Kees Jongenburger 390f852bd1 arm:cleanup remove special case memory handling.
We used to load the memory driver above the other modules to allow
the memory driver (ramdisk) to grow. We no longer want or need this
this as we have a working mmc driver.
2013-04-12 20:52:57 +02:00

292 lines
8.2 KiB

#define UNPAGED 1 /* for proper kmain() prototype */
#include "kernel/kernel.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <minix/minlib.h>
#include <minix/const.h>
#include <minix/type.h>
#include <minix/com.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <minix/reboot.h>
#include "string.h"
#include "arch_proto.h"
#include "libexec.h"
#include "direct_utils.h"
#include "serial.h"
#include "glo.h"
#include <machine/multiboot.h>
/* to-be-built kinfo struct, diagnostics buffer */
kinfo_t kinfo;
struct kmessages kmessages;
/* pg_utils.c uses this; in this phase, there is a 1:1 mapping. */
phys_bytes vir2phys(void *addr) { return (phys_bytes) addr; }
static void setup_mbi(multiboot_info_t *mbi);
/* String length used for mb_itoa */
/* Kernel may use memory */
int kernel_may_alloc = 1;
extern u32_t _edata;
extern u32_t _end;
static int mb_set_param(char *bigbuf, char *name, char *value, kinfo_t *cbi)
char *p = bigbuf;
char *bufend = bigbuf + MULTIBOOT_PARAM_BUF_SIZE;
char *q;
int namelen = strlen(name);
int valuelen = strlen(value);
/* Some variables we recognize */
if(!strcmp(name, SERVARNAME)) { cbi->do_serial_debug = 1; }
if(!strcmp(name, SERBAUDVARNAME)) { cbi->serial_debug_baud = atoi(value); }
/* Delete the item if already exists */
while (*p) {
if (strncmp(p, name, namelen) == 0 && p[namelen] == '=') {
q = p;
while (*q) q++;
for (q++; q < bufend; q++, p++)
*p = *q;
while (*p++)
for (p = bigbuf; p < bufend && (*p || *(p + 1)); p++)
if (p > bigbuf) p++;
/* Make sure there's enough space for the new parameter */
if (p + namelen + valuelen + 3 > bufend)
return -1;
strcpy(p, name);
p[namelen] = '=';
strcpy(p + namelen + 1, value);
p[namelen + valuelen + 1] = 0;
p[namelen + valuelen + 2] = 0;
return 0;
int overlaps(multiboot_module_t *mod, int n, int cmp_mod)
multiboot_module_t *cmp = &mod[cmp_mod];
int m;
#define INRANGE(mod, v) ((v) >= mod->mod_start && (v) <= thismod->mod_end)
#define OVERLAP(mod1, mod2) (INRANGE(mod1, mod2->mod_start) || \
INRANGE(mod1, mod2->mod_end))
for(m = 0; m < n; m++) {
multiboot_module_t *thismod = &mod[m];
if(m == cmp_mod) continue;
if(OVERLAP(thismod, cmp))
return 1;
return 0;
/* XXX: hard-coded stuff for modules */
#define MB_MODS_NR 12
#define MB_MODS_BASE 0x90000000
#define MB_PARAM_MOD 0x96000000
#define MB_MODS_ALIGN 0x00800000 /* 8 MB */
#define MB_MODS_SIZE 0x00004000 /* 16 KB */
#define MB_MMAP_START 0x80000000
#define MB_MMAP_SIZE 0x20000000 /* 512 MB */
multiboot_module_t mb_modlist[MB_MODS_NR];
multiboot_memory_map_t mb_memmap;
void setup_mbi(multiboot_info_t *mbi)
memset(mbi, 0, sizeof(*mbi));
mbi->mods_count = MB_MODS_NR;
mbi->mods_addr = (u32_t)&mb_modlist;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MB_MODS_NR; ++i) {
mb_modlist[i].mod_start = MB_MODS_BASE + i * MB_MODS_ALIGN;
mb_modlist[i].mod_end = mb_modlist[i].mod_start + MB_MODS_ALIGN - 1;
mb_modlist[i].cmdline = 0;
/* Final 'module' is actually a string holding the boot cmdline */
mbi->cmdline = MB_PARAM_MOD;
mbi->mmap_addr = (void*)&mb_memmap;
mbi->mmap_length = sizeof(mb_memmap);
mb_memmap.size = sizeof(multiboot_memory_map_t);
mb_memmap.addr = MB_MMAP_START;
mb_memmap.len = MB_MMAP_SIZE;
void get_parameters(u32_t ebx, kinfo_t *cbi)
multiboot_memory_map_t *mmap;
multiboot_info_t *mbi = &cbi->mbi;
int var_i,value_i, m, k;
char *p;
extern char _kern_phys_base, _kern_vir_base, _kern_size,
_kern_unpaged_start, _kern_unpaged_end;
phys_bytes kernbase = (phys_bytes) &_kern_phys_base,
kernsize = (phys_bytes) &_kern_size;
#define BUF 1024
static char cmdline[BUF];
/* get our own copy of the multiboot info struct and module list */
//memcpy((void *) mbi, (void *) ebx, sizeof(*mbi));
/* Set various bits of info for the higher-level kernel. */
cbi->mem_high_phys = 0;
cbi->user_sp = (vir_bytes) &_kern_vir_base;
cbi->vir_kern_start = (vir_bytes) &_kern_vir_base;
cbi->bootstrap_start = (vir_bytes) &_kern_unpaged_start;
cbi->bootstrap_len = (vir_bytes) &_kern_unpaged_end -
cbi->kmess = &kmess;
/* set some configurable defaults */
cbi->do_serial_debug = 1;
cbi->serial_debug_baud = 115200;
/* parse boot command line */
if (mbi->flags&MULTIBOOT_INFO_CMDLINE) {
static char var[BUF];
static char value[BUF];
/* Override values with cmdline argument */
memcpy(cmdline, (void *) mbi->cmdline, BUF);
p = cmdline;
while (*p) {
var_i = 0;
value_i = 0;
while (*p == ' ') p++;
if (!*p) break;
while (*p && *p != '=' && *p != ' ' && var_i < BUF - 1)
var[var_i++] = *p++ ;
var[var_i] = 0;
if (*p++ != '=') continue; /* skip if not name=value */
while (*p && *p != ' ' && value_i < BUF - 1)
value[value_i++] = *p++ ;
value[value_i] = 0;
mb_set_param(cbi->param_buf, var, value, cbi);
/* let higher levels know what we are booting on */
mb_set_param(cbi->param_buf, ARCHVARNAME, "earm", cbi);
/* round user stack down to leave a gap to catch kernel
* stack overflow; and to distinguish kernel and user addresses
* at a glance (0xf.. vs 0xe..)
cbi->user_sp &= 0xF0000000;
cbi->user_end = cbi->user_sp;
/* kernel bytes without bootstrap code/data that is currently
* still needed but will be freed after bootstrapping.
kinfo.kernel_allocated_bytes = (phys_bytes) &_kern_size;
kinfo.kernel_allocated_bytes -= cbi->bootstrap_len;
assert(!(cbi->bootstrap_start % ARM_PAGE_SIZE));
cbi->bootstrap_len = rounddown(cbi->bootstrap_len, ARM_PAGE_SIZE);
assert(mbi->flags & MULTIBOOT_INFO_MODS);
assert(mbi->mods_count < MULTIBOOT_MAX_MODS);
assert(mbi->mods_count > 0);
memcpy(&cbi->module_list, (void *) mbi->mods_addr,
mbi->mods_count * sizeof(multiboot_module_t));
memset(cbi->memmap, 0, sizeof(cbi->memmap));
/* mem_map has a variable layout */
if(mbi->flags & MULTIBOOT_INFO_MEM_MAP) {
cbi->mmap_size = 0;
for (mmap = (multiboot_memory_map_t *) mbi->mmap_addr;
(unsigned long) mmap < mbi->mmap_addr + mbi->mmap_length;
mmap = (multiboot_memory_map_t *)
((unsigned long) mmap + mmap->size + sizeof(mmap->size))) {
if(mmap->type != MULTIBOOT_MEMORY_AVAILABLE) continue;
add_memmap(cbi, mmap->addr, mmap->len);
} else {
assert(mbi->flags & MULTIBOOT_INFO_MEMORY);
add_memmap(cbi, 0, mbi->mem_lower_unused*1024);
add_memmap(cbi, 0x100000, mbi->mem_upper_unused*1024);
/* Sanity check: the kernel nor any of the modules may overlap
* with each other. Pretend the kernel is an extra module for a
* second.
k = mbi->mods_count;
cbi->module_list[k].mod_start = kernbase;
cbi->module_list[k].mod_end = kernbase + kernsize;
cbi->mods_with_kernel = mbi->mods_count+1;
cbi->kern_mod = k;
for(m = 0; m < cbi->mods_with_kernel; m++) {
#if 0
printf("checking overlap of module %08lx-%08lx\n",
cbi->module_list[m].mod_start, cbi->module_list[m].mod_end);
if(overlaps(cbi->module_list, cbi->mods_with_kernel, m))
panic("overlapping boot modules/kernel");
/* We cut out the bits of memory that we know are
* occupied by the kernel and boot modules.
kinfo_t *pre_init(u32_t magic, u32_t ebx)
/* Clear BSS */
memset(&_edata, 0, (u32_t)&_end - (u32_t)&_edata);
/* Get our own copy boot params pointed to by ebx.
* Here we find out whether we should do serial output.
get_parameters(ebx, &kinfo);
/* Make and load a pagetable that will map the kernel
* to where it should be; but first a 1:1 mapping so
* this code stays where it should be.
kinfo.freepde_start = pg_mapkernel();
/* Done, return boot info so it can be passed to kmain(). */
return &kinfo;
int send_sig(endpoint_t proc_nr, int sig_nr) { return 0; }
void minix_shutdown(timer_t *t) { arch_shutdown(RBT_PANIC); }
void busy_delay_ms(int x) { }
int raise(int n) { panic("raise(%d)\n", n); }