Thomas Cort 70bd6044c8 backup: bug fix for improper struct dirent usage
Between Minix 3.1.2 and Minix 3.1.3, the d_name member of struct
dirent was reduced from 61 characters to 1 character. backup(8)
blindly copies the result of readdir() into an array of dirent
structs. As a consequence, the structs in the array only contain
the first letter of the name and the name string was not null
terminated. This caused the backup utility to always fail.

Remedy the situation by adding room for the full d_name.

Change-Id: I2a7b4630f1bb727825a95a6095a7a543fc2f08f6
2013-08-12 11:19:10 +02:00

594 lines
15 KiB

/* backup - backup a directory Author: Andy Tanenbaum */
/* This program recursively backs up a directory. It has two typical uses:
* 1. Backing up a directory to 1 or more diskettes
* 2. Backing up RAM disk to a shadow directory on hard disk
* The backup directory or medium may be empty, in which case, the entire
* source directory is copied, or it may contain an old backup, in which
* case only those files that are new or out of date are copied. In this
* respect, 'backup' resembles 'make', except that no 'makefile' is needed.
* The backed up copy may optionally be compressed to save space.
* The following flags exist:
* -d At the top level, only back up directories (not loose files)
* -j Don't copy junk: *.Z, *.bak, *.log, a.out, and core
* -m If ENOSPC encountered, ask for another diskette
* -n No directories, only loose files are backed up
* -o Don't copy *.o files
* -r Restore files (ie. uncompress if necessary)
* -s Don't copy *.s files
* -t Set creation date of target-file equal to cdate of source-file
* -v Verbose (announce what is being done)
* -z Compress on backup/uncompress on restore
* Patches:
* 30 Mar 91. Added restore option. cwr.
* 9 Sep 91. Changed user interface. cwr.
* 21 Jan 93. Revised error messages. cwr.
* 29 Mar 95. Added -o, NARROW define. cwr.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#undef NARROW /* Width of verbose output */
#define COPY_SIZE 4096
#define MAX_ENTRIES 512
#define MAX_PATH 256
#define NONFATAL 0
#define FATAL 1
#define NO_SAVINGS 512 /* compress can return code 2 */
#define OUT_OF_SPACE 2
struct dirent_full {
struct dirent de;
char d_name[MAXNAMLEN+1];
} dir_ent[MAX_ENTRIES];
int entries = 0;
struct sorted {
int mode; /* file mode */
char *namep; /* pointer to name in dir_buf */
long acctime; /* time of last access */
long modtime; /* time of last modification */
} sorted[MAX_ENTRIES];
char copybuf[COPY_SIZE];
char *pname;
int dflag, jflag, mflag, nflag, oflag, rflag, sflag, tflag, vflag, zflag;
extern int errno;
extern char **environ;
int main(int argc, char **argv);
void maketarget(char *dir2);
int make_dir(char *dir);
int stat_all(char *dir1, int n);
void sort_dir(int m);
void process(int m, char *dir1, char *dir2);
void swap(struct sorted *sp1, struct sorted *sp2);
int copy(char *dir1, struct sorted *sp, char *cbuf2);
int zcopy(char *src, char *targ);
void copydir(char *dir1, char *dir2, char *namep);
void newdisk(char *dir);
void usage(void);
void error(int type, char *s1, char *s2, char *s3);
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int n, m;
char *dir1, *dir2, *cp, c;
struct stat s;
struct dirent *e;
(void) sync();
/* Get the flags */
if ((pname = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) == (char *)NULL)
pname = argv[0];
if (argc < 3 || argc > 4) usage();
if (argc == 4) {
cp = argv[1];
if (*cp++ != '-') usage();
while ((c = *cp++) != '\0') {
switch (c) {
case 'd': dflag++; break;
case 'j': jflag++; break;
case 'm': mflag++; break;
case 'n': nflag++; break;
case 'o': oflag++; break;
case 's': sflag++; break;
case 'r': rflag++; break;
case 't': tflag++; break;
case 'v': vflag++; break;
case 'z': zflag++; break;
default: usage();
dir1 = argv[2];
dir2 = argv[3];
} else {
dir1 = argv[1];
dir2 = argv[2];
if (!strcmp(pname, "restore") && !rflag) rflag++;
/* Check for a valid source */
if (stat(dir1, &s) < 0) error(FATAL, "cannot stat ", dir1, "");
if ((s.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) error(FATAL, "non-directory ", dir1, "");
/* Read in the source directory */
if(!(DIR1 = opendir(dir1))) {
return 1;
for(entries = 0; entries < MAX_ENTRIES && (e=readdir(DIR1)); entries++) {
memcpy(&dir_ent[entries].de, e, sizeof(*e));
snprintf(dir_ent[entries].d_name, MAXNAMLEN, "%s", e->d_name);
if (entries == MAX_ENTRIES)
error(FATAL, "directory ", dir1, " is too large");
/* Create the target directory. */
/* Stat all the entries. */
n = entries;
m = stat_all(dir1, n);
/* Remove non-entries and sort what's left. */
/* Process each of the m entries one at a time. */
process(m, dir1, dir2);
void maketarget(dir2)
char *dir2;
/* The target directory is created if it does not already exist. */
char *p, c, dbuf[MAX_PATH];
if (access(dir2, 6) == 0)
return; /* if target exists, we're done */
if (make_dir(dir2) == 0) return; /* we just made it */
/* We have to try creating all the higher level directories. */
strcpy(dbuf, dir2);
p = dbuf + 1;
while (1) {
while (*p != '/' && *p != '\0') p++;
c = *p; /* either / or \0 */
*p = 0;
if (c == '\0') return;
*p = c;
int make_dir(dir)
char *dir;
/* Create a directory. */
int pid, status;
if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
error(FATAL, "cannot fork off mkdir to create ", dir, "");
if (pid > 0) {
/* Parent process waits for child (mkdir). */
} else {
/* Child process executes mkdir */
close(2); /* don't want mkdir's error messages */
execle("/bin/mkdir", "mkdir", dir, (char *) 0, environ);
execle("/usr/bin/mkdir", "mkdir", dir, (char *) 0, environ);
error(FATAL, "cannot execute mkdir", "", "");
int stat_all(dir1, n)
char *dir1;
int n;
/* Stat all the directory entries. By doing this all at once, the disk
* head can stay in the inode area.
int i, j;
char cbuf[MAX_PATH];
struct stat s;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
/* Mark "." and ".." as null entries, as well as unstatable ones. */
if (strcmp(dir_ent[i].d_name, ".") == 0) dir_ent[i].de.d_ino = 0;
if (strcmp(dir_ent[i].d_name, "..") == 0) dir_ent[i].de.d_ino = 0;
if (dir_ent[i].de.d_ino == 0) continue;
/* Stat the file. */
snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "%s/%s", dir1, dir_ent[i].d_name);
if (stat(cbuf, &s) < 0) {
error(NONFATAL, "cannot stat ", cbuf, "");
dir_ent[i].de.d_ino = 0; /* mark as unusable */
sorted[i].mode = s.st_mode;
sorted[i].acctime = s.st_atime;
sorted[i].modtime = s.st_mtime;
sorted[i].namep = dir_ent[i].d_name;
sorted[i].namep[NAME_SIZE-1] = '\0';
/* Squeeze out all the entries whose ino field is 0. */
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (dir_ent[i].de.d_ino != 0) {
sorted[j] = sorted[i];
void sort_dir(m)
int m;
/* Sort the directory using bubble sort. */
struct sorted *sp1, *sp2;
for (sp1 = &sorted[0]; sp1 < &sorted[m - 1]; sp1++) {
for (sp2 = sp1 + 1; sp2 < &sorted[m]; sp2++) {
if (strcmp(sp1->namep, sp2->namep) > 0)
swap(sp1, sp2);
void process(m, dir1, dir2)
int m;
char *dir1, *dir2;
/* Process each entry in sorted[]. If it is a regular file, stat the target
* file. The the source is newer, copy it. If the entry is a directory,
* recursively call the entire program to process the directory.
int er, fmode, res;
struct sorted *sp;
struct stat s;
char cbuf[MAX_PATH];
for (sp = &sorted[0]; sp < &sorted[m]; sp++) {
int namlen;
fmode = sp->mode & S_IFMT;
if (fmode == S_IFREG) {
/* Regular file. Construct target name and stat it. */
snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "%s/%s", dir2, sp->namep);
namlen = strlen(sp->namep);
/* Switch between compressed and uncompressed file names */
if (zflag && !rflag && strncmp((sp->namep + namlen - 2), ".Z", (size_t)2)
&& (namlen <= (NAME_SIZE - 2)))
strncat(cbuf, ".Z", (size_t)2);
if (zflag && rflag && !strncmp((sp->namep + namlen - 2), ".Z", (size_t)2))
cbuf[strlen(cbuf) - 2] = '\0';
er = stat(cbuf, &s);
if (er < 0 || sp->modtime > s.st_mtime) {
res = copy(dir1, sp, cbuf);
} else {
/* Check status of the copy. */
if (res == OUT_OF_SPACE) {
printf("Out of space while copying to %s\n", cbuf);
/* We ran out of space copying a regular file. */
if (mflag == 0)
error(FATAL, "Quitting, disk full", "", "");
/* If -m, ask for new diskette and continue. */
} else if (fmode == S_IFDIR) {
/* Directory. Execute this program recursively. */
copydir(dir1, dir2, sp->namep);
} else if (fmode == S_IFBLK || fmode == S_IFCHR) {
/* Special file. */
strncpy(cbuf, sp->namep, sizeof(cbuf));
printf("%s is special file. Not backed up.\n", cbuf);
void swap(sp1, sp2)
struct sorted *sp1, *sp2;
/* Swap two directory entries. */
struct sorted d;
d = *sp1;
*sp1 = *sp2;
*sp2 = d;
int copy(dir1, sp, cbuf2)
struct sorted *sp;
char *dir1, *cbuf2;
/* Copy a regular file. */
int fd1, fd2, nr, nw, res, n;
char cbuf1[MAX_PATH], *p;
#ifdef NARROW
char *msg = (rflag || strcmp(pname, "backup")) ? "Restored" : "Backing up";
/* If the -j or -o or -s flags were given, suppress certain files. */
p = sp->namep;
n = strlen(p);
if (n > NAME_SIZE) n = NAME_SIZE;
if (jflag) {
if (strcmp(p, "a.out") == 0) return(0);
if (strcmp(p, "core") == 0) return (0);
if (strcmp(p + n - 2, ".Z") == 0) return (0);
if (strcmp(p + n - 4, ".bak") == 0) return (0);
if (strcmp(p + n - 4, ".log") == 0) return (0);
if (oflag) {
if (strcmp(p + n - 2, ".o") == 0) return(0);
if (sflag) {
if (strcmp(p + n - 2, ".s") == 0) return(0);
res = 0;
if (dflag) return(0); /* backup -d means only directories */
strcpy(cbuf1, dir1);
strncat(cbuf1, "/", (size_t)1);
strncat(cbuf1, sp->namep, (size_t)NAME_SIZE); /* cbuf1 = source file name */
/* At this point, cbuf1 contains the source file name, cbuf2 the target. */
fd1 = open(cbuf1, O_RDONLY);
if (fd1 < 0) {
error(NONFATAL, "cannot open ", cbuf1, "");
fd2 = creat(cbuf2, (sp->mode | S_IWUSR) & 07777);
if (fd2 < 0) {
if (errno == ENFILE) {
error(NONFATAL, "cannot create ", cbuf2, "");
/* Both files are now open. Do the copying. */
if ((!rflag && strncmp((sp->namep + n - 2), ".Z", (size_t)2)) ||
(rflag && !strncmp((sp->namep + n - 2), ".Z", (size_t)2))) {
if (zflag && (rflag || (n <= (NAME_SIZE - 2)))) {
res = zcopy(cbuf1, cbuf2);
if (tflag) utime(cbuf2, (struct utimbuf *) & (sp->acctime));
if (res != 0) unlink(cbuf2); /* if error, get rid of the corpse */
#ifdef NARROW
if (vflag && res == 0) printf("%s %s\n", msg, cbuf1);
if (vflag && res == 0) {
printf("%-37.37s -> %-37.37s\n", cbuf1, cbuf2);
if (strlen(cbuf1) > 37 || strlen(cbuf2) > 37)
printf("%37.37s %37.37s\n",
(strlen(cbuf1) > 37) ? (cbuf1 + 37) : "",
(strlen(cbuf2) > 37) ? (cbuf2 + 37) : "");
while (1) {
nr = read(fd1, copybuf, COPY_SIZE);
if (nr == 0) break;
if (nr < 0) {
error(NONFATAL, "read error on ", cbuf1, "");
res = EIO;
nw = write(fd2, copybuf, nr);
if (nw < 0) {
if (errno == ENOSPC) {
/* Device is full. */
/* True write error. */
error(NONFATAL, "write error on ", cbuf2, "");
res = EIO;
if (res == 0) {
#ifdef NARROW
if (vflag) printf("%s %s\n", msg, cbuf1);
if (vflag) {
printf("%-37.37s -> %-37.37s\n", cbuf1, cbuf2);
if (strlen(cbuf1) > 37 || strlen(cbuf2) > 37)
printf("%37.37s %37.37s\n",
(strlen(cbuf1) > 37) ? (cbuf1 + 37) : "",
(strlen(cbuf2) > 37) ? (cbuf2 + 37) : "");
} else {
if (tflag) utime(cbuf2, (struct utimbuf *) & (sp->acctime));
int zcopy(src, targ)
char *src, *targ;
int pid, status, res, s;
char fbuf[20];
/* These flags go for compress and gzip. */
strcpy(fbuf, "-c");
if (rflag)
strcat(fbuf, "d");
strcat(fbuf, "f");
if ((pid = fork()) < 0) error(FATAL, "cannot fork", "", "");
if (pid > 0) {
/* Error codes 0 and 2 are ok, assume others mean disk is full. */
res = (status == 0 || status == NO_SAVINGS ? 0 : OUT_OF_SPACE);
} else {
/* Child must execute compress. */
s = open(targ, O_RDWR);
if (s < 0) error(FATAL, "cannot write on ", "targ", "");
execle("/usr/bin/gzip", "gzip", fbuf, src, (char *)0, environ);
execle("/usr/local/bin/gzip", "gzip", fbuf, src, (char *)0, environ);
execle("/bin/compress", "compress", fbuf, src, (char *)0, environ);
execle("/usr/bin/compress", "compress", fbuf, src, (char *)0, environ);
error(FATAL, "cannot exec gzip or compress", "", "");
void copydir(dir1, dir2, namep)
char *dir1, *dir2, *namep;
/* Copy a directory. */
int pid, status;
char fbuf[20], d1buf[MAX_PATH], d2buf[MAX_PATH];
if (nflag) return; /* backup -n means no directories */
fbuf[0] = '\0';
/* Handle directory copy by forking off 'backup' ! */
if (jflag || mflag || oflag || rflag || sflag || tflag || vflag || zflag)
strcpy(fbuf, "-");
if (jflag) strcat(fbuf, "j");
if (mflag) strcat(fbuf, "m");
if (oflag) strcat(fbuf, "o");
if (rflag) strcat(fbuf, "r");
if (sflag) strcat(fbuf, "s");
if (tflag) strcat(fbuf, "t");
if (vflag) strcat(fbuf, "v");
if (zflag) strcat(fbuf, "z");
snprintf(d1buf, sizeof(d1buf), "%s/%s", dir1, namep);
snprintf(d2buf, sizeof(d2buf), "%s/%s", dir2, namep);
if ((pid = fork()) < 0) error(FATAL, "cannot fork", "", "");
if (pid > 0) {
/* Parent waits for child, then returns. */
if (fbuf[0] == '-') {
execle(pname, pname, fbuf, d1buf, d2buf, (char *) 0, environ);
execle("/bin/backup", "backup", fbuf, d1buf, d2buf, (char *)0,environ);
execle("/usr/bin/backup","backup",fbuf,d1buf,d2buf,(char *)0,environ);
error(FATAL, "cannot recursively exec backup", "", "");
} else {
execle(pname, pname, d1buf, d2buf, (char *) 0, environ);
execle("/bin/backup", "backup", d1buf, d2buf, (char *)0,environ);
execle("/usr/bin/backup","backup", d1buf, d2buf, (char *)0,environ);
error(FATAL, "cannot recursively exec backup", "", "");
void newdisk(dir)
char *dir;
/* Ask for a new diskette. A big problem is that this program does not
* know which device is being used and where it is mounted on. As an
* emergency solution, fork off a shell and ask the user to do the work.
int pid, status;
printf("\nDiskette full. Please do the following:\n");
printf(" 1. Unmount the diskette using /etc/umount\n");
printf(" 2. Physically replace the diskette by the next one.\n");
printf(" 3. Mount the new diskette using /etc/mount\n");
printf(" 4. Type CTRL-D to return to the backup/restore program\n");
if ((pid = fork()) < 0) error(FATAL, "cannot fork", "", "");
if (pid > 0) {
maketarget(dir); /* make the directory */
} else {
execle("/bin/sh", "sh", "-i", (char *) 0, environ);
execle("/usr/bin/sh", "sh", "-i", (char *) 0, environ);
error(FATAL, "cannot execute shell to ask for new diskette", "", "");
void usage()
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-djmnorstvz] dir1 dir2\n", pname);
void error(type, s1, s2, s3)
int type;
char *s1, *s2, *s3;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s%s%s\n", pname, s1, s2, s3);
if (type == NONFATAL)