BYTE, port, ept, (void*)grant, count, offset)
#define sys_safe_outsb(port, ept, grant, offset, count) \
sys_sdevio(DIO_SAFE_OUTPUT_BYTE, port, ept, (void*)grant, count, offset)
#define sys_safe_insw(port, ept, grant, offset, count) \
sys_sdevio(DIO_SAFE_INPUT_WORD, port, ept, (void*)grant, count, offset)
#define sys_safe_outsw(port, ept, grant, offset, count) \
sys_sdevio(DIO_SAFE_OUTPUT_WORD, port, ept, (void*)grant, count, offset)
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_sdevio, (int req, long port, endpoint_t proc_ep,
void *buffer, int count, vir_bytes offset));
_PROTOTYPE(void *alloc_contig, (size_t len, int flags, phys_bytes *phys));
#define AC_ALIGN4K 0x01
#define AC_LOWER16M 0x02
#define AC_ALIGN64K 0x04
#define AC_LOWER1M 0x08
/* Clock functionality: get system times, (un)schedule an alarm call, or
* retrieve/set a process-virtual timer.
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_times, (endpoint_t proc_ep, clock_t *user_time,
clock_t *sys_time, clock_t *uptime, time_t *boottime));
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_setalarm, (clock_t exp_time, int abs_time));
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_vtimer, (endpoint_t proc_nr, int which, clock_t *newval,
clock_t *oldval));
/* Shorthands for sys_irqctl() system call. */
#define sys_irqdisable(hook_id) \
sys_irqctl(IRQ_DISABLE, 0, 0, hook_id)
#define sys_irqenable(hook_id) \
sys_irqctl(IRQ_ENABLE, 0, 0, hook_id)
#define sys_irqsetpolicy(irq_vec, policy, hook_id) \
sys_irqctl(IRQ_SETPOLICY, irq_vec, policy, hook_id)
#define sys_irqrmpolicy(hook_id) \
sys_irqctl(IRQ_RMPOLICY, 0, 0, hook_id)
_PROTOTYPE ( int sys_irqctl, (int request, int irq_vec, int policy,
int *irq_hook_id) );
/* Shorthands for sys_vircopy() and sys_physcopy() system calls. */
#define sys_biosin(bios_vir, dst_vir, bytes) \
sys_vircopy(SELF, BIOS_SEG, bios_vir, SELF, D, dst_vir, bytes)
#define sys_biosout(src_vir, bios_vir, bytes) \
sys_vircopy(SELF, D, src_vir, SELF, BIOS_SEG, bios_vir, bytes)
#define sys_datacopy(src_proc, src_vir, dst_proc, dst_vir, bytes) \
sys_vircopy(src_proc, D, src_vir, dst_proc, D, dst_vir, bytes)
#define sys_textcopy(src_proc, src_vir, dst_proc, dst_vir, bytes) \
sys_vircopy(src_proc, T, src_vir, dst_proc, T, dst_vir, bytes)
#define sys_stackcopy(src_proc, src_vir, dst_proc, dst_vir, bytes) \
sys_vircopy(src_proc, S, src_vir, dst_proc, S, dst_vir, bytes)
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_vircopy, (endpoint_t src_proc, int src_s, vir_bytes src_v,
endpoint_t dst_proc, int dst_seg, vir_bytes dst_vir, phys_bytes bytes));
#define sys_abscopy(src_phys, dst_phys, bytes) \
sys_physcopy(NONE, PHYS_SEG, src_phys, NONE, PHYS_SEG, dst_phys, bytes)
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_physcopy, (endpoint_t src_proc, int src_seg, vir_bytes src_vir,
endpoint_t dst_proc, int dst_seg, vir_bytes dst_vir, phys_bytes bytes));
/* Grant-based copy functions. */
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_safecopyfrom, (endpoint_t source, cp_grant_id_t grant,
vir_bytes grant_offset, vir_bytes my_address, size_t bytes, int my_seg));
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_safecopyto, (endpoint_t dest, cp_grant_id_t grant,
vir_bytes grant_offset, vir_bytes my_address, size_t bytes, int my_seg));
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_vsafecopy, (struct vscp_vec *copyvec, int elements));
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_memset, (unsigned long pattern,
phys_bytes base, phys_bytes bytes));
/* Grant-based map functions. */
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_safemap, (endpoint_t grantor, cp_grant_id_t grant,
vir_bytes grant_offset, vir_bytes my_address, size_t bytes, int my_seg,
int writable));
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_saferevmap_gid, (cp_grant_id_t grant));
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_saferevmap_addr, (vir_bytes addr));
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_safeunmap, (int my_seg, vir_bytes my_address));
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_umap, (endpoint_t proc_ep, int seg, vir_bytes vir_addr,
vir_bytes bytes, phys_bytes *phys_addr));
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_umap_data_fb, (endpoint_t proc_ep, vir_bytes vir_addr,
vir_bytes bytes, phys_bytes *phys_addr));
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_segctl, (int *index, u16_t *seg, vir_bytes *off,
phys_bytes phys, vir_bytes size));
/* Shorthands for sys_getinfo() system call. */
#define sys_getkmessages(dst) sys_getinfo(GET_KMESSAGES, dst, 0,0,0)
#define sys_getkinfo(dst) sys_getinfo(GET_KINFO, dst, 0,0,0)
#define sys_getloadinfo(dst) sys_getinfo(GET_LOADINFO, dst, 0,0,0)
#define sys_getmachine(dst) sys_getinfo(GET_MACHINE, dst, 0,0,0)
#define sys_getproctab(dst) sys_getinfo(GET_PROCTAB, dst, 0,0,0)
#define sys_getprivtab(dst) sys_getinfo(GET_PRIVTAB, dst, 0,0,0)
#define sys_getproc(dst,nr) sys_getinfo(GET_PROC, dst, 0,0, nr)
#define sys_getrandomness(dst) sys_getinfo(GET_RANDOMNESS, dst, 0,0,0)
#define sys_getrandom_bin(d,b) sys_getinfo(GET_RANDOMNESS_BIN, d, 0,0,b)
#define sys_getimage(dst) sys_getinfo(GET_IMAGE, dst, 0,0,0)
#define sys_getirqhooks(dst) sys_getinfo(GET_IRQHOOKS, dst, 0,0,0)
#define sys_getirqactids(dst) sys_getinfo(GET_IRQACTIDS, dst, 0,0,0)
#define sys_getmonparams(v,vl) sys_getinfo(GET_MONPARAMS, v,vl, 0,0)
#define sys_getschedinfo(v1,v2) sys_getinfo(GET_SCHEDINFO, v1,0, v2,0)
#define sys_getlocktimings(dst) sys_getinfo(GET_LOCKTIMING, dst, 0,0,0)
#define sys_getpriv(dst, nr) sys_getinfo(GET_PRIV, dst, 0,0, nr)
#define sys_getidletsc(dst) sys_getinfo(GET_IDLETSC, dst, 0,0,0)
#define sys_getaoutheader(dst,nr) sys_getinfo(GET_AOUTHEADER, dst, 0,0,nr)
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_getinfo, (int request, void *val_ptr, int val_len,
void *val_ptr2, int val_len2) );
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_whoami, (endpoint_t *ep, char *name, int namelen));
/* Signal control. */
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_kill, (endpoint_t proc_ep, int sig) );
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_sigsend, (endpoint_t proc_ep, struct sigmsg *sig_ctxt) );
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_sigreturn, (endpoint_t proc_ep, struct sigmsg *sig_ctxt) );
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_getksig, (endpoint_t *proc_ep, sigset_t *k_sig_map) );
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_endksig, (endpoint_t proc_ep) );
/* NOTE: two different approaches were used to distinguish the device I/O
* types 'byte', 'word', 'long': the latter uses #define and results in a
* smaller implementation, but looses the static type checking.
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_voutb, (pvb_pair_t *pvb_pairs, int nr_ports) );
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_voutw, (pvw_pair_t *pvw_pairs, int nr_ports) );
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_voutl, (pvl_pair_t *pvl_pairs, int nr_ports) );
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_vinb, (pvb_pair_t *pvb_pairs, int nr_ports) );
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_vinw, (pvw_pair_t *pvw_pairs, int nr_ports) );
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_vinl, (pvl_pair_t *pvl_pairs, int nr_ports) );
/* Shorthands for sys_out() system call. */
#define sys_outb(p,v) sys_out((p), (unsigned long) (v), _DIO_BYTE)
#define sys_outw(p,v) sys_out((p), (unsigned long) (v), _DIO_WORD)
#define sys_outl(p,v) sys_out((p), (unsigned long) (v), _DIO_LONG)
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_out, (int port, unsigned long value, int type) );
/* Shorthands for sys_in() system call. */
#define sys_inb(p,v) sys_in((p), (v), _DIO_BYTE)
#define sys_inw(p,v) sys_in((p), (v), _DIO_WORD)
#define sys_inl(p,v) sys_in((p), (v), _DIO_LONG)
_PROTOTYPE(int sys_in, (int port, unsigned long *value, int type) );
/* pci.c */
_PROTOTYPE( void pci_init, (void) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pci_init1, (char *name) );
_PROTOTYPE( int pci_first_dev, (int *devindp, u16_t *vidp, u16_t *didp) );
_PROTOTYPE( int pci_next_dev, (int *devindp, u16_t *vidp, u16_t *didp) );
_PROTOTYPE( int pci_find_dev, (U8_t bus, U8_t dev, U8_t func,
int *devindp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pci_reserve, (int devind) );
_PROTOTYPE( int pci_reserve_ok, (int devind) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pci_ids, (int devind, u16_t *vidp, u16_t *didp) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pci_rescan_bus, (U8_t busnr) );
_PROTOTYPE( u8_t pci_attr_r8, (int devind, int port) );
_PROTOTYPE( u16_t pci_attr_r16, (int devind, int port) );
_PROTOTYPE( u32_t pci_attr_r32, (int devind, int port) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pci_attr_w8, (int devind, int port, U8_t value) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pci_attr_w16, (int devind, int port, U16_t value) );
_PROTOTYPE( void pci_attr_w32, (int devind, int port, u32_t value) );
_PROTOTYPE( char *pci_dev_name, (U16_t vid, U16_t did) );
_PROTOTYPE( char *pci_slot_name, (int devind) );
_PROTOTYPE( int pci_set_acl, (struct rs_pci *rs_pci) );
_PROTOTYPE( int pci_del_acl, (endpoint_t proc_ep) );
/* Profiling. */
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_sprof, (int action, int size, int freq,
endpoint_t endpt, void *ctl_ptr, void *mem_ptr) );
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_cprof, (int action, int size, endpoint_t endpt,
void *ctl_ptr, void *mem_ptr) );
_PROTOTYPE( int sys_profbuf, (void *ctl_ptr, void *mem_ptr) );
#endif /* _SYSLIB_H */