Ben Gras 3cc092ff06 . new kernel call sysctl for generic unprivileged system operations;
now used for printing diagnostic messages through the kernel message
   buffer. this lets processes print diagnostics without sending messages
   to tty and log directly, simplifying the message protocol a lot and
   reducing difficulties with deadlocks and other situations in which
   diagnostics are blackholed (e.g. grants don't work). this makes
   DIAGNOSTICS(_S), ASYN_DIAGNOSTICS and DIAG_REPL obsolete, although tty
   and log still accept the codes for 'old' binaries. This also simplifies
   diagnostics in several servers and drivers - only tty needs its own
   kputc() now.
 . simplifications in vfs, and some effort to get the vnode references
   right (consistent) even during shutdown. m_mounted_on is now NULL
   for root filesystems (!) (the original and new root), a less awkward
   special case than 'm_mounted_on == m_root_node'. root now has exactly
   one reference, to root, if no files are open, just like all other
   filesystems. m_driver_e is unused.
2009-01-26 17:43:59 +00:00

143 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable file

/* The object file of "table.c" contains most kernel data. Variables that
* are declared in the *.h files appear with EXTERN in front of them, as in
* EXTERN int x;
* Normally EXTERN is defined as extern, so when they are included in another
* file, no storage is allocated. If EXTERN were not present, but just say,
* int x;
* then including this file in several source files would cause 'x' to be
* declared several times. While some linkers accept this, others do not,
* so they are declared extern when included normally. However, it must be
* declared for real somewhere. That is done here, by redefining EXTERN as
* the null string, so that inclusion of all *.h files in table.c actually
* generates storage for them.
* Various variables could not be declared EXTERN, but are declared PUBLIC
* or PRIVATE. The reason for this is that extern variables cannot have a
* default initialization. If such variables are shared, they must also be
* declared in one of the *.h files without the initialization. Examples
* include 'boot_image' (this file) and 'idt' and 'gdt' (protect.c).
* Changes:
* Aug 02, 2005 set privileges and minimal boot image (Jorrit N. Herder)
* Oct 17, 2004 updated above and tasktab comments (Jorrit N. Herder)
* May 01, 2004 changed struct for system image (Jorrit N. Herder)
#define _TABLE
#include "kernel.h"
#include "proc.h"
#include "ipc.h"
#include <minix/com.h>
/* Define stack sizes for the kernel tasks included in the system image. */
#define NO_STACK 0
#define SMALL_STACK (256 * sizeof(char *))
#define IDL_S SMALL_STACK /* 3 intr, 3 temps, 4 db for Intel */
#define HRD_S NO_STACK /* dummy task, uses kernel stack */
#define TSK_S SMALL_STACK /* system and clock task */
/* Stack space for all the task stacks. Declared as (char *) to align it. */
#define TOT_STACK_SPACE (IDL_S + HRD_S + (2 * TSK_S))
PUBLIC char *t_stack[TOT_STACK_SPACE / sizeof(char *)];
/* Define flags for the various process types. */
#define IDL_F (SYS_PROC | PREEMPTIBLE | BILLABLE) /* idle task */
#define TSK_F (SYS_PROC) /* kernel tasks */
#define SRV_F (SYS_PROC | PREEMPTIBLE) /* system services */
#define USR_F (BILLABLE | PREEMPTIBLE) /* user processes */
#define SVM_F (SRV_F | PROC_FULLVM) /* servers with VM */
/* Define system call traps for the various process types. These call masks
* determine what system call traps a process is allowed to make.
#define TSK_T (1 << RECEIVE) /* clock and system */
#define SRV_T (~0) /* system services */
#define USR_T ((1 << SENDREC)) /* user processes */
/* Send masks determine to whom processes can send messages or notifications.
* The values here are used for the processes in the boot image. We rely on
* the initialization code in main() to match the s_nr_to_id() mapping for the
* processes in the boot image, so that the send mask that is defined here
* can be directly copied onto map[0] of the actual send mask. Privilege
* structure 0 is shared by user processes.
#define s(n) (1 << (s_nr_to_id(n)))
#define NUL_M 0
#define SRV_M (~0)
#define SYS_M (~0)
#define USR_M (s(PM_PROC_NR) | s(FS_PROC_NR) | s(RS_PROC_NR) | s(SYSTEM) | \
#define DRV_M (USR_M | s(SYSTEM) | s(CLOCK) | s(DS_PROC_NR) | s(LOG_PROC_NR) | s(TTY_PROC_NR))
/* Define kernel calls that processes are allowed to make. This is not looking
* very nice, but we need to define the access rights on a per call basis.
* Note that the reincarnation server has all bits on, because it should
* be allowed to distribute rights to services that it starts.
* Calls are unordered lists, converted by the kernel to bitmasks
* once at runtime.
fs_c[] = { FS_C },
pm_c[] = { SYS_ALL_CALLS },
rs_c[] = { SYS_ALL_CALLS },
ds_c[] = { SYS_ALL_CALLS },
vm_c[] = { SYS_ALL_CALLS },
drv_c[] = { DRV_C },
/* The system image table lists all programs that are part of the boot image.
* The order of the entries here MUST agree with the order of the programs
* in the boot image and all kernel tasks must come first.
* Each entry provides the process number, flags, quantum size, scheduling
* queue, allowed traps, ipc mask, and a name for the process table. The
* initial program counter and stack size is also provided for kernel tasks.
* Note: the quantum size must be positive in all cases!
#define c(calls) calls, (sizeof(calls) / sizeof((calls)[0]))
#define no_c { 0 }, 0
PUBLIC struct boot_image image[] = {
/* process nr, pc,flags, qs, queue, stack, traps, ipcto, call, name */
{IDLE, idle_task,IDL_F, 8, IDLE_Q, IDL_S, 0, 0, no_c,"idle" },
{CLOCK,clock_task,TSK_F, 8, TASK_Q, TSK_S, TSK_T, 0, no_c,"clock" },
{SYSTEM, sys_task,TSK_F, 8, TASK_Q, TSK_S, TSK_T, 0, no_c,"system"},
{HARDWARE, 0,TSK_F, 8, TASK_Q, HRD_S, 0, 0, no_c,"kernel"},
{PM_PROC_NR, 0,SRV_F, 32, 4, 0, SRV_T, SRV_M, c(pm_c),"pm" },
{FS_PROC_NR, 0,SRV_F, 32, 5, 0, SRV_T, SRV_M, c(fs_c),"vfs" },
{RS_PROC_NR, 0,SRV_F, 4, 4, 0, SRV_T, SYS_M, c(rs_c),"rs" },
{DS_PROC_NR, 0,SRV_F, 4, 4, 0, SRV_T, SYS_M, c(ds_c),"ds" },
{TTY_PROC_NR, 0,SRV_F, 4, 1, 0, SRV_T, SYS_M,c(tty_c),"tty" },
{MEM_PROC_NR, 0,SVM_F, 4, 3, 0, SRV_T, SYS_M,c(mem_c),"memory"},
{LOG_PROC_NR, 0,SRV_F, 4, 2, 0, SRV_T, SYS_M,c(drv_c),"log" },
{MFS_PROC_NR, 0,SVM_F, 32, 5, 0, SRV_T, SRV_M, c(fs_c),"mfs" },
{VM_PROC_NR, 0,SRV_F, 32, 2, 0, SRV_T, SRV_M, c(vm_c),"vm" },
{INIT_PROC_NR, 0,USR_F, 8, USER_Q, 0, USR_T, USR_M, no_c,"init" },
/* Verify the size of the system image table at compile time. Also verify that
* the first chunk of the ipc mask has enough bits to accommodate the processes
* in the image.
* If a problem is detected, the size of the 'dummy' array will be negative,
* causing a compile time error. Note that no space is actually allocated
* because 'dummy' is declared extern.
extern int dummy[(NR_BOOT_PROCS==sizeof(image)/
sizeof(struct boot_image))?1:-1];
extern int dummy[(BITCHUNK_BITS > NR_BOOT_PROCS - 1) ? 1 : -1];
PUBLIC endpoint_t ipc_stats_target= NONE;