Also did some cleanup in ash sources, to make minix modifications more obvious, as well as some simplifications (by removing code which is never compiled) Removed EDITLINE support, use libedit, which does the termcap/terminfo handling. Change-Id: I19f7f425ed6a61298844631f9d7f3173cf7f30c0
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99 lines
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# Makefile for ash.
.include <bsd.own.mk>
PROG= sh
BINDIR= /bin
# Enable this line to disable command line editing
# Enable this line if your system does not have a <paths.h>
# Enable this if you don't want job control
SRCS= alias.c arith.y arith_lex.l cd.c complete.c eval.c exec.c expand.c \
histedit.c input.c jobs.c mail.c main.c memalloc.c miscbltin.c \
mystring.c options.c output.c parser.c redir.c show.c \
trap.c var.c setmode.c
.include "${.CURDIR}/bltin/Makefile.inc"
GENSRCS= builtins.c init.c nodes.c syntax.c operators.c signames.c
GENHDRS= builtins.h nodes.h syntax.h token.h operators.h signames.h
LDADD+= -ll -ledit
# A. Generate C tools used to build ash
.for tool in init nodes signames syntax
${.OBJDIR}/mk${tool}: ${.CURDIR}/mk${tool}.c
# B. Generates C sources from C tools
NODES_ARGS:= ${.CURDIR}/nodetypes ${.CURDIR}/nodes.c.pat
INIT_ARGS:= alias.c eval.c exec.c input.c jobs.c options.c parser.c \
redir.c trap.c var.c
.for tool in nodes signames syntax
${tool}.c ${tool}.h: ${.OBJDIR}/mk${tool}
${.OBJDIR}/mk${tool} ${${tool:tu}_ARGS}
init.c: ${.OBJDIR}/mkinit \
alias.c eval.c exec.c input.c jobs.c options.c parser.c \
redir.c trap.c var.c
${.OBJDIR}/mkinit ${.ALLSRC:S,^${.OBJDIR}/mkinit$,,}
# C. Generates C sources from shell scripts
builtins.c builtins.h:
${.CURDIR}/mkbuiltins.sh ${MKB_NO_JOBS} . ${.CURDIR}/shell.h ${.CURDIR}/builtins.def
operators.c operators.h:
${.CURDIR}/bltin/mkexpr.sh ${.CURDIR}/bltin/unary_op ${.CURDIR}/bltin/binary_op
# D. Generates sources from yacc/lex
LFLAGS= -8 # 8-bit lex scanner for arithmetic
CLEANFILES+= arith.h arith.y.o
parser.c: token.h
y.tab.h: arith.y
arith.h: y.tab.h
arith_lex.l: arith.h
# Explicit dependencies to ensure creation when needed
# LSC FIXME Under MINIX, the build system curiously needs more help.
# is it because of the missing order tools?
expand.c: arith.h
trap.c: signames.h
cd.c complete.c eval.c exec.c expand.c jobs.c main.c options.c parser.c redir.c show.c trap.c var.c: nodes.h
eval.c exec.c expand.c input.c input.h jobs.c mystring.c output.c parser.c trap.c var.c: syntax.h
cd.c eval.c exec.c histedit.cjobs.c main.c miscbltin.c options.c trap.c var.c: builtins.h
# LSC: Seems that this file is implicitly taken into account by NetBSD's make,
# still seems to be ignored / not found currently.
# It's a sad story, as it has default rules to manage yacc / lex files. So for
# a happy ending here it is explicitly included:
.include <sys.mk>
.include <bsd.prog.mk>