David van Moolenbroek 44d3230e40 For common calls, give servers unique call numbers
The getsysinfo(2), getrusage(2), and svrctl(2) calls used the same
call number to different services. Since we want to give each service
its own call number ranges, this is no longer tenable. This patch
introduces per-service call numbers for these calls.

Note that the remainder of the COMMON_ range is left intact, as these
the remaining requests in it are processed by SEF and thus server-
agnostic. The range should really be prefixed with SEF_ now.

Change-Id: I80d728bbeb98227359c525494c433965b40fefc3
2014-03-01 09:05:00 +01:00

354 lines
12 KiB

#ifndef __VFS_PROTO_H__
#define __VFS_PROTO_H__
/* Function prototypes. */
#include <minix/rs.h>
#include <minix/timers.h>
#include "request.h"
#include "threads.h"
#include "tll.h"
/* Structs used in prototypes must be declared as such first. */
struct filp;
struct fproc;
struct timespec;
struct vmnt;
struct vnode;
struct lookup;
struct worker_thread;
struct job;
/* comm.c */
int drv_sendrec(endpoint_t drv_e, message *reqm);
void fs_cancel(struct vmnt *vmp);
int fs_sendrec(endpoint_t fs_e, message *reqm);
void fs_sendmore(struct vmnt *vmp);
void send_work(void);
/* device.c */
int cdev_open(dev_t dev, int flags);
int cdev_close(dev_t dev);
int cdev_io(int op, dev_t dev, endpoint_t proc_e, void *buf, off_t pos,
unsigned long bytes, int flags);
int cdev_select(dev_t dev, int ops);
int cdev_cancel(dev_t dev);
void cdev_reply(void);
int bdev_open(dev_t dev, int access);
int bdev_close(dev_t dev);
void bdev_reply(void);
void bdev_up(int major);
int do_ioctl(message *m_out);
/* dmap.c */
void lock_dmap(struct dmap *dp);
void unlock_dmap(struct dmap *dp);
int do_mapdriver(message *m_out);
void init_dmap(void);
int dmap_driver_match(endpoint_t proc, int major);
void dmap_endpt_up(endpoint_t proc_nr, int is_blk);
struct dmap *get_dmap(endpoint_t proc_e);
struct dmap *get_dmap_by_major(int major);
void dmap_unmap_by_endpt(endpoint_t proc_nr);
int map_service(struct rprocpub *rpub);
/* elf_core_dump.c */
void write_elf_core_file(struct filp *f, int csig, char *exe_name);
/* exec.c */
int pm_exec(vir_bytes path, size_t path_len, vir_bytes frame, size_t frame_len,
vir_bytes *pc, vir_bytes *newsp, vir_bytes *ps_str, int flags);
/* filedes.c */
void check_filp_locks(void);
void check_filp_locks_by_me(void);
void init_filps(void);
struct filp *find_filp(struct vnode *vp, mode_t bits);
int get_fd(struct fproc *rfp, int start, mode_t bits, int *k,
struct filp **fpt);
struct filp *get_filp(int fild, tll_access_t locktype);
struct filp *get_filp2(struct fproc *rfp, int fild, tll_access_t locktype);
void lock_filp(struct filp *filp, tll_access_t locktype);
void unlock_filp(struct filp *filp);
void unlock_filps(struct filp *filp1, struct filp *filp2);
void invalidate_filp(struct filp *);
void invalidate_filp_by_endpt(endpoint_t proc_e);
void invalidate_filp_by_char_major(int major);
void close_filp(struct filp *fp);
int do_copyfd(message *m_out);
/* fscall.c */
void nested_fs_call(message *m);
/* link.c */
int do_link(message *m_out);
int do_unlink(message *m_out);
int do_rename(message *m_out);
int do_truncate(message *m_out);
int do_ftruncate(message *m_out);
int truncate_vnode(struct vnode *vp, off_t newsize);
int rdlink_direct(char *orig_path, char *link_path, struct fproc *rfp);
/* lock.c */
int lock_op(struct filp *f, int req);
void lock_revive(void);
/* main.c */
int main(void);
void lock_proc(struct fproc *rfp);
void unlock_proc(struct fproc *rfp);
void reply(message *m_out, endpoint_t whom, int result);
void replycode(endpoint_t whom, int result);
void service_pm_postponed(void);
void thread_cleanup(void);
/* misc.c */
void pm_exit(void);
int do_fcntl(message *m_out);
void pm_fork(endpoint_t pproc, endpoint_t cproc, pid_t cpid);
void pm_setgid(endpoint_t proc_e, int egid, int rgid);
void pm_setuid(endpoint_t proc_e, int euid, int ruid);
void pm_setgroups(endpoint_t proc_e, int ngroups, gid_t *addr);
void pm_setsid(endpoint_t proc_e);
int do_sync(message *m_out);
int do_fsync(message *m_out);
void pm_reboot(void);
int do_svrctl(message *m_out);
int do_getsysinfo(message *m_out);
int do_vm_call(message *m_out);
int pm_dumpcore(int sig, vir_bytes exe_name);
void ds_event(void);
int dupvm(struct fproc *fp, int pfd, int *vmfd, struct filp **f);
int do_getrusage(message *m_out);
/* mount.c */
int do_fsready(message *m_out);
int do_mount(message *m_out);
int do_umount(message *m_out);
int is_nonedev(dev_t dev);
void mount_pfs(void);
int mount_fs(dev_t dev, char mount_dev[PATH_MAX], char mount_path[PATH_MAX],
endpoint_t fs_e, int rdonly, char mount_type[FSTYPE_MAX],
char mount_label[LABEL_MAX]);
int unmount(dev_t dev, char label[LABEL_MAX]);
void unmount_all(int force);
/* open.c */
int do_close(message *m_out);
int close_fd(struct fproc *rfp, int fd_nr);
int common_open(char path[PATH_MAX], int oflags, mode_t omode);
int do_creat(void);
int do_lseek(message *m_out);
int do_mknod(message *m_out);
int do_mkdir(message *m_out);
int do_open(message *m_out);
int do_slink(message *m_out);
int actual_llseek(struct fproc *rfp, message *m_out, int seekfd,
int seekwhence, off_t offset);
int do_vm_open(void);
int do_vm_close(void);
/* path.c */
struct vnode *advance(struct vnode *dirp, struct lookup *resolve, struct
fproc *rfp);
struct vnode *eat_path(struct lookup *resolve, struct fproc *rfp);
struct vnode *last_dir(struct lookup *resolve, struct fproc *rfp);
void lookup_init(struct lookup *resolve, char *path, int flags, struct
vmnt **vmp, struct vnode **vp);
int get_name(struct vnode *dirp, struct vnode *entry, char *_name);
int canonical_path(char *orig_path, struct fproc *rfp);
int do_checkperms(message *m_out);
/* pipe.c */
int do_pipe(message *m_out);
int do_pipe2(message *m_out);
int map_vnode(struct vnode *vp, endpoint_t fs_e);
void unpause(void);
int pipe_check(struct filp *filp, int rw_flag, int oflags, int bytes,
int notouch);
void release(struct vnode *vp, int op, int count);
void revive(endpoint_t proc_e, int returned);
void suspend(int why);
void pipe_suspend(struct filp *rfilp, char *buf, size_t size);
void unsuspend_by_endpt(endpoint_t proc_e);
void wait_for(endpoint_t proc_e);
/* protect.c */
int do_access(message *m_out);
int do_chmod(message *m_out);
int do_chown(message *m_out);
int do_umask(message *m_out);
int forbidden(struct fproc *rfp, struct vnode *vp, mode_t
int read_only(struct vnode *vp);
/* read.c */
int do_read(message *m_out);
int do_getdents(message *m_out);
void lock_bsf(void);
void unlock_bsf(void);
void check_bsf_lock(void);
int do_read_write_peek(int rw_flag, int fd, char *buf, size_t bytes);
int actual_read_write_peek(struct fproc *rfp, int rw_flag, int fd, char *buf,
size_t bytes);
int read_write(struct fproc *rfp, int rw_flag, struct filp *f, char *buffer,
size_t nbytes, endpoint_t for_e);
int rw_pipe(int rw_flag, endpoint_t usr, struct filp *f, char *buf,
size_t req_size);
/* request.c */
int req_breadwrite(endpoint_t fs_e, endpoint_t user_e, dev_t dev, off_t pos,
unsigned int num_of_bytes, vir_bytes user_addr, int rw_flag,
off_t *new_posp, unsigned int *cum_iop);
int req_chmod(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, mode_t rmode,
mode_t *new_modep);
int req_chown(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, uid_t newuid, gid_t newgid,
mode_t *new_modep);
int req_create(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, int omode, uid_t uid,
gid_t gid, char *path, node_details_t *res);
int req_flush(endpoint_t fs_e, dev_t dev);
int req_statvfs(endpoint_t fs_e, struct statvfs *buf);
int req_ftrunc(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, off_t start, off_t end);
int req_getdents(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, off_t pos, char *buf,
size_t size, off_t *new_pos, int direct);
int req_inhibread(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr);
int req_link(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t link_parent, char *lastc,
ino_t linked_file);
int req_lookup(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t dir_ino, ino_t root_ino, uid_t uid,
gid_t gid, struct lookup *resolve, lookup_res_t *res,
struct fproc *rfp);
int req_mkdir(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, char *lastc, uid_t uid,
gid_t gid, mode_t dmode);
int req_mknod(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, char *lastc, uid_t uid,
gid_t gid, mode_t dmode, dev_t dev);
int req_mountpoint(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr);
int req_newnode(endpoint_t fs_e, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, mode_t dmode,
dev_t dev, struct node_details *res);
int req_putnode(int fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, int count);
int req_rdlink(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, endpoint_t proc_e,
vir_bytes buf, size_t len, int direct);
int req_readsuper(struct vmnt *vmp, char *driver_name, dev_t dev, int readonly,
int isroot, struct node_details *res_nodep, unsigned int *fs_flags);
int req_readwrite(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, off_t pos, int rw_flag,
endpoint_t user_e, vir_bytes user_addr, unsigned int num_of_bytes,
off_t *new_posp, unsigned int *cum_iop);
int req_bpeek(endpoint_t fs_e, dev_t dev, off_t pos, unsigned int num_of_bytes);
int req_peek(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, off_t pos, unsigned int bytes);
int req_rename(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t old_dir, char *old_name, ino_t new_dir,
char *new_name);
int req_rmdir(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, char *lastc);
int req_slink(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, char *lastc, endpoint_t proc_e,
vir_bytes path_addr, size_t path_length, uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
int req_stat(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, endpoint_t proc_e, vir_bytes buf);
int req_sync(endpoint_t fs_e);
int req_unlink(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, char *lastc);
int req_unmount(endpoint_t fs_e);
int req_utime(endpoint_t fs_e, ino_t inode_nr, struct timespec * actv,
struct timespec * modtv);
int req_newdriver(endpoint_t fs_e, dev_t dev, char *label);
/* stadir.c */
int do_chdir(message *m_out);
int do_fchdir(message *m_out);
int do_chroot(message *m_out);
int do_fstat(message *m_out);
int do_stat(message *m_out);
int do_statvfs(message *m_out);
int do_fstatvfs(message *m_out);
int do_getvfsstat(message *m_out);
int do_rdlink(message *m_out);
int do_lstat(message *m_out);
int update_statvfs(struct vmnt *vmp, struct statvfs *buf);
/* time.c */
int do_utime(message *);
int do_utimens(message *);
/* tll.c */
void tll_downgrade(tll_t *tllp);
int tll_haspendinglock(tll_t *tllp);
void tll_init(tll_t *tllp);
int tll_islocked(tll_t *tllp);
int tll_lock(tll_t *tllp, tll_access_t locktype);
int tll_locked_by_me(tll_t *tllp);
void tll_lockstat(tll_t *tllp);
int tll_unlock(tll_t *tllp);
void tll_upgrade(tll_t *tllp);
/* utility.c */
struct timespec clock_timespec(void);
unsigned conv2(int norm, int w);
long conv4(int norm, long x);
int copy_name(size_t len, char *dest);
int fetch_name(vir_bytes path, size_t len, char *dest);
int no_sys(message *);
int isokendpt_f(const char *f, int l, endpoint_t e, int *p, int ft);
int in_group(struct fproc *rfp, gid_t grp);
#define okendpt(e, p) isokendpt_f(__FILE__, __LINE__, (e), (p), 1)
#define isokendpt(e, p) isokendpt_f(__FILE__, __LINE__, (e), (p), 0)
/* vmnt.c */
void check_vmnt_locks(void);
void check_vmnt_locks_by_me(struct fproc *rfp);
void mark_vmnt_free(struct vmnt *vmp);
struct vmnt *get_free_vmnt(void);
struct vmnt *find_vmnt(endpoint_t fs_e);
struct vmnt *get_locked_vmnt(struct fproc *rfp);
void init_vmnts(void);
int lock_vmnt(struct vmnt *vp, tll_access_t locktype);
void unlock_vmnt(struct vmnt *vp);
void vmnt_unmap_by_endpt(endpoint_t proc_e);
void fetch_vmnt_paths(void);
void upgrade_vmnt_lock(struct vmnt *vmp);
void downgrade_vmnt_lock(struct vmnt *vmp);
/* vnode.c */
void check_vnode_locks(void);
void check_vnode_locks_by_me(struct fproc *rfp);
struct vnode *get_free_vnode(void);
struct vnode *find_vnode(int fs_e, ino_t inode);
void init_vnodes(void);
int is_vnode_locked(struct vnode *vp);
int lock_vnode(struct vnode *vp, tll_access_t locktype);
void unlock_vnode(struct vnode *vp);
void dup_vnode(struct vnode *vp);
void put_vnode(struct vnode *vp);
void vnode_clean_refs(struct vnode *vp);
void upgrade_vnode_lock(struct vnode *vp);
/* write.c */
int do_write(message *m_out);
/* gcov.c */
int do_gcov_flush(void);
#define do_gcov_flush no_sys
/* select.c */
int do_select(message *m_out);
void init_select(void);
void select_callback(struct filp *, int ops);
void select_forget(void);
void select_reply1(endpoint_t driver_e, int minor, int status);
void select_reply2(endpoint_t driver_e, int minor, int status);
void select_timeout_check(minix_timer_t *);
void select_unsuspend_by_endpt(endpoint_t proc);
/* worker.c */
void worker_init(void);
int worker_available(void);
struct worker_thread *worker_get(thread_t worker_tid);
void worker_signal(struct worker_thread *worker);
int worker_can_start(struct fproc *rfp);
void worker_start(struct fproc *rfp, void (*func)(void), message *m_ptr,
int use_spare);
void worker_stop(struct worker_thread *worker);
void worker_stop_by_endpt(endpoint_t proc_e);
void worker_wait(void);
struct worker_thread *worker_suspend(void);
void worker_resume(struct worker_thread *org_self);
void worker_set_proc(struct fproc *rfp);