2005-04-21 14:53:53 +00:00

137 lines
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Executable file

! Mkfhead.s - DOS & BIOS support for mkfile.c Author: Kees J. Bot
! 9 May 1998
! This file contains the startup and low level support for the MKFILE.COM
! utility. See doshead.ack.s for more comments on .COM files.
.sect .text; .sect .rom; .sect .data; .sect .bss
.sect .text
.define _PSP
.space 256 ! Program Segment Prefix
cld ! C compiler wants UP
xor ax, ax ! Zero
mov di, _edata ! Start of bss is at end of data
mov cx, _end ! End of bss (begin of heap)
sub cx, di ! Number of bss bytes
shr cx, 1 ! Number of words
rep stos ! Clear bss
xor cx, cx ! cx = argc
xor bx, bx
push bx ! argv[argc] = NULL
movb bl, (_PSP+0x80) ! Argument byte count
0: movb _PSP+0x81(bx), ch ! Null terminate
dec bx
js 9f
cmpb _PSP+0x81(bx), 0x20 ! Whitespace?
jbe 0b
1: dec bx ! One argument character
js 2f
cmpb _PSP+0x81(bx), 0x20 ! More argument characters?
ja 1b
2: lea ax, _PSP+0x81+1(bx) ! Address of argument
push ax ! argv[n]
inc cx ! argc++;
test bx, bx
jns 0b ! More arguments?
9: movb _PSP+0x81(bx), ch ! Make a null string
lea ax, _PSP+0x81(bx)
push ax ! to use as argv[0]
inc cx ! Final value of argc
mov ax, sp
push ax ! argv
push cx ! argc
call _main ! main(argc, argv)
push ax
call _exit ! exit(main(argc, argv))
! int creat(const char *path, mode_t mode)
! Create a file with the old creat() call.
.define _creat
mov bx, sp
mov dx, 2(bx) ! Filename
xor cx, cx ! Ignore mode, always read-write
movb ah, 0x3C ! "CREAT"
dos: int 0x21 ! ax = creat(path, 0666);
jc seterrno
mov (_errno), ax ! Set errno to the DOS error code
mov ax, -1
cwd ! return -1L;
! int open(const char *path, int oflag)
! Open a file with the oldfashioned two-argument open() call.
.define _open
mov bx, sp
mov dx, 2(bx) ! Filename
movb al, 4(bx) ! O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_RDWR
movb ah, 0x3D ! "OPEN"
jmp dos
! int close(int fd)
! Close an open file.
.define _close
mov bx, sp
mov bx, 2(bx) ! bx = file handle
movb ah, 0x3E ! "CLOSE"
jmp dos
! void exit(int status)
! void _exit(int status)
! Return to DOS.
.define _exit, __exit, ___exit
pop ax
pop ax ! al = status
movb ah, 0x4C ! "EXIT"
int 0x21
! ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t n)
! Read bytes from an open file.
.define _read
mov bx, sp
mov cx, 6(bx)
mov dx, 4(bx)
mov bx, 2(bx)
movb ah, 0x3F ! "READ"
jmp dos
! ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t n)
! Write bytes to an open file.
.define _write
mov bx, sp
mov cx, 6(bx)
mov dx, 4(bx)
mov bx, 2(bx)
movb ah, 0x40 ! "WRITE"
jmp dos
! off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence)
! Set file position for read or write.
.define _lseek
mov bx, sp
movb al, 8(bx) ! SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END
mov dx, 4(bx)
mov cx, 6(bx) ! cx:dx = offset
mov bx, 2(bx)
movb ah, 0x42 ! "LSEEK"
jmp dos
! $PchId: mkfhead.ack.s,v 1.3 1999/01/14 21:17:06 philip Exp $