Thomas Veerman 48ef79f78d Fix typo
2009-12-21 13:59:04 +00:00

138 lines
3.5 KiB

#include "fs.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <minix/dmap.h>
#include <minix/endpoint.h>
#include <minix/vfsif.h>
#include "buf.h"
#include "inode.h"
#include "drivers.h"
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE(void init_server, (void) );
FORWARD _PROTOTYPE(void get_work, (message *m_in) );
* main *
PUBLIC int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* This is the main routine of this service. The main loop consists of
* three major activities: getting new work, processing the work, and
* sending the reply. The loop never terminates, unless a panic occurs.
int error, ind;
message m;
/* Initialize the server, then go to work. */
while(!exitsignaled || busy) {
endpoint_t src;
/* Wait for request message. */
src = fs_m_in.m_source;
error = OK;
caller_uid = -1; /* To trap errors */
caller_gid = -1;
if (src == PM_PROC_NR) continue; /* Exit signal */
assert(src == VFS_PROC_NR); /* Otherwise this must be VFS talking */
req_nr = fs_m_in.m_type;
if (req_nr < VFS_BASE) {
fs_m_in.m_type += VFS_BASE;
req_nr = fs_m_in.m_type;
ind = req_nr - VFS_BASE;
if (ind < 0 || ind >= NREQS) {
printf("pfs: bad request %d\n", req_nr);
printf("ind = %d\n", ind);
error = EINVAL;
} else {
error = (*fs_call_vec[ind])();
fs_m_out.m_type = error;
reply(src, &fs_m_out);
* init_server *
PRIVATE void init_server(void)
int i;
/* Initialize main loop parameters. */
exitsignaled = 0; /* No exit request seen yet. */
busy = 0; /* Server is not 'busy' (i.e., inodes in use). */
/* Init inode table */
for (i = 0; i < NR_INODES; ++i) {
inode[i].i_count = 0;
cch[i] = 0;
/* Init driver mapping */
for (i = 0; i < NR_DEVICES; ++i)
driver_endpoints[i].driver_e = NONE;
SELF_E = getprocnr();
* get_work *
PRIVATE void get_work(m_in)
message *m_in; /* pointer to message */
int r, srcok = 0;
endpoint_t src;
do {
if ((r = receive(ANY, m_in)) != OK) /* wait for message */
panic("PFS","receive failed", r);
src = fs_m_in.m_source;
if (src != VFS_PROC_NR) {
if(src == PM_PROC_NR) {
if(is_notify(fs_m_in.m_type)) {
exitsignaled = 1; /* Normal exit request. */
srcok = 1;
} else
printf("PFS: unexpected message from PM\n");
} else
printf("PFS: unexpected source %d\n", src);
} else if(src == VFS_PROC_NR) {
srcok = 1; /* Normal FS request. */
} else
printf("PFS: unexpected source %d\n", src);
} while(!srcok);
assert( src == VFS_PROC_NR ||
(src == PM_PROC_NR && is_notify(fs_m_in.m_type))
* reply *
PUBLIC void reply(who, m_out)
int who;
message *m_out; /* report result */
if (OK != send(who, m_out)) /* send the message */
printf("PFS(%d) was unable to send reply\n", SELF_E);