
440 lines
13 KiB

/* test28: mkdir() rmdir() Author: Jan-Mark Wams ( */
** Not tested readonly file systems (EROFS.)
** Not tested fs full (ENOSPC.)
** Not really tested EBUSY.
** Not tested unlinking busy directories.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_ERROR 4
#define ITERATIONS 2
#define DIRENT0 ((struct dirent *) NULL)
#define System(cmd) if (system(cmd) != 0) printf("``%s'' failed\n", cmd)
#define Chdir(dir) if (chdir(dir) != 0) printf("Can't goto %s\n", dir)
int errct = 0;
int subtest = 1;
int superuser;
char MaxName[NAME_MAX + 1]; /* Name of maximum length */
char MaxPath[PATH_MAX];
char ToLongName[NAME_MAX + 2]; /* Name of maximum +1 length */
char ToLongPath[PATH_MAX + 1];
_PROTOTYPE(void main, (int argc, char *argv[]));
_PROTOTYPE(void test28a, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(void test28c, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(void test28b, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(void makelongnames, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(void e, (int n));
_PROTOTYPE(void quit, (void));
void main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int i, m = 0xFFFF;
if (argc == 2) m = atoi(argv[1]);
printf("Test 28 ");
superuser = (getuid() == 0);
system("chmod 777 DIR_28/* DIR_28/*/* > /dev/null 2>&1");
System("rm -rf DIR_28; mkdir DIR_28");
umask(0000); /* no umask */
for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) {
if (m & 0001) test28a();
if (m & 0002) test28b();
if (m & 0004) test28c();
void test28a()
int mode; /* used in for loop */
struct stat st;
time_t time1, time2;
DIR *dirp;
struct dirent *dep;
int dot = 0, dotdot = 0;
subtest = 1;
System("rm -rf foo /tmp/foo");/* clean up junk */
/* Check relative path names */
if (mkdir("./foo", 0777) != 0) e(1); /* make a dir foo */
if (mkdir("./foo/bar", 0777) != 0) e(2); /* make foo/bar */
if (rmdir("foo/bar") != 0) e(3); /* delete bar */
if (mkdir("foo/../foo/bar", 0777) != 0) e(4); /* make bar again */
if (rmdir("./foo/bar") != 0) e(5); /* and remove again */
/* Foo should be empty (ie. contain only "." and ".." */
if ((dirp = opendir("foo")) == (DIR *) NULL) e(6); /* open foo */
if ((dep = readdir(dirp)) == DIRENT0) e(7); /* get first entry */
if (strcmp(dep->d_name, ".") == 0) dot += 1; /* record what it is */
if (strcmp(dep->d_name, "..") == 0) dotdot += 1;
if ((dep = readdir(dirp)) == DIRENT0) e(8); /* get second entry */
if (strcmp(dep->d_name, ".") == 0) dot += 1; /* record again */
if (strcmp(dep->d_name, "..") == 0) dotdot += 1;
if ((dep = readdir(dirp)) != DIRENT0) e(9); /* no 3d entry */
if (dot == 1 && dotdot != 1) e(10); /* only . and .. */
if (closedir(dirp) != 0) e(11); /* close foo */
if (rmdir("./foo") != 0) e(12); /* remove dir foo */
/* Check absolute path names */
if (mkdir("/tmp/foo", 0777) != 0) e(13);
if (mkdir("/tmp/foo/bar", 0777) != 0) e(14);
if (rmdir("/tmp/foo/bar") != 0) e(15); /* make some dirs */
if (rmdir("/tmp/foo") != 0) e(16);
/* Check the mode arument for mkdir() */
for (mode = 0; mode <= 0777; mode++) {
if (mkdir("foo", mode) != 0) e(17); /* make foo */
if (stat("foo", &st) != 0) e(18);
if ((st.st_mode & 0777) != mode) e(19); /* check it's mode */
if (rmdir("foo") != 0) e(20); /* and remove it */
/* Check the stat */
while (time1 >= time((time_t *)0))
if (mkdir("foo", 0765) != 0) e(21); /* make foo */
if (stat("foo", &st) != 0) e(22);
while (time2 >= time((time_t *)0))
if (st.st_nlink != 2) e(23);
if (st.st_uid != geteuid()) e(24);
if (st.st_gid != getegid()) e(25);
if (st.st_size < 0) e(26);
if ((st.st_mode & 0777) != 0765) e(27);
if (st.st_atime <= time1) e(28);
if (st.st_atime >= time2) e(29);
if (st.st_ctime <= time1) e(30);
if (st.st_ctime >= time2) e(31);
if (st.st_mtime <= time1) e(32);
if (st.st_mtime >= time2) e(33);
/* Check if parent is updated */
if (stat(".", &st) != 0) e(34);
while (time2 >= time((time_t *)0))
if (st.st_ctime <= time1) e(35);
if (st.st_ctime >= time2) e(36);
if (st.st_mtime <= time1) e(37);
if (st.st_mtime >= time2) e(38);
while (time1 >= time((time_t *)0))
if (rmdir("foo") != 0) e(39);
if (stat(".", &st) != 0) e(40);
while (time2 >= time((time_t *)0))
if (st.st_ctime <= time1) e(41);
if (st.st_ctime >= time2) e(42);
if (st.st_mtime <= time1) e(43);
if (st.st_mtime >= time2) e(44);
void test28b()
{ /* Test critical values. */
struct stat st;
DIR *dirp;
struct dirent *dep;
int fd; /* file descriptor */
int other = 0, dot = 0, dotdot = 0; /* dirent counters */
int rmdir_result; /* tmp var */
nlink_t nlink;
static char bar[20];
int stat_loc;
subtest = 2;
System("rm -rf ../DIR_28/*");
/* Check funny but valid path names */
if (mkdir("/../../..////.//../tmp/foo/", 0777) != 0) e(1);
if (mkdir("/tmp/foo//////..//foo//../foo/bar/", 0777) != 0) e(2);
if (rmdir("///tmp/..//tmp/foo/bar//../..//foo/bar") != 0) e(3);
if (mkdir("///tmp/foo/foobar//", 0777) != 0) e(4);
if (rmdir("/tmp/foo/foobar//") != 0) e(5);
if (rmdir("/.././/././/tmp/foo///////////////") != 0) e(6);
if (rmdir("/tmp/foo") != -1) e(7); /* try again */
/* Test max path ed. */
if (mkdir(MaxName, 0777) != 0) e(9); /* make dir MaxName */
if (rmdir(MaxName) != 0) e(10); /* and remove it */
MaxPath[strlen(MaxPath) - 2] = '/'; /* convert MaxPath */
MaxPath[strlen(MaxPath) - 1] = 'a'; /* to ././.../a */
if (mkdir(MaxPath, 0777) != 0) e(11); /* it should be */
if (rmdir(MaxPath) != 0) e(12); /* ok */
/* Test too long path ed. */
if (mkdir(ToLongName, 0777) != 0) e(17); /* Try ToLongName */
if (rmdir(ToLongName) != 0) e(18); /* and remove it */
ToLongPath[strlen(ToLongPath) - 2] = '/'; /* make ToLongPath */
ToLongPath[strlen(ToLongPath) - 1] = 'a'; /* contain ././.../a */
if (mkdir(ToLongPath, 0777) != -1) e(19); /* it should */
if (errno != ENAMETOOLONG) e(20); /* not be ok */
if (rmdir(ToLongPath) != -1) e(21);
if (errno != ENAMETOOLONG) e(22);
/* Test what happens if the parent link count > LINK_MAX. */
if (mkdir("foo", 0777) != 0) e(23);
System("touch foo/xyzzy");
for (nlink = 1; nlink < LINK_MAX; nlink++) { /* make all */
sprintf(bar, "foo/bar.%d", nlink);
if (link("foo/xyzzy", bar) != 0) e(24);
if (stat("foo/xyzzy", &st) != 0) e(25); /* foo now */
if (st.st_nlink != LINK_MAX) e(26); /* is full */
if (link("foo/xyzzy", "nono") != -1) e(27); /* no more */
if (errno != EMLINK) e(28); /* entrys. */
System("rm -rf foo/nono"); /* Just in case. */
/* Test if rmdir removes only empty dirs */
if (rmdir("foo") != -1) e(29);/* not empty */
if (errno != EEXIST && errno != ENOTEMPTY) e(30);
/* Test if rmdir removes a dir with an empty file (it shouldn't.) */
System("rm -rf foo"); /* cleanup */
if (mkdir("foo", 0777) != 0) e(31);
System("> foo/empty"); /* > empty */
if (rmdir("foo") != -1) e(32);/* not empty */
if (errno != EEXIST && errno != ENOTEMPTY) e(33);
if (unlink("foo/empty") != 0) e(34); /* rm empty */
/* See what happens if foo is linked. */
if (superuser) {
if (link("foo", "footoo") != 0) e(35); /* foo still */
if (rmdir("footoo") != 0) e(36); /* exist */
if (chdir("footoo") != -1) e(37); /* footoo */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(38); /* is gone */
#ifdef _MINIX
/* Some implementations might allow users to link directories. */
if (!superuser) {
if (link("foo", "footoo") != -1) e(39);
if (errno != EPERM) e(40);
if (unlink("foo") != -1) e(41);
if (errno != EPERM) e(42);
/* See if ".." and "." are removed from the dir, and if it is
* unwriteable
* Note, we can not remove any files in the PARENT
* process, because this
* will make readdir unpredicatble. (see
* 1003.1 page 84 line 30.) However
* removal of the directory is
* not specified in the standard.
System("rm -rf /tmp/sema[12].07");
switch (fork()) {
case -1: printf("Can't fork\n"); break;
case 0:
if ((fd = open("foo", O_RDONLY)) <= 2) e(43); /* open */
if ((dirp = opendir("foo")) == (DIR *) NULL) e(44); /* opendir */
/* UpA downB */
system(">/tmp/sema1.07; while test -f /tmp/sema1.07; do sleep 1;done");
while ((dep = readdir(dirp)) != DIRENT0) {
if (strcmp(dep->d_name, "..") == 0)
dotdot += 1;
else if (strcmp(dep->d_name, ".") == 0)
dot += 1;
other += 1;
if (dotdot != 0) e(45); /* no entrys */
if (dot != 0) e(46); /* shoul be */
if (other != 0) e(47); /* left or */
/* No new files (entrys) are allowed on foo */
if (creat("foo/nono", 0777) != -1) e(48); /* makeable */
if (closedir(dirp) != 0) e(49); /* close foo */
system("while test ! -f /tmp/sema2.07; do sleep 1; done"); /* downA */
System("rm -f /tmp/sema2.07"); /* clean up */
/* Foo still exist, so we should be able to get a fstat */
if (fstat(fd, &st) != 0) e(50);
if (st.st_nlink != (nlink_t) 0) e(51); /* 0 left */
if (close(fd) != 0) e(52); /* last one */
system("while test ! -f /tmp/sema1.07; do sleep 1; done"); /* downA */
if (rmdir("foo") != 0) e(53); /* cleanerup */
System("rm -f /tmp/sema1.07"); /* upB */
if (chdir("foo") != -1) e(54); /* it should */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(55); /* be gone */
System("> /tmp/sema2.07"); /* upA */
if (wait(&stat_loc) == -1) e(56);
if (stat_loc != 0) e(57);
/* See if foo isn't accessible any more */
if (chdir("foo") != -1) e(58);
if (errno != ENOENT) e(59);
/* Let's see if we can get a EBUSSY..... */
if (mkdir("foo", 0777) != 0) e(60); /* mkdir foo */
System("rm -f /tmp/sema.07"); /* unness */
switch (fork()) {
case -1: printf("Can't fork\n"); break;
case 0:
if (chdir("foo") != 0) e(61); /* child goes */
System("> /tmp/sema.07"); /* upA */
system("while test -f /tmp/sema.07; do sleep 1; done"); /* downB */
system("while test ! -f /tmp/sema.07; do sleep 1; done"); /* downA */
rmdir_result = rmdir("foo"); /* try remove */
if (rmdir_result == -1) { /* if it failed */
if (errno != EBUSY) e(62); /* foo is busy */
} else {
if (rmdir_result != 0) e(63);
if (rmdir("foo") != -1) e(64); /* not removable */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(65); /* again. */
if (chdir("foo") != -1) e(66); /* we can't go */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(67); /* there any more */
if (mkdir("foo", 0777) != 0) e(68); /* we can remake foo */
System("rm -f /tmp/sema.07"); /* upB */
if (wait(&stat_loc) == -1) e(69);
if (stat_loc != 0) e(70);
if (rmdir("foo") != 0) e(71); /* clean up */
void test28c()
{ /* Test error handeling. */
subtest = 3;
System("rm -rf ../DIR_28/*");
System("rm -rf foo /tmp/foo");/* clean up junk */
/* Test common errors */
if (mkdir("foo", 0777) != 0) e(1); /* mkdir shouldn't fail */
if (mkdir("foo", 0777) != -1) e(2); /* should fail the 2d time */
if (errno != EEXIST) e(3); /* because it exists already */
if (rmdir("foo") != 0) e(4); /* rmdir shouldn't fail */
if (rmdir("foo") != -1) e(5); /* but it should now because */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(6); /* it's gone the 1st time */
/* Test on access etc. */
if (mkdir("foo", 0777) != 0) e(7);
if (mkdir("foo/bar", 0777) != 0) e(8);
if (!superuser) {
System("chmod 677 foo");/* make foo inaccesable */
if (mkdir("foo/foo", 0777) != -1) e(9);
if (errno != EACCES) e(10);
if (rmdir("foo/bar") != -1) e(11);
if (errno != EACCES) e(12);
System("chmod 577 foo");/* make foo unwritable */
if (mkdir("foo/foo", 0777) != -1) e(13);
if (errno != EACCES) e(14);
if (rmdir("foo/bar") != -1) e(15);
if (errno != EACCES) e(16);
System("chmod 777 foo");/* make foo full accessable */
if (rmdir("foo/bar") != 0) e(17); /* bar should be removable */
if (mkdir("foo/no/foo", 0777) != -1) e(18); /* Note: "no" doesn't exist */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(19);
if (mkdir("", 0777) != -1) e(20); /* empty string isn't ok */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(21);
if (rmdir("") != -1) e(22); /* empty string isn't ok */
if (errno != ENOENT) e(23);
System("> foo/no"); /* make a file "no" */
if (mkdir("foo/no/foo", 0777) != -1) e(24);
if (errno != ENOTDIR) e(25); /* note: "no" is not a a dir */
if (rmdir("foo/no/foo") != -1) e(26);
if (errno != ENOTDIR) e(27);
System("rm -rf foo"); /* clean up */
void makelongnames()
register int i;
memset(MaxName, 'a', NAME_MAX);
MaxName[NAME_MAX] = '\0';
for (i = 0; i < PATH_MAX - 1; i++) { /* idem path */
MaxPath[i++] = '.';
MaxPath[i] = '/';
MaxPath[PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0';
strcpy(ToLongName, MaxName); /* copy them Max to ToLong */
strcpy(ToLongPath, MaxPath);
ToLongName[NAME_MAX] = 'a';
ToLongName[NAME_MAX + 1] = '\0'; /* extend ToLongName by one too many */
ToLongPath[PATH_MAX - 1] = '/';
ToLongPath[PATH_MAX] = '\0'; /* inc ToLongPath by one */
void e(n)
int n;
int err_num = errno; /* Save in case printf clobbers it. */
printf("Subtest %d, error %d errno=%d: ", subtest, n, errno);
errno = err_num;
if (errct++ > MAX_ERROR) {
printf("Too many errors; test aborted\n");
system("rm -rf DIR*");
errno = 0;
void quit()
System("rm -rf DIR_28");
if (errct == 0) {
} else {
printf("%d errors\n", errct);